7 Segments

Customer Segments organize Customers into groups related by certain, specified criteria. These Segments can be used to define the Segment/Target Eligibility rules used by various Customer Engagement elements.

There are three types of Customer Segments:

  • Stratified - Segments in which the Customers belonging to the segment are divided into stratified subgroups (or levels) determined by certain criteria, such as year-to-date total purchases, Customer age, annual income, or some other criteria. These Segments are described in Stratified Segments.

  • Unstratified - Segments in which Customers belonging to the segment are not subdivided into different groups; that is, the Customers within the Segment are not differentiated into subgroups by the Segment. These Segments are described in Unstratified Segments.

  • Personal Lists - Segments created by selecting Customers one-by-one. Associates can use Personal Lists to create Favorite Customer lists. These Segments are described in Personal Lists.