8 Six Pay

This section of the document covers EFTLink Integration with SixPay Payment Systems. It should be read in conjunction with the Oracle Retail EFTLink Framework Installation and Configuration Guide.

EFTLink General

This document assumes static EFTLink configuration. When deploying with a POS that supports dynamic configuration, all property settings referred to below should be set on the POS, and not directly into local property files.

Minimum Version

The Six Pay interface requires a minimum EFTLink version of 20.0.

System Architecture

Six Payment Services MPD is deployed as a store server application to manage the connection to the authorization host and to handle all the local PEDs. PEDs use IP, so must be connected to the LAN. EFTLink connects to the store server, not directly to any PED. EFTLink communicates with MPD using an implementation of the IFSF/OPI protocol.


This document does not cover the installation of MPD.


In addition to standard EFTLink files the following are used:

  • Cores/SixPay/sixpaycore.jar – executable code for the MPD OPI interface

  • sixpay.properties – configuration settings to specify which features are enabled and to define communication parameters for the interface with the store server.

  • Lang<CC>_<Core>.properties – Language translation file, for further information see Language.


If the POS supports dynamic configuration, properties can be set there instead of in sixpay.properties.


The translation files for this core should not require alteration, but if necessary then this can be accomplished by amending the relevant Lang<CC>_<Core>.properties within the base eftlink folder.

The language used will follow the language set in the EFTLink framework; see the Oracle Retail EFTLink Framework Installation and Configuration Guide, EFTLink General Information, Translation section.


DisplayLanguage = EN

Supported country codes are CN, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, JP, NL, PT, RU and SV.

Core Classname

The following should have been set in the EftlinkConfig.properties file by installcore.bat or installcore.sh:

EPSCore0 = manito.eft.sixpay.SixpayMPDOPIClient

Configuration Settings

Configuration settings are made in sixpay.properties, which would have been copied from cores/SixPay to the base eftlink folder by installcore.bat or installcore.sh.

Key Settings

Table 8-1 Six Pay - Key Settings

Setting Description Default Example


IP address of the store server running MPD.

SixpayServerIP = IP ADDRESS


Optional Setting for specific WorkstationID, and to set the WorkstationID format.

Note: This becomes the base number when SixpayWorkstationIDPosBased is enabled. The default is for this not to be set (property is commented) - the workstation number will be taken directly from the OPI message from the POS.

SixpayWorkstationID = POS1


Option to automatically set the MPD workstation ID from the numeric suffix of a mixed numeric/ non-numeric POS workstation ID. Boolean.

If this feature is enabled, the SixpayWorkstationID setting is taken as the value for POS #1 and the numerical component is incremented for all other POSs.


WorkstationIDPosBased = true

This would mean that for POS2 with the SixpayWorkstationID = POS1 set above, messages to MPD would be from POS2.

Careful use of WorkstationID settings and overrides in both the POS and EFTLink should make it possible to deploy a standard sixpay.properties file across all POSs.

Optional Configuration Settings

These settings are normally left on defaults.

Table 8-2 Six Pay - Optional Configuration Settings

Setting Description Default Example


TCP/IP port used for primary channel to MPD.


SixpayChannel0 = 20002


TCP/IP port for device requests from MPD.


SixpayChannel1 = 20007


Timeout in seconds for EFTLink to wait for the response from MDP.


SixpayResponseTimeout = 300


If enabled, sale item details are included in the payment request.


IncludeSaleItems = true


Whether customer printout is to be buffered and included in the POS authorization response such that it can be embedded in the POS receipt.


EmbeddedPrinting = false


Whether merchant printout (other than signature slips) is buffered and included in the POS authorization response such that it can be stored in an electronic journal.


ElectronicJournal = false


Trigger tag/text to detect that a signature has been asked for and should be checked.




Timeout for Signature OK? Question.

30 seconds

SignatureCheckTimeout = 30


If true, process a tokenised refund reversal request as a payment request.


ProcessTokenisedRefundReversalAsPayment = false

Fixed Configuration Settings

The property file sixpay.properties has a section of settings headed as Fixed Configuration settings, which should not be changed.

Other Information - PED Identification/Selection

The PED is identified to MPD by the WorkstationID in the IFSF/OPI message. By default, this is copied through from the WorkstationID in the POS-EFTLink message. Thus, the POS numbering needs to be kept in sync with the PED configuration in MPD. If this is not possible, or if the POS uses non-numeric WorkstationID, override settings must be used in the sixpay.properties files as described above.