5 Internationalization

Internationalization is the process of creating software that is able to be translated more easily. Changes to the code are not specific to any particular market. Retail Insights has been internationalized to support multiple languages.


Retail Insights uses DB language code and not ISO codes for all the supported languages. Retail Insights will look up language codes from RDE. If, in the case a language supported by Retail Insights is not available in the source system, then the language under SRC_LANGUAGE_CODE will be used as the local language.

This section describes configuration settings and features of the software that ensure that the base application can handle multiple languages.


Translation is the process of interpreting and adapting text from one language into another. Although the code itself is not translated, components of the application that are translated may include the following:

  • Graphical user interface (GUI)

  • Error messages

  • Application metadata (metric names and descriptions)

The following components are not translated:

  • Documentation (online help, release notes, installation guide, user guide, operations guide)

  • Batch programs and messages

  • Log files

  • Configuration tools

  • Demonstration data and sample reports

  • Training materials

The user interface for Retail Insights is provided by Oracle Analytics (OAS). The current list of languages for OAS can be found here:


The metadata objects (RPD) for Retail Insights has been translated into:

  • Arabic

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Spanish

Multi-Language Setup

Retail Insights data is supported in 18 languages. This section provides details of various scenarios that may come across during implementation. See "Translation" for a list of supported languages.

Since multi-language data support in Retail Insights is dependent on the availability of the multi-language data in the source system, it is important to understand various scenarios the user may encounter. Before proceeding review the following facts about multi-language support:

  • Retail Insights programs extracts multi-language data from source systems.

  • A list of languages for multi-language data support can be chosen during the installation process. Please refer to the Oracle Retail Insights Installation Guide for more details.

  • Depending on the implementation, the source system may or may not have data for particular supported language(s). For example, RMS supports Item Descriptions in multiple languages but the item's description may not be available in the translated languages.

  • For source system released languages, please refer to source system Operations Guides.

  • You must select a Retail Insights primary language for data purposes to be supported within the source system.

  • You must delete not needed languages from W_LANGUAGES_G in Retail Insights, to improve batch performances.

Refer to the Oracle Retail Home Administration Guide for information on how to setup and use resource bundles for custom strings modifications.

Scenario 1

All the supported languages are implemented in Retail Insights and the same set of languages are supported in the source system as well.

Multi-lingual data sets are enabled in both Retail Insights and the source system.

Data Scenario 1a

Translated data exists for all records in Source System: This is an ideal scenario where the source system supports data for the same set of languages as Retail Insights and data for the required column exists in all the languages in the source system.

In this scenario the attributes that are supported for multi-languages will get all the multi-language data in Retail Insights.

Data Scenario 1b

Translated data does not exist for some of the records in the source system.

For the attributes for which data is not available in the source system, Retail Insights will display the attribute in source system primary language. For example, Retail Insights requests data in German and English languages. In RMS the Item attribute description is not available in the German language but is available in English language.

Retail Insights will display Item description in English to a user who is logged into Oracle Analytics (assuming English is the primary language of RMS for that implementation).

Scenario 2

All or a subset of languages are implemented in Retail Insights and some of these are not supported in the source system:

Data Scenario 2a

Translated data does not exist for some of the languages in the source system. In this case, the data is displayed in Retail Insights' primary language.

Scenario 3

Source system supports more languages than are supported for Retail Insights. In this case Retail Insights filters out the additional languages' data. This data will not be loaded into Retail Insights tables and cannot be used for reporting.