Viewing Clob Data

view clob data

Sometimes the data in a table field can of the type CLOB and have large data in it. DDS supports these fields and can display the data in the UI. However, these fields can also be viewed through a cURL command, and saving the output to a file.


Ensure that the required DDS application username/password is supplied.

Curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $AccessToken" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" --request GET  "http://<server_host>:<server_port>/dynamic-data-service-web/resources/dds/<selected_schema>/data?fromTables=<selected_table>&columnFilter=MESSAGE_DATA&offset=0&pageLimit=25" -o file_name.txt

The above queries can also be combined with the functions listed above in this chapter to get more filtered results.