Combinations of OR, AND & BETWEEN Statements

The conditional statements OR, AND & BETWEEN can be used in combination with each other using parentheses to further filter results based on required conditions. The Filter DDS row in the UI can be used to add a single conditional statement, upon which more conditions can be added manually by typing them in the GET box. A simple GET request with result can look like this:

http://<dds_host>:<port>/dynamic-data-service-web/resources/dds/<selected_schema>/data?fromTables=<selected_table>&rowFilter=(DATA_TYPE LIKE 'INVOICE_HEADER' or DATA_TYPE LIKE 'INVOICE_DETAIL') and FILE_ID='184' and CREATION_DATE BETWEEN '03-MAY-2021' AND '04-MAY-2021'&offset=0&pageLimit=25
Combinations of Statements

A curl equivalent of the above example:

Curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $AccessToken" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" --request GET  "http://<dds_host>:<port>/dynamic-data-service-web/resources/dds/<selected_schema>/data?fromTables=<selected_table>&rowFilter=(DATA_TYPE%20LIKE%20'INVOICE_HEADER'%20or%20DATA_TYPE%20LIKE%20'INVOICE_DETAIL')%20and%20FILE_ID='184'%20and%20CREATION_DATE%20BETWEEN%20'03-MAY-2021'%20AND%20'04-MAY-2021'&offset=0&pageLimit=25" -o filename.txt