7 Integration with Fusion Middleware

RIB is certified on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Server. All RIB publishers, subscribers, and TAFRs are Java EE standard components (EJBs and MDBs) that are deployed and managed by the WebLogic Application Server in managed instances. This means that the RIB can be deployed into an existing Fusion Middleware architecture without any changes.

All RIB message payloads are fully standard compliant XSD based. All of the XML payloads are namespace aware and follow the general standards as well as the conventions that make them compatible with other Oracle Fusion products such ESB and BPEL. The payload schema definitions (XSDs) are packaged with each release along with sample messages.

The recommended approach for integration between the RIB and Oracle Fusion Middleware products is at the JMS topic level. Any standards compliant tool or product that can interface to the JMS and subscribe and publish messages can be integrated with the RIB.

There are some key functional requirements that an integrating application must follow. It must have the ability to do the following:

  • Connect to a standard JMS and publish to a topic.

  • Create a durable subscriber to a RIB JMS topic

  • Set user-defined message properties.

  • Encode and decode RIB payloads embedded within the RIB message envelope.

General RIB to Fusion Middleware Architecture

RIB to Fusion Middleware Process Flow

The Oracle Fusion Middleware products, such as ESB and BPEL, use a common standard JMS Adapter. This adapter can be used to connect to the RIB certified JMS Provider and topics.

The JMS topics that the RIB creates for publication and subscription are detailed in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Integration Guide, along with all of the message payloads for each message family.

The RIB html encodes each message payload and inserts it into the RIB messages envelope. Each message has a JMS user-defined property called threadValue that is required to be set on all in-bound messages. In a multi-channel message flow, the subscriber will need to set the message selector to an appropriate threadValue to maintain message publication sequencing.

The xml schema definitions for the payloads and the RIB Messages envelopes are packaged and shipped with the RIB.

The RIB JMS topic names and message flows between the RIB adapters for each of the Oracle Retail applications are defined in the rib-integration-flows.xml file. This file is the single source of truth that the RIB release uses at configuration and run-time. It is required to be accessible within each RIB deployment: http://<server>:<port>/rib-func-artifact/rib-integration-flows.xml. During installation and configuration, this file is deployed as a part of the functional artifact war file.