18 Manage Allowed Transfer

This chapter describes the functionality that allows you to manage allowed transfers.

Manage Allowed Transfer Workspace, Steps, and Views

The Manage Allowed Transfer workspace allows you to manage what locations are allowed to have transfers. You can manage a location matrix where to select if a transfer between the locations in the matrix are allowed or not. The columns in the view represent the transfers’ destination location and the rows represent the transfer's source location.

The following table lists the workspaces, steps, and views of the Manage Allowed Transfer task.

Table 18-1 Manage Allowed Transfer Workspace, Steps, and Views

Workspace Steps Tab Views

Manage Allowed Transfer Workspace

Allowed Transfer

Allowed Transfer

Allowed Transfer View

Manage Allowed Transfer Workspace

To build the Manage Allowed Transfer workspace, perform these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar menu, click Task Module to view the available tasks.

    Figure 18-1 Task Module

    Task Module
  2. Click the IPO Administration activity and then click Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment to access the available workspaces.

  3. Click Manage Allowed Transfer. The Manage Allowed Transfer wizard opens.

  4. You can open an existing workspace, but to create a new workspace, click Create New Workspace.

    Figure 18-2 Create New Workspace

    Create New Workspace
  5. Enter a name for your new workspace in the label text box and click OK.

    Enter Workspace Label
  6. Select the locations you want to work with and click Next.

    Figure 18-3 Workspace Wizard: Select Location

    Workspace Wizard: Select Location
  7. Select the source locations you want to work with and click Finish.

    Figure 18-4 Workspace Wizard: Select Source Location

    Workspace Wizard: Select source Location
  8. The wizard notifies you that your workspace is being prepared. Successful workspaces are available from the Dashboard.

    Figure 18-5 Successful Workspace Build: Manage Allowed Transfer

    Successful Workspace Build

Allowed Transfer Step

This step contains the Allowed Transfer View.

Allowed Transfer View

The Allowed Transfer View, under the Allowed Transfer tab, allows you to manage which locations are allowed to have transfers. You can manage a location matrix to select if a transfer between the locations in the matrix is allowed or not. The columns in the view represent the transfers’ destination location and the rows represent the transfers’ source location.

Figure 18-6 Allowed Transfer View

Allowed Transfer View

Allowed Transfer View - Default Profile Measures

The Allowed Transfer view contains the following measure.

Transfer Enable

This is an editable measure for you to allow or disallow transfers between source locations and destination locations. When selected, transfers are allowed. A transfer that is clear is not allowed.