21 Review and Approve

This chapter describes the functionality that allows you to review and approve the latest system-calculated point-in-time orders and time-phased orders. This is the workspace where you analyze the suggested replenishment and allocations and perform the necessary actions. The following are some examples of typical tasks to perform in this workspace.

  • Future store opening or store closing impacts

  • What-if scenarios to simulate changes in the replenishment parameters

  • Review critical alerts and do the necessary amendments

  • Approve orders that are not approved automatically due to critical alerts

Figure 21-1 Review and Approve Task

Review and Approve Task

Review and Approve Workspace, Steps, and Views

The following table lists the workspaces, steps, and views of the Review and Approve task.

Review and Approve Workspace

The Review and Approve workspace allows you to access all views listed in the Review and Approve Workspace, Steps, and Views. To build the Review and Approve workspace, perform these steps:

  1. From the left sidebar menu, click the Task Module to view the available tasks.

    Figure 21-2 Task Module

    Task Module
  2. Click the Review and Approve activity to access the available workspaces.

  3. Click Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment. The wizard opens. You can open an existing workspace, but to create a new workspace, click Create New Workspace.

    Figure 21-3 Lifecycle Review and Approve Wizard

    Lifecycle Review and Approve Wizard
  4. Enter a name for your new workspace in the label text box and click OK.

    Figure 21-4 Enter Workspace Label

    Enter Workspace Label
  5. The workspace wizard opens. Select the databag you want to work with and click Next.

    Figure 21-5 Workspace Wizard: Databag

    Select the Databags
  6. Select the product you want to work with and click Next.

    Figure 21-6 Workspace Wizard: Product

    Select the Product
  7. Select the locations you want to work with and click Finish.

    Figure 21-7 Workspace Wizard: Locations

    Workspace Wizard: Select Locations
  8. The wizard notifies you that your workspace is being prepared. Successful workspaces are available from the Dashboard.

    Figure 21-8 Successful Workspace Build

    Successful Workspace Build


    The workspace is built using the selected databag scope. The products, locations, source locations, alerts, and attributes available in the workspace are in the databag scope that is managed in the Manage Databag workspace.

Overview Step

This step contains these views:

Approval Status View

The Approval Status View, under the To-Do List tab, allows you to review approval statistics like the number of product and location combinations that were automatically approved and the ones that still require your approval.

Figure 21-9 Approval Status View

Approval Status View

Approval Status View - Default Profile Measures

The Approval Status view contains the following measures.

Rpl TBA Count

The Rpl TBA Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of assorted product and location combinations that need the orders to be approved manually.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Count

The Approved Rpl. Plan Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of assorted product and location combinations with approved orders.

Appr. Plan (Wk) Count

The Approved Plan (Week) Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of assorted product and location combinations with approved orders for the current week.

TBA Plan (Wk) Count

The TBA Plan (Week) Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of assorted product and location combinations that need the orders to be approved manually for the current week.

To-Do List View

The To-Do List View, under the To-Do List tab, allows you to review the number of alert hits that have been triggered as well as their types (all alerts available in IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment). Within this view, you can also select the alerts to focus the review and leverage IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment filter capabilities. If alerts are used as a filter, then the views under the Review & Approve steps are filtered based on the alert hits only. The alerts can be added or removed as a filter at any time by you.

Figure 21-10 To-Do List View

To-Do List View

To-Do List View - Default Profile Measures

The To-Do List view contains the following measures.

Filter By Alert

The Filter By Alert is an editable measure used to select what alerts should be used to filter the views under the Review & Approve Step. When alerts are selected, IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment uses the calculated alert hits for the selected alerts to filter the views. The views are filtered as soon as you run the workspace calculation, (either Calculate or F9). In order to disable the alert as a filter you need to clear the alerts and re-run the workspace calculation (either Calculate or F9).

Seed User

The Seed User is an editable measure used to select which alerts should be used to populate the User-filtered Boolean measure. You can use this alert to first seed the User-filtered measure and then either add additional positions or reduce the positions by simply selecting or clearing the item/location combination. This is used for the filtering functionality.

Enable RTA

The Enable Real-Time Alerts is an editable measure used to select alerts that should be used as Real-Time Alerts (RTA) within the workspace. When alerts are selected, IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment uses the calculated alert hits for the selected alerts to enable the RTA. The RTA hits and navigation capabilities are available as soon as you run the workspace calculation (either Calculate or F9). To disable the alert as RTA you need to clear the alert and re-run the workspace calculation (either Calculate or F9).

Alert Priority

The Alert Priority is a calculated measure used to indicate the alert’s priority.

Alert VAR Count

The Alert Variant Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of variants that have hits for the alert. For example, if 12 different variants were added to the replenishment watch list, regardless of the stores, then this measure indicates the number 12 in the replenishment watch list alert.

Alert To-Be-Rev VAR Count

The Alert To-Be-Reviewed Variant Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of variants that have not been reviewed yet, out of the total number of variants that have hits for the alert.

Alert VAR-LOC Count

The Alert Variant-Location Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of variant and location combinations that have hits for the alert. For example, if 12 different variants are added to the replenishment watch list, for only two stores, then this measure indicates the number 24 in the replenishment watch list alert.

Alert To-Be-Rev VAR-LOC Count

The Alert To-Be-Reviewed Variant-Location Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of variant and location combinations that have not been reviewed yet, out of the total number of variant and location combinations that have hits for the alert.

Alert LOC Count

The Alert Location Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of locations that have hits for the alert. For example, if 12 different variants were added to the replenishment watch list, for only two stores, then this measure indicates the number 2 in the replenishment watch list alert.

Alert To-Be-Rev LOC Count

The Alert To-Be-Reviewed Location Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of locations that have not been reviewed yet, out of the total number of locations that have hits for the alert.

Today View

The Today View, under the Today View List tab, allows you to check IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment's Today date.

Figure 21-11 Today View

Today View

Today View - Default Profile Measures

The Today view contains the following measure.

Today Date

The Today Date is a loaded read-only measure to display the system date that is calculated by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment batch.

User Filter View

The User Filter View, under the To-Do List tab, allows you to configure the filter to be applied to the views within the Review & Approve workspace. In this view you can configure the filter to be applied to the product and location hierarchies. Once a change is performed it is applied after running the workspace calculation (either Calculate or F9).

Figure 21-12 User Filter View

User Filter View

User Filter View - Default Profile Measures

The User Filter view contains the following measure.

User Filter PROD-LOC

User Filter Product and Location is an editable measure to restrict the filter by the product and location combinations when the measure User Filter PROD-LOC is selected.

Review & Approve Step

In this step you can review at different levels, the orders calculated by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment and approve them. This step contains these views:

By Prod Tab

By Location Tab

Space Tab


SKU Level (R & A) View

The SKU Level (R & A) View, under the By Prod tab, allows you to review the replenishment and allocation calculated values at the product level only (no location). Additionally, the sales and forecast for the previous and forthcoming four weeks are also available.

The navigation of this view is driven by real-time alerts or workspace alerts. To leverage the real-time alert navigation in this workspace the desired alerts should be enabled as RTA (measure Enable RTA) in the To-Do List view.

Figure 21-13 SKU Level (R & A) View

SKU Level (R & A) View


The measures being displayed in this view, regardless of the measure profile, are supported by their counterparts defined at the product and location level. Therefore, the calculated measures in this view are the result of aggregating the ones at the product and location intersection.

SKU Level (R & A) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is an editable measure used to include specific product and location combinations into the quick filter. When selected, by clicking the Run Filters action menu, the quick filter restricts the condition to search only for the product and location combinations selected. When clear, the product and location combinations are not included in the filter condition.

Revwd PROD - LOC

The Revwd PROD - LOC is an editable measure used to indicate that the product and location combination alerts have been reviewed.

PROD Alerts

The PROD Alerts is a calculated measure used to display the Alert Short Descr. of all alerts that were triggered for the product.

Actual Sales W-4 Units

The Actual Sales W-4 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 4 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-3 Units

The Actual Sales W-3 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 3 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-2 Units

The Actual Sales W-2 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 2 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-1 Units

The Actual Sales W-1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 1 week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Lost Sales W-4 to W-1 Units

The Actual Lost Sales W-4 to W-1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated lost sales units from the system date week – 4 until the previous week (from the system date week). The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the current system date week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+0 Units

The Fcst W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display forecast units for the current system date week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+1 Units

The Fcst W+1 Units is a calculated measure used to display forecast units at the system date week +1 week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+2 Units

The Fcst W+2 Units is a calculated measure used to display forecast units at the system date week +2 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+3 Units

The Fcst W+3 Units is a calculated measure used to display forecast units at the system date week + 3 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Lifecycle Sales To-Date %

The Lifecycle Sales To-Date % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of actual sales up to date against the total initial forecast.

Figure 21-14 Calculation


Lifecycle Sales To-Go %

The Lifecycle Sales To-Go % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of sales to complete the total initial forecast.

Figure 21-15 Calculation


Asst. Prod-Loc Start Date

The Asst. Prod-Loc Start Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment start date for the assorted product and location combinations.

Asst. Prod-Loc End Date

The Asst. Prod-Loc End Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment end date for the assorted product and location combinations.

Asst. Prod-Loc Active Count

The Asst. Prod-Loc Active Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of product and location combinations assorted and still active. If the assortment end date has not been reached yet then, it is active. Otherwise, it is inactive; meaning that the assortment has stopped already.

RUTL @Today Units

The RUTL @Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the Reorder Up-to Level (RUTL) value in units for the product and location combination at the system date. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Units

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available at the destination location. In this view, the value is the total of all locations where there is available inventory for the product.

Unc Need Total Units

The Unc Need Total Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total unconstrained quantity, in units, needed for the location. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the order quantity for the location based on the location’s needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the location forecast. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the order quantity, in pack order quantity, for the location based on the location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the location forecast. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Rpl. TBA Count

The Rpl. TBA Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of assorted product and location combinations that need the orders to be approved manually. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Tot. Deficit Units

The Tot. Deficit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product inventory deficit using the total available inventory and Reorder Up-to Level (RUTL) value.

Figure 21-16 Calculation


Tot. Surplus Units

The Tot. Surplus Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product inventory surplus using the total available inventory and Reorder Up-to Level (RUTL) value.

Figure 21-17 Calculation


SKU Level (R & A) View - Actuals Profile Measures

The Actuals measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual PL Sales Wk Units

The Actual PL Sales Wk Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly sales, aggregated from the daily sales, for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all locations and all weeks for the product.

Actual Loc. Sales Units

The Actual Loc. Sales Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly sales, aggregated from the daily sales, for the product and location combinations. In this view, the value is the total of all locations and all weeks for the product.

Actual Loc.Recpt Units

The Actual Loc.Recpt Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly receipts for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all locations and all weeks for the product.

Actual Loc. Shipmt Units

The Actual Loc. Shipmt Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly shipments for the product and location combinations. In this view, the value is the total of all locations and all weeks for the product.

Actual Sales W-4 Units

The Actual Sales W-4 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Sales W-4 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Sales W-3 Units

The Actual Sales W-3 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Sales W-3 Units in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Sales W-2 Units

The Actual Sales W-2 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Sales W-2 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Sales W-1 Units

The Actual Sales W-1 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Sales W-1 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Sales W+0 Units

Actual Sales W+0 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Sales W+0 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Sales W-1 + W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-1 + W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 1 until the system current week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-2 + W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-2 + W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 2 until the system current week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-3 + W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-3 + W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 3 until the system current week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-4 + W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-4 + W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 4 until the system current week. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Lost Sales W-4 to W-1 Units

Actual Lost Sales W-4 to W-1 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Lost Sales W-4 to W-1 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Sales D-7 Units

The Actual Sales D-7 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the last 7 days (from the system date - 7 days until system date). The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales D-15 Units

The Actual Sales D-15 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the last 15 days (from the system date - 15 days until system date). The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales D-30 Units

The Actual Sales D-30 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the last 30 days (from the system date - 30 days until system date). The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-1 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the previous week (system date week - 1 week). The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-2 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-2 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the system date week - 2 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-3 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-3 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the system date week - 3 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-4 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-4 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the system date week - 4 weeks. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual PL Avg Inv. Wk Units

The Actual PL Avg Inv. Wk Units is a calculated measure to display the average holding inventory of the assortment period.

SKU Level (R & A) View - Availability Profile Measures

The Availability measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.


The RUTL Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination is eligible for replenishment. When selected, then it is eligible. When clear, it is not eligible. In this view, if at least one location is eligible then the product is eligible.

Rpl. Dest. Mask

The Rpl. Dest. Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination is eligible for replenishment and the constraint parameter at the system date indicates that replenishment is enabled (measure Rpl. Active (Dst) @ Today). When selected, then it is eligible. When clear, it is not eligible. In this view, if at least one location is eligible then the product is eligible.

Rpl. Src. Mask

The Rpl. Src. Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and source location combination is eligible for replenishment. When selected, then it is eligible. When clear, it is not eligible. In this view, if at least one location is eligible then the product is eligible.

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-hand inventory units. The total on-hand units include the on-hand inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-hand inventory units for the replacement or phase-out product, if any.

In Transit over LT+RT Units

The In Transit over LT+RT Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total in transit units over the lead time plus the review time.

On Order (in) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (in) over LT+RT Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on orders (in) units over the lead time plus the review time.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the replenishment planned units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the approved replenishment planned units for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the approved replenishment planned packs units for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Transfer Plan In Units

The Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units planned for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

Appr. Transfer In Units

The Appr. Transfer In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units approved for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

Exp. Transfer Plan In Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

On Order (out) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (out) over LT+RT Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on orders (out) units over the lead time plus the review time.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location (for example, warehouse) replenishment planned units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all source locations for the product.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location approved replenishment units for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all source locations for the product.

Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the order quantity for the source location based on the source location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the source location demand. In this view, the value is the total of all source locations for the product.

Transfer Plan Out Units

The Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units planned for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Appr. Transfer Out Units

The Appr. Transfer Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units approved for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Units

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Dest. Avail. Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Dest. Avail Dur (w)

The Tot. Dest. Avail Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Dest. Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

Tot. Physical Avail. Units

The Tot. Physical Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units’ physically available at the destination location. The physically available units differ from the available units as the booked inventory is taken into consideration. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Figure 21-18 Calculation


Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Physical Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

Up To Dest. Avail Units

The Up To Dest. Avail Units is the same as Tot. Dest. Avail Units grouped by source.

Up To Dest. Avail Dur (w)

The Up To Dest. Avail Dur (w) is the same as Tot. Dest. Avail Units grouped by source displayed by duration (weeks).

Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available at the source location.

Tot. Src. Avail. Pack Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of pack units available at the source location.

Tot. Dest. Avail. (incl. Rpl. & Trsf. Out)

The Tot. Dest. Avail. (incl. Rpl. & Trsf. Out) is the Total Destination Available stock, which is calculated as the sum of all inbound deliveries following replenishment, plus stock on hand but excluding all planned and approved outbound shipments – this measure provides the location net inventory following replenishment calculation.

Tot. Avail. Units

The Tot. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available for the product considering all inventory (booked, on-hand, transit, and on-order) plus all orders (approved, planned, and exported) plus all transfers (approved, planned, and exported).

Tot. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

SKU Level (R & A) View - Forecast Profile Measures

The Forecast measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Fcst W+0 Units

The Fcst W+0 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Fcst W+0 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Fcst W+1 Units

The Fcst W+1 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Fcst W+1 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Fcst W+2 Units

The Fcst W+2 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Fcst W+2 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Fcst W+3 Units

The Fcst W+3 Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Fcst W+3 Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Fcst W+0 to W+1 Units

The Fcst W+0 to W+1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated forecast from the current system date week until the system current week + 1. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+0 to W+2 Units

The Fcst W+0 to W+2 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated forecast from the current system date week until the system current week + 2. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+0 to W+3 Units

The Fcst W+0 to W+3 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated forecast from the current system date week until the system current week + 3. The system date is available in the Today view.

Forecast Overt LT+RT Units

The Forecast Overt LT+RT Units is a calculated measure used to display the daily Forecast Demand, in units, from the system date up to number of days of Lead Time plus Review Time. The system date is available in the Today view.

Final Fcst PL Wk Units

The Final Fcst PL Wk Units is a calculated measure used to display the final weekly forecast after being spread from the variant level.

Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units is an editable measure used to enter product demand at the destination locations. In this view, the measure is aggregated and when changed, the value is spread proportionally across the locations and weeks within the workspace (you can check the spread value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view).

Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units is an editable measure used to enter the weekly demand at the source location for the product and location combination.

Tot. Demand (Wk) Units

The Tot. Demand (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total weekly demand for the product. In this view, the measure is aggregated (you can check the weekly value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view).

Up To Sell-Out Fcst Units

The Up To Sell-Out Fcst Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the sell-out Forecast from the source location perspective for the products.

SKU Level (R & A) View - Inventory Profile Measures

The Inventory measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Hand Units, in the in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Booked Units

The Tot. Booked Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total inventory booked in units.

In Transit over LT+RT Units

The In Transit over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, In Transit over LT+RT Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. In Transit Units

The Tot. In Transit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total inventory units in transit.

Tot. In Transit

The Tot. In Transit is a calculated measure used to display your comment for the in-transit inventory and your comment for the phase-out item’s inventory, if any.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-order inventory units. The total on-order units include the on-order inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-order inventory units for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

On Order (in) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (in) over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, On Order (in) over LT+RT Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

In Transit + On Order (in) Units

The In Transit + On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the accumulated on-order and in-transit inventory units at the locations for the product.

Tot. on Order (out) Units

The Tot. on Order (out) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-order inventory units out from the source locations (for example, warehouse. The total on-order (out) units include the on-order inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-order (out) inventory units for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

On Order (out) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (out) over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, On Order (out) over LT+RT Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Cust. Order Units

The Tot. Cust. Order Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total customer orders units. The total customer orders include the customer orders loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the customer orders for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

Loc. On Hand Units

The Loc. On Hand Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the on-hand inventory units for the product and location combinations. In this view, the displayed value is for the product considering all locations.

Loc. Booked Units

The Loc. Booked Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the booked or reserved inventory units for the product and location combinations. In this view, the displayed value is for the product considering all locations.

Loc. In Transit Units

The Loc. In Transit Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the in-transit inventory units for the product and location combinations. In this view, the displayed value is for the product considering all locations.

Loc In Transit

vLoc In Transit is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination has in-transit inventory or not. When selected, there is in-transit inventory. When clear, there is no in-transit inventory. In this view, a product has in-transit inventory if there is at least one location with in-transit inventory.

Loc. On Order (in) Units

The Loc. On Order (in) Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the in-transit inventory units for the product and location combinations. In this view, the displayed value is for the product considering all locations.

Loc. On Order (out) Units

The Loc. On Order (out) Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the on-order inventory units (into the destination locations) for the product and location combinations. In this view, the displayed value is for the product considering all locations.

Cust. Order Units

The Cust. Order Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the on-order inventory units (out from source locations) for the product and location combinations. In this view, the displayed value is for the product considering all locations.

Ph. Out On Hand Units

The Ph. Out On Hand Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the on-hand inventory units for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out Booked Units

The Ph. Out Booked Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the booked or reserved inventory units for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out In Transit Units

The Ph. Out In Transit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the in-transit inventory units for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out In Transit

The Ph. Out In Transit is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the phased-out item has in-transit inventory or not. When selected, there is in-transit inventory. When clear, there is no in-transit inventory.

Ph. Out On Order (in) Units

The Ph. Out On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the on-order inventory units (into the destination locations) for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out On Order (out) Units

The Ph. Out On Order (out) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the on-order inventory units (out from source locations) for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out Cust. Order Units

The Ph. Out Cust. Order Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the customer orders for the phased-out item, if any.

Pack Type

The Pack Type is a loaded measure used to indicate the product’s pack type. Either simple or complex.

Pack Desc.

The Pack Desc. is a loaded measure used to indicate the product’s pack description.

Pack - SKU Ass. Count

The Pack - SKU Ass. Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of products (SKU) in the pack.

Pack - SKU Ass. Units

The Pack - SKU Ass. Units is an editable measure used to indicate the total number of units that the product (SKU) has in the pack.

SKU Level (R & A) View - Parameters Profile Measures

The Parameters measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Asst. Prod-Loc

The Asst. Prod-Loc is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combinations are assorted or not. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Count

The Asst. Prod-Loc Count is a loaded measure used to indicate the total number of product and location combinations assorted. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Active

The Asst. Prod-Loc Active is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combinations are assorted and still active or not. For more details check the same measure in the view Product- Location within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Active Count

The Asst. Prod-Loc Active Count is a loaded measure used to indicate the total number of product and location combinations assorted and still active. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Start Date

The Asst. Prod-Loc Start Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment start date for the assorted product and location combinations. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc End Date

The Asst. Prod-Loc End Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment end date for the assorted product and location combinations. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Lfc. Prod-Loc

The Lfc. Prod-Loc is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination has a valid lifecycle or not. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Lfc. Prod-Loc Count

The Lfc. Prod-Loc Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of locations where the product has a valid lifecycle.

Lfc. Active @ Today

The Lfc. Active @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination has a valid lifecycle or not at the system date. In this view, the product has an active lifecycle if there is at least one location with an active lifecycle.

Lfc. Active @ Today

The Lfc. Active @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate the lifecycle phase string for the product and location combination when the product and location combination has a valid lifecycle at the system date. In this view, the values are aggregated to the product level only using the ambig aggregation.

Display Qty Units

The Display Quantity Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the Display Quantity for the product and location combination used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment for the RUTL calculation. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Min Order Qty Units

The Min Order Quantity Units is an editable measure used to indicate the minimum order quantity for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Mult. Order Qty Units

The Mult. Order Quantity Units is an editable measure used to indicate the number of multiple order quantities for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Fixed TS 1 Units

The Fixed TS 1 Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the initial allocation for the product and location combination. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Fixed TS 2 Units

The Fixed TS 2 Units is an editable measure used to indicate an initial allocation for the product and location combination. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Fixed TS 3 Units

The Fixed TS 3 Units is an editable measure used to indicate an initial allocation for the product and location combination. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Tot. Init. Fcst Units

The Tot. Init. Fcst Units is a loaded measure used to display the total initial forecast for the product and location combination.

Conversion UOM 1

The Conversion UOM 1 is an editable measure used to indicate a value to be used when converting units into a specific unit of measure based on the Constraint UOM 1 for scaling. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Conversion UOM 2

The Conversion UOM 2 is an editable measure used to indicate a value to be used when converting units into a specific unit of measure based on the Constraint UOM 1 for scaling. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Conversion UOM 3

The Conversion UOM 3 is an editable measure used to indicate a value to be used when converting units into a specific unit of measure based on the Constraint UOM 1 for scaling. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Avg. Cost €

The Avg. Cost € is an editable measure used to indicate the average cost for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the average for the product considering all the locations.

Price (excl.VAT) €

The Price (excl.VAT) € is an editable measure used to indicate the price excluding VAT for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the average for the product considering all the locations.

Primary Source @ Today

The Primary Source @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate the applied primary source for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Reserved Source 1 @ Today

The Reserved Source 1 @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied reserved source 1 for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Reserved Source 2 @ Today

The Reserved Source 2 @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied reserved source 2 for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Alternative Source @ Today

The Alternative Source @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied alternative source for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. .

LLC @ Today

The LLC @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the low level code applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Lead Time @ Today Dur (d)

The Lead Time @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied lead time, in days, for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Revw @ Today

The Revw @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate if Today (current system date) is a review day for the product and location combination and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Next Revw @ Today Date

The Next Revw @ Today Date is a calculated measure used to indicate the next review date for the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Next Revw @ Today Dur (d)

The Next Revw @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of days to the next review date for the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Avg Revw Time @ Today Dur (d)

The Avg Revw Time @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the average number of days between each review period (planning period) for the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.


The RUTL Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, RUTL Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Min Cred. Qty @ Today Units

The Min Cred. Quantity @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the Minimum Credible Quantity applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

ROL Meth. @ Today

The ROL Meth. @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the ROL method applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min Qty @ Today Units

The Min Quantity @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the ROL minimum quantity units applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min TS @ Today Dur (d)

The Min TS @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the ROL minimum time supply (in days) applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Tgt. SL @ Today %

The Tgt. SL @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the Target Service Level % applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Volatility @ Today %

The Volatility @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the Volatility % applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

ROL Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d)

The ROL Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d) details the Reorder level safety time duration applicable today based on rules association and used in replenishment calculations where RUTL method is not Target Stock. The ROL level is determined as lead time + review time + ROL Sft Time @ Today Dur (d).

RUTL Meth. @ Today

The RUTL Meth. @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the RUTL method applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Max Qty @ Today Units

The Max Quantity @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the RUTL maximum quantity units applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Max TS @ Today Dur (d)

The Max TS @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the RUTL maximum time supply (in days) applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Tgt. DoS @ Today Dur (d)

The Tgt. DoS @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the Target Days of Supply (in days) applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

TS Meth. @ Today

The TS Meth. @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the target stock method applied to the product and location combination at the system date (when the RUTL method is target stock). For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

TS Seas. Fcst @ Today %

TS Seas. Fcst @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of the Seasonal Forecast applied to the product and location combination at the system date (to be used when the RUTL method is target stock). For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the view SKU- LOC within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

TS Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d)

The TS Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of days for the stock safety applied to the product and location combination at the system date (to be used when the RUTL method is target stock). For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the view SKU- LOC within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Order Rounding Threshold @ Today

The Order Rounding Threshold @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage to round up the orders applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Repl. Status @ Today

The Repl. Status @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination at the system date is replenishable or not. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

ROL Chng @ Today %

The ROL Chng @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage to increase or decrease the system-generated ROL value applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

RUTL Chng @ Today %

The RUTL Chng @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage to increase or decrease the system-generated RUTL value applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Rpl. Dest. Mask

The Rpl. Dest. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Dest. Mask, in the Measures: Availability Profile in the Default Profile Measures.

Rpl. Src. Mask

The Rpl. Src. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Src. Mask, in the Measures: Availability Profile in the Default Profile Measures.

Avail. Constr. (Src) @ Today

The Avail. Constr. (Src) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate whether a constraint is enabled or disabled (at the source location) for the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today

The Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate which stock units to be used from the source locations are applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today Dur (d)

The Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of days to get the in-transit and on-order stock applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Rpl. Active (Dst) @ Today

The Rpl. Active (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate for the product and location combination at the system date if the location has the replenishment active or not. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Fulfill Till Layer (Dst) @ Today

The Fulfill Till Layer (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the layer applied to the product and location combination at the system date (layer until which IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment should fulfill the demand). For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Ration. Prio (Dst) @ Today

The Ration. Prio (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the rationing priority applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

SubLayer (Dst) @ Today

The SubLayer (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the sublayers applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Assign Pack (Dst) @ Today

The Assign Pack (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the pack types assignment applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min Pack Fill Rate 1 (Dst) @ Today %

The Min Pack Fill Rate 1 (Dst) @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the minimum pack fill rate percentage for the first round of complex pack assignments applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min Pack Fill Rate 2 (Dst) @ Today %

The Min Pack Fill Rate 2 (Dst) @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the minimum pack fill rate percentage for the second round of complex pack assignments applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

SKU Level (R & A) View - Plan Profile Measures

The Plan measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.


The RUTL Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, RUTL Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Rpl. Dest. Mask

The Rpl. Dest. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Dest. Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Rpl. Src. Mask

The Rpl. Src. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Src. Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Pack Partition

The Pack Partition is a calculated measure used to indicate a partition (identifier) for the products that belong to the same pack. For example, if pack 001 has sku001, sku002 and sku003 then all 3 SKUs have the same pack partition value.

Tot. Physical Avail. Units

The Tot. Physical Avail. Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Physical Avail. Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w) is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w), in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Units

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Dest. Avail. Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w)

Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Dest. Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available at the source location for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Tot. Src. Avail Pack Units

The Tot. Src. Avail Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of pack units available at the source location for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

User Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The User Tot. Src. Avail. Units is an editable measure you can use to enter the total quantity of units available at the source location for the product. The value of this measure overrides the measure Tot. Src. Avail. Unit.

Manual Push Units

The Manual Push Units is an editable measure you can use to enter the total quantity of units to be manually pushed from the source location to the destination locations for the product. The value is spread proportionally between all the product’s destination locations.

ROL @ Today Units

The ROL @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the Reorder level (ROL) value in units for the product and location combination at the system date. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

RUTL @ Today Units

The RUTL @ Today Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, RUTL @ Today Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Forecast Over LT+RT Units

The Forecast Over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the forecast profile. Refer to the measure, Forecast Over LT+RT Units, in the Forecast Profile Measures.

Unc. Need Total Units

The Unc. Need Total Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Unc. Need Total Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Min Unc. Need Pack Units

The Min Unc. Need Pack Units is a measure that indicates the minimum unit of Packs needed regardless of Pack Fill Rate.

Max Unc. Need Pack Units

The Max Unc. Need Pack Units is a measure that indicates the maximum unit of Packs needed regardless of Pack Fill Rate.

User Rpl. Fix Locked Units

The User Rpl. Fix Locked Units is an editable measure you can use to enter fixed replenishment units (order quantity) for the product. This measure overrides the product’s system-calculated replenishment units. The entered value is spread proportionally between all the product’s destination locations.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Unc. Req. Total Units

The Unc. Req. Total Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total unconstrained quantity, in units, needed for the source location (for example, warehouse). In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Sys. Rpl Plan Out Pack Units

The Sys. Rpl Plan Out Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the pack order quantity (either simple or complex packs) for the source location based on the source location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the source location demand. In this view, the value is the total of all source locations for the product.

Tot. Avail Units

The Tot. Avail Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Avail. Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Avail Dur (w)

The Tot. Avail Dur (w) is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Avail. Dur (w), in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Regular Units

The Tot. Regular Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total regular units for the product. The calculation is based on the deficit and surplus units.

Figure 21-19 Calculation


Tot. Deficit Units

The Tot. Deficit Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Deficit Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Deficit %

The Tot. Deficit % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage that the deficit units represent in the RUTL units.

Figure 21-20 Calculation


Tot. Surplus Units

The Tot. Surplus Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Surplus Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Surplus %

The Tot. Surplus % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage that the surplus units represent in the RUTL units.

Figure 21-21 Calculation


Tot. Fulfil. %

The Tot. Fulfil. % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage that the total available stock fulfills the RUTL.

Rpl. TBA

The Rpl. TBA is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination needs the order to be approved manually. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Appr. Rpl. Plan

The Appr. Rpl. Plan is an editable measure used to indicate whether the product’s order should or should not be approved by the approval process. The Replenishment Approval action button approves all orders when this measure is selected.

Appr. Rpl Plan User ID

The Appr. Rpl Plan User ID is a calculated measure used to audit the Replenishment Approval action button. It is populated with the user-identifier that last ran the Replenishment Approval.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Date

Appr. Rpl. Plan Date is a calculated measure used to audit the Replenishment Approval action button. It is populated with the date and time that the replenishment approval was last run.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile in the Default Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Date

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Date is a calculated measure used to audit the replenishment export. It is populated with the date and time that the replenishment was exported by the batch, if exported by the last batch run. Otherwise, it is empty.

Exp Rpl. Plan In Units

The Exp Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

SKU Level (R & A) View - Replacement Profile Measures

The Replacement measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Phs. Out PROD

The Phs. Out PROD is an editable measure used to select the phase-out product for the current product. You can select the product from a picklist populated with all available products within the workspace.

Phs. Out Subst. Date

The Phs. Out Subst. Date is an editable measure used to select the substitution date for the phased-out product.

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Hand Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Booked Units

The Tot. Booked Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Booked Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. In Transit Units

The Tot. In Transit Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. In Transit Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. In Transit

The Tot. In Transit is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. In Transit, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (out) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (out) Units

The Tot. On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (out) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. Cust. Order Units

The Tot. Cust. Order Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Cust. Order Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. On Hand Units

The Loc. On Hand Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. On Hand Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. Booked Units

The Loc. Booked Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. Booked Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. In Transit Units

The Loc. In Transit Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. In Transit Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. In Transit

The Loc. In Transit is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. In Transit in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. On Order (in) Units

The Loc. On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. On Order (in) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. On Order (out) Units

Loc. On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. On Order (out) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Cust. Order Units

The Cust. Order Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Cust. Order Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out On Hand Units

The Ph. Out On Hand Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out On Hand Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out Booked Units

The Ph. Out Booked Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out Booked Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out In Transit Units

The Ph. Out In Transit Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out In Transit Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out In Transit

The Ph. Out In Transit is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out In Transit in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out On Order (in) Units

The Ph. Out On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out On Order (in) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out On Order (out) Units

The Ph. Out On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out On Order (out) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out Cust. Order Units

The Ph. Out Cust. Order Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out Cust. Order Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

SKU Level (R & A) View - YTDYTG Profile Measures

The Year-To-Date Year-To-Go (YTDYTG) measure profile available in the SKU Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Init. Fcst Units

The Tot. Init. Fcst Units is the same as the one in the parameters profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Init. Fcst Units, in the Parameters Profile Measures.

Actual Loc. Sales Units

The Actual Loc. Sales Units is the same as the one in the actuals profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Loc. Sales Units, in the Actuals Profile Measures.

Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units is the same as the one in the forecast profile. Refer to the measure, Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units, in the Forecast Profile Measures.

Lifecycle Sales To-Date %

The Lifecycle Sales To-Date % is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Lifecycle Sales To-Date %, in the Default Profile Measures.

Lifecycle Sales To-Go %

The Lifecycle Sales To-Go % is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Lifecycle Sales To-Go %, in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Loc. Recpt Units

The Actual Loc. Recpt Units is the same as the one in the actuals profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Loc. Recpt Units, in the Actuals Profile Measures.

Actual Loc. Shipmt Units

The Actual Loc. Shipmt Units is the same as the one in the actuals profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Loc. Shipmt Units, in the Actuals Profile Measures.

Lifecycle Receipt To-Date %

The Lifecycle Receipt To-Date % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of actual receipts up to date against the total initial forecast.

Figure 21-22 Calculation


Lifecycle Sell-Thru %

The Lifecycle Sell-Thru % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of lifecycle product’s sell-through.

Figure 21-23 Calculation


SKU-LOC Level (R & A) View

The SKU-LOC Level (R & A) View, under the By Prod tab, is similar to the view SKU Level (R & A) but allows you to do the review at the product and location levels.

The navigation of this view is driven by real-time alerts or workspace alerts. To leverage the real-time alert navigation in this workspace the desired alerts should be enabled as RTA (measure Enable RTA) in the To-Do List view.

Figure 21-24 SKU-LOC Level (R & A) View

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) View

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD-LOC

The User Filter PROD-LOC is an editable measure used to include specific product and location combinations into the quick filter. When selected, the quick filter restricts the condition to search only for the product and location combinations selected. When clear, the product and location combinations are not included in the filter condition.

Revwd PROD - LOC

The Revwd PROD - LOC is an editable measure used to indicate that the product and location combination alerts have been reviewed.

PROD - LOC Alerts

The PROD - LOC Alerts is a calculated measure used to display the Alert Short Descr. for all alerts that were triggered for the product and location combination.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Units

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available at the location for the product and location combination.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Dest. Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

Forecast Over LT+RT Units

The Forecast Over LT+RT Units is a calculated measure to display the daily Forecast Demand for the product and location combination, in units, from the system date up to the number of days of Lead Time plus Review Time. The system date is available in the Today view.

RUTL @ Today Units

The RUTL @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the Reorder Up-to Level (RUTL) value in units for the product and location combination at the system date.

Unc. Need Total Units

The Unc. Need Total Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total unconstrained quantity, in units, needed at the location for the product and location combination.

User Rpl. Fix Locked Units

The User Rpl. Fix Locked Units is an editable measure used to enter fixed replenishment units (order quantity) for the product and location combination. This measure overrides the product’s system-calculated replenishment units.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the order quantity for the product and location combination based on the location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the available forecast.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the pack order quantity for the product and location combination based on the location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the available forecast.

Rpl. TBA

The Rpl. TBA is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination needs the order to be approved manually.

Appr. Rpl. Plan

The Appr. Rpl. Plan is an editable measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination order should be approved or not by the approval process. The Replenishment Approval action button approves all orders when this measure is selected.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the approved replenishment planned units for the product and location combination.

Tot. Avail. Units

The Tot. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available for the product and location combination taking into consideration all inventory (booked, on-hand, transit and on-order) plus all orders (approved, planned, and exported) plus all transfers (approved, planned, and exported).

Tot. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

Tot. Regular Units

The Tot. Regular Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total regular units for the product. The calculation is based on the deficit and surplus units for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-25 Calculation


Tot. Deficit Units

The Tot. Deficit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the inventory deficit using the total available inventory and Reorder Up-to Level (RUTL) value for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-26 Calculation


Tot Deficit %

The Tot Deficit % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage that the deficit units represent in the RUTL units for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-27 Calculation


Tot. Surplus Units

The Tot. Surplus Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the inventory surplus using the total available inventory and Reorder Up-to Level (RUTL) value for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-28 Calculation


Tot. Surplus %

The Tot. Surplus % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage that the surplus units represent in the RUTL units for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-29 Calculation


Tot. Fulfil. %

The Tot. Fulfil. % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage that the total available stock fulfills the RUTL for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-30 Calculation


Lifecycle Sales To-date %

The Lifecycle Sales To-date % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of actual sales up to date against the total initial forecast for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-31 Calculation


Lifecycle Sales To-Go %

The Lifecycle Sales To-Go % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of sales to complete the total initial forecast for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-32 Calculation


SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Actuals Profile

The Actuals measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual PL Sales Wk Units

The Actual PL Sales Wk Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly sales, aggregated from the daily sales, for the product and location combination.

Actual Loc. Sales Units

The Actual Loc. Sales Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly sales, aggregated from the daily sales, for the product and location combination.

Actual Loc. Recpt Units

The Actual Loc. Recpt Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly receipts for the product and location combination.

Actual Loc. Shipmt Units

The Actual Loc. Shipmt Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly shipments for the product and location combination.

Actual Sales W-4 Units

The Actual Sales W-4 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 4 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-3 Units

The Actual Sales W-3 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 3 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-2 Units

The Actual Sales W-2 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 2 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-1 Units

The Actual Sales W-1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units at the system date week - 1 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the current system date week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W+1 Units

The Actual Sales W+1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the current system date week + 1 week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view

Actual Sales W+2 Units

The Actual Sales W+2 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the current system date week + 2 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W+3 Units

The Actual Sales W+3 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the current system date week + 3 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-1 to W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-1 to W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 1 until the system current week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-2 to W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-2 to W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 2 until the system current week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-3 to W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-3 to W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 3 until the system current week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales W-4 to W+0 Units

The Actual Sales W-4 to W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated sales units from the system date week – 4 until the system current week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Lost Sales W-4 to W-1 Units

The Actual Lost Sales W-4 to W-1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated lost sales units from the system date week – 4 until the previous week (from the system date week) for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales D-7 Units

The Actual Sales D-7 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the last 7 days (from the system date - 7days until system date) for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales D-15 Units

The Actual Sales D-15 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the last 15 days (from the system date - 15days until system date) for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Sales D-30 Units

The Actual Sales D-30 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated daily sales units for the last 30 days (from the system date - 30days until system date) for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-1 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the previous week (system date week - 1 week) for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-2 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-2 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the system date week - 2 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-3 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-3 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the system date week - 3 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual Avg Inv. W-4 Units

The Actual Avg Inv. W-4 Units is a calculated measure used to display the average inventory units at the system date week - 4 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Actual PL Avg Inv. Wk Units

The Actual PL Avg Inv. Wk Units is a calculated measure used to display the average holding inventory of the assortment period.

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Availability Profile

The Availability measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD-LOC

The User Filter PROD-LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.


The RUTL Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination is eligible for replenishment. When selected, then it is eligible. When clear, then it is ineligible.

Rpl. Dest. Mask

The Rpl. Dest. Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination is eligible for replenishment and the constraint parameter at the system date indicates that replenishment is enable too (measure Rpl. Active (Dst) @ Today). When selected, then it is eligible. When clear, then it is ineligible.

Rpl. Src. Mask

The Rpl. Src. Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and source location combination is eligible to be used for replenishment. When selected, then it is eligible. When clear, then it is ineligible.

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-hand inventory units for the product and location combination. The total on-hand units includes the on-hand inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-hand inventory units for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

In Transit over LT+RT Units

In Transit over LT+RT Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total in transit units over the lead time plus the review time for the product and location combination.

On Order (in) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (in) over LT+RT Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on order (in) units over the lead time plus the review time for the product and location combination.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the replenishment planned units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the approved replenishment planned packs units for the product and location combination.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Transfer Plan In Units

The Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units planned for the product and location combination.

Appr. Transfer In Units

The Appr. Transfer In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units approved for the product and location combination.

Exp. Transfer Plan In Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination.

On Order (out) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (out) over LT+RT Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on orders (out) units over the lead time plus the review time for the product and location combination.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location (for example, warehouse) replenishment planned units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location approved replenishment units for the product and location combination.

Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the order quantity for the source location based on the source location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the source location demand.

Transfer Plan Out Units

The Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units planned for the product and location combination.

Appr. Transfer Out Units

Appr. Transfer Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units approved for the product and location combination.

Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Units

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Dest. Avail. Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w) is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Dest. Avail.Dur (w), in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Physical Avail. Units

The Tot. Physical Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units’ physically available at the location for the product and location combination. The physically available units differ from the available units as the booked inventory is taken into consideration.

Figure 21-33 Calculation


Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Physical Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

Up To Dest. Avail Units

The Up To Dest. Avail Units is the same as Tot. Dest. Avail Units grouped by source.

Up To Dest. Avail Dur (w)

The Up To Dest. Avail Dur (w) is the same as Tot. Dest. Avail Units grouped by source displayed by duration (weeks).

Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available at the source location for the product and location combination.

Tot. Src. Avail Pack Units

The Tot. Src. Avail Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of pack units available at the source location. Tot. Dest. Avail (incl. Rpl. & Trsf. Out) Units Tot. Avail. Units This measure is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Avail. Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Avail. Dur (w) is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Avail. Dur (w), in the Default Profile Measures.

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Forecast Profile

The Forecast measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Fcst W+0 Units

The Fcst W+0 Units is a calculated measure used to display forecast units for the current system date week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+1 Units

The Fcst W+1 Units is a calculated measure used to display forecast units at system date week +1 week for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+2 Units

The Fcst W+2 Units is a calculated measure to display forecast units at system date week +2 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+3 Units

The Fcst W+3 Units is a calculated measure used to display forecast units at system date week +3 weeks for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+0 to W+1 Units

The Fcst W+0 to W+1 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated forecast from the current system date week until the system current week + 1 for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+0 to W+2 Units

The Fcst W+0 to W+2 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated forecast from the current system date week until the system current week + 2 for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Fcst W+0 to W+3 Units

The Fcst W+0 to W+3 Units is a calculated measure used to display the accumulated forecast from the current system date week until the system current week + 3 for the product and location combination. The system date is available in the Today view.

Forecast Over LT+RT Units

The Forecast Over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Forecast Over LT+RT Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Final Fcst PL Wk Units

The Final Fcst PL Wk Units measure is not applicable.

Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units is an editable measure that is used to enter the demand at the location (destination location) for the product and location combination. In this view, the measure is aggregated and when changed the value is spread proportionally across weeks within the workspace (you can check the spread value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view).

Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units is an editable measure to enter the weekly demand at the source location for the product and location combination.

Tot. Demand (Wk) Units

The Tot. Demand (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total weekly demand for the product and location combination. In this view, the measure is aggregated and when changed the value is spread proportionally across weeks within the workspace (you can check the spread value in the SKU- LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view).

Up To Sell_Out Fcst Units

The Up To Sell_Out Fcst Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the sell-out Forecast from the source location perspective for the product and location combination.

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Inventory Profile

The Inventory measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Hand Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Booked Units

The Tot. Booked Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total inventory booked in units for the product and location combination.

In Transit over LT+RT Units

The In Transit over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. In Transit Units

The Tot. In Transit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total inventory units in transit for the product and location combination.

Tot. In Transit

The Tot. In Transit is a calculated measure used to display comments for the in-transit inventory and for the phase-out item’s inventory, if any, for the product and location combination.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-order inventory units for the product and location combination. The total on-order units include the on-order inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-order inventory units for the replacement or phase-out product, if any.

On Order (in) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (in) over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, On Order (in) over LT+RT Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

In Transit + On Order (in) Units

The In Transit + On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the accumulated on order and in-transit inventory units for the product and location combination.

Tot. On Order (out) Units

The Tot. On Order (out) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-order inventory units out from the source locations (for example, warehouse) for the product and location combination. The total on-order (out) units includes the on-order inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-order (out) inventory units for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

On Order (out) over LT+RT Units

The On Order (out) over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, On Order (out) over LT+RT Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Cust. Order Units

The Tot. Cust. Order Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total customer order units for the product and location combination. The total customer orders include the customer orders loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the customer orders for the replacement or phase-out product, if any.

Loc. On Hand Units

The Loc. On Hand Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the on-hand inventory units for the product and location combination.

Loc. Booked Units

The Loc. Booked Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the booked or reserved inventory units for the product and location combination.

Loc. In Transit Units

The Loc. In Transit Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the in-transit inventory units for the product and location combination.

Loc. In Transit

The Loc. In Transit is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination has in-transit inventory or not. When selected, there is in-transit inventory. When clear, there is no in-transit inventory.

Loc. On Order (in) Units

The Loc. On Order (in) Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the on-order inventory units (into the destination locations) for the product and location combination.

Loc. On Order (out) Units

The Loc. On Order (out) Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the on-order inventory units (out from source locations) for the product and location combination.

Cust. Order Units

The Cust. Order Units is a loaded measure used to indicate customer orders units for the product and location combination.

Ph. Out On Hand Units

The Ph. Out On Hand Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product and location combination on-hand inventory units for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out Booked Units

The Ph. Out Booked Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product and location combination booked or reserved inventory units for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out In Transit Units

The Ph. Out In Transit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product and location combination in-transit inventory units for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out In Transit

The Ph. Out In Transit is a calculated measure used to indicate for product and location combination whether the phased-out item has in-transit inventory or not. When selected there is in-transit inventory. When clear, there is no in-transit inventory.

Ph. Out On Order (in) Units

The Ph. Out On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product and location combination on-order inventory units (into the destination locations) for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out On Order (out) Units

Ph. Out On Order (out) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product and location combination on-order inventory units (out from source locations) for the phased-out item, if any.

Ph. Out Cust. Order Units

The Ph. Out Cust. Order Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the product and location combination customer orders for the phased-out item, if any.

Pack Type

The Pack Type is a loaded measure used to indicate the product’s pack type. Either simple or complex.

Pack Desc.

The Pack Desc. is a loaded measure used to indicate the product’s pack description.

Pack - SKU Ass. Count

The Pack - SKU Ass. Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of products (SKU) in the pack.

Pack - SKU Ass. Units

The Pack - SKU Ass. Units is an editable measure to indicate the total number of units the product (SKU) has in the pack.

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Parameters Profile

The Parameters measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Asst. Prod-Loc

The Asst. Prod-Loc is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combinations are assorted or not. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Count

The Asst. Prod-Loc Count is a loaded measure used to indicate the total number of product and location combinations assorted. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Active

The Asst. Prod-Loc Active is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combinations are assorted and still active or not. For more details check the same measure in the view Product- Location within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Active Count

The Asst. Prod-Loc Active Count is a loaded measure used to indicate the total number of product and location combinations assorted and still active. For more details check the same measure in the view Product-Location within the Assortment Admin workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc Start Date

The Asst. Prod-Loc Start Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment start date for the assorted product and location combinations. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Prod-Loc End Date

The Asst. Prod-Loc End Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment end date for the assorted product and location combinations. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Lfc. Prod-Loc

The Lfc. Prod-Loc is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination has a valid lifecycle or not. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Lfc Prod-Loc Count

The Lfc Prod-Loc Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of locations where the product has a valid lifecycle. If this view is at the product and location level, then the count is not higher than one at the view’s lowest level.

PL Lfc.

The PL Lfc. is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination has a valid lifecycle or not at the system date.

Lfc. Active @ Today

The Lfc. Active @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination has a valid lifecycle or not at the system date.

Display Qty Units

The Display Quantity Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the Display Quantity for the product and location combination used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment for the RUTL calculation.

Min Order Qty Units

The Min Order Quantity Units is an editable measure used to indicate the minimum order quantity for the product and location combination.

Mult. Order Qty Units

The Mult. Order Quantity Units is an editable measure used to indicate the number of multiple order quantities for the product and location combination.

Fixed TS 1 Units

The Fixed TS 1 Units is a loaded measure used to indicate the initial allocation for the product and location combination. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Fixed TS 2 Units

The Fixed TS 2 Units is an editable measure used to indicate an initial allocation for the product and location combination. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Fixed TS 3 Units

The Fixed TS 3 Units is an editable measure used to indicate an initial allocation for the product and location combination. For more details, refer to the same measure in the Product-Location view within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Tot. Init. Fcst Units

The Tot. Init. Fcst Units is a loaded measure to display the total initial forecast for the product and location combination. For more details check the same measure in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Conversion UOM 1

The Conversion UOM 1 is an editable measure used to indicate a value when converting units into a specific unit of measure based on the Constraint UOM 1 for scaling.

Conversion UOM 2

The Conversion UOM 2 is an editable measure used to indicate a value when converting units into a specific unit of measure based on the Constraint UOM 1 for scaling.

Conversion UOM 3

The Conversion UOM 3 is an editable measure used to indicate a value when converting units into a specific unit of measure based on the Constraint UOM 1 for scaling.

Avg. Cost €

The Avg. Cost € is an editable measure used to indicate the average cost for the product and location combination.

Price (excl.VAT) €

The Price (excl.VAT) € is an editable measure used to indicate the price excluding VAT for the product and location combination.


The PL BOD is a loaded measure used to indicate the bill of distribution applied to the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Primary Source @ Today

The Primary Source @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate the applied primary source for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Reserved Source 1 @ Today

The Reserved Source 1 @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied reserved source 1 for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Reserved Source 2 @ Today

The Reserved Source 2 @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied reserved source 2 for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Alternate Source @ Today

The Alternate Source @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied alternative source for the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

LLC @ Today

The LLC @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the low-level code applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Lead Time @ Today Dur (d)

vLead Time @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied lead time, in days, for the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

PL Plc.

The PL Plc. is a loaded measure used to indicate the planning calendar applied to the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Revw @ Today

The Revw @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate if Today (current system date) is a review day for the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Next Revw @ Today Date

The Next Revw @ Today Date is a calculated measure used to indicate the next review date for the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Next Revw @ Today Dur (d)

The Next Revw @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of days to the next review date for the product and location combination and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Avg Revw Time @ Today Dur (d)

The Avg Revw Time @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the average number of days between each review period (planning period) for the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.


The RUTL Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, RUTL Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

PL Rpl.

The PL Rpl. is a loaded measure used to indicate the replenishment parameter applied to the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Min Cred. Qty @ Today Units

The Min Cred. Quantity @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the Minimum Credible Quantity applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

ROL Meth. @ Today

The ROL Meth. @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the ROL method applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min Qty @ Today Units

The Min Quantity @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the ROL minimum quantity units applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min TS @ Today Dur (d)

The Min TS @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the ROL minimum time supply (in days) applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Tgt. SL @ Today %

The Tgt. SL @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the Target Service Level % applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Volatility @ Today %

The Volatility @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the Volatility % applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

ROL Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d)

The ROL Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d) details the Reorder level safety time duration applicable today based on rules association and used in replenishment calculations where the RUTL method is not Target Stock. The ROL level is determined as lead time + review time + ROL Sft Time @ Today Dur (d).

RUTL Meth. @ Today

The RUTL Meth. @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the RUTL method applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Max Qty @ Today Units

The Max Quantity @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the RUTL maximum quantity units applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Max TS @ Today Dur (d)

The Max TS @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the RUTL maximum time supply (in days) applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Tgt. DoS @ Today Dur (d)

The Tgt. DoS @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the Target Days of Supply (in days) applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

TS Meth. @ Today

The TS Meth. @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the target stock method applied to the product and location combination at the system date (when the RUTL method is target stock) and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

TS Seas. Fcst @ Today %

The TS Seas. Fcst @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of the Seasonal Forecast applied to the product and location combination at the system date (to be used when the RUTL method is target stock) and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

TS Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d)

The TS Sft. Time @ Today Dur (d)is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of days for the stock safety applied to the product and location combination at the system date (to be used when the RUTL method is target stock) and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Order Rounding Threshold @ Today %

The Order Rounding Threshold @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage to round up the orders applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

PL Change

The PL Change is a loaded measure used to indicate the change parameter applied to the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Repl. Status @ Today

The Repl. Status @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination at the system date is replenishable or not and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

ROL Chng @ Today %

The ROL Chng @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage to increase or decrease the system-generated ROL value applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

RUTL Chng @ Today %

The RUTL Chng @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage to increase or decrease the system-generated RUTL value applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Rpl. Dest. Mask

The Rpl. Dest. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Dest. Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Rpl. Src. Mask

The Rpl. Src. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Dest. Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

PL Cst.

The PL Cst. is a loaded measure used to indicate the constraint parameter applied to the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Avail. Constr. (Src) @ Today

The Avail. Constr. (Src) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate whether a constraint is enabled or disabled (at the source location) for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today

The Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate which stock units to be used from the source locations are applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today Dur (d)

The Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of days to get the in-transit and on-order stock is applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Rpl. Active (Dst) @ Today

The Rpl. Active (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the product and location combination at the system date if the location has the replenishment active or not and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Fulfill Till Layer (Dst) @ Today

The Fulfill Till Layer (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the layer applied to the product and location combination at the system date (layer until which IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment should fulfill the demand) and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Ration. Prio (Dst) @ Today

Ration. Prio (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the rationing priority applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

SubLayer (Dst) @ Today

The SubLayer (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the sublayers applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Assign Pack (Dst) @ Today

The Assign Pack (Dst) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the pack types’ assignment applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min Pack Fill Rate 1 (Dst) @ Today %

The Min Pack Fill Rate 1 (Dst) @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the minimum pack fill rate percentage for first round of complex pack assignment applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min Pack Fill Rate 2 (Dst) @ Today %

The Min Pack Fill Rate 2 (Dst) @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the minimum pack fill rate percentage for second round of complex pack assignment applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Plan Profile

The Plan measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.


The RUTL Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, RUTL Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Rpl. Dest. Mask

The Rpl. Dest. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Dest. Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Rpl. Src. Mask

The Rpl. Src. Mask is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. Dest. Mask, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Pack Partition

The Pack Partition is the same as the one in the Plan profile for the view SKU Level (R & A) but available at the product and location level. Refer to the measure, Pack Partition, in the view SKU Level (R & A) Measures: Plan Profile in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Physical Avail. Units

The Tot. Physical Avail. Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Physical Avail. Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w) is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Physical Avail. Dur (w), in the Availability Profile Measures.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Units

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Dest. Avail. Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Dest. Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Dest. Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available at the source location for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

Tot. Src. Avail. Pack Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of pack units available at the source location for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total for the product.

User Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The User Tot. Src. Avail. Units is an editable measure user can use to enter the total quantity of units available at the source location for the product. The value of this measure overrides the measure Tot. Src. Avail. Unit.

Manual Push Units

The Manual Push Units is an editable measure used to enter the total quantity of units to be manually pushed from the source location to the destination locations for the product. The value is spread proportionally between all the product’s destination locations.

ROL @ Today Units

The ROL @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the Reorder level (ROL) value in units for the product and location combination at the system date.

RUTL @ Today Units

The RUTL @ Today Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, RUTL @ Today Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

User RUTL Override Units

The User RUTL Override Units is an editable measure used to enter the Reorder Up-to Level (RUTL) value in units for the product and location combination. The value of this measure overrides the measure RUTL @ Today Units.

User RUTL Override End Date

The User RUTL Override End Date is an editable measure used to enter the date when IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment should stop using the user-defined RUTL units (measure User RUTL Override Units) and start using the system calculated RUTL units (measure RUTL @ Today Units).

Forecast Over LT+RT Units

The Forecast Over LT+RT Units is the same as the one in the forecast profile. Refer to the measure, Forecast Over LT+RT Units, in the Forecast Profile Measures.

Unc. Need Total Units

The Unc. Need Total Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Unc. Need Total Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Min Unc. Need Pack Units

The Min Unc. Need Pack Units indicates the minimum unit of Packs needed regardless of Pack Fill Rate.

Max Unc. Need Pack Units

The Max Unc. Need Pack Units indicates the maximum unit of Packs needed regardless of Pack Fill Rate.

User Rpl. Fix Locked Units

The User Rpl. Fix Locked Units is an editable measure you can use to enter fixed replenishment units (order quantity) for the product and location combination. This measure overrides the product’s system-calculated replenishment units.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Unc. Req. Total Units

The Unc. Req. Total Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total unconstrained quantity, in units, needed for the source location (for example, warehouse) for the product.

Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Pack Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the pack order quantity (either simple or complex packs) for the source location based on the source location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the source location demand.

Tot. Avail. Units

The Tot. Avail. Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Avail. Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Avail. Dur (w) is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Avail. Dur (w), in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Regular Units

The Tot. Regular Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Regular Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Deficit Units

The Tot. Deficit Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Deficit Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Deficit %

The Tot. Deficit % is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Deficit %, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Surplus Units

The Tot. Surplus Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Surplus Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Surplus %

The Tot. Surplus % is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Surplus %, in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Fulfil. %

The Tot. Fulfil. % is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Fulfil. %, in the Default Profile Measures.

Rpl. TBA

The Rpl. TBA is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Rpl. TBA, in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan

The Appr. Rpl. Plan is an editable measure used to indicate whether the product and location order should be approved or not by the approval process. The Replenishment Approval action button approves all orders when this measure is selected.

Appr. Rpl. Plan User ID

The Appr. Rpl. Plan User ID is a calculated measure used to audit the Replenishment Approval action button. It is populated with the user-identifier that last ran the Replenishment Approval.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Date

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Date is a calculated measure to audit the Replenishment Approval action button. It is populated with the date and time that the replenishment approval was last run.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In Pack Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Date

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Date is a calculated measure to audit the replenishment export for the product and location combination. It is populated with the date and time that the replenishment was exported by the batch, if exported by the last batch run. Otherwise, it is empty.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In (details)

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In (details) is a calculated measure used to indicate the breakdown of exported plan in units per batch cycle.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Availability Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out (details)

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out (details) is a calculated measure used to indicate the breakdown of exported plan out units per batch cycle.


When the view has a lower intersection than the displayed measure, then the measure displays "-" to inform you that the measure is not available at that level.

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Replacement Profile

The Replacement measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Phs. Out PROD

vPhs. Out PROD is an editable measure used to select the phase-out product for the current product. You can select the product from a picklist populated with all available products within the workspace. It is not possible to have different values per location.

Phs. Out Subst. Date

The Phs. Out Subst. Date is an editable measure used to select the substitution date for the phased out product. It is not possible to have different values per location.

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Hand Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. Booked Units

The Tot. Booked Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Booked Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. In Transit Units

The Tot. In Transit Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. In Transit Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. In Transit

The Tot. In Transit is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. In Transit, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (in) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (out) Units

The Tot. On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (out) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Tot. Cust. Order Units

The Tot. Cust. Order Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Cust. Order Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. On Hand Units

The Loc. On Hand Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. On Hand Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. Booked Units

The Loc. Booked Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. Booked Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. In Transit Units

The Loc. In Transit Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. In Transit Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. In Transit

The Loc. In Transit is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. In Transit, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. On Order (in) Units

The Loc. On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. On Order (in) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Loc. On Order (out) Units

The Loc. On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Loc. On Order (out) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Cust. Order Units

The Cust. Order Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Cust. Order Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out On Hand Units

The Ph. Out On Hand Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out On Hand Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out Booked Units

The Ph. Out Booked Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out Booked Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out In Transit Units

The Ph. Out In Transit Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out In Transit Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out In Transit

The Ph. Out In Transit is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out In Transit, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out On Order (in) Units

The Ph. Out On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out On Order (in) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out On Order (out) Units

The Ph. Out On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out On Order (out) Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.

Ph. Out Cust. Order Units

The Ph. Out Cust. Order Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile. Refer to the measure, Ph. Out Cust. Order Units, in the Inventory Profile Measures.


When the view has a lower intersection than the displayed measure, then the measure displays “-” to inform you that the measure is not available at that level.

SKU-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: YTDYTG Profile

The Year-To-Date Year-To-Go (YTDYTG) measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD - LOC

The User Filter PROD - LOC is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure User Filter PROD-LOC in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Init. Fcst Units

The Tot. Init. Fcst Units is the same as the one in the parameters profile. Refer to the measure, Tot. Init. Fcst Units, in the Parameters Profile Measures.

Actual Loc. Sales Units

The Actual Loc. Sales Units is the same as the one in the actuals profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Loc. Sales Units, in the Actuals Profile Measures.

Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units is the same as the one in the forecast profile. Refer to the measure, Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units, in the Forecast Profile Measures.

Lifecycle Sales To-Date %

The Lifecycle Sales To-Date % is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Lifecycle Sales To-Date %, in the Default Profile Measures.

Lifecycle Sales To-Go %

The Lifecycle Sales To-Go % is the same as the one in the default profile. Refer to the measure, Lifecycle Sales To-Go %, in the Default Profile Measures.

Actual Loc. Recpt Units

The Actual Loc. Recpt Units is the same as the one in the actuals profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Loc. Recpt Units, in the Actuals Profile Measures.

Actual Loc. Shipmt Units

The Actual Loc. Shipmt Units is the same as the one in the actuals profile. Refer to the measure, Actual Loc. Shipmt Units, in the Actuals Profile Measures.

Lifecycle Receipt To-Date %

The Lifecycle Receipt To-Date % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of actual receipts up to date against the total initial forecast for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-34 Calculation


Lifecycle Sell-Thru %

The Lifecycle Sell-Thru % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of lifecycle product’s sell-through for the product and location combination.

Figure 21-35 Calculation


SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) View

The SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) View, under the By Prod tab, allows you to review the replenishment and allocation calculated values at the product level from the source location perspective.

Figure 21-36 SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) View

SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) View

SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) view contains the following measures.

PROD - LOC Alerts

The PROD - LOC Alerts is a calculated measure used to display the Alert Short Descr. of all the alerts that got triggered for the product and location combination.

Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today

The Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate which stock units to be used from the source locations are applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today Dur (d)

The Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of days to get the in-transit and on-order stock is applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-hand inventory units for the product and location combination. The total on-hand units includes the on-hand inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-hand inventory units for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

In Transit + On Order (in) Units

The In Transit + On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the accumulated on-order and in-transit inventory units for the product and location combination.

Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available at the source location for the product. (This considers the inventory buckets defined by the Src. Avail. (Src) @ Today measure).

Tot. Src. Avail. Pack Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of pack units available at the source location.

User Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The User Tot. Src. Avail. Units is an editable measure you can use to enter the total quantity of units available at the source location for the product. The value of this measure overrides the measure Tot. Src. Avail. Unit

Manual Push Units

The Manual Push Units is an editable measure used to input the total quantity of units to be manually pushed from the source location to the destination locations for the product. The value is spread proportionally between all the product’s destination locations.

Unc. Req. Total Units

The Unc. Req. Total Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total unconstrained quantity, in units, needed for the source location (for example, warehouse) for the product.

Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the order quantity for the source location based on the source location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the source location demand.

Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Pack Units

The Sys. Rpl. Plan Out Pack Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the pack order quantity (either simple or complex packs) for the source location based on the source location needs. This value is calculated based on the replenishment rules and the source location demand.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location approved replenishment units for the product and location combination.

Tot. Avail. Units

The Tot. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total quantity of units available for the product and location combination considering all inventory (booked, on-hand, transit and on-order) plus all orders (approved, planned and exported) plus all transfers (approved, planned and exported).

Tot. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Avail. Units can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) View

The VAR-LOC Level (R & A) View, under the By Prod tab, is similar to the view SKU-LOC Level (R & A) but allows you to review the variant and location levels.

The navigation of this view is very conveniently driven by real-time alerts or workspace alerts. To leverage the real-time alert navigation in this workspace the desired alerts should be enabled as RTA (measure Enable RTA) in the To-Do List view.

Figure 21-37 VAR-LOC Level (R & A) View

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) View

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the Default measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that in this view, the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile, refer to the Measures: Default Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Actuals Profile

The Actuals measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the Actuals measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that In this view, the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: Actuals Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Availability Profile

The Availability measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the Availability measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that In this view, the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Forecast Profile

The Forecast measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the Forecast measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that In this view, the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: Forecast Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Inventory Profile

The Inventory measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the Inventory measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that in this view the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: Inventory Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Parameters Profile

The Parameters measure profile available in this view contains the all the measures as in the Parameters measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view plus some additional variant measures. The only difference is that in this view the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: Parameters Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

Following are the additional measures in this profile.

Asst. Var-Loc

The Asst. Var-Loc is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the variant and location combinations are assorted or not. For more details check the same measure in the view Variant-Location within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Var-Loc Count

The Asst. Var-Loc Count is a loaded measure used to indicate the total number of variant and location combinations assorted.

Asst. Var-Loc Active

The Asst. Var-Loc Active is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the variant and location combinations are assorted and still active or not. For more details check the same measure in the view Variant- Location within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Var-Loc Active Count

The Asst. Var-Loc Active Count is a loaded measure used to indicate the total number of variant and location combinations assorted and still active.

Asst. Var-Loc Start Date

The Asst. Var-Loc Start Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment start date for the assorted variant and location combinations. For more details check the same measure in the view Variant-Location within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Var-Loc End Date

The Asst. Var-Loc End Date is a loaded measure used to indicate the assortment end date for the assorted variant and location combinations. For more details check the same measure in the view Variant-Location within the Manage Assortment workspace.

Asst. Var-Loc From Start Dur (weeks)

The Asst. Var-Loc From Start Dur (weeks) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of elapsed weeks since the assortment started date indicated in the measure Asst. Var-Loc Start Date. The number the weeks is calculated until IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment today’s week.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Plan Profile

The Plan measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the Plan measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that in this view the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: Plan Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: Replacement Profile

The Replacement measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the Replacement measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that in this view the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: Replacement Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-LOC Level (R & A) - Measures: YTDYTG Profile

The YTDYTG measure profile available in this view contains the same measures as the YTDYTG measure profile in the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. The only difference is that in this view the data is aggregated from SKU to the VARIANT level. For more information regarding the measures in this profile refer to the Measures: YTDYTG Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

VAR-Source LOC Level (R & A) View

The VAR-Source LOC Level (R & A) View, under the By Prod tab, is similar to the view SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) but allows you to perform the review at the variant level rather than SKU. For more details regarding the measures, refer to the SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) view.

Figure 21-38 VAR-Source LOC Level (R & A) View

VAR-Source LOC Level (R & A) View

LOC Level (R & A) View

The LOC Level (R & A) View, under the By Location tab, is similar to the SKU Level (R & A) view but the data is presented in a different layout. This view is driven by the location analysis rather than the SKU analysis. For more details regarding the available profiles and the measures within each profile, refer to the SKU Level (R & A) view.

Figure 21-39 LOC Level (R & A) View

LOC Level (R & A) View

LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View

The LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View, under the By Location tab, is similar to the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view but the data is presented in a different layout. This view is driven by the location analysis rather than the SKU analysis. For more details regarding the available profiles and the measures within each profile, refer to the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view.

Figure 21-40 LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View

LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View

LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View

The LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View, under the By Location tab, is similar to the VAR-LOC Level (R & A) view but the data is presented in a different layout. This view is driven by the location analysis rather than the VAR analysis. For more details regarding the available profiles and the measures within each profile the VAR-LOC Level (R & A) view.

Figure 21-41 LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View

LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View

Source LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View

The Source LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View, under the By Location tab, is similar to the SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) view but the data is presented in a different layout. This view is driven by the source location analysis rather than the SKU analysis. For more details regarding the available profiles and the measures within each profile, refer to the SKU-Source LOC Level (R & A) view.

Figure 21-42 Source LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View

Source LOC-SKU Level (R & A) View

Source LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View

The Source LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View, under the By Location tab, is similar to the VAR-Source LOC Level (R & A) view but the data is presented in a different layout. This view is driven by the source location analysis rather than the Variant analysis. For more details regarding the available profiles and the measures within each profile, refer to the VAR-Source LOC Level (R & A) view.

Figure 21-43 Source LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View

Source LOC-VAR Level (R & A) View

Display Space by LOC (R & A) View

The Display Space by LOC (R & A) View, under the Space tab, allows you to manage the display space parameters that is used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment to alert you for replenishment plan situations where merchandise reached the maximum display count or the minimum display count is not reached at a location or locations. The parameters managed in this view are:

  • Min Display Space: Refers to the minimum display stock. It is based only on active items.

  • Max Display Space: Refers to the available space for display stock. It is based only on active items.

Figure 21-44 Display Space by LOC (R & A) View

Display Space by LOC (R & A) View

Display Space by LOC (R & A) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Display Space by LOC (R & A) view contains the following measures.

Display Space Count

The Display Space Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of products, for the merchandise level (for example, Brand), that have available inventory units at the location.

Min Display Space Count

The Min Display Space Count is an editable measure used to enter the minimum amount of products, for the merchandise level, that should be in the display at the location. This value is then used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment alerts to alert you if locations are not reaching their minimum display for certain merchandise.

Min Display Space %

The Min Display Space % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of minimum display fulfilled using the minimum display count entered by you and the display count available at the location. If the percentage is lower than 100% then the minimum display has not been reached. If the percentage is greater than 100% then the location has more products than the minimum specified. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-45 Calculation


Max Display Space Count

The Max Display Space Count is an editable measure used to enter the maximum amount of products, for the merchandise level, that can be in the display at the location. This value is then used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment alerts to alert you if locations are exceeding their maximum display for certain merchandise.

Max Display Space %

The Max Display Space % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of maximum display fulfilled using the maximum display count entered by you and the display count available at the location. If the percentage is lower than 100% then the maximum display has not been reached. If the percentage is greater than 100% then the location is exceeding the maximum number of products specified. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-46 Calculation


Display Space by SKU (R & A) View

The Display Space by SKU (R & A) View, under the Space tab, is similar to the Display Space by LOC (R & A) view but the data is presented in a different layout. This view is driven by the SKU analysis rather than the Location analysis. For more details regarding the available profile and the measures within the profile, refer to the Display Space by Loc (R & A) view.

Figure 21-47 Display Space by SKU (R & A) View

Display Space by SKU (R & A) View

Stockroom Space by LOC (R & A) View

The Stockroom Space by LOC (R & A) View, under the Space tab, allows you to manage the stockroom space parameters that is used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment to alert you for replenishment plan situations where merchandise reached the maximum stockroom available at a location or locations. The parameter managed in this view is:

  • Max Stockroom Space: The available space to keep the stock. It is based on total inventory.

Figure 21-48 Stockroom Space by LOC (R & A) View

Stockroom Space by LOC (R & A) View

Stockroom Space by LOC (R & A) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Stockroom Space by LOC (R & A) view contains the following measures.

Tot. Avail. Units

The Tot. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total available inventory units, for the merchandise level (for example, Brand), at the location. The total available inventory for the merchandise level is the sum of all products available inventory units belonging to that merchandise level. The total available inventory includes on-hand, in-transit and on-order inventory.

Max Stockroom Space

The Max Stockroom Space is an editable measure used to enter the maximum inventory units, for the merchandise level, that can be stocked at the location. This value is then used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment alerts to alert you if locations are reaching/exceeding their maximum stock capacity for certain merchandise.

Max Stockroom Space UOM

The Max Stockroom Space UOM is an editable measure used to enter the unit of measure (UOM) for the max stockroom space entered in the measure Max Stockroom Space. By default the unit of measure Units is used by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment.

Max Stockroom Space %

The Max Stockroom Space % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage of stock room fulfilled using the maximum stockroom entered by you and the available inventory at the location. If the percentage is lower than 100% then the maximum stockroom has not been reached. If the percentage is greater than 100% then the location is exceeding the maximum stockroom capacity. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-49 Calculation


Stockroom Space by SKU (R & A) View

The Stockroom Space by SKU (R & A) View, under the Space tab, is similar to the Stockroom Space by LOC (R & A) view but the data is presented in a different layout. This view is driven by the SKU analysis rather than the Location analysis. For more details regarding the available profile and the measures within the profile, refer to the Stockroom Space by Loc (R & A) view.

Figure 21-50 Stockroom Space by SKU (R & A) View

Stockroom Space by SKU (R & A) View

OTB (R & A) View

The OTB (R & A) View, under the OTB tab, allows you to review the open to buy values and take the necessary action to amend the system suggested replenishment, if needed. IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment has the following open-to-buy concepts:

  • Open-to-Buy Residual (OTB Residual) is the remaining under-budget OTB available based on the replenishment plan value and the OTB Value

  • Open-to-Buy Exceed (OTB Exceed) would be the out-of-budget OTB based on the replenishment plan value and the OTB Value.

Figure 21-51 Open-to-Buy Concept

open-to-buy concepts

Figure 21-52 OTB (R & A) View

OTB (R & A) View

OTB (R & A) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the OTB (R & A) view contains the following measures.

OTB Value

The OTB Value is a loaded measure, from an external system, used to indicate the open-to-buy budget value for the merchandise and location combination.

Rpl. Plan In Value

The Rpl. Plan In Value is a calculated measure used to indicate suggested replenishment plan in value based on the system recommended replenishment units and the loaded open-to-buy price for the merchandise and location combination. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-53 Calculation


OTB Residual Value

The OTB Residual Value is a calculated measure used to indicate the open-to-buy value remaining from the OTB Value assuming the suggested replenishment plan (Rpl. Plan in Value). If the suggested replenishment plan exceeds the available open-to-buy value then this measure is empty. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-54 Calculation


OTB Residual %

The OTB Residual % is a calculated measure used to indicate in percentage how much of the open-to-buy values is remaining. If the suggested replenishment plan exceeds the available open-to-buy value then this measure is empty. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-55 Calculation


OTB Exceed Value

The OTB Exceed Value is a calculated measure used to indicate the value that is exceeded from the open-to-buy value (OTB Value) assuming the suggested replenishment plan (Rpl. Plan in Value). If the suggested replenishment plan does not exceed the available open-to-buy value then this measure is empty. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-56 Calculation


OTB Exceed %

The OTB Exceed % is a calculated measure used to indicate in percentage how much of the open-to-buy value is exceeded in comparison to the open-to-buy value (OTB Value). If the suggested replenishment plan does not exceed the available open-to-buy value, then this measure is empty. The value of this measure is the result of the formula:

Figure 21-57 Calculation


Inventory Plan Step

In this step, you can review weekly inventory plans calculated by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment and approve them. The calculated weekly inventory plans are based on the frozen inbound units, weekly demand, and the Inventory Plan Parameters. This step contains these views:

Horizon (InvPlan) View

The Horizon (InvPlan) View, under the Inventory Plan tab, allows you to manage the time horizon that the inventory plan calculation should consider. For example, if the plan horizon is 10 then IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment calculates the Inventory Plan for the next 10 weeks (from today) only.

Figure 21-58 Horizon (InvPlan) View

Horizon (InvPlan) View

Horizon (InvPlan) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Horizon (InvPlan) view contains the following measures.

Today Date

The Today Date is a loaded read-only measure used to display the system date that is calculated by IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment batch.

Inv. Plan Horizon (w)

The Inv. Plan Horizon (w) is an editable measure used to enter the number of weeks, in the future, that should have inventory plan calculated.

Clear Sell-In

The Clear Sell-In is an editable measure used to define whether the inventory calculation should clear the sell- in forecast or not before starting the inventory plan calculations.

Appr. Plan (Wk) Count

The Appr. Plan (Wk) Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of assorted product and location combinations with approved orders for the current week.

TBA Plan (Wk) Count

The TBA Plan (Wk) Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of assorted product and location combinations that need the orders to be approved manually for the current week.

SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) View

The SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) View, under the Inventory Plan tab, allows you to review and adjust the calculated inventory plan at the product and location levels.

Figure 21-59 SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) View

SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) View

SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) view contains the following measures.

User Filter PROD-LOC

The User Filter PROD-LOC is an editable measure used to apply a filter to the views within the Review & Approve workspace by the selected product and location combinations. When a product and location combination is selected, and after the workspace calculation (either Calculate or F9) is run, the views in the Review & Approve workspace is filtered based on the selected product and locations combinations.

Revwd PROD - LOC

The Revwd PROD - LOC is an editable measure used to indicate that the product and location combination alerts have been reviewed.

PROD - LOC Alerts

The PROD - LOC Alerts is a calculated measure used to display the Alert Short Descr. of all the alerts that got triggered for the product and location combination.

Tot. Cust. Order Units

The Total Customer Order Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. Cust. Order Units, in the Measures: Inventory Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (out) Units

The Tot. On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (out) Units, in the Measures: Inventory Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Demand (Wk) Units

The Tot. Demand (Wk) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. Demand (Wk) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

External Order Out Units

The External Order Out Units is an editable measure used to enter the weekly order data coming outside of IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment. In this view, the measure is aggregated and when changed the value is spread proportionally across the weeks within the workspace (you can check the spread value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level(InvPlan) view).

Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Initial Avail. Units

The Initial Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the initial quantity of units available for the product and location combination considering on-hand and booked inventory plus in and out transfers (approved and exported).

Tot. On Hand Units

The Tot. On Hand Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Hand Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Booked Units

The Tot. Booked Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. Booked Units, in the Measures: Inventory Profile under the S KU- LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view, in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Transfer In Units

The Appr. Transfer In Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Transfer In Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Transfer Out Units

The Appr. Transfer Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Transfer Out Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Frozen Inbound Units

The Frozen Inbound Units is the total committed inbound inventory given to a destination location. In this view, the measure is aggregated (you can check the weekly value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) View).

Tot. In Transit Units

The Tot. In Transit Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. In Transit Units, in the Measures: Inventory Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (in) Units, in the Measures: Inventory Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

User Locked Plan (Wk) Units

The User Locked Plan (Wk) Units is an editable measure used to adjust the plan by entering a new value. In this view, the measure is aggregated and when changed the value is spread proportionally across the weeks within the workspace (you can check the spread value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view).

Sys. Plan (Wk) Units

The Sys. Plan (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the proposed quantity that the system has calculated to fulfil the Sell-Out forecast while maintaining the inventory at the Sys Min Level at EOP (week). In this view, the measure is aggregated (you can check the weekly value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view).

Shortage (Wk) Units

The Shortage (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the shortage in units to fulfil the demand. In this view, the measure is aggregated (you can check the weekly value in the S KU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view).

Primary Source @ Today

The Primary Source @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate the applied primary source for the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Lead Time @ Today Dur (d)

The Lead Time @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the applied lead time, in days, for the product and location combination at the system date. The lead time is calculated from the current BOD assigned to the product and location combination.

LLC @ Today

The LLC @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the low-level code applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Min Order Qty Units

The Min Order Quantity Units is the same as the one in the parameters profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Min Order Quantity Units, in the Measures: Parameters Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Mult. Order Qty Units

The Mult. Order Quantity Units is the same as the one in the parameters profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Mult. Order Quantity Units, in the Measures: Parameters Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Order Rounding Threshold @ Today %

The Order Rounding Threshold @ Today % is a calculated measure used to indicate the percentage to round up the orders applied to the product and location combination at the system date and can be overridden. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Min Method @ Today

The Min Method @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the inventory planning method, to calculate the System Minimum value, applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Min Method Change

The Min Method Change is an editable measure to override the assigned inventory plan method to calculate the System Minimum value (you can review or manage the weekly value in the SKU-LOC- WEEK Level (InvPlan) View). For more details about the possible values check the measure Min Method in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Min Fixed @ Today

The Min Fixed @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate how the Fixed inventory planning method calculates the System Minimum value for the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the view SKU- LOC within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Min Fixed @ Today Units

The Min Fixed @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the minimum fixed quantity applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

ROL @ Today Units

The ROL @ Today Units is the same as the one in the plan profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, ROL @ Today Units, in the Measures: Plan Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

RUTL @ Today Units

The RUTL @ Today Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, RUTL @ Today Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU- LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Min Fixed Change Units

The Min Fixed Change Units is an editable measure used to override the minimum quantity used when the Fixed method is applied. This value is used in the calculation instead of the Min Fixed @ Today Units, the RUTL @ Today Units or the ROL @ Today Units if the method to calculate the System Minimum value is Fixed. You can review or manage the weekly value in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view.

Min Fwd Cov. @ Today Dur (d)

The Min Fwd Cov. @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the minimum number of days of cover applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Min Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d)

The Min Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d) is an editable measure used to override the minimum number of days of cover (Min Fwd Cov. @ Today Dur (d)) applied to the product and location combination at the system date.

Max Method @ Today

The Max Method @ Today is a calculated measure used to indicate the inventory planning method, to calculate the System Maximum value, applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Max Method Change

The Max Method Change is an editable measure to override the assigned inventory plan method to calculate the System Maximum value. For more details about the possible values check the measure the Max Method in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Max Fwd Cov. @ Today Dur (d)

The Max Fwd Cov. @ Today Dur (d) is a calculated measure used to indicate the maximum number of days of cover applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Max Fixed @ Today Units

The Max Fixed @ Today Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the maximum fixed quantity applied to the product and location combination at the system date. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Max Fixed Change Units

The Max Fixed Change Units is an editable measure used to override the maximum quantity to be used when the Fixed method is applied. This value is used in the calculation instead of the Max Fixed @ Today Units if the method to calculate the System Maximum value is Fixed.

Max Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d)

The Max Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d) is an editable measure to override the maximum number of days of cover (Max Fwd Cov. @ Today Dur (d)) applied to the product and location combination at the system date.

SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) - Measures: InOutBound Profile

The InOutBound measure profile available in this view contains a subset of the measures in the Default measure profile. For more information regarding the description of the measure, review the Default Profile Measures in this view. This profile contains the following measure that is not in the Default profile.

Inv. PL Mask

The Inv. PL Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination is eligible for the inventory plan. When selected, it is eligible. When clear, it is ineligible.

SKU-LOC Level (InvPlan) - Measures: Parameters Profile

The Parameters measure profile available in this view contains a subset of the measures in the Default measure profile. For more information regarding the measures description check the Default Profile Measures in this view. This profile contains the following measures that are not in the Default profile.

Inv. PL Mask

The Inv. PL Mask is a calculated measure used to indicate whether the product and location combination is eligible for the inventory plan. When selected, it is eligible. When clear, it is ineligible.


The PL BOD is a loaded measure used to indicate the bill of distribution applied to the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

PL Ivp.

The PL Ivp. is a loaded measure used to indicate the inventory planning parameter applied to the product and location combination. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

SKU-LOC-DAY Level (InvPlan) View

The SKU-LOC-DAY Level (InvPlan) View, under the Inventory Plan tab, allows you to review approved and the exported inventory plan at the product and location levels by date (day).

Figure 21-60 SKU-LOC-DAY Level (InvPlan) View

SKU-LOC-DAY Level (InvPlan) View

SKU-LOC-DAY Level (InvPlan) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the SKU-LOC-DAY Level (InvPlan) view contains the following measures.

Tot. In Transit Units

The Tot. In Transit Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. In Transit Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (in) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Cust. Order Units

The Tot. Cust. Order Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. Cust. Order Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. On Order (out) Units

The Tot. On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (out) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view in the Default Profile Measures.

SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) View

The SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) View, under the Inventory Plan tab, allows you to review, adjust and approve the calculated inventory plan at the product and location levels by week. You can for example review week-by-week orders that are coming into the warehouses and then sent from warehouses to stores.

Figure 21-61 SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) View

SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) View

SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view contains the following measures.

Tot. Cust. Order Units

The Tot. Cust. Order Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total customer order units for the product and location combination. The total customer orders include the customer orders loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the customer orders for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

Tot. On Order (out) Units

The Tot. On Order (out) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-order inventory units out from the source locations (for example, warehouse). The total on-order (out) units includes the on-order inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-order (out) inventory units for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

Tot.Demand (Wk) Units

The Tot.Demand (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total weekly demand for the product and location combination.

External Order Out Units

The External Order Out Units is an editable measure used to enter the weekly order data coming outside of IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location (for example, warehouse) approved replenishment units for the product and location combination, per day.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out (day) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location (for example, warehouse) replenishment planned units, per day, to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination.

Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units

This is an editable measure used to enter the weekly demand at the source location for the product and location combination.

Sell-Out Fcst (Wk) Units

The Sell-In Fcst (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the weekly demand at the source location for the product coming from the location’s demand (destination location).

Frozen Inbound Units

The Frozen Inbound Units is the total committed inbound inventory to a given destination location.

Tot. In Transit Units

The Tot. In Transit Units is a calculated measure used to display your comment for the in-transit inventory and your comment for the phase-out item’s inventory, if any.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total on-order inventory units. The total on-order units include the on-order inventory loaded into IPOCS-Lifecycle Allocation and Replenishment plus the on-order inventory units for the replacement/phase-out product, if any.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the approved replenishment units for the product and location combination, per day.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In (day) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the replenishment planned units, per day, to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination.

BOP (Wk) Units

The BOP (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the beginning of period inventory units. In this view you can review the available inventory units at the beginning of each week.

Revw Cal. (Wk) @ Today

The Revw Cal. (Wk) @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the week is a review week or not. You can override the loaded value. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view-Week within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

Rcpt Cal. (WK) @ Today

The Rcpt Cal. (WK) @ Today is a loaded measure used to indicate whether the week is a receipt week or not. You can override the loaded value. For more details about the measure, refer to the same measure description in the SKU-LOC view-Week within the Supply Chain Network workspace.

User Locked Plan (Wk) Units

The User Locked Plan (Wk) Units is an editable measure used to adjust the weekly inventory plan by entering a new value for the weeks that need to be adjusted.

Sys. Plan (Wk) Units

The Sys. Plan (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the proposed quantity that the system has calculated, week by week, to fulfill the Sell-Out forecast while maintaining the inventory at the Sys Min Level at EOP (week).

Sys. Action

The Sys. Action is a calculated measure used to indicate the action that is triggered by the system for the inventory plan calculation. Valid values are:

  • FZR

    Frozen—the system does not consider the week for proposal or any action, as it considers the item has not started yet.

  • TBA

    To Be Approved—the system is suggesting a proposal for replenishment that needs to be approved by you.

TBA Plan (Wk)

The TBA Plan (Wk) is a calculated measure used to indicate that the plan suggested by the system needs to be approved for the product, location, and week combination.

Appr. Plan (Wk)

The Appr. Plan (Wk) is a calculated measure used to indicate if the plan is approved for the product, location, and week combination.

Appr. Plan (Wk) Units

The Appr. Plan (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the order in units that is approved for the product, location, and week combination.

Appr. Plan (Wk) User ID

The Appr. Plan (Wk) User ID is a calculated measure used to audit the Plan Approval action button. It is populated with the user-identifier that last ran the Inventory Plan Approval action.

Appr. Plan (Wk) Date

Appr. Plan (Wk) Date is a calculated measure used to audit the Plan Approval action button. It is populated with the user-identifier that last ran the Inventory Plan Approval action.

Exp. Plan (Wk) Units

The Exp. Plan (Wk) Units indicate the Exported Replenishment Orders from the Inventory Plan.

Exp. Plan (Wk) Date

The Exp. Plan (Wk) Date indicates the date when the corresponding replenishment orders from the Inventory Plan were exported (following batch run).

EOP (WK) Units

The EOP (WK) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the end-of-period inventory units. In this view, you can review the available inventory units at the end of each week.

Shortage (Wk) Units

The Shortage (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate shortage in units for the product, location, and week combination.

Sys. Min Level (Wk) Units

The Sys. Min Level (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the minimum target inventory in units that was calculated by the system for the product, location, and week combination.

Sys. Max Level (Wk) Units

The Sys. Max Level (Wk) Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the maximum target inventory in units that was calculated by the system for the product, location, and week combination.

Min Method Change

The Min Method Change is an editable measure to override the assigned inventory plan method to calculate the System Minimum value at the product, location, and week level. For more details about the possible values check the measure the Min Method in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Min Fixed Change Units

The Min Fixed Change Units is an editable measure used to override the minimum quantity to be used when the Fixed method is applied at the product, location, and week level. This value is used in the calculation instead of the 2Min Fixed @ Today Units2, the RUTL @ Today Units or the ROL @ Today Units if the method to calculate the System Minimum value is Fixed.

Min Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d)

The Min Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d) is an editable measure used to override the minimum number of days of cover applied to the product, location, and week.

Max Method Change

The Max Method Change is an editable measure used to override the assigned inventory plan method to calculate the System Maximum value at the product, location, and week level. For more details about the possible values check the measure the Max Method in the SKU-LOC view within the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Max Fixed Change Units

The Max Fixed Change Units is an editable measure used to override the maximum quantity to be used when the Fixed method is applied at the product, location, and week level. This value is used in the calculation instead of the Max Fixed @ Today Units if the method to calculate the System Maximum value is Fixed.

Max Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d)

The Max Fwd Cov. Change Dur (d) is an editable measure used to override the maximum number of days of cover applied to the product, location, and week.

SKU-Source LOC-WEEK Level (R & A) View

The SKU-Source LOC-WEEK Level (R & A) View, under the Inventory Plan tab, is similar to the view SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan), but allows you to review from the source location perspective rather than the destination location perspective. For more details regarding the measures, refer to the SKU-LOC-WEEK Level (InvPlan) view.

Figure 21-62 SKU-Source LOC-WEEK Level (R & A) View

SKU-Source LOC-WEEK Level (R & A) View

Rebalancing Step

In this step you can adjust inventory levels to maintain optimal stock levels. Usually this is achieved by moving products from locations with surplus to locations with deficit.

This may also involve increasing orders for items that are selling well or reducing orders for slow-moving items. This step contains these views:

Item-Location View

This Item-Location View is located under the Summary tab. In this view, you can review the store transfer summary at the item location level.

Figure 21-63 Item-Location View

Item-Location View

Item-Location View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Item-Location view contains the following measures.

Product-location Alerts

This measure indicates if an alert was triggered for an item-location.

Reviewed Product-Location

By using this measure, a user indicates that the system plan has been reviewed

Total Available Units

This measure displays the total available units at an item-location.

Receipt Up to Level @ Today Units

This measure displays the Receipt Up To Level units as set up in the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

Initial Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for an item-location combination.

Final Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for an item-location after the transfer.

System Transfer in Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred in calculated by the system.

System Transfer In

This measure displays the list of source locations after rebalancing is calculated by the system.

System Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred out calculated by the system.

System Transfer Out

This measure displays the list of destination locations after rebalancing is calculated by the system.

Transfers To Be Approved

This measure is used to approve the transfers.

Ignore Replenishment Plan to Be Approved

This measure allows you to approve rebalancing without approving the replenishment system plan.


This measure allows the user to approve the rebalancing transfers.

Approved Transfer in Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred in for an item-location.

Approved Transfer In

This measure displays the list of source locations after rebalancing is approved.

Approved Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred out for an item-location.

Approved Transfer Out

This measure displays the list of destination locations after rebalancing is approved.

Approved UserID

This measure displays the user ID of the user who approved the transfers.

Export Transfer in Units

This measure displays the exported number of units of the destination location after the batch is run.

Export Transfer In

This measure displays the list of source locations after the batch is run.

Export Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the list of destination locations after the batch is run.

Export Transfer Out

This measure displays the exported number of units of the source location after the batch is run.

Total Deficit Units

This measure displays the total deficit units for an item-location combination.

Total Deficit %

This measure displays the percentage deficit relative to the total units needed for an item-location combination.

Total Surplus Units

This measure displays the total surplus units for an item-location combination.

Total Surplus %

This measure displays the percentage surplus relative to the total units needed for an item-location combination.

In Transit over Lead Time+Review Time Units

This measure displays the units in transit over lead and review time for an item-location.

On Order (In) over Lead Time+Review Time Units

This measure displays the units on order over lead and review time for an item-location.

Items View

This Items View is located under the Summary tab. In this view, you can review the change in KPIs, such as lost sales, as a result of the transfers, with the focus on products.

Figure 21-64 Items View

Items View

Items View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Items view contains the following measures.

Source Mask

This measure Is used to decide which products can be transferred out.

Destination Mask

This measure Is used to decide which products can be transferred in.

Item Mask

This measure displays if an item is eligible for transfer.

Unit Price

This measure displays the unit price.

Available Units

This measure displays the available units considering replenishment, manual transfers, and rebalancing.

Approved Transfer in Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred in.

Approved Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred out for an item-location.

Initial Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location before rebalancing.

Receipt Up to Level Units

This measure displays the Receipt Up To Level units as set up in the Replenishment Parameters workspace

System Transfer in Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred in calculated by the system.

System Transfer In

This measure displays the list of source locations after rebalancing as calculated by the system.

System Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred out calculated by the system.


This measure allows the user to approve the rebalancing transfers.

Approved UserID

This measure displays the user ID of the user who approved the transfers.

Approved Date

This measure displays the date of the approval of transfers.

Final Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location after rebalancing.

Initial Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a product.

Final Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a product after the transfer.

Final Need %

This measure displays the percentage of the need after rebalancing relative to the need before rebalancing.

Initial Surplus Units

This measure displays the initial surplus units for a product.

Final Surplus Units

This measure displays the surplus units for a product after the transfers.

Final Surplus %

This measure displays the percentage surplus after rebalancing relative to the surplus before rebalancing. This measure displays the percentage surplus after the transfer relative to the total units needed.

Forecast Daily Rate of Sale Units

This measure displays the forecasted daily rate of sales in units.

Initial DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the initial days of supply based on the forecast.

Final DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the days of supply after the transfers.

Initial DOS MAD Duration (Days)

This measure displays the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock before rebalancing.

Final DOS MAD Duration (Days)

This measure displays the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock before rebalancing.

Final DOS MAD %

This measure displays the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock after rebalancing relative to the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock before rebalancing.

Initial Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the initial lost sales units for a product calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the lost sales units for a product calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Initial Lost Sales $

This measure displays the initial lost sales value for a product calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales $

This measure displays the lost sales value for a product calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Final Lost Sales %

This measure displays the percentage lost sales relative to the total units needed.

System Additional Sales $

Locations View

This Locations View is located under the Summary tab. In this view, you can review the change in KPIs, such as lost sales, as a result of the transfers, with the focus on locations.

Figure 21-65 Locations View

Locations View

Locations View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Locations view contains the following measures.

Source Mask

This measure is used to decide which stores can transfer products out.

Destination Mask

This measure is used to decide which stores can have products transferred in.

Location Mask

This measure displays if a store is eligible for stock rebalancing.

Availability Units

This measure displays the available units considering replenishment, manual transfers, and rebalancing.

Approved Transfer in Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred in for a location.

Approved Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred out from a location.

Initial Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location before rebalancing.

Receipt Up to Level Units

This measure displays the Receipt Up To Level units as set up in the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

System Transfer in Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred into a location calculated by the system.

System Transfer In $

This measure displays the value of products be transferred into a location calculated by the system.

System Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred out of a location calculated by the system.


This measure allows the user to approve the rebalancing transfers.

Approved UserID

This measure displays the user ID of the user who approved the transfers.

Approved Date

This measure displays the date of the approval of transfers.

Final Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location after rebalancing.

Initial Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a location.

Final Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a location after the transfers.

Final Need %

This measure displays the percentage of the need after rebalancing relative to the need before rebalancing.

Initial Surplus Units

This measure displays the initial surplus units at a location.

Final Surplus Units

This measure displays the initial surplus units at a location.

.Final Surplus %

This measure displays the percentage surplus after the transfer relative to the total units needed at a location.

Forecast Daily Rate of Sale Units

This measure displays the forecasted daily rate of sales in units at a location.

Initial DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the initial days of supply based on the forecast.

Final DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the initial days of supply based on the forecast.

Initial Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the initial lost sales units at a location calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the initial lost sales units at a location calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Initial Lost Sales $

This measure displays the initial lost sales value at a location calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales $

This measure displays the initial lost sales value at a location calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Final Lost Sales %

This measure displays the lost sales at a location calculated based on deficit units after the transfers relative to the total need at the location.

System Additional Sales $

This measure displays the difference between lost sales before and after rebalancing.

Parameters View

This Parameters View is located under the Summary tab. In this view, you can review the parameters that are setup for the store transfers.

Figure 21-66 Parameters View

Parameters View

Parameters View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Parameters view contains the following measures.

Rebalancing Type

Use this measure to select how the stock is rebalanced:

  • Need/Surplus - looks at the deficit need of the destination location and surplus at the source location.

  • DOS - tries to balance the Days of Stock (DOS) at every location.

  • Need/Surplus+DOS - tries to balance the need/surplus and after it runs the DOS balancing.

Surplus Above Layer

This measure allows you to select what portion of stock is considered surplus. For instance, if you select Layer 3, the surplus units include all units that are in Layers 4 and 5. Units in the Layers 3 and less can not be transferred.

Post Optimization

This measure allows you to determine if optimization should run during rebalancing when the rebalancing type is Need/Surplus+DOS.

Destination Sorting Key 1

Destination Sorting Key 2

Destination Sorting Key 3

Destination Sorting Key 4

In the Destination Sorting Key measures, you can specify the sorting attributes for destinations. Key 1 has the highest priority and the measures decrease in priority from Key 1 to Key 4. The attributes can be:

  • Layer - The destination location is sorted based on demand layer priority (Customer Order, Display, Minimum Crdible Quantity, Reorder Point, Reorder Up To Level).

  • Priority - User defined priority in the transfer link.

  • Layer percentage - Fill rate percentage on the demand layer.

  • Coverage - Days Of Stock.

Source Sorting Key 1

Source Sorting Key 2

Source Sorting Key 3

Source Sorting Key 4

In the Source Sorting Key measures, you can specify the sorting attributes for source locations. Key 1 has the highest priority and the measures decrease in priority from Key 1 to Key 4. The attributes can be:

  • Cost - Prioritizes the lowest cost.

  • Lead time - Prioritizes the fastest lead time.

  • User Out - User defined Transfer Out.

  • Priority - User defined priority in the transfer link.

  • Surplus - Prioritizes the highest surplus.

Item-Location View

This Item-Location View is located under the Transfers tab. In this view, you can set up the store transfers at the item location level.

Figure 21-67 Item-Location View

Item-Location View

Item-Location View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Item-Location view contains the following measures.

User Filter Product-Location

Product-Location Alerts

This measure indicates if an alert was triggered for an item-location.

Reviewed Product-Location

Total Available Units

This measure displays the total available units at an item-location.

Receipt Up to Level @ Today Units

Initial Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for an item-location combination.

Final Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for an item-location after the transfer.

System Transfer in Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred in calculated by the system.

System Transfer In

System Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred out calculated by the system.

System Transfer Out

Transfers To Be Approved

This measure is used to approve the transfers.

Ignore Replenishment Plan to Be Approved


This measure allows you to approve the rebalancing transfers.

Approved Transfer in Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred in for an item-location.

Approved Transfer In

This measure displays the list of source locations after rebalancing is approved.

Approved Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred out for an item-location.

Approved Transfer Out

Approved UserID

This measure displays the user ID of the user who approved the transfers.

Export Transfer in Units

This measure displays the exported number of units of the destination location after the batch is run.

Export Transfer In

This measure displays the list of source locations after the batch is run.

Export Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the exported number of units of the source location after the batch is run.

Export Transfer Out

This measure displays the list of destination locations after the batch is run.

Total Deficit Units

This measure displays the total deficit units for an item-location.

Total Deficit %

This measure displays the percentage deficit relative to the total units needed for an item-location.

Total Surplus Units

This measure displays the total surplus units for an item-location.

Total Surplus %

This measure displays the percentage surplus relative to the total units needed for an item-location.

In Transit over Lead Time+Review Time Units

This measure displays the units in transit over lead and review time for an item-location.

On Order (In) over Lead Time+Review Time Units

This measure displays the units on order over lead and review time for an item-location.

Items View

This Items View is located under the Transfers tab. In this view, you can review the change in KPIs, such as lost sales, as a result of the transfers, with the focus on products.

Figure 21-68 Items View

Items View

Items View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Items view contains the following measures.

Source Mask

This measure is used to decide which products can be transferred out.

Destination Mask

This measure is used to decide which products can be transferred in.

Item Mask

This measure displays if an item is eligible for transfer.

Unit Price $

This measure displays the unit price.

Availability Units

This measure displays the available units considering replenishment, manual transfers, and rebalancing.

Approved Transfer in Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred in.

Approved Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred out for an item-location.

Initial Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location before rebalancing.

Receipt Up to Level Units

This measure displays the Receipt Up To Level units as set up in the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

System Transfer in Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred in calculated by the system.

System Transfer In $

This measure displays the value of the units transferred in for a product.

System Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred out calculated by the system.


This measure allows you to approve the rebalancing transfers.

Approved UserID

This measure displays the user ID of the user who approved the transfers.

Approved Date

This measure displays the date of the approval of transfers.

Final Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location after rebalancing.

Initial Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a product.

Final Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a product after the transfer.

Final Need %

This measure displays the percentage of the need after rebalancing relative to the need before rebalancing.

Initial Surplus Units

This measure displays the initial surplus units for a product.

Final Surplus Units

This measure displays the surplus units for a product after the transfers.

Final Surplus %

This measure displays the percentage of surplus units relative to the total need.

Forecast Daily Rate of Sale Units

This measure displays the forecasted daily rate of sales in units.

Initial DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the initial days of supply based on the forecast.

Final DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the days of supply after the transfers.

Initial DOS MAD Duration (Days)

This measure displays the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock before rebalancing.

Final DOS MAD Duration (Days)

This measure displays the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock after rebalancing.

Final DOS MAD %

This measure displays the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock after rebalancing relative to the mean absolute deviation of the days of stock before rebalancing.

Initial Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the initial lost sales units for a product calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the lost sales units for a product calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Initial Lost Sales $

This measure displays the initial lost sales value for a product calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales $

This measure displays the lost sales value for a product calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Final Lost Sales %

This measure displays the percentage lost sales relative to the total units needed.

Links View

This Links View is located under the Transfers tab. In this view, you can manage metrics that define relationships between source and destination locations.

Figure 21-69 Links View

Links View

Links View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Links view contains the following measures.

Lead Time Duration (Days)

Use this measure to enter the transfer duration from source to destination.

Rebalancing Cost $

Use this measure to enter the transfer cost from source to destination.

Link Priority

Use this measure to enter the routing transfer priority

Locations View

This Locations View is located under the Transfers tab. In this view, you can review the change in KPIs, such as lost sales, as a result of the transfers, with the focus on locations.

Figure 21-70 Locations View

Locations View

Locations View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Locations view contains the following measures.

Source Mask

This measure Is used to decide which stores can transfer products out.

Destination Mask

This measure is used to decide which stores can have products transferred in.

Location Mask

This measure displays if a store is eligible for stock rebalancing.

Availability Units

This measure displays the available units considering replenishment, manual transfers, and rebalancing.

Approved Transfer in Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred in for a location.

Approved Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the approved number of units to be transferred out from a location.

Initial Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location before rebalancing.

Receipt Up to Level Units

This measure displays the Receipt Up To Level units as set up in the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

System Transfer in Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred into a location calculated by the system.

System Transfer In $

This measure displays the value of products be transferred into a location calculated by the system.

System Transfer Out Units

This measure displays the number of units to be transferred out of a location calculated by the system.


This measure allows you to approve the rebalancing transfers.

Approved UserID

This measure displays the user ID of the user who approved the transfers.

Approved Date

This measure displays the date of the approval of transfers.

Final Availability Units

This measure displays the available number of units in the destination location after rebalancing.

Initial Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a location.

Final Need Units

This measure displays the units needed for a location after the transfers.

Final Need %

This measure displays the percentage of the need after rebalancing relative to the need before rebalancing.

Initial Surplus Units

This measure displays the initial surplus units at a location.

Final Surplus Units

This measure displays the initial surplus units at a location.

Final Surplus %

This measure displays the percentage surplus after the transfer relative to the total units needed at a location.

Forecast Daily Rate of Sale Units

This measure displays the forecasted daily rate of sales in units at a location.

Initial DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the initial days of supply based on the forecast.

Final DOS Duration (Days)

This measure displays the initial days of supply based on the forecast.

Initial Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the initial lost sales units at a location calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales Units

This measure displays the lost sales units at a location calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Initial Lost Sales $

This measure displays the initial lost sales value at a location calculated based on deficit units.

Final Lost Sales $

This measure displays the lost sales value at a location calculated based on deficit units after the transfers.

Final Lost Sales %

This measure displays the lost sales at a location calculated based on deficit units after the transfers relative to the total need at the location.

Parameters View

This Parameters View is located under the Transfers tab. In this view, you can set the parameters that are used during rebalancing process.

Figure 21-71 Parameters View

Parameters View

Parameters View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Parameters view contains the following measures.

Rebalancing Type

Use this measure to select how the stock is rebalanced:

  • Need/Surplus - looks at the deficit need of the destination location and surplus at the source location.

  • DOS - tries to balance the Days of Stock (DOS) at every location.

  • Need/Surplus+DOS - tries to balance the need/surplus and after it runs the DOS balancing.

Surplus Above Layer

This measure allows you to select what portion of stock is considered surplus. For instance, if you select Layer 3, the surplus units include all units that are in Layers 4 and 5. Units in the Layers 3 and less can not be transferred.

Post Optimization

This measure allows you to determine if optimization should run during rebalancing when the rebalancing type is Need/Surplus+DOS.

Destination Sorting Key 1

Destination Sorting Key 2

Destination Sorting Key 3

Destination Sorting Key 4

In the Destination Sorting Key measures, you can specify the sorting attributes for destinations. Key 1 has the highest priority and the measures decrease in priority from Key 1 to Key 4. The attributes can be:

  • Layer - The destination location is sorted based on demand layer priority (Customer Order, Display, Minimum Crdible Quantity, Reorder Point, Reorder Up To Level).

  • Priority - User defined priority in the transfer link.

  • Layer percentage - Fill rate percentage on the demand layer.

  • Coverage - Days Of Stock.

Source Sorting Key 1

Source Sorting Key 2

Source Sorting Key 3

Source Sorting Key 4

In the Source Sorting Key measures, you can specify the sorting attributes for source locations. Key 1 has the highest priority and the measures decrease in priority from Key 1 to Key 4. The attributes can be:

  • Cost - Prioritizes the lowest cost.

  • Lead time - Prioritizes the fastest lead time.

  • User Out - User defined Transfer Out.

  • Priority - User defined priority in the transfer link.

  • Surplus - Prioritizes the highest surplus.

Rebalancing Action Buttons

This view includes these action buttons:

  • Calculate Rebalancing

    This action button initiates the rebalancing calculations.

  • Clear Rebalancing

    This action button resets the numbers generated by the Calculate Rebalancing action.

  • Approve

    This action button approves the store transfers calculated by clicking the Calculate Rebalancing action.

  • Undo Approve

    This action button clears the Approved measure, and the approved transfers measures

Plan Transfer Step

In this step, you can identify deficit and surplus inventory across locations and plan inventory transfers between locations when necessary/required. This step contains these views:

Allowed Transfer View

The Allowed Transfer View, under the Allowed Transfer tab, shows you what locations are allowed to have transfers. You can manage a location matrix using the Manage Allowed Transfer workspace under the Administration activity where you can select if a transfer between the locations in the matrix is allowed or not. The columns in the worksheet represent the transfers’ destination location and the rows represent the transfers’ source location.

Figure 21-72 Allowed Transfer View

Allowed Transfer View

Allowed Transfer View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Allowed Transfer view contains the following measure.

Transfer Enable

The Transfer Enable allows or disallows transfers between source locations and destination locations. When selected, transfers are allowed. When clear, transfers are not allowed. The Transfer Enable measure can be edited and managed using the Manage Allowed Transfer workspace under the Administration activity.

Transfer Deficit Analysis View

The Transfer Deficit Analysis View, under the Deficit Surplus Analysis tab, allows you to review what stores and products have an inventory deficit. This provides you with the necessary information to support planning of transfers between locations to balance the inventory levels across the locations.

Figure 21-73 Transfer Deficit Analysis View

Transfer Deficit Analysis View

Transfer Deficit Analysis View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Transfer Deficit Analysis view contains the following measure.

Tot. Deficit Units

The Tot. Deficit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the amount of deficit units for the product and location combination. The values are calculated based on the RUTL calculated at the system date and the available inventory. When the available inventory is not enough for the RUTL then there is a deficit.

Transfer Surplus Analysis View

The Transfer Surplus Analysis View, under the Deficit Surplus Analysis tab, allows you to review what stores and products have an inventory excess/surplus. This provides you with the necessary information to support planning of transfers between locations to balance the inventory levels across the locations.

Figure 21-74 Transfer Surplus Analysis View

Transfer Surplus Analysis View

Transfer Surplus Analysis View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Transfer Surplus Analysis view contains the following measures.

Tot. Surplus Units

The Tot. Surplus Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of surplus units for the product and location combination. The values are calculated based on the RUTL calculated at the system date and the available inventory. When there is more available inventory than necessary to fulfill the RUTL then there is a surplus.

PROD SLOC Man. Filter

The PROD SLOC Man. Filter is an editable measure used to apply a filter to the Transfer Surplus From-To view by the selected product and source location combination. When a product and location combination is selected and after the workspace calculation (either Calculate or F9) is run, the views are filtered based on the selected product and location combinations.

Transfer by Destination View

The Transfer by Destination View, under the Manual Transfer tab, allows you to review replenishment and transfers from a destination location perspective. This view provides approved and exported replenishment and transfers to support the review. Inventory information is also available.

Figure 21-75 Transfer by Destination View

Transfer by Destination View

Transfer by Destination View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Transfer by Destination view contains the following measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan In Units under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view, in the Default Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan In Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Transfer In Units

The Appr. Transfer In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units approved for the product and destination location combination.

Exp. Transfer Plan In Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

Tot. On Order (in) Units

The Tot. On Order (in) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (in) Units, in the Measures: Inventory Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Appr. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units

The Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units is the same as the one in the availability profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Exp. Rpl. Plan Out Units, in the Measures: Availability Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Appr. Transfer Out Units

The Appr. Transfer Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units approved for the product and location combination.

Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Tot. On Order (out) Units

The Tot. On Order (out) Units is the same as the one in the inventory profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. On Order (out) Units, in the Measures: Inventory Profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Avail. Units

The Tot. Avail. Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, Tot. Avail. Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Avail. Dur (w)

The Tot. Avail. Dur (w) is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of weeks that the Tot. Avail. Unit can cover the demand for the product and location combination.

RUTL @ Today Units

The RUTL @ Today Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view. Refer to the measure, RUTL @ Today Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the SKU-LOC Level (R & A) view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Deficit Units

The Tot. Deficit Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the Transfer Deficit Analysis view. Refer to the measure, Tot. Deficit Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the Transfer Deficit Analysis view in the Default Profile Measures.

Tot. Surplus Units

The Tot. Surplus Units is the same as the one in the default profile under the Transfer Surplus Analysis view. Refer to the measure, Tot. Surplus Units, in the Default Profile Measures under the Transfer Surplus Analysis view, for more details.

Transfer Plan In Units

The Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units planned for the product and destination location combination (for example, populated when a deficit location has a transfer planned to receive inventory from another location).

Transfer Plan Out Units

The Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units planned for the product and source location combination (for example, populated when a surplus location has a transfer planned to send inventory to another location).

Transfer Avail. Alert

The Transfer Avail. Alert is a calculated measure used to indicate that an alert was triggered by the transfer.

Transfer by Product View

The Transfer by Product View, under the Manual Transfer tab, allows you to review transfers from a product perspective. This view provides you with planned and approved transfer information.

Figure 21-76 Transfer by Product View

Transfer by Product View

Transfer by Product View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Transfer by Product view contains the following measures.

Transfer Avail. Units

The Transfer Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total inventory quantity available at the location, for the product, that is available after the planned transfers. This calculation takes into account the available inventory at the location plus the planned transfers, in and out, for the location.

Transfer Deficit Units

The Transfer Deficit Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the amount of deficit units for the product and location combination. The values are calculated based on the RUTL calculated at the system date and the available inventory. When the available inventory is not enough for the RUTL then there is a deficit.

Transfer Surplus Units

The Transfer Surplus Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the number of surplus units for the product and location combination. The values are calculated based on the RUTL calculated at the system date and the available inventory. When there is more available inventory than necessary to fulfill the RUTL then there is a surplus.

Transfer Plan In Units

The Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units planned for the product and destination location combination (for example, populated when a deficit location has a transfer planned to receive inventory from another location).

Transfer Plan Out Units

The Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units planned for the product and source location combination (for example, populated when a surplus location has a transfer planned to send inventory to another location).

Appr. Transfer In Units

The Appr. Transfer In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units approved for the product and destination location combination.

Appr. Transfer Out Units

The Appr. Transfer Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units approved for the product and location combination.

Exp. Transfer Plan In Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan In Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all destination locations for the product.

Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan Out Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the source location’s transfer units to be exported from the batch for the product and location combination. In this view, the value is the total of all locations for the product.

Transfer Deficit From-To View

The Transfer Deficit From-To View, under the Manual Transfer tab, allows you to review and manage, from the destination locations perspective, the transfers from surplus locations to deficit locations.

Figure 21-77 Transfer Deficit From-To View

Transfer Deficit From-To View

Transfer Deficit From-To View - Default Profile Measures

The Default measure profile available in the Transfer Deficit From-To view contains the following measures.

Assort. @ Dst.

The Assort. @ Dst. is a calculated measure used to indicate if the transfer is allowed between the locations for the product and the destination location has the product assorted. When selected, the transfer is allowed and the product and location is assorted. When clear, either the transfer is not allowed between the locations or the product is not assorted at the destination location.

Avail. @ Dst. Units

The Avail. @ Dst. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total inventory units available for the product at the destination location.

Deficit @ Dst. Units

The Deficit @ Dst. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate a deficit of units for the product at the destination location.

Tot. Src. Avail. Units

The Tot. Src. Avail. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the total inventory units available for the product at the source location.

Surplus @ Src. Units

The Surplus @ Src. Units is a calculated measure used to indicate a surplus of units for the product at the source location.

Transfer Action

The Transfer Action is an editable measure used to indicate, for product and location combinations, the transfer method for the calculation. Valid values are:

  • Avail

    When this option is selected all available inventory at the source location is transferred.

  • Avail + End

    When this option is selected all available inventory at the source location is transferred and the system stops the assortment at the source location.

  • Spls -> Dfct

    When this option is selected the destination location deficit is fulfilled (or reduced) with the surplus inventory from the source location.

  • Avail -> Dfct

    When this option is selected the destination location deficit is fulfilled (or reduced) with the available inventory from the source location.

  • Spls

    When this option is selected only the surplus inventory from the source location is moved to the destination location.

  • Undo

    When this option is selected, the last action or transfer is undone.

Sys. Transfer Plan Units

The Sys. Transfer Plan Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the transfer of units between the source location and the destination location when there is a surplus that can be transferred from the source location to the destination location. This measure is also recalculated by the Transfers action button.

Transfer Plan Units

The Transfer Plan Units is an editable measure used to enter manually the number of units to be transferred from the source location to the destination location. This measure can also be overridden or calculated by the Calculate Transfer Plan action button. It populates or overrides the measure with the number of units to be transferred from the source location to the destination location by taking into account the transfer method selected in the measure Transfer Action.

Appr. Transfer Units

The Appr. Transfer Units is a calculated measure used to indicate the planned transfers that were approved. The Transfer Plan Units value is copied to this measure by the Approve Transfers action button.

Exp. Transfer Plan Units

The Exp. Transfer Plan Units indicates the exported manual location transfers order (in units).

Transfer Off Source

When the Transfer Off Source is set to True, then the transfer calculation turns off the assortment of the item from the source location by updating the assortment end date to today's date. This is also set to True automatically if the Transfer action is Avail + End.

A use case of this is when an item needs to be moved from Store A to Store B and Store A will never replenish that item again. You can set the Transfer Off Source so that after transferring the item, it turns off the assortment to Store A. Alternatively, you can use the Transfer action, Avail + End, to automatically transfer all of the available units from Store A to Store B and then turn off the assortment to Store A.

Transfer Surplus From-To View

The Transfer Surplus From-To View, under the Manual Transfer tab, allows you to review and manage, from the source locations perspective, the transfers from surplus locations to deficit locations. This view contains the same measures as the deficit view. For more details regarding the measures description, refer to the Transfer Deficit From-To view.

Figure 21-78 Transfer Surplus From-To View

Transfer Surplus From-To View

Filter Step

In this step you can set up filters to filter the views within the Review & Approved workspace. This step contains these views:

Attribute Filter Setup View

The Attribute Filter Setup View, under the Filter tab, is similar to the Filter Attribute view within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. The difference is that the filter, in this step, is applied to the Review & Approved workspace views in a similar way to how they are described in the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. For more details regarding the view and the measures, refer to the Filter Attribute view in the Filters step within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace.

Figure 21-79 Attribute Filter Setup View

Attribute Filter Setup View

Calendar Filter Setup View

The Calendar Filter View, under the Filter tab, is similar to the Filter Calendar view within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. The difference is that the filter, in this step, is applied to the Review & Approve workspace views in a similar way to how they are described in the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. For more details regarding the view and the measures, refer to the Filter Calendar view in the Filters step within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace.

Figure 21-80 Calendar Filter Setup View

Calendar Filter Setup View

Filter Setup View

This view allows you to define the conditions for the rules based in product, location, and product-location attributes. A rule condition is what allows the engine to find the product and location combinations where the rule is applicable.

Figure 21-81 Filter Setup View

Filter Setup View

Filter Setup View - Default Profile Measures

The Filter Setup view contains the following measures.

Condition Attribute

The Condition Attribute measure allows you to select the attribute for the condition, The attributes for the rules are assigned in the Attribute Review workspace.

Within Cond Op

The Within Cond Op measure allows you to specify the operator to be used inside the condition.

Table 21-2 Within Cond Op Measure Available Operators

Possible Operators Descriptions Example


Checks if the attribute value is equal with the Condition Value

brand == Private Label


Checks if the attribute value is different from the Condition Value

average sales != 0


Checks if the attribute value is larger than the Condition Value

Average sales >5


Checks if the attribute value is larger or equal to the Condition Value


Checks if the attribute value is less than the Condition Value

Standard deviation of sales <6


Checks if the attribute value is less or equal to the Condition Value


not contain


not match

Cond Value

The Cond Value measure is used when the type of the attribute is numeric. Example: average sales > 10

Cond Value String

The Cond Value String measure is used when the type of the attribute is a string. Example: brand == Private Label

Cond Value Measure

The value of the Cond Value measure is a measure name, which is populated by an expression that let’s you refine the condition value. For instance private label versus non-private label.

This measure is used when you want to refine the condition value.

For instance, for the coffee items, except Private Label, you want to assign items to the rule that sell more than 50 per week. For Private Label items you may want the value to be 100. You need to populate your Condition measure with a value of 100 for all Private Label items, and the rest of the coffee items with 50.

Cond Value Date

The Cond Value Date measure is used when the type of the attribute is a date. Example: today >= 02/30/2024"

Between Cond Op

Within a rule there can be multiple conditions and also multiple condition groups. This is specified in the Cond Group measure. Conditions with the same Cond Group value belong to the same group.

For example, if a rule has 4 conditions, Conditions 1 and 2 can belong to condition group 1, and conditions 3 and 4 can belong to the condition group 2. Also, the Cond Order measure gives the ranking of the conditions inside the group.

The following table is an assumed use case:

Table 21-3 Between Cond Op Assumed Use Case

Condition Between Con Op Cond Order Cond Group

Condition 1




Condition 2




Condition 3




Condition 4



The value for the Between Cond Op can be the logical operators AND or OR.

The conditions are evaluated first inside a condition group and then between groups. In the previous case, the resulting condition is:

(Condition 1 AND Condition 2) OR (Condition 3 OR Condition 4)

Here is an example where all conditions belong to the same condition group:

Table 21-4 Example: All Conditions Belong to the Same Condition Group

Condition Between Con Op Cond Order Cond Group

Condition 1




Condition 2




Condition 3




Condition 4



The resulting condition for the rule is given by:

Condition 1 AND Condition 2 OR Condition 3 OR Condition 4

Note that the conditions are evaluated in the order given by the values in the Cond Order measure.

Cond Order

The Cond Order measure displays the order in which conditions are evaluated, wither independently or inside a condition group.

Cond Group

The Cond Group measure allows you to group conditions. This is useful when you want to evaluate conditions in a two-step process. First, the conditions are evaluated inside groups. In the second step, the group results are evaluated .

Validation Result

The Validation Result measure displays the condition expressions that are validated.

Invalid Flag

The Invalid Flag measure indicates if a condition is invalid.

Valid Flag

The Valid Flag measure indicates if a condition is valid.

Filter Statistics View

The Filter Statistics View, under the Filter tab, is similar to the Filter Statistics view within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. The difference is that the filter, in this step, is applied to the Review & Approve workspace views in a similar way to how they are described in the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. For more details regarding the view and the measures, refer to the Filter Statistics view in the Filters step within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace

Figure 21-82 Filter Statistics View

Filter Statistics View

Quick Filter View

The Quick Filter View, under the Filter tab, allows you to review and configure the filter to be applied to the views within the Review & Approve workspace. In this view, you can check filter statistics and configure the filter to be applied to the product, location, and calendar hierarchies (for example, calendar horizon, string search in product attributes, and so on). Once that a change is performed it is applied after running the workspace calculation (either Calculate or F9).

Figure 21-83 Quick Filter View

Quick Filter View

Quick Filter View - Default Profile Measures

The Quick Filter view contains the following measures.

All PROD-LOC Count

The All PROD-LOC Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of product and location combinations assorted.

Main Filter PROD - LOC Count

The Main Filter PROD - LOC Count is a calculated measure used to indicate the total number of product and location combinations that were filtered by the filter configured in this view.

Main Filter PROD - LOC %

The Main Filter PROD - LOC % is a calculated measure used to indicate, in percentage, how much the filtered product and location combinations represent on the total count of product and location combinations assorted

User Filter PROD-LOC

The User Filter PROD-LOC is an editable measure used to restrict the filter by the product and location combinations when the measure User Filter PROD-LOC is selected.

PROD SLOC Man. Filter

The PROD SLOC Man. Filter is an editable measure used to filter the relevant product and location in the manual transfer view.

Filter To-Be-Revwd

The Filter To-Be-Revwd is an editable measure used to add in the filter a condition to display only product and location combinations with alert hits that still need to be reviewed by you.

Filter By Pack Type

The Filter By Pack Type is an editable measure used to define the type of packs that the filter should include in the condition. Valid values are:

  • Both

    When selected, the filter includes all pack products – Simple and Complex pack types.

  • Simple

    When selected, the filter only includes simple pack type products.

  • Complex

    When selected, the filter only includes complex pack type products.

PROD Search All

The PROD Search All is an editable measure used to define the string to search in all product attributes. Note that the label is a product attribute.

LOC Search All

The LOC Search All is an editable measure used to define the string to search in all location attributes. Note that the label is a location attribute.

PROD-LOC Search All

The PROD-LOC Search All is an editable measure used to define the string to search in all product-location-attributes (for example, lifecycle).

Filter Horizon Past Weeks Dur (weeks)

The Filter Horizon Past Weeks Dur (weeks) is an editable measure used to indicate the number of past weeks that should be displayed in the views where the calendar is available (for example, Inventory planning views). The relevant views are filtered by based on the number of weeks specified here.

Filter Horizon Future Weeks Dur (weeks)

The Filter Horizon Future Weeks Dur (weeks) is an editable measure used to indicate the number of future weeks that should be displayed in the views where the calendar is available (for example, Inventory planning views). The relevant views are filtered by based on the number of weeks specified here.


Once the workspace calculation is run (either Calculate or F9), the relevant views are filtered based on the filter set up completed in this view.

Review & Approve Action Buttons

The Review & Approve workspace has the following action buttons available:

  • Seed User Filter

    Use the Seed User Filter action button to seed the User Filter from a specified alert which populates the Boolean User Filter measure.

  • Run Filters

    Use the Run Filters action button for applying the filters in the Review & Approve workspace based on the filter set up completed in the Filter step. For example, filter based on the User Filter measures.

  • Clear Filters

    Use the Clear Filters action button for to remove all filters applied to the views within the Review & Approve workspace.

  • Reload Parameters

    Use the Reload Parameters action button to reload, from the domain into the workspace, all the replenishment parameters that are managed in the Replenishment Parameters workspace.

  • Synchronize Forecast

    Use the Synchronize Forecast action button to reload the latest adjusted forecast from the domain into the workspace and re-calculate the forecast aggregation measures (for example, Fcst W+0 to W+2 Units). It is primarily used when 'what if' scenarios are being worked on.

  • Calculate Plan

    Use the Calculate Plan action button to calculate the replenishment for all the products and locations in the workspace’s scope using the set up and parameters available within the Review & Approve workspace. Using this action button you can change the replenishment parameters, by overriding the original values, and complete a what-if scenario to check the impact on replenishment results.

  • Replenishment Approval

    Use the Replenishment Approval action button to approve all product and location replenishments that are selected to be approved. When the product and location combination is selected to be approved (measure Appr. Rpl. Plan) then the system replenishment is copied to the approved replenishment.

  • Within Day Exp. Refresh

    Use the Within Day Exp. Refresh action button to refresh the exported transfers and inventory plan measures by pulling the values from the domain. Typically, this action is run after the intra-day batch to export transfers and inventory plan is run.

  • Visual Assortment

    Use the Visual Assortment action button to calculate the images across the planning calendar in the workspace’s scope. This provides you with a visual for the assortment across the calendar.

  • Calculate Inventory Plan

    Use the Calculate Inventory Plan action button to calculate the weekly inventory plan for all the products and locations in the workspace’s scope using the inventory plan parameters available within the A & R workspace. Using this action button, you can, for example, change the inventory plan parameters, by overriding the original values, and complete a what-if scenario to check the impact in the weekly inventory plan results.

  • Plan Approval

    Use the Plan Approval action button to approve all the products, locations and weeks’ inventory plans that are selected to be approved. When the product, location, and week combination is selected to be approved (measure Appr. Plan (Wk)) then the system inventory plan is copied to the approved inventory plan. This action button also populates the audit measures that allows you to know when the action was taken and by whom.

  • Calculate Transfer Plan

    Use the Calculate Transfer Plan action button to calculate the transfers from the source locations to the destination locations based on the transfer set up completed in the Transfer Step views (for example, allowed transfer locations matrix, units of deficit or surplus).

  • Approve Transfers

    Use the Approve Transfers action button to approve all the calculated transfers from the source locations to the destination locations. Specific transfers cannot be chosen by you. All planned transfers within the workspace scope are approved.

  • Clear Transfers

    Use the Clear Transfers action button to clear all the planned transfers. It cleans the transfer action and the in and out planned transfer units.

User Filter View

The User Filter View, under the Filter tab, is similar to the User Filter view within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. The difference is that the filter, in this step, is applied to the Review & Approve workspace views in a similar way to how they are described in the Manage Alert Parameters workspace. For more details regarding the view and the measures, refer to the User Filter view in the Filters step within the Manage Alert Parameters workspace.

Figure 21-84 User Filter View

User Filter View