Access OCI IAM

Once you receive your welcome e-mail, it is recommended that you, as the system administrator, log into the OCI IAM console to verify your access and set a new password. You will also be assigned the application administrator groupFoot 1 for each Merchandising service in both your production and pre-production environments. Note that the group for pre-production will have an added extension (_PREPROD) in order to differentiate between the two. These should not be deleted.

It is also recommended that you add additional administrators in order to have a backup administrator and share in user management administration, as at this point no one else in your organization will have access to OCI IAM or the Merchandising solutions. For assistance in creating users or adding them to groups, see the following documents:


You may notice that there are a number of other user IDs set up in OCI IAM for Merchandising (for example, bdi_admin, jos_admin). These users were seeded by the Oracle Cloud Operations team for use in Merchandising batch and integration processes. These users will be managed by the Oracle Cloud Operations team.

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1:

Group is the equivalent of role in the Merchandising security setup.