Calculate Weekly/Monthly Income Based on Turnover (dealinc)

Module Name



Calculate Weekly/Monthly Income Based on Turnover

Functional Area


Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This program generates income for each item/location for bill-back deals.

Dealinc.pc retrieves deal attributes and actuals data from the deals tables for complex deals. It then calculates the income and will update the actuals table with the calculated income value. Additionally the program will insert the income value into the TEMP_TRAN_DATA table using the tran types deal sales and deal purchases.

Subsequent programs will run to perform forecast processing for active deals and to roll up TEMP_TRAN_DATA rows inserted by the multiple instances of this module and insert/update DAILY_DATA with the summed values and then insert details from TEMP_TRAN_DATA into TRAN_DATA. Income is calculated by retrieving threshold details for each deal component and determining how to perform the calculation (that is, Linear/Scalar, Actuals Earned/Pro-Rate).


A commit will take place after the number of deals records processed is equal to the commit max counter from the RESTART_CONTROL table.

Design Assumptions