Create Transfers for Mass Return Transfer (mrt)

Module Name



Create Transfers for Mass Return Transfer

Functional Area

Transfers, Allocations and RTVs

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This batch program creates individual transfers for each ‘from' location on an approved Mass Return Transfer. Transfers will be created in approved status, however for MRTs with a Quantity Type of ‘Manual', meaning the MRT was created for a specific quantity rather than ‘All Inventory', if the SOH at the sending location is lower than the requested quantity the status will be created in Input status. In addition, if the Transfer Not After Date specified on the MRT is earlier than or equal to the current date, the status of the associated transfers will also be set to Input.


The logical unit of work is a from/to location combination. This may represent a transfer of multiple items from a location (store or warehouse) to a warehouse, depending on how the MRT was created. Restart/recovery is based on from/to location as well. The batch program uses the restart all locations view to thread processing by warehouse (to location).

Design Assumptions