Evaluate Transactions and Totals based on Client Defined Rules (sarules)

Module Name



Evaluate Transactions and Totals based on Client Defined Rules

Functional Area

Oracle Retail Sales Audit

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

Evaluating rules is integral to the sales auditing process. Rules make the comparisons between data from various sources. These comparisons find data errors that could be the result of either honest mistakes or fraud. Finding these mistakes during the sales auditing process prevents these errors from being passed on to merchandising and data warehouse systems.

Rules in Sales Audit are dynamic. Aside from basic data validations, rules are not predefined in the system. Retailers have the ability to define them through the online Rule Definition Wizard. Errors uncovered by these rules are available for review online during the interactive audit process. After you modify existing rules or create new ones, they become part of the rules the next time that sarules.pc runs.


The logical unit of work for this program is a SA_STORE_DAY record. Records are committed to the database when the commit_max_ctr defined for SARULES on the RESTART_CONTROL table is reached. This program achieves inherent restart/recovery due to the fact that store/day records that are processed will be updated to an audit_status of A (audited), H (HQ errors pending), or S (store errors pending) and will not be fetched by the driving cursor when the program restarts.

Design Assumptions