Purge Aged Purchase Orders (ordprg)

Module Name



Purge Aged Purchase Orders

Functional Area

Purchase Orders

Module Type


Module Technology


Catalog ID


Runtime Parameters



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

The purpose of this module is to remove old purchase orders from the system.

If importing is not enabled in the system (as defined by the import system indicator = ‘N') and if invoice matching is not installed, then all details associated with an order are deleted when the order has been closed for more months than specified in ‘Order History Months' purge parameter. Orders will only be deleted if all allocations associated, if any, have been closed.

If invoice matching is installed, then all details associated with an order are deleted when the order has been closed for more months than specified in the ‘Order History Months' purge parameter. Orders are deleted only if allocations associated have been closed, shipments from the order have been completely matched to invoices or closed, and all those invoices have been posted.

If importing is enabled in the system (as defined by the import system indicator = ‘Y') and if invoice matching is not installed, then all details associated with the order are deleted when the order has been closed for more months than specified in the ‘Order History Months' purge option. This action presupposes that all ALC records associated with an order are in ‘Processed' status, specified in ALC_HEAD (status) and allocations associated to the order, if any, have been closed.

If invoice matching is installed, then all details associated with an order are deleted when the order has been closed for more months than specified in the ‘Order History Months' purge parameter. This action presupposes that all ALC records associated with an order are in ‘Processed' status, specified in ALC_HEAD (status), all allocations associated to the order, if any, have been closed, all shipments from the order have been completely matched to invoices or closed, and all those invoices have been posted.

If the order to be purged is an import PO and it doesn't have a letter of credit (LC) then purge the related records related to obligations, ALC and ICB transfers.


Restart ability will be implied, because the records that are selected from the driving cursor will be deleted before the commit. Restart library functions will still be included to ensure that rollback segments are not exceeded (by committing at intervals) and to perform basic record keeping functionality.

Design Assumptions