ROQ Calculation and Distribution for Item/Locs Replenished from WH (reqext)

Module Name



ROQ Calculation and Distribution for Item/Locations Replenished from Warehouse

Functional Area


Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Runtime Parameters



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This module performs the automatic replenishment of items from warehouses to stores. It runs through every item-store combination set to be reviewed on the current day, and calculates the quantity of the item, known as the recommended order quantity (ROQ) that needs to be transferred to the store (if any). In addition, it distributes this ROQ over any applicable alternate items associated with the item.

Once the transfer quantity of an item has been calculated, transfers are created and records are written to the replenishment results tablebased on the replenishment order control indicator. For franchise stores, separate transfers are created based on the need date and will be linked back to a Franchise Order through the Franchise Order Number field.

This batch will also insert records into the respective tables for supporting the localization feature. This will be applicable only if localizations are enabled.

The pre-processing function of this batch in prepost will create transfer header records for unique combinations of warehouse and store, stock category and department.

The post-processing function of this batch will update the transfer status to Approved.


The logical unit of work is an item/source warehouse. Restart/recovery is achieved implicitly because item/location replenishment records that have been processed are updated with a last review date and only records that have not been reviewed today will be picked up by the driving cursor again. Records will be committed to the database when the maximum commit counter defined in the restart control table is reached. During the night run the batch processed only those store order records with delivery slot. The review dates are not updated during day run. During night all the records are processed irrespective of the delivery slots.

Design Assumptions