Like Store Batch Processing (likestorebatch)

Module Name



Like Store Batch Processing

Functional Area


Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This batch program is used to process stores from the store add staging table with like stores to copy attributes and items from an existing store to a new store.

Previously, the like store functionality was also processed within the store add asynchronous process. However, this posed an issue when the like store process abnormally ends, which will hold up the store add process. There was also a performance consideration with the like store process, as it was possible that a single like store can have millions of items, which will take a long time to process, thus preventing the store add asynchronous process to process new records. The like store process has been decoupled from the store add program and now runs as a separate hourly batch job, removing the dependency between both processes.

The like store batch program picks up all rows from the store add staging table wherein the process status is set to 02STOREADD_POST and the like store column is populated. It will then gather all items associated to the like store and explode this to the like store staging table and process all the inserted records by chunk. Chunking is based on the system parameter maximum chunk size, and it should be noted that there is no sorting or grouping done when chunking the rows.

For each chunk, records are inserted into the temporary table for store add, which will serve as the driving table for the like store process of each thread.

For each successfully processed chunk, it will delete all the matching rows from the like store staging table. Once all rows are processed, the process status column is updated for the specific store, depending on whether there are records remaining in the like store staging table for that store. If there are no more entries for a store, then the store will be deleted from the store add table. If there are entries remaining, then the status will be updated to 05LIKESTORE_FAIL.


In case of failure, the like store batch will not pick up any new entries from the store add table until the issue has been rectified. Errors are determined by looking up like store staging, if there are any rows left from the previous run. Successfully processed records are deleted from the staging table.

Design Assumptions