Duty Definitions

For ease of mapping privileges to roles, privileges are logically grouped into duties. Duties may contain one or more privileges as well as other duties.

Table 3-1 lists the privileges and nested duties contained in each of the predefined duties provided in the default security configuration:

Table 3-1 Duty Definitions

Functional Area Duty Duty Description Duties and Privileges Contained Within

Administration - Application Navigator

Allocation Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Allocation link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access.

No duties or privileges are contained in this duty Assigning the duty to a role grants the user access

Administration - Application Navigator

Invoice Matching Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Invoice Matching link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access.

No duties or privileges are contained in this duty Assigning the duty to a role grants the user access

Administration - Application Navigator

Sales Audit Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Sales Audit link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access.

No duties or privileges are contained in this duty Assigning the duty to a role grants the user access

Administration - Application Navigator

Merchandising Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Merchandising link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access.

No duties or privileges are contained in this duty Assigning the duty to a role grants the user access

Administration - Application Navigator

Pricing Global Menu Duty

This is a duty that is used to grant access to the Pricing link in the Application Navigator in the sidebar menu. There are no privileges within the duty, associating this duty to a role will grant access.

No duties or privileges are contained in this duty Assigning the duty to a role grants the user access

Administration - Asynchronous Jobs

Asynchronous Job Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the asynchronous job log.

View Asynchronous Jobs Priv

Administration - Asynchronous Jobs

Asynchronous Job Management Duty

A duty for managing asynchronous jobs including future cost events. This duty is an extension of the Asynchronous Job Inquiry Duty.

Asynchronous Job Inquiry Duty

Maintain Asynchronous Jobs Priv

Administration - Custom Flex Attributes

Custom Flex Attributes Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing custom flex attribute (CFAS) definitions

View Custom Flex Attributes Priv

Administration - Custom Flex Attributes

Custom Flex Attributes Management Duty

A duty for maintaining custom flex attribute (CFAS) definitions. This duty is an extension of the Custom Flex Attributes Inquiry Duty.

Custom Flex Attributes Inquiry Duty

Maintain Custom Flex Attributes Priv

Administration - Custom Validation Rules

Custom Validation Rule Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing Custom Validation Rules.

Search Custom Validation Rules Priv

View Custom Validation Rules Priv

Administration - Custom Validation Rules

Custom Validation Rule Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting Custom Validation Rules. This duty is an extension of the Custom Validation Rule Inquiry Duty.

Custom Validation Rule Inquiry Duty

Maintain Custom Validation Rules Priv

Submit Custom Validation Rules Priv

Administration - Custom Validation Rules

Custom Validation Rule Approval Duty

A duty for approving Custom Validation Rules. This duty is an extension of the Custom Validation Rule Management Duty.

Custom Validation Rule Management Duty

Approve Custom Validation Rules Priv

Administration - Data Loading Template Configuration

Data Loading Template Configuration Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing data loading template configurations.

View Data Loading Template Configurations Priv

Administration - Data Loading Template Configuration

Data Loading Template Configuration Management Duty

A duty for copying and maintaining data loading template configurations. This duty is an extension of the Data Loading Template Configuration Inquiry Duty.

Data Loading Template Configuration Inquiry Duty

Maintain Data Loading Template Configurations Priv

Administration - Data Viewer

Data via Application Express Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing data directly in the database via Oracle Application Express (APEX).

View Database via Application Express Priv

Administration - Report Options

Report Options Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing dashboard and contextual BI report configuration options.

View Report Options Priv

Administration - Report Options

Report Options Management Duty

A duty for maintaining dashboard and contextual BI report configuration options. This duty is an extension of the Report Options Inquiry Duty.

Report Options Inquiry Duty

Maintain Report Options Priv

Administration - Settings Administrator Console

Administrator Security Console Duty

A duty for accessing the ORAAC Security folder and tasks under this folder on the Settings menu. This duty can only be assigned to the Application Administrator role provided in the default security configuration.

No duties or privileges are contained in this duty. Assigning the duty to a role grants the user access

Administration - Settings Menu

Settings Menu Duty

A duty for accessing the Settings menu in the sidebar navigation menu, with all non-security related folders and links. This duty can only be assigned to the Application Administrator role provided in the default security configuration.

No duties or privileges are contained in this duty. Assigning the duty to a role grants the user access

Administration - System Options

Application Admin Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing application administrative information including system options.

View Application Administration Priv

Administration - System Options

Application Admin Management Duty

A duty for maintaining application administration information, including system options. This duty is an extension of the Application Admin Inquiry Duty.

Application Admin Inquiry Duty

Maintain Application Administration Priv

Administration - Translations

Centralized Data Translation Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing data translations via a centralized online screen.

View Translations Priv

Administration - Translations

Centralized Data Translation Management Duty

A duty for maintaining data translations via a centralized online screen. This duty is an extension of the Centralized Data Translation Inquiry Duty.

Centralized Data Translation Inquiry Duty

Maintain Translations Priv

Administration - Web Service Access

Service Access Duty

A duty for the ability to execute ReST services in the Merchandising application.

Merchandising Service Access Priv

Administration - Web Service Configuration

Web Service Configuration Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing web service configurations.

View Web Service Configurations Priv

Administration - Web Service Configuration

Web Service Configuration Management Duty

A duty for maintaining web service configurations. This duty is an extension of the Web Service Configuration Inquiry Duty.

Web Service Configuration Inquiry Duty

Maintain Web Service Configurations Priv


Contract Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing Contracts.

Search Contracts PrivView Contracts Priv


Contract Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting contracts. This duty is an extension of the Contract Inquiry Duty.

Contract Inquiry Duty

Maintain Contracts Priv

Submit Contracts Priv


Contract Approval Duty

A duty for approving contracts. This duty is an extension of the Contract Management Duty.

Contract Management Duty

Approve Contracts Priv

Cost Changes

Cost Change Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing item cost changes.

Search Cost Changes Priv

View Cost Changes Priv

Cost Changes

Cost Change Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting item cost changes. This duty is an extension of the Cost Change Inquiry Duty.

Cost Change Inquiry Duty

Maintain Cost Changes Priv

Submit Cost Changes Priv

Cost Changes

Cost Change Approval Duty

A duty for approving item cost changes. This duty is an extension of the Cost Change Management Duty.

Cost Change Management Duty

Approve Cost Changes Priv

Cost Zones

Cost Zone Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing cost zones.

View Cost Zones Priv

Cost Zones

Cost Zone Management Duty

A duty for maintaining cost zones. This duty is an extension of the Cost Zone Inquiry Duty.

Cost Zone Inquiry Duty

Maintain Cost Zones Priv

Dashboard - Buyer

Buyer Dashboard Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Buyer Dashboard.

View Buyer Dashboard Priv

Dashboard - Data Steward

Data Steward Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Data Steward Dashboard.

View Data Steward Dashboard Priv

Dashboard - Finance Analyst

Finance Analyst Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Finance Analyst Dashboard.

View Finance Analyst Dashboard Priv

Dashboard - Inventory Analyst

Inventory Analyst Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Inventory Analyst Dashboard.

View Inventory Analyst Dashboard Priv

Dashboard - Inventory Control

Inventory Control Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Inventory Control Dashboard.

View Inventory Control Dashboard Priv

Dashboard - Tax Rules

Tax Rules Dashboard Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the Tax Rules Dashboard.

View Tax Rules Dashboard Priv

Data Loading - Data Filtering Foundation

Data Filtering Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing data filtering definitions.

View Data Filtering Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Data Filtering Foundation

Data Filtering Management Duty

A duty for maintaining data filtering definitions. This duty is an extension of the Data Filtering Inquiry Duty.

Data Filtering Inquiry Duty

Maintain Data Filtering Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Financial Administration

Financial Admin Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supporting data for GL Cross Reference, VAT (only available when Global Tax is disabled), Tax Attributes (only available when Global Tax is enabled), Terms, Currency Exchange Type Mapping, Currencies, Entity Exchange Rate Configuration, Non-Merchandise Codes, Transfer Entities, Document Sequences and E-Invoice Mapping via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Financial Admin Priv

Data Loading - Financial Administration

Financial Admin Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for GL Cross Reference, VAT (only available when Global Tax is disabled), Tax Attributes (only available when Global Tax is enabled), Terms, Currency Exchange Type Mapping, Currencies, Entity Exchange Rate Configuration, Non-Merchandise Codes, Transfer Entities, Document Sequences and E-Invoice Mapping via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Financial Admin Inquiry Duty.

Financial Admin Inquiry Duty

Maintain Finance Admin Priv

Data Loading - Financial Budgets

Budgets Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing Monthly Budget and Open to Buy information via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Budgets Priv

Data Loading - Financial Budgets

Budgets Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for Monthly Budgets and Open to Buy via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Budgets Inquiry Duty.

Budgets Inquiry Duty

Maintain Budgets Priv

Data Loading - Financial Control

Financial Control Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supporting data for Half Data Budgets via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Financial Control Priv

Data Loading - Financial Control

Financial Control Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for Half Data Budgets via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Financial Control Inquiry Duty.

Financial Control Inquiry Duty

Maintain Financial Control Priv

Data Loading - Foundation

Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing general foundation data via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Foundation

Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

A duty for maintaining general foundation data via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty.

Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

Maintain Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Import Foundation

Import Foundation Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supporting data for the import process via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Import Foundation Priv

Data Loading - Import Foundation

Import Foundation Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for the import process via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Import Foundation Inquiry Duty.

Import Foundation Inquiry Duty

Maintain Import Foundation Priv

Data Loading - Inventory Foundation

Inventory Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supporting data for Inventory via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Inventory Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Inventory Foundation

Inventory Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for Inventory via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Inventory Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty.

Inventory Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

Maintain Inventory Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Item Foundation

Item Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supporting data for Items via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Item Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Item Foundation

Item Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for Items via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Item Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty.

Item Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

Maintain Item Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Price and Cost Foundation

Price and Cost Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supporting data for Price and Cost via downloaded spreadsheets

View Price and Cost Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Price and Cost Foundation

Price and Cost Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for Price and Cost via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Price and Cost Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty.

Price and Cost Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

Maintain Price and Cost Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Replenishment Foundation

Replenishment Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supporting data for Replenishment via downloaded spreadsheets.

View Replenishment Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Replenishment Foundation

Replenishment Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supporting data for Replenishment via spreadsheet downloads and uploads. This duty is an extension of the Replenishment Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty.

Replenishment Foundation Data via Spreadsheet Inquiry Duty

Maintain Replenishment Foundation via Spreadsheet Priv

Data Loading - Status

Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing data loading status.

View Data Loading Status Priv

Data Loading - Status

Data Loading Status Management Duty

A duty for maintaining data loading status. This duty is an extension of the Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty.

Data Loading Status Inquiry Duty

Maintain Data Loading Status Priv


Deal Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing deals.

Search Deals PrivView Deals Priv


Deal Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting deals. This duty is an extension of the Deal Inquiry Duty.

Deal Inquiry Duty

Maintain Deals Priv

Submit Deals Priv


Deal Approval Duty

A duty for approving deals. This duty is an extension of the Deal Management Duty.

Deal Management Duty

Approve Deals Priv

Differentiator Display

Differentiator Display Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing differentiator ratios.

Use Diffs Priv

Differentiator Ratios

Diff Ratio Inquiry Duty

A duty for maintaining differentiator ratios. This duty is an extension of the Diff Ratio Inquiry Duty.

Search Diff Ratios Priv

View Diff Ratios Priv

Differentiator Ratios

Diff Ratio Management Duty

A duty for viewing differentiators.

Diff Ratio Inquiry Duty

Maintain Diff Ratios Priv


Diff Inquiry Duty

A duty for maintaining differentiators. This duty is an extension of the Diff Inquiry Duty.

View Diffs Priv


Diff Management Duty

A duty for viewing expense profiles used to build up an item's ELC.

Diff Inquiry Duty

Maintain Diffs Priv

Expenses - Department Up Charges

Department Up Charge Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing department up charges.

View Department Up Charges Priv

Expenses - Department Up Charges

Department Up Charge Management Duty

A duty for maintaining department up charges. This duty is an extension of the Department Up Charge Inquiry Duty.

Department Up Charge Inquiry Duty

Maintain Department Up Charges Priv

Expenses - Expense Profiles

Expense Profile Inquiry Duty

A duty for maintaining expense profiles used to build up an item's ELC. This duty is an extension of the Expense Inquiry Duty.

View Expense Profiles Priv

Expenses - Expense Profiles

Expense Profile Management Duty

A duty for maintaining expense profiles used to build up an item's ELC. This duty is an extension of the Expense Inquiry Duty.

Expense Profile Inquiry Duty

Maintain Expense Profiles Priv

Financials - Average Cost

Average Cost Management Duty

A duty for maintaining average cost values.

Maintain Average Cost Priv

Financials - General Ledger Drill Back

GL Drill Back Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing general ledger drill back.

View GL Drill Back Priv

Financials - Transaction Data

Transaction Data Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing transaction data.

View Transaction Data Priv

Fiscal Documents

Fiscal Document Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing fiscal documents.

View Fiscal Documents Priv

Fiscal Documents

Fiscal Document Management Duty

A duty for re-submitting and rejecting fiscal documents. This duty is an extension of the Fiscal Document Inquiry Duty.

Fiscal Document Inquiry Duty

Maintain Fiscal Documents Priv

Franchise Cost

Franchise Cost Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing franchise cost information.

View Franchise Cost Priv

Franchise Cost

Franchise Cost Management Duty

A duty for maintaining franchise cost. This duty is an extension of the Franchise Cost Inquiry Duty.

Franchise Cost Inquiry Duty

Maintain Franchise Cost Priv

Franchise Foundation

Franchise Foundation Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing foundation data for deal pass through and franchise customers.

View Franchise Foundation Priv

Franchise Foundation

Franchise Foundation Management Duty

A duty for maintaining foundation data for deal pass through and franchise customers. This is an extension o of the Franchise Foundation Inquiry Duty.

Franchise Foundation Inquiry Duty

Maintain Franchise Foundation Priv

Franchise Orders and Returns

Franchise Orders and Returns Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing franchise orders and returns.

View Franchise Orders and Returns Priv

Franchise Orders and Returns

Franchise Orders and Returns Management Duty

A duty for maintaining franchise orders and returns. This duty is an extension of the Franchise Orders and Returns Inquiry Duty.

Franchise Orders and Returns Inquiry Duty

Maintain Franchise Orders and Returns Priv

Franchise Orders and Returns

Franchise Orders and Returns Approval Duty

A duty for approving franchise orders and returns. This is an extension of the Franchise Orders and Returns Management Duty.

Franchise Orders and Returns Management Duty

Approve Franchise Orders and Returns Priv

Import Management - Actual Landed Cost

ALC Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing actual landed cost (ALC).

Search Actual Landed Cost Priv

View Actual Landed Cost Priv

Import Management - Actual Landed Cost

ALC Management Duty

A duty for finalizing actual landed cost (ALC). This duty is an extension of the ALC Inquiry Duty.

ALC Inquiry Duty

Finalize Actual Landed Cost Priv

Import Management - Customs Entries

Customs Entry Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing customs entries.

Search Customs Entries Priv

View Customs Entries Priv

Import Management - Customs Entries

Customs Entry Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting customs entries. This is an extension of the Customs Entry Inquiry Duty.

Customs Entry Inquiry Duty

Maintain Customs Entries Priv

Submit Customs Entries Priv

Import Management - Customs Entries

Customs Entry Confirmation Duty

A duty for confirming customs entries. This is an extension of the Customs Entry Management Duty.

Customs Entry Management Duty

Confirm Customs Entries Priv

Import Management - Letters of Credit

Letter of Credit Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing letters of credit.

Search Letters of Credit Priv

View Letters of Credit Priv

Import Management - Letters of Credit

Letter of Credit Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting letters of credit. This is an extension of the Letter of Credit Inquiry Duty.

Letter of Credit Inquiry Duty

Maintain Letters of Credit Priv

Submit Letters of Credit Priv

Import Management - Letters of Credit

Letter of Credit Approval Duty

A duty for approving and confirming letters of credit. This is an extension of the Letter of Credit Management Duty.

Letter of Credit Management Duty

Approve Letters of Credit Priv

Confirm Letters of Credit Priv

Import Management - Obligations

Obligation Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing obligations.

Search Obligations Priv

View Obligations Priv

Import Management - Obligations

Obligation Management Duty

A duty for maintaining obligations. This is an extension of the Obligation Inquiry Duty.

Obligation Inquiry Duty

Maintain Obligations Priv

Import Management - Obligations

Obligation Approval Duty

A duty for approving obligations. This is an extension of the Obligation Management Duty.

Obligation Management Duty

Approve Obligations Priv

Import Management - Transportation

Transportation Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing transportation information.

Search Transportation Priv

View Transportation Priv

Import Management - Transportation

Transportation Management Duty

A duty for maintaining transportation information. This duty is an extension of the Transportation Inquiry Duty.

Transportation Inquiry Duty

Maintain Transportation Priv

Finalize Transportation Priv

Inventory - Inventory Adjustments

Inventory Adjustment Management Duty

A duty for creating inventory adjustments.

Maintain Inventory Adjustments Priv

Inventory - Item Inventory and Sales

Inventory and Sales Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing item related inventory and sales information.

View Item Inventory and Sales Priv

Inventory - MRTs

MRT Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing mass return transfers (MRTs).

Search MRTs Priv

View MRTs Priv

Inventory - MRTs

MRT Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting mass return transfers (MRTs). This duty is an extension of the MRT Inquiry Duty.

MRT Inquiry Duty

Maintain MRTs Priv

Submit MRTs Priv

Inventory - MRTs

MRT Approval Duty

A duty for the approval of mass return transfers (MRTs). This duty is an extension of the MRT Management Duty.

MRT Management Duty

Approve MRTs Priv

Inventory - RTVs

RTV Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing returns to vendors (RTVs).

Search RTVs PrivView RTVs Priv

Inventory - RTVs

RTV Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and shipping returns to vendors (RTVs). This duty is an extension of the RTV Inquiry Duty.

RTV Inquiry Duty

Maintain RTVs Priv

Ship RTV Priv

Inventory - RTVs

RTV Approval Duty

A duty for approving returns to vendors (RTVs). This duty is an extension of the RTV Management Duty.

RTV Management Duty

Approve RTVs Priv

Inventory - RTVs

RTV Ship Duty

A duty for shipping returns to vendors (RTVs).

Ship RTV Priv

Inventory - Shipments and Receipts

Shipment and Receipts Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing shipments and receipts.

View Shipments and Receipts Priv

Inventory - Shipments and Receipts

Shipment and Receipts Management Duty

A duty for maintaining shipments and receipts. This is an extension of the Shipment and Receipts Inquiry Duty.

Shipment and Receipts Inquiry Duty

Maintain Shipments and Receipts Priv

Inventory - Transfers

Transfer Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing transfers.

Search Transfers PrivView Transfers Priv

Inventory - Transfers

Transfer Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting transfers. This duty is an extension of the Transfer Inquiry Duty.

Transfer Inquiry Duty

Maintain Transfers Priv

Submit Transfers Priv

Inventory - Transfers

Transfer with Finishing Management Duty

A duty for maintaining transfers with finishing. In order to maintain transfers with finishing, users must also have the ability to search, view and maintain transfers. This can be done by also assigning the Transfer Management Duty or the Transfer Approval Duty.

Maintain Transfers with Finishing Priv

Inventory - Transfers

Transfer Approval Duty

A duty for approving transfers. This duty is an extension of the Transfer Management Duty.

Transfer Management Duty

Approve Transfers Priv

Inventory - Transfers - Intercompany

Intercompany Transfer Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing intercompany transfers.

All roles that are assigned this duty must also have, at a minimum, inquiry access to transfers via the Transfer Inquiry Duty. We consider the ability to view or maintain intercompany transfers an additive ability. All users that have access to intercompany transfers must also have access to non-intercompany transfers, but all users that have access to non-intercompany transfers will not necessarily have access to intercompany transfers.

View Intercompany Transfers Priv

Inventory - Transfers - Intercompany

Intercompany Transfer Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting intercompany transfers. This duty is an extension of the Intercompany Transfer Inquiry Duty.

All roles that are assigned this duty must also have, at a minimum, the Transfer Management Duty. We consider the ability to view or maintain intercompany transfers an additive ability. All users that have access to intercompany transfers will have access to non-intercompany transfers, but all users that have access to non-intercompany transfers will not necessarily have access to intercompany transfers.

Intercompany Transfer Inquiry Duty

Maintain Intercompany Transfers Priv

Submit Intercompany Transfers Priv

Inventory - Transfers - Intercompany

Intercompany Transfer Approval Duty

A duty for approving intercompany transfers. This is an extension of the Intercompany Transfer Management Duty.

All roles that are assigned this duty must also have, at a minimum, management access to transfers via the Transfer Management Duty. We consider the ability to view or maintain intercompany transfers an additive ability. All users that have access to intercompany transfers must also have access to non-intercompany transfers, but all users that have access to non-intercompany transfers will not necessarily have access to intercompany transfers.

Intercompany Transfer Management Duty

Approve Intercompany Transfers Priv


Item Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing items and item related data.

Search Items PrivView Items Priv


Item Management Duty

A duty for maintaining, deleting and submitting items. This duty is an extension of the Item Inquiry Duty.

Item Inquiry Duty

Maintain Items Priv

Delete Items Priv

Submit Items Priv


Item Approval Duty

A duty for approving items. This duty is an extension of the Item Management Duty.

Item Management Duty

Approve Items Priv

Items - Grocery Attributes

Grocery Attribute Management Duty

A duty for viewing and maintaining grocery item related attributes.

Maintain/View Grocery Attributes Priv

Items - Import Items

Import Item Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing item data related to imports.

View Import Items Priv

Items - Import Items

Import Item Management Duty

A duty for maintaining item data related to imports. This is an extension of the Import Item Inquiry Duty.

Import Item Inquiry Duty

Maintain Import Items Priv

Items - Item Lists

Item List Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing item lists.

Search Item Lists PrivView Item Lists Priv

Items - Item Lists

Item List Management Duty

A duty for maintaining item lists. This duty is an extension of the Item List Inquiry Duty.

Item List Inquiry Duty

Maintain Item Lists Priv

Items - Locations

Item Location Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing item location information. This is an extension of the Item Inquiry Duty.

Item Inquiry Duty

View Item Locations Priv

Items - Locations

Item Location Management Duty

A duty for maintaining item location information. This duty is an extension of the Item Location Inquiry Duty and the Item Inquiry Duty.

Item Location Inquiry Duty

Maintain Item Locations Priv

Items - Ownership Changes

Ownership Change Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing consignment/concession ownership changes.

Search Ownership Changes Priv

View Ownership Changes Priv

Items - Ownership Changes

Ownership Change Management Duty

A duty for maintaining consignment/concession ownership changes. This duty is an extension of the Ownership Change Inquiry Duty.

Ownership Change Inquiry Duty

Maintain Ownership Changes Priv

Submit Ownership Changes Priv

Items - Ownership Changes

Ownership Change Approval Duty

A duty for approving consignment/concession ownership changes This duty is an extension of the Ownership Change Management Duty.

Ownership Change Management Duty

Approve Ownership Changes Priv

Items - Suppliers

Item Supplier Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing item supplier sourcing information. This is an extension of the Item Inquiry Duty.

Item Inquiry Duty

View Item Suppliers Priv

Items - Suppliers

Item Supplier Management Duty

A duty for maintaining item supplier sourcing information. This duty is an extension of the Item Supplier Inquiry Duty and the Item Inquiry Duty.

Item Supplier Inquiry Duty

Maintain Item Suppliers Priv

Items - Taxes

Item Tax Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing item tax information. This is an extension of the Item Inquiry Duty.

Item Inquiry Duty

View Item Taxes Priv

Items - Taxes

Item Tax Management Duty

A duty for maintaining item tax information. This duty is an extension of the Item Tax Inquiry Duty and the Item Inquiry Duty.

Item Tax Inquiry Duty

Maintain Item Taxes Priv

Items - Ticket Requests

Ticket Management Duty

A duty for maintaining ticket requests.

Maintain Ticket Requests Priv

Location Lists

Location List Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing location lists.

Search Location Lists Priv

View Location Lists Priv

Location Lists

Location List Management Duty

A duty for creating and maintaining location lists. This duty is an extension of the Location List Inquiry Duty.

Location List Inquiry Duty

Maintain Location Lists Priv

Merchandise Hierarchy

Merchandise Hierarchy Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing the merchandise hierarchy, viewing defaults defined at various levels of the merchandise hierarchy, viewing pending merchandise hierarchy changes. This also includes viewing all grouping levels of the hierarchy, Division, Group, Department, Class, and Subclass, and viewing department level up charges and VAT information.

Search Merchandise Hierarchy Priv

View Merchandise Hierarchy Priv

View Divisions Priv

View Groups Priv

View Departments Priv

View Classes Priv

View Subclasses Priv

View Merchandise Hierarchy Defaults Priv

Merchandise Hierarchy

Merchandise Hierarchy Management Duty

A duty for creating and maintaining the grouping levels of the merchandise hierarchy, creating and maintaining defaults at various levels of the hierarchy, creating and maintaining item reclassifications and maintaining pending merchandise hierarchy changes. This also includes maintaining the details of all grouping levels of the hierarchy, Division, Group, Department, Class and Subclass, and maintaining department level up charges and VAT information. This duty is an extension of the Merchandise Hierarchy Inquiry Duty.

Merchandise Hierarchy Inquiry Duty

Maintain Merchandise Hierarchy Priv

Maintain Divisions Priv

Maintain Groups Priv

Maintain Departments Priv

Maintain Classes Priv

Maintain Subclasses Priv

Maintain Merchandise Hierarchy Defaults Priv

Maintain Reclassifications Priv

Organizational Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing the Organization Hierarchy. This also includes viewing all grouping levels of the hierarchy, Chain, Area, Region, and District.

View Organizational Hierarchy Priv

View Chains Priv

View Areas Priv

View Regions Priv

View Districts Priv

View Stores Priv

View Warehouses Priv

Organizational Hierarchy

Organizational Hierarchy Management Duty

A duty for creating and maintaining the grouping levels of the Organization Hierarchy. This includes all grouping levels of the hierarchy, Chain, Area, Region, and District. This duty is an extension of the Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty.

Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty

Maintain Chains Priv

Maintain Areas Priv

Maintain Regions Priv

Maintain Districts Priv

Organizational Hierarchy - Locations

Location Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing stores and warehouses.

View Organizational Hierarchy Priv

View Stores Priv

View Warehouses Priv

Organizational Hierarchy - Locations

Location Management Duty

A duty for maintaining stores and warehouses. This duty is an extension of the Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty.

Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty

Maintain Stores Priv

Maintain Warehouses Priv

Organizational Hierarchy - Stores

Store Management Duty

A duty for maintaining stores. This duty is an extension of the Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty.

Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty

Maintain Stores Priv

Organizational Hierarchy - Warehouses

Warehouse Management Duty

A duty for maintaining warehouses. This duty is an extension of the Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty.

Organizational Hierarchy Inquiry Duty

Maintain Warehouses Priv


Partner Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing partners.

Search Partners PrivView Partners Priv


Partner Management Duty

A duty for maintaining partners. This duty is an extension of the Partner Inquiry Duty.

Partner Inquiry Duty

Maintain Partners Priv


Partner Activation Duty

A duty for activating or deactivating a partner. This duty is an extension of the Partner Management Duty.

Partner Management Duty

Activate Partners Priv

Deactivate Partners Priv

Price - Competitor Price

Competitor Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing competitive shop requests and competitive price history.

View Competitive Shop Priv

Price - Competitor Price

Competitor Management Duty

A duty for maintaining competitive shop requests. This duty is an extension of the Competitive Shop Inquiry Duty.

Competitor Inquiry Duty

Maintain Competitive Shop Priv

Price - Coupons and Product Restrictions

POS Configuration Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing coupons and product restrictions.

Search Coupons Priv

View Coupons Priv

Search Product Restrictions Priv

View Product Restrictions Priv

Price - Coupons and Price Restrictions

POS Configuration Management Duty

A duty for maintaining coupons and product restrictions. This duty is an extension of the POS Configuration Inquiry Duty.

POS Configuration Inquiry Duty

Maintain Coupons Priv

Maintain Product Restrictions Priv

Price - Price Change History

Price Change History Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing price change history.

View Price Change History Priv

Price - Product Restrictions

Product Restrictions Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing product restrictions.

Search Product Restrictions Priv

View Product Restrictions Priv

Price - Product Restrictions

Product Restrictions Management Duty

A duty for maintaining product restrictions. This duty is an extension of the Product Restrictions Inquiry Duty.

Product Restrictions Inquiry Duty

Maintain Product Restrictions Priv

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing purchase orders.

Search Purchase Orders Priv

View Purchase Orders Priv

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Management Duty

A duty for maintaining, submitting and closing purchase orders. This duty is an extension of the Purchase Order Inquiry Duty.

Purchase Order Inquiry Duty

Maintain Purchase Orders Priv

Submit Purchase Orders Priv

Close Purchase Orders Priv

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Approval Duty

A duty for approving purchase orders, and accepting or rejecting purchase order revisions. This duty is an extension of the Purchase Order Management Duty.

Purchase Order Management Duty

Accept Purchase Order Revisions Priv

Reject Purchase Order Revisions Priv

Approve Purchase Orders Priv

Purchase Orders - DSD Orders

DSD Management Duty

A duty for maintaining DSD purchase orders.

Maintain DSD Orders Priv

Purchase Orders - Pre-Issued Order Numbers

Pre-issued Order Numbers Management Duty

A duty for generating pre-issue order numbers and creating orders using pre-issued numbers.

Maintain Pre-Issued Order Numbers Priv

Purchase Orders - Receipt Adjustments by Cost

Receipt Adjustments by Cost Management Duty

A duty for creating receipt adjustments by cost.

Maintain Receipt Adjustments by Cost Priv

Replenishment - Attributes

Replenishment Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing replenishment attributes.

View Replenishment Attributes Priv

Replenishment - Attributes

Replenishment Management Duty

A duty for maintaining replenishment attributes. This duty is an extension of the Replenishment Inquiry Duty.

Replenishment Inquiry Duty

Maintain Replenishment Attributes Priv

Replenishment - Buyer Worksheets

Buyer Worksheet Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing buyer worksheets.

View Buyer Worksheets Priv

Replenishment - Buyer Worksheets

Buyer Worksheet Management Duty

A duty for maintaining buyer worksheets. This duty is an extension of the Buyer Worksheet Inquiry Duty.

Buyer Worksheet Inquiry Duty

Maintain Buyer Worksheets Priv

Required Documents

Required Document Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing required documents.

View Required Documents Priv

Required Documents

Required Document Management Duty

A duty for maintaining required documents. This duty is an extension of the Required Documents Inquiry Duty.

Required Documents Inquiry Duty

Maintain Required Documents Priv

Stock Counts

Stock Count Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing stock count requests and stock count unit results.

View Stock Counts Priv

View Stock Count Units Priv

Stock Counts - Units

Stock Count Unit Management Duty

A duty for maintaining stock count requests and stock count unit results. This duty is an extension of the Stock Count Inquiry Duty.

Stock Count Inquiry Duty

Maintain Stock Counts Priv

Maintain Stock Count Units Priv

Stock Counts - Values

Stock Count Value Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing stock count value variances and adjustments.

Stock Count Inquiry Duty

Stock Counts - Values

Stock Count Value Management Duty

A duty for maintaining stock count value variances and adjustments. This duty is an extension of the Stock Count Inquiry Duty.

Stock Count Inquiry Duty

Maintain Stock Count Values Priv

Stock Ledger

Stock Ledger Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing the stock ledger, viewing the Cumulative Markon Variance and Shrinkage Variance dashboard reports, and viewing the Division Year End Valuation and Department Year End Valuation reports.

View Stock Ledger Priv

Supplier Inventory Management

Supplier Inventory Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supplier inventory information.

View Supplier Inventory Management Priv

Supplier Inventory Management

Supplier Inventory Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supplier inventory information. This duty is an extension of the Supplier Inventory Inquiry Duty.

Supplier Inventory Inquiry Duty

Maintain Supplier Inventory Management Priv


Supplier Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing suppliers and supplier sites.

Search Suppliers PrivView Suppliers Priv


Supplier Management Duty

A duty for maintaining suppliers and supplier sites. This duty is an extension of the Supplier Inquiry Duty.

Supplier Inquiry Duty

Maintain Suppliers Priv


Supplier Activation Duty

A duty for activating or deactivating a supplier or supplier site. This duty is an extension of the Supplier Management Duty.

Supplier Management Duty

Activate Suppliers Priv

Deactivate Suppliers Priv

Suppliers - Org Units

Supplier Org Unit Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supplier org unit associations.

View Supplier Org Units Priv

Suppliers - Org Units

Supplier Org Unit Management Duty

A duty for creating and maintaining supplier org unit associations. This duty is an extension of the Supplier Org Unit Inquiry Duty.

Supplier Org Unit Inquiry Duty

Maintain Supplier Org Units Priv

Supply Chain Network

Supply Chain Network Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing supplier chain network information.

View Supply Chain Network Priv

Supply Chain Network

Supply Chain Network Management Duty

A duty for maintaining supply chain network information. This duty is an extension of the Supply Chain Network Inquiry Duty.

Supply Chain Network Inquiry Duty

Maintain Supply Chain Network Priv

Taxes - Department Level Defaults

Department Tax Inquiry Duty

A duty for viewing department tax information.

View Department Taxes Priv

Taxes - Department Level Defaults

Department Tax Management Duty

A duty for maintaining department tax information. This duty is an extension of the Department Tax Inquiry Duty.

Department Tax Inquiry Duty

Maintain Department Taxes Priv

Taxes - Tax Rules

Tax Rule Inquiry Duty

A duty for searching for and viewing Tax Rules.

Search Tax Rules PrivView Tax Rules Priv

Taxes - Tax Rules

Tax Rule Management Duty

A duty for maintaining and submitting Tax Rules. This duty is an extension of the Tax Rule Inquiry Duty.

Tax Rule Inquiry Duty

Maintain Tax Rules Priv

Submit Tax Rules Priv

Taxes - Tax Rules

Tax Rule Approval Duty

A duty for approving Tax Rules. This duty is an extension of the Tax Rule Management Duty.

Tax Rule Management Duty

Approve Tax Rules Priv