3 Finalize Actual Landed Cost

The Finalize ALC option opens the ALC Finalization window. In the ALC Finalization window you can search for an order or order/shipments to review the variance between the estimated landed cost and actual landed cost and determine whether or not to finalize the ALC resulting in the update of the stock ledger and weighted average cost of all item/locations on the associated order/shipment.

You can access the ALC Finalization window from the Task menu, select Trade Management > Import Financials > Finalize ALC. The ALC Finalization window appears.

The ALC Finalization window contains the following sections.

Figure 3-1 ALC Finalization Window

ALC Finalization window

Search for Orders or Order/Shipments

To search for orders or order/shipments:

  1. From the Task menu, select Trade Management > Import Financials > Finalize ALC. The ALC Finalization window appears.

  2. Enter, select or search for one or all of the following search criteria.

    Table 3-1 ALC Finalization Search - Search Criteria and Description

    Fields Description

    Order No.

    Enter, select or search for the order number.

    Order Status

    Select the order status from the list. Possible statuses are:

    • Worksheet

    • Submitted

    • Approved

    • Closed


    Enter the item number or use the Search icon to search for the particular item.


    Enter the pack item or use the Search icon to search for the pack item.


    Enter, select or search for an obligation.

    Entry No.

    Enter, select or search for an entry number.

    ALC Status

    Select the ALC status from the list. Possible statuses are:

    • Estimated

    • No Finalization

    • Pending

    • Processed

    • Processed - Records Pending


    Enter, select or search for the vessel number.


    Enter, select or search for the voyage/flight number.

    Estimated Departure Date

    Enter, select or search for the estimated departure date.


    Enter, select or search for the Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN).

    Variance %

    In this field you can search on a range of % variance values.

    Enter the first and second Variance % value in the corresponding field.

  3. Click Search. The orders or order/shipments that match the search criteria are displayed in the Results section.

  4. Click Reset to clear the search section and results.


The Results section lists the retrieved orders. The Results table shows the following columns by default.

  • Order Number and Order Status

  • Shipment

  • ASN

  • Total ELC

  • Total ALC

  • % Variance

  • ALC Status

  • Comments

Results - Actions Menu and Icons

Use the Actions Menu and icons to apply actions to the Results table. You can perform the actions listed below, as well as actions in “Action Menu and Icons" in the Oracle Retail Trade Management Do the Basics User Guide.

Table 3-2 Results - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description

Finalize button

Opens the Finalize ALC window.

For more information about how to finalize the actual landed costs, see the Finalize the Actual Landed Costs section.

ALC Detail button

Opens the ALC Search window.

  • Select a record in the Results section.

  • Click ALC Detail.

  • The ALC Search window appears with the values from the highlighted record populated as search criteria.

  • You can search and review the detailed ALC information.

    For more information about how to review detailed ALC information, see Review Actual Landed Cost.

Finalize the Actual Landed Costs

To finalize the actual landed costs, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Results section, select one or more records.

  2. Then press the Finalize button. The Finalize ALC window appears.

    Figure 3-2 Finalize ALC Window

    Finalize ALC Window
  3. In the Method of Finalization field, select the method from the list.

  4. In the Comments field, edit or enter comments as necessary.

  5. If there are estimates for which no actuals will be received select to back out the estimates by checking the Back out Estimates with no Actuals checkbox. This will assign an actual value of zero for any estimates where no actual has been entered.

  6. Then choose one of the following options.

    • Click OK to finalize the ALC and close the window.

    • Click Cancel to reject all entries and close the window.