Filter Criteria

The Filter Criteria screen sets and refines default search criteria. Each time the user logs into the Recent Transfers mobile workflow, it renders their “Recent Transfers" search list against the criteria saved here. To access the Filter Criteria screen after the initial visit:

  1. Login to the application.

  2. Tap the Menu icon.

  3. Tap Tasks.

  4. Tap Manage Transfers.

  5. Tap Recent Transfers.

  6. Tap the Filter icon. The Filter Criteria screen appears.

    Figure 3-2 Recent Transfers Filter Criteria Screen

    Recent Transfers Filter Criteria Screen
    Field Description


    Limits the orders returned by an order's current status. You can select from a status or Any Status to return results. Valid values include: Any Status (Default), Input, Submitted, Approved, In Progress, and Closed. Any Status is the default. It only returns the statuses listed above and will not include closed orders.

    Created By

    Limits the returned orders by a User ID. You can select one or more User IDs to be applied to the criteria from a list.

    Created Date

    Limits the returned orders based on the create date for the Purchase Order. Valid values include: Today, Last 2 days, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and All Dates (Default).

    Delivery Date

    Defined as the earliest date a transfer can be delivered to a store. Valid values include: Today, Last 2 days, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and All Dates (Default).

    Transfer Type

    Limits the returned transfers based on the transfer type.

    Valid values include: Any Type (Default), Administrative, AIP Generated Transfer, Book Transfer, Confirmation, Externally Generated, Franchise Order, Franchise Return, Intercompany, Manual Requisition, PO-Linked Transfer, Reallocation Transfer, Return to Vendor, System Generated Transfer, SIM Generated Transfer, and Store Requisition.


    Limits the returned orders to only those that have corresponding items in the specified locations.


    Limits the returned transfers to only those that have corresponding items in the specified departments.

  7. The following three actions are available in the Filter Criteria screen:

    • Tap Cancel to return to the Recent Orders screen without applying any new criteria selections.

    • Tap Reset to reset the search criteria to the initial first time settings.

    • Tap Apply to execute the search based on the choices made during criteria selection. The Recent Transfers screen appears with the results.

      Figure 3-3 Recent Transfers Screen

      Recent Transfers Screen

The following criteria has the ability to search for specific information:

  • Created By

  • Departments

Tap on the following to access the search capabilities for the choices above:

  • All Users X icon.

  • All Departments X icon.


It may not be these values always. If you had previously selected one or more values then it will not show as 'All Users' but either the specific user or multiple users for example.

Add Users is outlined here. The other choices use the same process:

  1. Tap the Created By criteria: All Users X icon to delete the criteria.

  2. Tap anywhere in the Search by User box. The keyboard appears.

    Figure 3-4 Add User

    Add User
  3. Enter all or part of a user name. As you type, the list of names dynamically change.

  4. Check the box for the desired name.

  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to add more names. Any users selected based on the previously entered criteria remain in the list.

  6. Tap Apply. The recent orders for the selected users appear in the list.


    The Department and Supplier Site search also follow a similar workflow.

    Figure 3-5 Recent Transfers Screen

    Recent Transfers Screen

    Search by Transfer ID: Enter all or part of a Transfer ID in the Search by Transfer ID field. The Transfer IDs dynamically update as you type in the value.