1 Feature Summary

Oracle Retail Merchandising Cloud Services 23.1.401.0 is a Critical Update.

This chapter describes the feature enhancements in this release.

Noteworthy Enhancements

This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in the Oracle Retail Merchandising Cloud Services update and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Column Definitions

  • Feature: Provides a description of the feature being delivered.

  • Module Impacted: Identifies the module associated with the feature, if any.

  • Scale: Identifies the size of the feature. Options are:

    • Small: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

    • Large: These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

  • Delivered: Is the new feature available for use immediately after upgrade or must the feature be enabled or configured? If no, the feature is non-disruptive to end users and action is required (detailed steps below) to make the feature ready to use.

  • Customer Action Required: You must take action before these features can be used. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them.

Add Option to Calculate Invoice Due Date Based on Invoice Receipt Date

A system option has been added that allows the due date to be calculated based on the date the invoice was received from the supplier, rather than using the document date, or the receipt of goods date. When selected, the invoice due date will be calculated using the date the invoice was received. When this new parameter is not selected (checked), the invoice document date will be used (default behavior).

Steps To Enable
  1. From the Invoice Matching Task List, select Foundation > System Options.
  2. In the Document Parameters section, check the option Use Invoice Received Date to Calculate Due Date and save your changes.
System Option Updates
Attribute Name New/Updated? Description Patch Default
USE_INV_RCV_DT_TO_CALC_DUE_DT New This attribute when set will calculate the due date base on the date the invoice was received from the vendor. N

Enhance EDI and Induction Flows to Optionally Skip Putting Prefixes on Document ID

This feature introduces a new system option which when set to Y, will not append the document specific prefix to the External Document ID (ext_doc_id) column in the process of document creation. When this value is set to N, the application behaves as previous and will append the prefix.

To control the behavior, a new system option provides the ability to override adding a prefix to the document ID on externally generated documents including documents added via EDI, Spreadsheet Induction, ReST services, and Bulk Upload (XML). Resolution documents and documents entered through the User Interface (UI) will continue to include a Prefix.

Steps to Enable
  1. From the Invoice Matching Task List, navigate to Foundation>System Options.
  2. In the Document Prefixes section check the Exclude Prefix on Externally Sourced Documents option.
System Option Updates
Attribute Name New/Updated? Description Patch Default
EXCL_PRFX_ON_EXTL_SRCD_DOCS New Indicates whether or not the system will include a prefix on the document identifier for externally generated documents. Valid values are Yes (Y) or No (N). Set this option to No (N) if you wish to exclude prefixes on externally generated documents. This system option can be changed at any time, but the change will only affect documents created after this option is updated. For instance, if you toggle from No (N) / unchecked to Yes (Y) / checked, all external documents entered in the future will include a prefix, but any external documents which were already created without prefixes will not be changed. If you toggle from Yes (Y) / checked to No (N) / unchecked, no external documents entered in the future will have a prefix, but prefixes on existing documents will be retained. N

Apply Deals Automatically to Any Auto-Generated Order

Previously, off-invoice deals were getting applied only to the replenishment generated and vendor generated orders if approved. With this update, deals will now be applied to non-approved replenishment generated and vendor generated orders as well during the nightly run of the Approve Replenishment Orders (rplapprv) batch job.

Steps to Enable

To enable the application of off-invoice deals to all auto-generated purchase orders the system parameter for Auto Apply Deals to Worksheet POs must be changed to Y (checked).

System Options Updates
Attribute Name New/Updated? Description Patch Default
AUTO_APPLY_DEAL_WKSHT_PO New Indicates whether or not deals will be automatically applied to replenishment generated and vendor generated worksheet orders. Valid values are Yes (Y) or No (N). N
DAS/RDS Updates
PROCUREMENT_UNIT_OPTIONS RDS_WV_PROCUREMENT_UNIT_OPTIONS Update New column AUTO_APPLY_DEAL_WKSHT_PO is added which indicates whether or not off-invoice deals will be automatically applied to replenishment generated and vendor generated worksheet orders.
PROCUREMENT_UNIT_OPTIONS DAS_WV_PROCUREMENT_UNIT_OPTNS Update New column AUTO_APPLY_DEAL_WKSHT_PO is added which indicates whether or not off-invoice deals will be automatically applied to replenishment generated and vendor generated worksheet orders.
SYSTEM_OPTIONS DAS_WV_SYSTEM_OPTNS Update New column AUTO_APPLY_DEAL_WKSHT_PO is added which indicates whether or not off-invoice deals will be automatically applied to replenishment generated and vendor generated worksheet orders.
SYSTEM_OPTIONS RDS_WV_SYSTEM_OPTIONS Update New column AUTO_APPLY_DEAL_WKSHT_PO is added which indicates whether or not off-invoice deals will be automatically applied to replenishment generated and vendor generated worksheet orders.

Enhanced Ability to Add Items to an Item List by Below Transaction Level Items Through Upload List

This Merchandising update introduces an enhanced ability to add items to an item list. When using Upload List workflow, below transaction level items can be used to add items.

Enhancement in Get Next Order/Transfer/Allocation Number ReST Services to Return Multiple Entity IDs

An enhancement has been made to the order/Transfer/Allocation publication ReST APIs to return multiple entity ids.

A count parameter, which will contain a list of numbers, has been added in the following three ReST services to return multiple numbers in the same service .

  • RmsReSTServices/services/private/Transfer/transferId

  • RmsReSTServices/services/private/Alloc/allocNo

  • RmsReSTServices/services/private/PurchaseOrders/order/id

Integration Changes
RmsReSTServices/services/private/Alloc/allocNo Update REST Service allocNumbers Contains list of available allocation numbers
RmsReSTServices/services/private/PurchaseOrders/order/id Update REST Service orderNumbers Contains list of available order numbers.
RmsReSTServices/services/private/Transfer/transferId Update REST Service transferNumbers Contains list of available transfer numbers.

Enhancement to Apply Customer Engagement Promotions on Vendor Funded Deals

In this cloud service update, the existing integration between Sales Audit and Customer Engagement (ORCE) has been extended to collect ORCE promotions in the MFCS schema, so they can be used for both Sales Audit validations (current) and association to vendor deals. This enhancement allows promotions authored in Customer Engagement to be used to accrue deal income based on sales, in the same way promotions authored in the Pricing Cloud Service can be used.

A new column PROMO_SOURCE has been added in table DEAL_PROM & DEAL_COMP_PROM to distinguish between promotion sources (Pricing Cloud Service vs Customer Engagement) when associating them to vendor deals. The Deal Upload batch (dealupld) was modified to be backward compatible by including additional runtime parameter added for the file version. A Promotion Source dropdown has been added in the Add/Edit pop up of the Promotions screen in the Deals taskflow

Steps to Enable

Most of this enhancement will be delivered enabled, but if you require the ability to upload deals containing the promotion source the previously mentioned runtime parameter must be adjusted to include the updated file version.

Export RDWS and RDWC Data into Staging Table for Export to 3rd Party Data Warehouse

The batch saexport_sales_to_dw is the replacment for the previous file-based saexpdw.pc batch. The new batch will export the data into staging tables and has been designed to integrate with Oracle Retail AI Foundation, which includes Retail Insights. For integration with Oracle Retail Insights, this batch will export RDWT and RDWF data to three tables at the store/day level.

This enhancement was to include the feature to integrate with a 3rd Party analytics or data warehouse system. 

For integration with a 3rd Party application, the batch saexport_sales_to_dw now additionally export RDWS and RDWC data to two more tables at the store/day level:

  • SA_EXPDW_RDWS_DETAIL – Store Totals are exported to this table.

  • SA_EXPDW_RDWC_DETAIL – Cashier/Register Totals are exported to this table.

The export of RDWS and RDWC data to SA_EXPDW_RDWS_DETAIL and SA_EXPDW_RDWC_DETAIL is controlled by a Y/N flag defined in the MERCH_BATCH_PARAM table for batch_name of SAEXPDW_EXPORT_JOB and param_key of EXPORT_DW_S_C. The default value of the flag is N.

Steps to Enable

New system option Use Delivery Schedules for Delivery Dates should be checked to use this functionality.

System Option Updates
Attribute Name New/Updated? Description Patch Default
Use Delivery Schedules for Delivery Dates New Determines whether Location Delivery Schedule set up will be used for Pickup Date calculation or not. N

Harmonized Tariff Schedules (HTS) and Expense in Item Publish ReST Service

This service update includes an enhancement to the Item Publish ReST Service to include HTS and expense.

Item/Location Ranging Management ReST Service

This cloud service update includes a new ReST Service for loading item/location ranging candidates and status changes. Item/Location details loaded via this ReST service will be processed by the Scheduled Item Maintenance (SITMAIN) batch process. Unlike the Scheduled Item Maintenance changes managed on-line, this ReST service accepts item/location level details versus the combination of an Item List and Location List as is the case in the on-line screen.

This ReST service provides the capability to create and maintain requests to update item/location status from an external system or source. This service takes in a collection of item locations along with the desired status and the effective date upon which each update should take place.

Parent Item Level UDA Updates to Child Items

With this update, Item UDA functionality has been modified to avoid overriding UDA updated at the parent item level to child items.

Purchase Order Pickup Date to Consider Supplier/Warehouse Delivery Schedules

The Calcuation of Pick Up Date for a purchase order has been enhanced to consider the supplier and warehouse delivery schedule. This enhancement ensures that pickup date calculation considers when the supplier or warehouse is closed.

Price Below Cost Validation

Within a retailer's setup, as well as legally for certain geographies, it is important to maintain the retail value of an item that is greater than or equal to the cost of the item at the location level, irrespective of the location type. This cloud service update includes a new validation that can be enabled to ensure retail price changes are not created with a value less than the cost. In cases where the system identifies a price below cost situation, the application user can review the item/location's in violation and choose to override or make adjustments to the retail price. This validation is meant to prevent any incorrect values from getting communicated to other downstream applications, such as the Point of Sale or the retailer's website.

When enabled, validation will occur when price change and clearance events are approved, as the conflict check rules are being applied. In addition, cost change events created in Merchandising, such a supplier cost change and deals, will validate against the retail price to ensure that a change to the cost does not result in the same condition.

Steps to Enable
The following conflict rules that are being added as a part of this change would need to be enabled by the user through the spreadsheet upload present within Merchandising (Price and Cost > Price Event Conflict Rules) by setting the Rule Enabled column to Y (Yes) :
  • Rule 12 - Regular Retail must be greater than or equal to the Pricing Cost
  • Rule 13 - Clearance Retail must be greater than or equal to the Pricing Cost
Priv Name Change Type Priv Description Parent Duty
OVERRIDE_CLEAR_RETAIL_BELOW_COST_CONFLICTS_PRIV New A privilege for the ability to override clearance retail below cost conflicts found when attempting to submit or approve a clearance event. CONFLICT_CLEAR_RETAIL_BELOW_COST_OVERRIDE_DUTY
OVERRIDE_REG_RETAIL_BELOW_COST_CONFLICTS_PRIV New A privilege for the ability to override regular retail below cost conflicts found when attempting to submit or approve a price change event. CONFLICT_REG_RETAIL_BELOW_COST_OVERRIDE_DUTY
Duty Name Change Type Duty Description Child Duty Base Role
CONFLICT_CLEAR_RETAIL_BELOW_COST_OVERRIDE_DUTY New A duty for the ability to override clearance price below cost conflicts found when attempting to submit or approve a clearance event.
CONFLICT_REG_RETAIL_BELOW_COST_OVERRIDE_DUTY New A duty for the ability to override regular price below cost conflicts found when attempting to submit or approve a price change event.