1 Feature Summary

This chapter describes the feature enhancements in this release.

Noteworthy Enhancements

This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in the Oracle Retail Merchandising Cloud Services update and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Column Definitions

  • Feature: Provides a description of the feature being delivered.

  • Module Impacted: Identifies the module associated with the feature, if any.

  • Scale: Identifies the size of the feature. Options are:

    • Small: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.

    • Medium: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of field, validation, or program changes. Therefore the potential impact on users is moderate

    • Large: These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.

  • Delivered: Is the new feature available for use immediately after upgrade or must the feature be enabled or configured? If no, the feature is non-disruptive to end users and action is required (detailed steps below) to make the feature ready to use.

  • Customer Action Required: You must take action before these features can be used. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them.

Table 1-1 Noteworthy Enhancements

Feature Module Impacted Scale Delivered Customer Action Required? Oracle Service Request

Finalize Actual Landed Cost (ALC) ReST Service






Enhancements to Configure Custom Transaction Codes






Location List ReST Service






Conflict Check for Price Below Cost — Phase 2

Merchandising, Pricing





Supplier ReST Service Enhancement for Partner Integration






Debit Memo Reversal with Inventory (Value) Adjustments

Invoice Matching





Allow Suffix Instead of Prefix on Resolution Documents

Invoice Matching





Finalize Actual Landed Cost (ALC) ReST Service

This service is used to finalize the Actual Landed Cost (ALC) for a list of purchase orders or purchase order/shipment combinations matching the provided collection of purchase order, ASN, obligation, and/or customs entry input records.  The available inputs for this service are purchase order, ASN, obligation, customs entry, method of finalization and the Back Out Estimates with No Actuals flag. Success or failure of the operation will be returned as part of the response object.  The value of the Allocation Shipment Level Obligations Method system option will determine if orders or order/shipment combinations are processed as follows:

  • When the Allocate Shipment Level Obligations system option is set to ASN, the service will process order/shipment combinations matching the input provided.

  • When the Allocate Shipment Level Obligations system option is set to Transportation (TRNSPRT), the service will process purchase orders matching the input provided; the service will not accept ASN as an input in this case.

This service will compare the actual value from obligations or customs entries with the estimated value on the purchase order and will post records to transaction data (tran code 20A), update weighted average cost (WAC) and open to buy (OTB) with the difference between the estimate and the actual.  

In order for the pending ALC to be finalized, the associated obligation or customs entry must be approved or confirmed respectively.  Further, when Allocate Shipment Level Obligations is set to Transportation,  orders cannot be finalized until the purchase order has been closed.  When the Allocate Shipment Level Obligations is set to ASN, order/shipments must be received before the ALC can be finalized, and for ALC from Purchase Order Header or Purchase Order/Item level obligations, the associated purchase order must be closed before the associated ALC can be finalized. 

When the provided method of finalization is ‘No Finalization’, the pending ALC records will be updated to have a status of ‘No Finalization’ which means that the actual values will be ignored and the estimated values that were posted at the time of receipt will be retained. Subsequent finalizations of the same purchase orders or purchase order/shipments will only attempt to finalize new ALC records in Pending status, the records previously marked as ‘No Finalization’ or ‘Processed’ will not be processed during future finalizations.

Steps to Enable

Delivered as enabled. A calling system should invoke the service with the appropriate payload to finalize the ALC.

Integration Impact

API Name Change Type Integration Type Field Name Change Description



REST Service

orderNo, asn, obligation, customsEntryNo, methodOfFinalization and backOutEstimatesWithNoActualsInd.

New Rest Service

Enhancements to Configure Custom Transaction Codes

A new spreadsheet template, Transaction Data Codes, is introduced which will allow for new custom transaction codes to be defined and managed. This new template will be available under the ‘Financials Administration’ Template Type as “Transaction Data Codes”. The spreadsheet upload additionally allows for translations of Tran Code Descriptions to be managed for all transaction codes (i.e., tran codes 0 to 9999).

Transaction code values between 9001 and 9999 will be reserved for customer specific usage. 

The existing REST service - /Financials/uploadTranData will allow posting for the custom tran code and customer can populate the gl_ref_no while creating the transaction data . The existing GL cross-ref mapping process will allow these to be mapped to financial accounts, and the existing export programs (i.e., fifgldn1, 2, & 3) are extended to support the corresponding financial posting.

New column “SYSTEM_DEFINED” has been added in the table TRAN_DATA_CODES, which indicates if the transaction code value is system defined or custom. It is set to Y for all transaction code values between 0 and 9000 which are defined by MFCS during installation. It is set to N for all custom transaction code values between 9001 and 9999.

Integration Impact

API Name Change Type Integration Type Field Name Change Description

Transaction Data Codes - Induction Template


Flat File


This new induction template is available under the ‘Financials Administration’ Template Type as Transaction Data Codes

DAS/RDS Updates

Application Table DAS/RDS Table or View Change Type Change Description




Added column SYSTEM_DEFINED.




Added column SYSTEM_DEFINED.

Location List ReST Service

This service is used to automate the create, update and delete of externally generated static location lists. Customers will be able to send the Location list information with the location details that needs to be included or removed from the location list in the input payload. LOC_LIST_HEAD, LOC_LIST_HEAD_TL and LOC_LIST_DETAIL tables will get updated once the records are successfully processed. This service does not support criteria-based location list. Locations lists that are created via UI/internally is not maintained via web service.

The following changes have been done in the Location List screen:

  • The Location List screen is enhanced to allow users to view externally interfaced location lists. A new Externally Generated checkbox is added to the screen based on the value in the LOC_LIST_HEAD.SOURCE column.  If the SOURCE value is Externally Generated (EXT), the checkbox will display as checked, otherwise the checkbox will display as unchecked. Externally generated location lists will be view only in the UI. 

  • In location list search screen, label is changed from "External Ref. No." to "External Reference".

  • Any externally generated location lists will be opened in "View" mode only.

  • Tab title is changed from "Manage Location Lists" to "Location List Search".

The technical changes done for this requirement are mentioned below:

  • The column length of LOC_LIST_HEAD.EXTERNAL_REF_NO is increased to NUMBER(20) from NUMBER(4). 

  • The check constraint CHK_LOC_LIST_HEAD_SOURCE on LOC_LIST_HEAD table is modified to accept 'EXT' also.

Integration Impact

API Name Change Type Integration Type Field Name Change Description



REST Service

New ReST Service

New ReST Service with fields : action,locationList,locationListDescription,externalReferenceNo,filterOrganizationHierarchy,comments,locations,translations

Code Impact

Code Type Code Type Description Code Code Description New or Updated? Delivered


Location List Source Field


Externally Generated



Conflict Check for Price Below Cost — Phase 2

This cloud service update includes a few enhancements to the existing feature of alerting the user in case the retail value of an item falls below the cost for a particular location. This set of enhancements includes handling items associated with multiple suppliers, triggering a validation in case the primary country of the supplier associated with an item is changed, handling item cost zone group updates and also ensuring that future dated price events don’t result in a price below cost exception.

Within Pricing CS, the dashboard report has been enhanced to display supplier and country details at a line level and the user has been provided with the flexibility to re-evaluate existing records in the report table to see if the cost and retail values on the selected effective date are still invalid. There is also a new option to ignore existing rows in order to indicate that these don’t need any further attention and should not be displayed in future loads.

Supplier ReST Service Enhancement for Partner Integration

This cloud service update extends the existing Supplier ReST service to offer integration capabilities offered by RFI for supplier integration. These capabilities may be leveraged if Merchandising is configured to use financials integration (financial_ap = ‘A’). Additionally, this service has also been enhanced to optionally create partners in Merchandising.

When financial integration is enabled (financial_ap = ‘A’), the optional Vendor Type Code attribute in the payload will be used to identify if the inbound information should be used to create a supplier or a partner record in Merchandising. External financial systems can utilize this attribute to create partners in Merchandising. The Vendor Type Code will be validated against data available in the Vendor Type Code mapping table in Merchandising that holds detail of whether a specific code maps to a supplier or partner and the type of partner intended. The vendor type code mapping must be set up via the Merchandising spreadsheet upload functionality prior to the integration of supplier/partner records. In the event of a Vendor Type Code not being provided in the payload, a supplier record will be created.

The payload has been expanded to include third party reference ID fields for certain attributes that will enable an external financial system to send its own IDs for these attributes as opposed to sending IDs generated by Merchandising. Usage of these IDs is subject to the assumption that these external references have been set up and maintained against the attribute in Merchandising. For example, the external financial system can send a Terms Reference ID as part of the Supplier payload, subject to the condition that this ID has been sent to Merchandising as part of the Terms import process. This will allow Merchandising to use such external reference IDs to cross reference and identify the correct Term in Merchandising that is to be associated with the supplier/partner record being created. If an External Reference ID is provided for any attribute (for example, Terms), it will be cross-referenced against the attribute definition tables (the Terms tables in this case) for a match. If the cross-reference check returns multiple records, one of these will be associated with the supplier /partner record being created. If no matching data is found, then an error will be returned.

As part of the Financial Integration specific workflow, supplier/partner integration into Merchandising will be subject to the following conditions.

  • Only suppliers in Active status can be created.

  • While creating a new supplier, there must be at least one supplier site that is either a payment site or purchasing site as part of the payload. If there is only one supplier site associated, it must be both a purchasing and payment site.

  • Freight Terms, Payment Terms, Language, Currency, Contact Name, and Contact Phone information will be defaulted from the supplier site (primary pay site/procurement site/payment site) to the supplier record.

  • Address Type is not expected from an external financial system and will be determined using the Procurement Site and Payment Site attributes. An address type of 04 will be created for a procurement site while an address type of 06 will be created for a payment site. If the supplier site has both procurement and payment site flags set to Y, both address types 04 and 06 will be created.

  • If there are multiple contacts for a supplier site, the contact name with the lowest external reference key (earliest record) will be used as the default contact name for the supplier site.

  • If default tax type is SVAT or GTS, VAT Region on the supplier/partner record will be defaulted from a store having the same state in the address as the payment site or procurement site address. If state is not provided, country will be used as the basis for defaulting. If a default value is not found, the supplier/supplier site will be created with no VAT Region and set to Inactive status until the VAT Region is associated in Merchandising.

  • A new ‘Use Alternate Supplier Site Name’ system option has been introduced to control if the Supplier Site Name will be substituted with the secondary name in the payload and vice versa. This is intended to allow for a more descriptive supplier name integration into Merchandising if the site name carries an abridged description/key. Substitution will only be performed if supplier site secondary name is provided. This new system option will be defaulted to Yes when financials integration is enabled and can be managed via the System Options screen.

If the Vendor Type Code maps to a Partner, the supplier site information in the inbound payload will be used to create the Partner record. The Partner record will however hold a reference to the supplier associated via the Parent Reference ID and Parent Name fields. The defaulting logic and validations for partners is similar to that for supplier sites with the below exceptions.

  • For External Finisher type partners, the partner will be created in Inactive status until the transfer entity is populated in Merchandising.

  • For Bank type partners, the fields Line of Credit, Outstanding Credit, Open Credit, Year to Date Credit and Year to Date Drawdowns will be defaulted to 0. Principal Country ID will be defaulted from the address (as also done for the Import Authority partner type).

  • Creation of partners of type Escheat Country and Escheat State will not be permitted via this integration.

System Options

Attribute Name New or Update? Attribute Description Default Value



When creating or updating a supplier site from an external financial system, this field will indicate if the supplier site name will be substituted with the secondary name. Valid values are: Y (Yes), N (No).


Integration Impact

API Name Change Type Integration Type Field Name Change Description

Create Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the vendor type from the external financial system to distinguish between suppliers and partners.

Create Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the payment terms used in the external financial system.

Create Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the freight terms used in the external financial system

Create Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the organization unit used in the external financial system.

Create Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the language used in the external financial system.

Create Suppliers


REST Service


Indicates whether a supplier or partner is created from an external financial system. This field will have a value of S or P.

Create Suppliers


REST Service


Specifies the type of partner. This field will be null if entity type is S (supplier).

Update Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the vendor type from the external financial system to distinguish between suppliers and partners.

Update Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the payment terms used in the external financial system.

Update Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the freight terms used in the external financial system.

Update Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the organization unit used in the external financial system.

Update Suppliers


REST Service


ID for the language used in the external financial system.

DAS/RDS Updates

Application Table DAS/RDS Table or View Change Type Change Description

























Debit Memo Reversal with Inventory (Value) Adjustments

This cloud service update includes two related features. First, the Debit Memo Reversal process available from the user interface has been extended to optionally perform an inventory adjustment by sending a Receiver Cost Adjustment or Receiver Unit Adjustment to Merchandising as part of the reversal. The Receiver Adjustment will update the order, receipt, item inventory value, and WAC.

Second, a new Reverse Debit Memo Induction process will allow users to do mass reversal of Debit Memos. Spreadsheet Upload and Bulk (batch) Upload Induction will be supported in this release. All the functionally of the Debit Memo Reversal process available in the user interface is supported in the induction process including the new inventory adjustment capability. To do a Receiver Adjustment, a Credit Memo Reason Code using UNR as its transaction code is required. See the Invoice Matching Manage Documents User Guide and Invoice Matching Cloud Service Implementation Guide for details.

Allow Suffix Instead of Prefix on Resolution Documents

This cloud service update will allow a suffix to be appended to the source document number instead of a prefix when generating resolution documents. Using this enhancement will require to select (check) the ‘Use Suffix Instead of Prefix’ system option in Invoice Matching.