1 Introduction

This document provides an overview of the integration between Oracle Retail MerchandisingFoot 1 and Oracle Retail Store Operations Cloud Service (SIOCS). Merchandising and SIOCS get installed on separate schema on the same database and have direct database integration. This direct method does not require integration middleware and covers most of the integration points between Merchandising and SIOCSFoot 2.

For data flowing from Merchandising to SIOCS, Merchandising has database views for each data entity which are queried periodically by SIOCS for new foundation data, new transactional data and changes to foundation and transactional data. Merchandising has change log tables for each entity which is used by SIOCS to identify and query changed data points.

For transactions owned by SIOCS and required by Merchandising, SIOCS writes new and changed transactions into respective staging tables which are consumed by Merchandising through periodic polling.

Merchandising and SIOCS Integrations

From Merchandising to SIOCS
Address Price History
Allocations Purchase Orders
ASNsFoot 3 Receiver Unit Adjustments
Codes Return to Vendor Requests
Delivery Slots Stores
Differentiator Types Store Inventory
Differentiators Transfers
Item Locations UOM Classes and Conversion
Items User Defined Attributes
Merchandise Hierarchy Vendors
Partners Warehouses

Footnote 3 Merchandising publishes Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) for only shipments shipped using Merchandising screens.

From Pricing to SIOCS
Clearances and Clearance Resets Price Changes
From SIOCS to Merchandising
Direct Store Delivery Receipts Return to Vendor
Fiscal Documents Stock Order Receipt
Inventory Adjustments Stock Order Status
Inventory Requests Stock Count Schedule
Outbound ASNs Stock Count Results
Purchase Order Receipts

Footnote Legend

Footnote 1: Oracle Retail Merchandising refers to the group of cloud services consisting of Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), Sales Audit, Retail Pricing Cloud Service (RPCS), Retail Invoice Match Cloud Service (ReIMCS) and Allocation Cloud Service.
Footnote 2: Transaction flow between Oracle Cloud WMS and Merchandising/SIOCS is still through RIB and requires Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) deployment. Additionally, SIOCS integrates with any external warehouse system through RIB.