22 Change Order Pick Up Date

Purpose: Use this window to change the order pickup date for a pickup or ship-for-pickup order if the customer needs more time to pick up all or part of the order. This option is available only if your organization is configured to automatically cancel unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders after a specified number of days, and if your organization supports updates to individual lines on an order.

What happens when you change the pickup date: The customer receives a new pickup reminder email indicating the changed date. Also, there is a new entry at the Order History screen for each item on the order for the date when you changed the pickup date, even though the information displayed is no different from the previous entry.

How to display: This window opens when you select the Change Order Pick Up Date option from the More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom of the Ready to Pickup screen, the Pick Up Order screen, or from the View Order screen when you displayed this screen from the Ready to Pickup screen. Again, this option is available only if your organization is configured to automatically cancel unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders after a specified number of days.

Changing the date: Optionally, enter a new date, or select the calendar icon to pick a new date. The new date must not be in the past. An error message indicates if the date update couldn’t take place (for instance, because the status of one or more items on the order has changed).


This option is available only if the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders at the Order Orchestration Preferences screen specifies a number of days, regardless of whether this is a pickup order or a ship-for-pickup order.