13 Pick Up Order

Purpose: Use this screen to confirm pickup of a ship-for-pickup or pickup order at your current store location.

Available when? This screen is available by selecting Begin Pick Up in the bottom right at the Ready to Pick Up screen, the View Order screen, or the View Full Order screen if a pickup order for your current store location has been picked, or a ship-for-pickup order has been received (or picked, if it’s sourced at your current location), and not yet been picked up, and is not currently Under Review.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure

confirm pickup of the entire order

Select Complete Pickup to confirm that the customer has picked up all items on the order.

Packing slip needed? Depending on the configuration for your organization, the Packing Slip might not be generated automatically when you confirm pickup. If you need to print the packing slip, select View Packing Documents, as described below, before selecting Complete Pickup.

An error message indicates if the status of the order has changed since you displayed the current screen. Otherwise, you return to the previous screen and the order is no longer displayed at the Ready to Pick Up screen.

change the order pickup date

Select Change Order Pick Up Date from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right to open the Change Order Pick Up Date window.

This option is available only if your organization is configured to automatically cancel unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders after a specified number of days. Also, an error message indicates if the status of the order has changed since you displayed the current screen.

change to a partial pickup

The option to confirm a partial pickup is available only if your organization supports it.

Select Change to Partial Pickup from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right if, for example, the customer is not prepared to pick up all items on the order, but does not want to cancel the items, and plans to pick up the remaining items at a later time.

The option to lower the picked quantity of each item is available. For example, if the Picked quantity of an item is currently 2, you can use the down arrow next to the quantity to change the quantity to 1 if the customer does not want a second unit of the item at this time, or you can change the quantity to 0 if the customer does not want the item at all at this time.

If you have lowered the quantity of an order line and need to change it back, you can use the up arrow next to the quantity to increase it.

Select Complete Pickup, as described above under confirming pickup of the entire order, to confirm the pickup of the currently displayed quantities of the items on the order. Any remaining order line quantities remain open. An error message indicates if the status of the order has changed since you displayed the current screen.

revert to full pickup

If you have selected Change to Partial Pickup from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right and then need to revert to picking up the full order, select Revert to Full Pickup from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.). If you have lowered the order line quantities for any items, they revert to the original quantities that were displayed when you first opened the screen. You can now complete pickup of the entire order, or use the other options available at the screen.

This option is available only after you have selected Change to Partial Pickup.

view the packing slip

Select View Packing Documents from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right to view and optionally print the Packing Slip.

cancel the entire order

Select Cancel Order from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right to cancel the entire order. The Cancel Order window opens.

You might cancel an order if the customer has indicated that they don’t want the order. Order Orchestration does not attempt to find another location for the order. The order is no longer displayed at the Ready to Pick Up screen.

reject the entire order

Select Reject Order from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right to reject the entire order. The Reject Order window opens.

You might reject any order if you don’t have the stock available to fulfill it.

What happens when you reject:

  • Pickup order:

    The order is updated as unfulfillable, and is no longer displayed at the Ready to Pick Up screen.
  • Ship-for-pickup order:

    A new sourcing location is assigned for the order, and the screen closes. If there isn’t another location that can source the order, the order’s status is updated to unfulfillable.
cancel an item

Select Cancel Item from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) to the right of the item to cancel the item on the order. This option is available only if your organization supports updates to individual order lines. The Cancel Item window opens.

You might cancel an item if the customer indicates that they don’t want the item. Order Orchestration does not attempt to find another location for the item. The item is no longer displayed on the Pick Up Order screen.

reject an item

Select Reject Item from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) to the right of the item to reject the item on the order. This option is available only if your organization supports updates to individual order lines.

The Reject Item window opens. At this window, you can reject all units of the order line, or a partial quantity if your organization supports it.

You might reject an item if you don’t actually have the stock available to fulfill it.

What happens when you reject:

  • Pickup order:

    The item is updated as unfulfillable, and is no longer displayed at the Ready to Pick Up screen.
  • Ship-for-pickup order:

    A new sourcing location is assigned for the item, and it is no longer displayed at the Pick Up Order screen. If there isn’t another location that can source the item, the item’s status is updated to unfulfillable.

return to the previous screen

Select X from the top right to return to the previous screen.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description

Order number

The number or code identifying the order in the originating system.

Next action

The next action indicated is Ready to Pick Up.

Number of units

The current number of picked units on the order.

Fulfillment Type

A fulfillment type of Pickup or Ship for Pickup is indicated to the right.

Items: For each item on the order that is assigned to your current store location and ready to be picked up, the following information is displayed.

Item description

A description of the item.

An image of the item may also be displayed.

Item code

A code identifying the item.


The price of a single unit of the item.

Available Quantity

The available quantity of the item after subtracting the quantity on any open orders.


The current quantity of the order line that has been picked or received and not yet picked up.

Order Details: Information about the customer and the placed location are displayed.

Sold To

The customer who placed the order. Can include:

  • Company name

  • Ship-to name, including title, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix (such as Jr.)

  • First address line and apartment or suite number

  • Second through fourth address lines

  • City, state or province, zip or postal code, and country code

  • Daytime phone number

  • Evening phone number

  • Email address

If the address has been updated in the originating system since the order was originally created, it isn’t automatically updated here.

Location Detail

Includes the location code and description for each of the following:

  • Placed at: The location where the order was placed. May represent another store location, the contact center, or the web storefront.

  • Sourced from: For a ship-for-pickup order, this is the location that shipped the items, if they were not available in your current location. Multiple locations is indicated if the items were shipped from more than one location. This is your current location if your location if it was not necessary for the items to be shipped from a different location.

    Note: The Sourced From information is not relevant to or included for a pickup order.

  • Pick Up at: Your current location.