63 Payment Configurations

Purpose: Use the Payment Configurations page to configure the merchants and payment methods used through integration with Oracle Retail EFTConnect. The Work with Authorization Service (WASV) option displays the merchant accounts that you create and work with in the Payment Configurations page.


Access to this page requires ALLOW authority to the WPMT (Payment Configurations) menu option. If you have DISPLAY authority, you cannot advance to this page.

About EFTConnect: Oracle Retail EFTConnect facilitates integration with Account Providers, such as CyberSource, Adyen, external payment services (EPS) and other custom Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) payment services. Use of EFTConnect removes any requirement to configure each credit card payment type in Order Administration; instead, the payment processor that hosts the payment form validates the card used on an order, including the card number length, format, leading digits, or expiration date.

Configuration for other payment methods: Use the Work with Pay Type (WPAY) option in Classic View for other payment methods, such as cash, check, PayPal, external payment service gift cards, or Customer Engagement stored value cards. Payment methods that have been configured through the Payment Configurations page in Modern View are display-only in the Work with Pay Type option in Classic View.

Required settings before you begin: Before you use this page to set up a merchant account for your brand and define payment methods, the following configuration is required in Classic View:

  • Properties: Configure the following properties in Work with Admin Properties (CPRP):

    • ELO_CONFIG_URL: Used to establish a connection with EFTConnect when you use the Payment Configurations page. Contact your Oracle representative if this property is not defined, or if the Payment Configurations page in Modern View displays an error.

    • ELO_IDCS_ENDPOINT_URL: Used to request the token for OAuth authentication for the integration with EFTConnect. If this property is blank, the IDCS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_URL is used. OAuth must also be configured for the outbound EFTConnect web service in Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA).


      The Client ID and Client Secret are from the EFTConnect record in Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA). Regardless of which endpoint URL is used, the client ID and secret must be valid for the EFTConnect web service.
    • ELO_PAYMENT_URL: Defines the URL to use for any transactional communication with EFTConnect, such as obtaining a form token, authorization, or deposit. Required for use of the Payment Configurations page in Modern View.

    • ELO_THRESHOLD_TIME: Used for logging purposes. Compares the elapsed time of the web service with the ELO_THRESHOLD_TIME. If the elapsed time exceeds the threshold, a message is logged.

    • ELO_TIMEOUT: Defines the number of milliseconds to wait before requests from Order Administration to EFTConnect time out.

    • ELO_POLL_COUNT_THRESHOLD: Determines whether the transaction should be updated as unconfirmed if the threshold has been exceeded. It has a default threshold of 3, but this setting may need to be changed by the retailer. This value indicates the number of times that OACS calls EFTConnect to check if it has the status of the transaction (Capture, Refund, or Auth+Capture) from the payment provider. If the poll count is equal to or exceeds this setting, the status is changed to Unconfirmed. The deposit will need to be managed in Manage Rejected Deposits.

  • Authentication: Set up outbound authentication for EFTConnect in Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA). OAuth is required. Note that this authentication is company-specific; for example, if you use company 1 and company 2, you need to configure authentication in both companies. The retailer needs to copy the client secret from IDCS or OCI IAM and paste it in as the Client Secret for the EFTConnect record in Work with Web Service Authentication.

  • System control values:

    • Use Auto Authorization Interface (C14) must be selected.

    • Selecting On-Line Authorizations (B89) is optional.

  • For CyberSource, the Merchant Account, Merchant Key, and Merchant Secret Key are entered into the merchant service screen after selecting CyberSource.


    It is the responsibility of the retailer to obtain their credentials from the payment service provider.

If the page does not load successfully: Reasons why the page does not load can include:

  • If you do not have ALLOW authority to the WPMT (Payment Configurations) menu option, you cannot advance to this page.

  • If the page displays an error such as Access to Payment Configurations is not allowed. Contact your system administrator, this can indicate that one of the property settings listed above, such as the required URLs, are not set to valid URLs. The error might also include additional information, such as EFT Connect Configuration URL value is invalid or EFT Connect Payments URL value is invalid.

  • If the Auto Authorization Interface (C14) system control value is not selected, the page displays an error: Access to Payment Configurations is not allowed. Contact your system administrator.

  • If any of the required properties are not defined correctly in Work with Admin Properties:

    • EFT Connect Configuration URL value is invalid: Indicates that the ELO_CONFIG_URL is not set correctly.

    • EFT Connect Payment URL value is invalid: Indicates that the ELO_PAYMENT_URL is not set correctly.

Pending Transactions:

Use the EFTSTA periodic function (PfrEFTStat) to request payment status updates for pending authorization void, capture and refund transactions in EFTConnect. This function checks the status in EFTConnect of each order payment transaction record that is currently in SENT status, as this status indicates that Order Administration previously received a PENDING result code from EFTConnect for the transaction. Some payment providers process some messages asynchronously (typically can be Captures and Refunds) and will return initial result as “PENDING”, and at a later point will notify EFTConnect with the final result of the transaction. This requires Order Administration to periodically request status updates for the transactions in this status. When Order Administration receives a PENDING result code in an authorization reversal (VOID) response message from EFTConnect, the IL outbound record status will be changed to P (PENDING). 

This function uses the new ELO_POLL_COUNT_THRESHOLD property in CPRP to determine whether the transaction should be updated as unconfirmed. It has a default threshold of 3, but this setting may need to be changed by the retailer. This value indicates the number of times that OMS calls EFTConnect to check if it has the status of the transaction (Capture, Refund, or Auth+Capture) from the payment provider. If the poll count is equal to or exceeds this setting, the status is changed to Unconfirmed. The deposit will need to be managed in Manage Rejected Deposits.

You should schedule this job to run at least a half hour after running deposits to allow time for processing of the requests. The exact interval to allow between running deposits and this job depends on the quantity of requests you are processing.

Fraud Processing:

When Use Fraud Checking is enabled on the Payment Configurations Merchant Account screen, the first authorization sent for each order payment method will request that the payment processor perform fraud checking. With CyberSource, fraud checking will be performed through Decision Manager. Additional configuration within Order Administration is no longer required.

When an authorization is under review, the order will be placed on a header system level hold of FS (Fraud Scoring Hold) and a pay type system level hold of PF (Payment Fraud Scoring Hold).


If the PF hold reason code is already in use, the description will be updated to Payment Fraud Scoring Hold and you should consider creating a different code for other user hold processes.

Use the EFTFRA periodic function (PfrEFTFraud) to request payment status updates for authorization transactions under REVIEW in EFTConnect.

  • If result is REVIEW, no changes will be made, and the status will be checked next time the job is run.

  • If result is REJECT, the order is canceled using the reason code in the Fraud Score Cancel Reason Code (M14) system control value.

  • If result is ACCEPT, the order and pay type holds will be released and the order can now follow normal processing.

Authorization Reversals

When Send Authorization Reversal is enabled on the Payment Configurations Merchant Account screen, the REVERSE periodic function now applies only to all open (Status is A or O) Authorization History records whose authorization service is eligible for authorization reversal.


This periodic function no longer uses Send Reversal on the Work with Pay Type (WPAY) record or a restriction of not more than 72 hours old.

This periodic function applies only to credit cards that are configured through the Payment Configurations option in Modern View. It does not apply to ORCE Stored Value Cards, External Payment Service Gift Cards or to PayPal.

EFTConnect Data Storage

Requests are sent to EFTConnect when an order purge occurs to confirm the purge of payment-related data. You can purge orders through Purge Orders (MPOR), Purge Orders by Order Number (MORP), or the PURGEOR periodic function.

New Web Service Message Versions

The following new message versions no longer include tags that pass the credit card number for an order and instead include tags that pass the card token. These changes were made because in 23.2.401.0 or higher, the message includes only an already tokenized card number.


The previous versions of these messages are no longer available. You need to use the new message versions listed below.
  • CWEmailOut: New version 13.0 no longer includes the opm_credit_card tag and includes instead the card_token tag.

  • CWInvoiceOut: New version 7.0 no longer includes the ipm_credit_card_nbr and instead includes the card_token tag.

  • CWOrderIn: New version 12.0 no longer includes the cc_number or already_tokenized tags, but instead includes the new card_token, psp_payment_scheme, and psp_customer_token tags.

  • CWOrderOut: New version 12.0 no longer includes the credit_card_nbr tag, but instead includes the new card_token tag.

Displaying Credit Card Numbers: Storing credit card numbers are no longer supported. Instead, the Credit Card Last 4 or the Card Token will be displayed on all Classic View screens or reports where previously the credit card number would have displayed. Additionally, all Classic View screen labels have been updated to say Card instead of Credit Card.

Search by Credit Card Number: The Credit card # field is no longer available at the Classic View Order Inquiry scan screen, so that you can no longer advance to the Scan by Credit Card screen.

How to display: Select Payment Configurations from a menu.

For more information:

Payment Configurations Options

Purpose: The options at the Payment Configurations page and related windows are described below.

For more information:

Options at this page:

Add a Merchant Account

CyberSource, Adyen and OPI merchants can be set up as merchant accounts.


You cannot create a merchant account unless the required settings described for the Payment Configurations page are complete.
  1. Select Add Merchant Account to open the Merchant Account window.

  2. Select an Account Provider. CyberSource and Adyen are base delivered providers and all other providers listed are custom Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) payment services.  See Add a Custom Payment Service for more details.

  3. Select the Payment Category such as Credit or Debit, or Wallets. The main Payment Configurations screen displays your selection next to the Merchant Description.

  4. Click OK to continue.

  5. The full Merchant Account window opens, displaying additional fields. See Merchant Account Window for field descriptions. The Account Provider and the Payment Category are display-only.

  6. Enter the Merchant Description to describe the merchant account in EFTConnect. The Merchant Identification will be assigned automatically when you create the account.

  7. The next set of dynamic fields vary depending on whether you selected CyberSource, Adyen or OPI custom payment provider.

    • If you selected CyberSource, enter the Merchant Account, Merchant Key, and Merchant Secret Key provided by your payment provider.

    • If you selected Adyen, enter the Merchant Account, Merchant Key, Account Username, Account Password, Merchant Secret Key, and Live Account Prefix. Also, enter one or more HMAC Key values.

    • Select Live or Test.

    Contact your Account Provider if you need information on the settings of these fields, which may be different to those listed above.

  8. The following Account Attribute flags are unselected by default. Select as applicable.

    • Void Remaining Authorizations at Deposit

    • Supports Authorization Resubmission

    • Send Authorization Reversal

    • Exclude from Deferred or Installment Payment Plans

    • Use for Installment Billing

    • Use Fraud Checking

    • Override Reconciliation Identification

Updates at creation:

  • The merchant information is submitted to EFTConnect, where the merchant record is created.

  • An authorization service record is created in Order Administration, and it is displayed in the Work with Authorization Service (WASV) menu option in Classic View.

    A delivered service code, such as E01 for the first merchant record created for the company, is assigned to the merchant record. This EFTConnect code will be displayed as the Service code in WASV, and follows the Merchant Description in the Merchant Account Panel on the Payment Configurations page. It is the next unassigned numeric value with a prefix of E.

    All EFTConnect generic message response and AVS reason codes are assigned to the merchant records. These codes are displayed through the WASV menu option.

    The Payment Configurations page displays the Merchant Account Panel for the new merchant record, including the assigned service code.

Additional setup in Classic View: After creating the merchant account, use the WASV menu option in Classic View to define hold reason codes or pop-up message text for the vendor responses, as well as any currency or country code cross-references. However, you need to use the Payment Configurations option in Modern View to apply any changes to the merchant account itself. The Change option for the authorization service is not supported in Classic View.

Test a Connection

Select the Test Connection (Illustrates the Test Connection option.) option for a merchant to test the connection between Order Administration and EFTConnect, as well as the connection to the payment provider, using the URLs defined in the related properties (CPRP).

In order to test connections, the merchant account needs to have at least one payment method defined.

A message window indicates if the test was successful. If the connection fails, select See All at the message window to display the message returned from EFTConnect to describe why the test failed. These can include:

  • At least one payment method needs to be defined in order to test the payment service: No payment methods have been defined for the merchant.

  • Account Provider isn't known or is invalid: The Merchant Key or Merchant Secret Key is invalid.

  • EFTConnect Configuration URL value is invalid or EFTConnect Payment URL value is invalid: The referenced properties are not set correctly Work with Admin Properties (CPRP) in Classic View.

  • Communication failure or Invalid Data passed. Contact your system administrator: The ELO_PAYMENT_URL property in Work with Admin Properties (CPRP) in Classic View is not set correctly.

If there are multiple issues that could have caused the test to fail, only one message is displayed. For example, if the secret key is invalid and no payment methods have been defined, only the second message (Account provided isn’t known or is invalid) is displayed.

You need to select Dismiss to close the message windows, including the failure message if currently open.

Edit a Merchant Account

Select the Edit Merchant Account (Illustrates the Edit Merchant Account option.) option for a merchant to edit the account for the merchant.

You can edit all fields except for the Account Provider, Merchant Identification, and Payment Category. See Add a Merchant Account, above, for more information on completing the window, and see Merchant Account Window for field descriptions.

Select OK to save your changes, or select Cancel to exit the window without saving.

You can also select Delete Merchant Account to delete the record.

Delete a Merchant Account

Select Delete Merchant Account from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a merchant account to delete the merchant account record. The Delete Merchant Account option is also available at the Merchant Account window in edit mode.


You cannot delete a merchant account if there are any existing payment methods defined for the account.

After deletion, it is no longer displayed in Payment Configurations.

Updates: When you delete a merchant account, it is deleted in EFTConnect and is no longer displayed in the Work with Authorization Service (WASV) menu option in Classic View. Any dependent records are also deleted; this includes hold reason codes or pop-up message text for the vendor responses, as well as any currency or country code cross-references or merchant ID overrides by entity.

Add a Payment Method

Select Add Payment Method for a merchant account to add a payment method. At least one payment method is required to use the merchant account.

The Payment Method Description is required. The remaining fields are optional. See the Payment Method Details Window for details on how to enter the remaining fields.

You can select OK to add the payment method, or Save and Add Another to continue creating payment methods for the merchant account.

Once a payment method is created, it will display in Payment Configurations under the merchant account.

Updates: The pay method record is created in Order Administration, and is available for review in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) option in Classic View. Note that you cannot edit the pay method record itself in Classic View. The pay method number code is automatically set to the next available pay method number; for example, if a pay method 1 and 2 already exist, the new pay method record is assigned number 3. The Authorization Service and Deposit Service displayed for the pay method are both set to the service code, such as E01 for the first merchant record created for the company. The payment method is also linked to the merchant account in EFTConnect.

Additional setup in Classic View: You can use the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) option in Classic View to set up user fields. You first need to use the Work with User Defined Fields (WUDF) menu option to define the available fields. It is not necessary to set up credit card formats, as they are not used in processing with EFTConnect.

Restrict Add Payment for a Merchant Account

Select Restrict Add Payment from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a payment method assigned to a merchant account to restrict the use of the payment method. This option is displayed only if the payment method is not currently restricted. The status change to Restricted takes effect immediately and is shown under the Status column for the merchant account. The payment method is not eligible to be used on an order.

Allow Add Payment for a Merchant Account

Select Allow Add Payment from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a payment method assigned to a merchant account to allow the use of the payment method. This option is displayed only if the payment method is currently restricted. The status change to Allowed takes effect immediately and is shown under the Status column for the merchant account.

Edit Payment Method Details

Select Edit Payment Method Details from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a payment method assigned to a merchant account to open the Payment Method Details Window. You can edit any fields except the Payment Category or the Payment Method.

Delete a Payment Method

Select Delete Payment Method from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a payment method assigned to a merchant account to delete the payment method.

You can also delete a payment method by selecting Delete Payment Method at the Payment Method Details Window.

The payment method is no longer displayed under the merchant account or in the Work with Pay Types (WPAY) option in Classic View. Any user-defined fields for the pay type are also deleted, and the payment method is no longer linked to the merchant account in EFTConnect.


You should not delete a payment method that has been used on any existing orders.

Manage Payment Services

The Manage Payment Services option is used to configure an Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) Custom Payment Service. The Custom Payment Service allows the retailer to provide details about which Payment Service Provider (PSP), payment methods and dynamic fields are supported and required to be populated.


The Payment Services entered here are not company specific.  Enter them once, and they are available for selection when creating Merchant Accounts for all of the companies. 

Select the Manage Payment Services option to open the Payment Services window. If any payment services have been entered previously, they are listed.

Add a Custom Payment Service

  1. Select Add Payment Service. The Payment Services Details window opens to enter the details of the payment service.

  2. Enter the Service Name.

  3. Enter the Service URL of the custom payment service.

  4. Enter the OAuth Service URL.

  5. Enter the OAuth Client ID for the external server that provides the Oauth authentication.

  6. Enter the OAuth Client Secret for the external server that provides the Oauth authentication.

  7. Enter the Scope for the external server that provides the Oauth authentication.

  8. Select OK to validate the fields. A call is made to the Payment Service URL. If communication is successful, the Payment Service window opens and the results show that the newly entered payment service is listed. The Last Tested date and time is updated, each time OK is selected.

    If communication fails to the Payment Service, an error displays at the top of the Payment Service window as Communication error.

    If communication is successful to the Payment Service but fails to connect to EFTConnect, an error will display at the top of the Payment Service window: Communication error, contact your system administrator.

Edit/View Details for the Custom Payment Service

Select Details from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a payment service. You can edit any fields in the Payment Services Details window except the Service Name.

Select OK to validate the fields. A call is made to the Payment Service URL. If communication is successful, the Payment Services window opens and the Last Tested date and time is updated.

Payment Service Test Connection

When the Test Connection button is clicked from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) for a payment service, a call is made to the Payment Service URL. The Last Tested date and time are updated for the payment service whether communication is successful or fails. A snackbar message indicates if the test connection was successful.

If communication fails to the Payment Service, a snackbar message indicates a failed test connection.

Delete a Custom Payment Service

Select Delete from the actions menu (Illustrates the actions menu) to delete a payment service. If a payment service is already connected to a Merchant Account record, it cannot be deleted. A snackbar message indicates if the payment services was successfully deleted. Click OK to dismiss the snackbar message.

Refresh the Displayed Information

Select the Refresh option (Illustrates the Refresh option for the page.) to refresh the information displayed on the Payment Configurations page.

Fields on Payment Configurations

Purpose: The following information is on the Payment Configurations page and related windows.

For more information:

Merchant Account Panel

Displayed for each existing merchant account at the Payment Configurations page.

Merchant Description: The Merchant Description defined when you are configuring the account at the Merchant Account Window, followed by the delivered service code, such as E01 for the first merchant record created for the company, in parentheses. The service code, derived from EFTConnect, is the next unassigned numeric value with a prefix of E. The description is then followed by the Payment Category. The categories available vary depending on the Account Provider, such as CyberSource or Adyen.

Account Provider, Environment (Live or Test), and the following additional settings:

  • Multiple Deposits for Authorizations Allowed: Displayed if the Void Remaining Authorization at Deposit flag is not selected.

  • Send Authorization Reversal: Displayed if the Send Reversal flag is selected.

  • Void Remaining Authorization at Deposit: Displayed if the Void Remaining Authorization at Deposit flag is selected.

Payment method fields: Displayed for each payment method defined for the merchant account.

  • Payment Method Description: The description defined for the payment method, followed by the numeric code in parentheses. This is the pay method code displayed in Work with Pay Types (WPAY) in Classic View. The next unassigned numeric code is assigned automatically when you create the payment method for the merchant account, and displayed to the right in parentheses.

  • Details: The number of Reauthorization Days defined.

  • Status: Allowed or Restricted.

  • Actions menu (Actions menu icon illustration) to advance to the Payment Method Menu where you perform the following tasks: Restrict Add Payment for a Merchant Account, Edit Payment Method Details, or Delete a Payment Method.

Merchant Account Window

How to display: Select Add Merchant Account at the Payment Configurations page, or select Edit Merchant Account from the Merchant Account panel for an existing merchant account.

Account Provider The payment gateway provider, such as CyberSource or Adyen. When creating a merchant account, you can select one of the account providers defined for your organization in EFTConnect. Your Oracle representative configures these providers in EFTConnect.

Merchant Identification: Display-only field that is displayed when you select to edit an existing merchant account. Identifies the brand for your company. Formatted as 123–CYBERSOURCE-001 where 123 is the company number (zero-filled) where you created the merchant account record, CYBERSOURCE is the Account Provider, and 001 is a sequence number to identify the merchant account for the company. Automatically assigned when you create a merchant account. The Merchant Identification is labeled the Merchant ID in WASV.

Payment Category Indicates the types of payments supported. Categories available are Credit or Debit and Wallets.

Merchant Description: Describes the merchant account in EFTConnect. The Merchant Description is labeled the Charge description in WASV.

Merchant Account: Identifies your account in EFTConnect. Provided by Oracle staff.

Merchant Key: The key to use for authentication of your account in EFTConnect. Provided by Oracle staff.

Merchant Secret Key: The secret key to use for authentication of your account in EFTConnect. Provided by Oracle staff. Optionally, select the eye icon to display or hide.

The next set of dynamic fields vary depending on whether CyberSource, Adyen or OPI custom payment provider was selected as the Account Provider. For Adyen, addition fields are shown. Live Account Prefix .is the prefix for the live URL and is required for live transactions. One or more HMAC Key values, labeled HMAC Key, HMAC Key 1, HMAC Key 2, HMAC Key 3, and HMAC Key 4 are required for hash-based message authentication. Provided by Oracle staff. These fields are not required or displayed for CyberSource.

Environment: Set to Live or Test to indicate whether the transactions will take place in a live or test environment.

The following Account Attribute flags are unselected by default. Optionfally, you can select them as described below:

  • Void Remaining Authorization at Deposit:

    • Selected: The system voids any unused portion of an authorization for a payment card pay method at deposit time. Order Administration will need to obtain an additional authorization for any subsequent deposits for the order.

    • Unselected: The system retains any unused portion of an authorization for a payment card pay method at deposit time.


    Your end payment processor needs to support multiple captures and support split shipments if you have this flag unselected. 
  • Supports Authorization Resubmission: Indicates whether to resubmit failed authorization and deposit requests for credit cards.

    When you select this flag and are using CyberSource, the subsequentAuthReason in the authorization and deposit request is set to 1; otherwise it is set to 3. If the payment card is replaced since the initial deposit request, then the subsequentAuthReason is set to 3, since it is not considered a subsequent authorization and deposit request.


     Select this flag only if your payment processor supports merchant-initiated resubmission of failed deposits.
  • Send Authorization Reversal: Defines whether the REVERSE Send Reversals for Expired Authorizations (program name PFR0133) periodic function processes all open Authorization History records for this merchant account that are eligible for authorization reversal.

    • Selected = The REVERSE periodic function processes all open Authorization History records for this merchant account that are eligible for authorization reversal.

    • Unselected = The REVERSE periodic function does not process open Authorization History records for this merchant account.


    The REVERSE periodic function applies only to credit cards. It does not apply to gift cards or to PayPal.
  • Exclude from Deferred or Installment Payment Plans: Indicates whether to exclude orders associated with this merchant account from a deferred or installment pay plan. If an order includes any pay type whose authorization service has this field selected, the order is not eligible for a pay plan.

  • Use for Installment Billing: Indicates if the merchant account supports installment billing of payment cards. Installment billing plans are typically established for high cost items. This field is informational only and is not used to set up an installment pay plan in Order Administration. Valid values are:

    • Selected = The merchant account supports installment billing.

    • Unselected = The merchant account does not support installment billing.

  • Use Fraud Checking: Indicates if fraud checking is performed for the payment method. For EFTConnect type authorizations only.

  • Override Reconciliation Identification: Optionally, use this field when defining a merchant account to define the value to pass as the reconciliation in a debit deposit, credit deposit, or authorization and deposit request. You can select None, Invoice Number, or Alternate Order Number. Defaults to None.

Delete a Merchant Account

Payment Method Details Window

How to display: Select Add Payment Method for an existing account at the Merchant Account Panel, or select Edit Payment Method Details for an existing payment method for a merchant account.

Payment Category Indicates the types of payments (Credit or Debit or Wallets) selected for the Merchant Account. Display-only.

Payment Method When creating a new payment method, set this field to be the same as the Payment Category. This field is display-only when you are editing a payment method.

Payment Method Description: The description defined for the payment method. This is the pay type code displayed in Work with Pay Types (WPAY) in Classic View. The next unassigned code is assigned automatically when you create the payment method for the merchant account. Up to 30 positions. Required. The Payment Method Description should be named uniquely so the payment method is easily identified. Specific Schemes like Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay are not shown when selecting a Payment Method .

Reauthorization Days: The number of days before a credit card authorization is set to expire.


If online authorization is enabled, you should specify this number of days for a payment method in order to prevent repeated, unnecessary authorization requests. If this field is zero for a payment card pay method, the authorization expires immediately. Also, if the order is submitted to Order Orchestration for fulfillment, there will be unsuccessful authorization attempts.

The REAUTH periodic function uses this data to determine when to attempt to reauthorize an expired authorization. Only pay methods that have this field set to a number greater than 0 are eligible for reauthorization attempts. Also, the REAUTH periodic function does not attempt to reauthorize PayPal. See Reauthorizing Expired Authorizations in the Technical Guide for more information.

Numeric, up to 100 positions. Defaults to 0, indicating not to reauthorize.

Restrict Payment Method: Select this flag to indicate that the payment method is not yet eligible to be used on an order. The current setting is indicated on the Merchant Account Panel.

Notify of Subsequent Authorization Installments: Indicates whether to send a commerceIndicator set to install in the subsequent authorization and deposit request to EFT Connect for an order using a deferred or installment pay plan.


To determine how to set this flag if you offer deferred or installment billing and use CyberSource, you need to confirm the information that the end processor requires for deferred or installment payment plans for each payment type.
  • Selected = The commerceIndicator is set to install in the authorization and deposit request for a subsequent request, and no subsequentAuthReason, subsequentAuthStoredCredential, or subsequentAuthOriginalAmount is passed.

  • Unselected (default) = The authorization and deposit request includes the commerceIndicator set to either moto or internet, based on where the order originated, and also includes the subsequentAuthReason, subsequentAuthStoredCredential, and subsequentAuthOriginalAmount, similar to the request for a split shipment.

Display-only when you are editing a payment method.

Alternate Refund Payment Method: The pay type to use for refunds to this pay type, if different. Change this setting only if the pay method for refunds is different from the pay method used on the order; otherwise, leave it set to None. Each additional existing cash/check or stored value (gift) card pay method is available for selection.

The system checks the appropriate values defined for the alternate refund pay method, not the original pay method, when generating refunds.


This field is not displayed if the Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control value is selected. If you enable credit card net exchange billing after defining an alternate refund payment method, the system ignores the defined payment method.

Defaults to None, indicating to use the same pay method for refunds.

Alternate Refund Category: The pay category to which the system-generated refund can be charged during refund maintenance. Valid values are:

  • Cash/Check

  • Credit Card

When you define an alternate refund category for a pay method, you give yourself the option of changing the refund to the method that corresponds to this category.

Defaults to None, indicating not to use a different pay category for refunds.


This field is not displayed if the Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control value is selected. If you enable credit card net exchange billing after defining an alternate refund category, the system ignores the defined refund category.

Balance Due Amount Maximum: If a customer short pays an order by an amount equal to or greater than this amount, the system places the order automatically on BD (Balance Due) hold.


Orders are evaluated for the Balance Due Amount Maximum and theBalance Due Percentage Maximum. The balance due percentage limit takes precedence over balance due amount limit, so the system puts the order on hold when it is underpaid by the percentage even if it not underpaid by the dollar amount.

Example:  A customer underpays a 1,250.00 order by 25.00. The balance due amount is 5.00; however, the balance due percentage maximum is 5%. Five percent of this order is 62.50. This order does not go on hold, because the customer has underpaid by more than the balance due maximum but less than the balance due percentage maximum.


If the underpaid amount is less than the amount specified here (and there is balance due percentage maximum specified), the order does not go on hold. The system creates a balance due record (negative refund record) and puts this record into a write-off pending status. These refund write-off amounts accumulate for the sold-to customer, and can be applied to a subsequent order as an additional charge, using the Default Additional Charge Code (C45).

Numeric, up to 13 positions with a 2–position decimal. Defaults to 0, indicating that there is no maximum balance due amount.

Balance Due Percentage Maximum: If a customer underpays on an order by a percentage equal to or greater than this amount, the system places the order on hold.


Orders are evaluated for both the Balance Due Amount Maximum and the Balance Due Percentage Maximum:. The percentage maximum takes priority over the balance due amount maximum. See the Balance Due Amount Maximum, above, for a discussion.

Numeric, up to 13 positions with a 2–position decimal. Defaults to 0, indicating that there is no balance due percentage maximum.

Order Amount Maximum: If the order total meets or exceeds this amount, the system places the order on DH (dollar) hold.

If there is more than one payment method on the order, the system places the order on hold if the order total meets or exceeds the Order Amount Maximum for any pay method.

Numeric, up to 13 positions with a 2–position decimal. Defaults to 0, indicating not to put the order on hold based on order total.

Hold Days: The number of days to hold an order using this payment method. The system releases the order from hold automatically through daily periodic processing once the number specified here has passed.

Numeric, up to 3 positions. Defaults to 0, indicating not to put an order on hold because it uses this payment method.

Refund Check Minimum Amount: The minimum dollar amount for which you issue a refund. Refunds less than this amount are put in a write-off pending status. These write-off amounts accumulate in the Customer Sold-to table and can be used as an order credit on a subsequent order. The Default Cash Pay Type (C07) to be used in these instances is defined in the System Control table.

If a pay method has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, up to 13 positions with a 2–position decimal. Defaults to 0, indicating that there is no refund check minimum amount.

Refund Check Maximum Amount: The maximum dollar amount for automatic refund creation.

Any refund exceeding this dollar amount is put on hold. For example, if you leave this field blank for a credit card alternate refund type, all refunds will go on hold because they exceed the blank (zero) amount.

If a pay method has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, up to 13 positions with a 2–position decimal. Defaults to 0, indicating that there is no maximum refund amount.

Release Days: The number of days to hold a refund from processing. The system changes the status of the refund to “open” when you process the refund if the release days have passed. This feature ensures that the customer's check for the order clears before you print a refund check for the overpayment.

If a pay method has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, up to 3 positions. A release days setting of 0 indicates not to hold a refund from processing.

Store Tender: A cross-reference to the corresponding tender code in a point-of-sale system. This field is available only if you specify the Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69).

This code is passed in the POSLog integration to Customer Engagement as the tender ID, which can be used as a loyalty qualifier.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

ChannelAdvisor Cross Reference Number: A cross-reference to a ChannelAdvisor marketplace, set up through Work with ChannelAdvisor Offers Screen, from which you receive orders:

  • If the CAORDUP periodic function creates an order from ChannelAdvisor, and the ItemSaleSource passed for the order matches this cross-reference, the periodic function assigns this payment method to the order. Your marketplace needs to match a ChannelAdvisor Site Token value.

  • If an order has a payment method whose cross-reference matches a ChannelAdvisor marketplace and also matches the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90), the Processing Refunds (MREF) option submits any pending refunds for the order to ChannelAdvisor, and does not actually generate the refund.

If more than one pay method has the same matching cross-reference, the periodic function selects the pay method with the highest pay method code.

This field is available only if the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90) system control value specifies an order type.

ChannelAdvisor Type: Controls how the CAORDUP periodic function calculates shipping and tax, and how refund amounts are passed when submitting ChannelAdvisor orders. If this field is set to:

  • Item Level or None = Consistent with the Amazon and eBay with premium tax marketplaces:

    • the CAORDUP periodic function calculates shipping and tax based on the amounts in the OrderLineItemItem element

    • refund processing calculates tax and shipping at the item level and passes these amounts in the RefundItem level in the SubmitOrderRefund message

  • Order Level = Consistent with the eBay marketplace (without premium tax):

    • the CAORDUP periodic function uses the tax and shipping amounts from the OrderLineItemInvoice element and prorates them across the lines on the order

    • the SubmitOrderRefund message specifies amounts at the order level

This field is available only if the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90) system control value specifies an order type.

Payment Services Window

How to display: Select Manage Payment Services from Payment Configurations.

Add Payment Service: Button to advance to the Payment Service Details window.

Service Name: Displays the Service Name returned from EFTConnect.

Last Tested: Displays the date and time that the connection of this service was last tested.  

Payment Service Details Window

How to display: Select Add Payment Service from Manage Payment Services or Details for an existing payment service for a Merchant Account.

Service Name: Required. This must be unique. It is shown in the Payment Services list and displayed with the Merchant Account on the Payment Configurations page.

Service URL: Required. URL of the Custom Payment Service which is typically the Retailers Middleware tool.

OAuth Service URL: Required. Service URL (Token endpoint) for the External Server that provides the Oauth authentication.

OAuth Client ID: Required. Client ID for the External Server that provides the Oauth authentication.

OAuth Client Secret: Required. Client Secret for the External Server that provides the Oauth authentication. This field must be masked.

Scope: Optional field. Scope for the External Server that provides the Oauth authentication.