Display Active Batch Jobs (DABJ)

Purpose: Use the Display Active Batch Jobs Screen to determine which batch jobs on the Job Management Screen are running successfully.

Display Active Batch Jobs

Which Jobs are Active Batch Jobs?

The Display Active Jobs screen displays the batch jobs that are running in the Order Administration application server across all servers, including jobs submitted through the ProcessIn message; see Using the ProcessIn REST Message to Start a Periodic Process in the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

If a job is listed but is not actually running, use the JOBCLN periodic function to correct. See Using the JOBCLN Function to Resolve Job Status Across Servers.

If a Batch Job is not on the Display Active Batch Jobs Screen

If the batch job is not displayed on the Display Active Batch Jobs Screen for any of the Order Administration application servers, the batch job is not really running, regardless of the status of the job on the Job Management Screen or the status of the process that submitted the job.

Display Active Batch Jobs Screen

How to display this screen: Enter DABJ in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Display Active Batch Jobs from a menu.

Column sort: You can sort on any column on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Active batch jobs are listed on this screen in job number sequence.

Field Description


A code identifying the batch job. See Periodic Functions Available to Schedule in the Implementation Guide for information on submitted job names.

Note:  Interactive jobs, such as the job started for each user session (for example, QPADEV0B9A), are not listed on this screen.


The user ID of the person who submitted the batch job.

Job Nbr

A system-assigned identification number to track the job.

Note:  The job_number returned to the ProcessIn Message identifies the job that starts the process; this number may not match the one displayed here, which identifies the job that was generated. Also, note that the job number changes when the job switches to a different host.

See the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Start Time

The date and time when the job went into RUN status on the currently displayed Hostname, even if the job first started on a different host. In Thu Nov 19 15:03:58 EDT 2013 format, where:

  • Thu = the day of the week

  • Nov = the month

  • 18 = the day of the month

  • 15:03:58 = the time when the job started, in hour, minute, and second format

  • UTC = the time zone

  • 2020 = the year


The status of the batch job on the Job Management Screen.

Valid values are:

  • RUN = The batch job is running and the status of the job on the Job Management Screen is accurate.

  • MSG = The batch job is running, but the status of the job on the Job Management Screen is not accurate.

  • END = The batch job is running, but a user has manually ended the job on the Job Management Screen.

  • ERR = The batch job is running, but a user has manually ended the job on the Job Management Screen while its status was MSG.

  • RMV* = The batch job is running, but a user has removed the job from the Job Management Screen.


Indicates where the job is currently running. This information is available to Oracle staff for troubleshooting purposes.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

Last Program

The last program called by the job. Included for troubleshooting information. Not included for the billing update job (for example, BILL_UPD123, where 123 is the company number) or the deposit job (for example, AUTO_DEP123, where 123 is the company number).

Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

Screen Option Procedure

Refresh data listed on the screen

Select Refresh:

  • Newly running batch jobs are added to the screen.

  • Batch jobs that are no longer running are removed from the screen.

  • The status of batch jobs are updated.

  • The last program used by batch jobs are updated.

Note:  You receive the error Function key not allowed if you press F5 to refresh the screen; you must select Refresh in order to refresh the data on the screen.