Print User Security Audit Reports (PUSA)

Purpose: Use this option to generate a report of:

  • changes to users, user classes, and secured features, or

  • users with changed passwords, or

  • both

You need to specify a date range for the reports, and have the option of restricting the user authority change report to a specific user or to updates for a particular table. Only administrative users should have authority to generate these reports.


Not all activity tracked in the User Audit table is included on the generated reports. See Tracking User, Authority, and Password Updates for background.

Print Security Audit Reports Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PUSA in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print User Security Audit Reports from a menu.

Field Description

Start date

The first date to include on the User Authority Change Report and Password Change Report.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); required.

End date

The last date to include on the User Authority Change Report and Password Change Report. The end date must be on or after the start date.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); required.

User authority changes

Select this option to generate the ’User Authority Change Report.

Password changes

Select this option to generate the Password Change Report. No data is created for this report when you use Oracle Identity Cloud Service for password authentication.


Enter a valid user ID to restrict the User Authority Change Report to activity related to that user. Only updates to tables whose Authority changed matches the specified user ID can be included.

This field does not affect the results included on the Password Change Report.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


Select a table from the drop-down list to restrict the User Authority Change Report to activity for that table. Options and corresponding tables are:


  • This field does not affect the results included on the Password Change Report.

  • The Active Procedure table is not available for selection, and these records are not included on the report if you generate it without selecting a specific table.

  • If you also specify a User for the User Authority Change Report, the screen does not verify that the selected table includes user updates rather than updates related to user class or secured feature. For example, if you specify a user ID and also select the User Class Field Authority table, the User Authority Change Report will not include any results, because the User Class Field Authority table is not related to user updates. Only updates to tables whose Authority changed is a user ID can be included when you generate the report for a specified user.

Completing this screen:

Completing this screen: Select Submit.