10 Order Entry

Print Remote Order Errors Report

Purpose: This report identifies the batch orders that contain errors and describes the cause(s) of the error. Use this list as a worksheet to fix the errors through Batch Order Entry.

Select Edit/Accept for an order batch at the Work with Error Orders Batches Screen to run the edit batch program.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

How to use this report: The pieces of information that are most important on this report are the order number and the error description. The error description identifies what is wrong with the order. This information is helpful if you need to update a table or if you are going to update the order itself. You need to enter the order number in Batch Order Entry to correct the order or to accept the order after updating the table.

Each order printed on the Print Remote Order Errors Report remains in the order batch in an Error status until you correct all errors and select Edit/Accept again to rerun the order edit.


  • Batch #
  • Order #
  • Customer #: Identifies the sold-to customer.
  • Source Code: From the order header.
  • Name: Company, last name, and first name of the sold-to customer.
  • Error Description: The description of each error that is related to the order header.
  • Ship #: The number identifying the order ship-to.
  • Arrival Date
  • Customer #: Depending on the type of ship-to:
  • Recipient customer: The customer sold-to number of the order recipient.
  • Permanent ship-to: The number identifying the permanent ship-to associated with the customer.
  • Otherwise, if this is an order-level ship-to, or the order is shipping to the sold-to customer, the Customer # listed is 0.
  • Ship to #: Set to 0.
  • Ship via: The code identifying the ship via.
  • Name: This field is not currently implemented.
  • Error Description: The description of each error that is related to the order ship-to.

The following information about an order detail line is included if there is an error related to the order detail line.

  • Line #
  • Status
  • Arrival Date
  • Cancel Date: Blank if no cancel date was specified.
  • Price: May be 0.00 if an error prevented the system from finding a price for the item, such as an invalid item code.
  • Quantity Ordered
  • S/H Amount: Special handling charges, if any; otherwise, 0.00.
  • Additional Charges: Blank if no additional charges apply.
  • Item
  • SKU: The SKU code, if the item has SKUs; otherwise, blank.
  • Error Description: The description of each error related to the order detail line.

For more information: See Order Creation Errors for a listing of errors that might occur and their descriptions.

Quote Form


This form is not currently implemented. When you generate this form, the system prints a generic document with the following information: The requested document is not currently implemented: QUOTE

Select the Print Quote option on the Print/Email Quote Window.

Print program: You use the Quote Printing Program (K73) system control value to indicate the print program to use. The default graphical print program is QUOTEG, and the default non-graphical print program is QUOTE. If you use a different print program, your quote will differ from the samples.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing quotes and other forms.

Sample quotes: See the graphical quote sample and the quote non-graphical sample .

The information included on the graphical and non-graphical quote is the same; however, the graphical version also includes elements such as field labels, the company logo, and text boxes to highlight the printed information.

Include soldout lines? The system does not include soldout lines on quotes if the Exclude S/O on order confirmation field for the order type on the quote is selected.

Gift quotes: If you enter a gift quote (the Gift flag on the Work with Order screen is selected), the system prints pricing information on the Quote Form and Quote Confirmation.



Unless otherwise indicated, field labels are included on the graphical version only.
  • Logo (graphical quote only). You can include a company logo or an entity logo. See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms and the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value for background and setup information.
  • Customer P.O. NO.: The purchase order number on the quote. From the OST Purchase order # field in the Order Ship To table.
  • Quote NO.: The quote number. From the Order # field in the Order Header table
  • Page NO.: The quote page number.
  • Sold To: The sold to customer’s name and address, consisting of:
    • Company
    • First name, middle initial, and last name
    • Address line 1
    • Apartment (prints next to address line 1)
    • City, State, and Postal Code
    • Country (The country code prints only if you are shipping to a country other than the default specified in the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value)

From the name and address fields in the Customer Sold To table.

  • Ship To: The ship to customer’s name and address, consisting of:
    • Company
    • First name, middle initial, and last name
    • Address line 1
    • Apartment (prints next to address line 1)
    • City, State, and Postal Code
    • Country (The country code prints only if you are shipping to a country other than the default specified in the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value)

From the name and address fields in the:

  • Order Ship To Address table, or
  • Customer Ship To table (if the OST CSH Ship To # field in the Order Ship To table contains a value), or
  • Customer Sold To table (if the OST CST Customer # field in the Order Ship To table contains a value).
  • Quote Header Messages: The first four order header messages whose OMS Print flag is set to Q (Quote). From the OMS Message field in the Order Message table.
  • Quote Date: The date the quote was entered in Order Management System, in company date format. From the OHD Entered Date field in the Order Header table.
  • Sales Rep: The name of the salesman number on the quote. From the SLS Name field in the Salesman table. Based on the SLS Salesman # field in the Order Header table.
  • Customer NO.: The sold to customer number on the quote. From the Customer # field in the Order Header table.
  • Source Code: The source code on the quote. From the OHD SRC Source Code field in the Order Header table.
  • Expire Date: The date the quote expires, in company date format. From the OST Cancel Date field in the Order Ship To table. The system calculates the expire date based on the date the quote was entered and the number of days defined in the Expiration days field for the order type on the quote. See Assigning an Expiration Date to a Quote.
  • Ship Via: The first 10 positions of the description of the ship via on the quote. From the VIA Shipper Name field in the Ship Via table. Based on the Ship Via field in the Order Ship To table.
  • Line NO.: The order line number on the quote. From the Line # field in the Order Detail table.
  • Qty: The quantity of the item ordered on the quote. From the ODT Qty Ordered field in the Order Detail table.
  • Item Number: The item number on the order line. If the item contains SKUs, the SKU code displays below the item number. From the ITM Number field and SKU Code field in the Order Detail table.


    The item may have been ordered using a different item number if it is part of a set or if it was ordered by alias.
  • Description: The description of the item. If the item contains SKUs, the SKU description displays below the item description. From the Description field in the Item table and Description field in the SKU table. Based on the ITM Number field and SKU Code field in the Order Detail table.
  • Special Handling: If standard or custom special handling has been defined for the item, the special handling information displays below the item and SKU descriptions. Standard special handling: From the OSH S/H Info field in the Order Special Handling table. Custom special handling: From the OSF Label, OSF Input, and OSF Charge fields in the Order Special Format table. Up to 99 lines can display.
  • Country Of Origin: The country of origin assigned to the item. From the SKU Country of Origin field in the SKU table.
  • Harmonize Code: The harmonize code assigned to the item. From the Harmonize code field in the SKU table.
  • Unit Price: The amount the customer pays for each unit of the item. For no-charge items, the unit price indicated is $0.00. From the ODT Price field in the Order Detail table.
  • Extension: The item price times the quantity ordered on the quote. Based on the ODT Price field and ODT Qty Ordered field in the Order Detail table. The system uses the following calculation to determine the extended price: Unit Price x Qty Ordered = Extended Price.
  • Total Merchandise: The total extended price of all items on the quote. From the OST Merch field in the Order Ship To table.
  • Shipping & Handling: The total shipping and handling for the quote, including any freight, additional freight, duty, additional charges, and special handling. From the OST Freight, OST Handling, OST Add’l Freight, OST Add’l Charges fields in the Order Ship To table.
  • Sales Tax: The total tax for all items on the quote. This total may include tax on shipping and handling, additional charges, and GST (Goods and Service tax) and PST (Provincial Service tax).


    Sales tax does not include VAT (Value Added Tax), a taxing method that applies to only certain states and countries and includes the tax in the price of the item. From the OST Tax, OST GST, and OST PST fields in the Order Ship To table.
  • Order Total: The total merchandise, shipping and handling, additional charges, and tax for the quote. From the OST Merch, OST Freight, OST Handling, OST Add’l Freight, OST Add’l Charges, OST Tax, OST GST, and OST PST fields in the Order Ship To table.

Retail Order Cross Reference Report

How to print: Enter POCR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Order Cross Reference Report from a menu. The system submits the job OR_CRS_REF, which produces the report. See Printing the Retail Order Cross Reference Report (POCR).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • the warehouse number associated with the retail outlet or remote site; validated against the Warehouse file
  • the retail order number or cross reference number
  • the Order Management System order number
  • the order date
  • the customer who placed the order; validated against the Customer file
  • the shipping method on the order; validated against the Ship Via file
  • the order total (negative numbers represent returns)

Tax Jurisdiction Report

Purpose: Use this report to identify the amounts collected and credited for each tax jurisdiction for a specified invoice date range.

How to print: Enter an invoice date range and select Print Report at the Print Tax Jurisdiction Report Screen. See Print Tax Jurisdiction Report Screen for an overview.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Date range: The invoice date range specified at the Print Tax Jurisdiction Report Screen. The system uses the Invoice date defined for the invoice in the Invoice Ship To file to determine which invoices to included on the report.

  • Tax Jurisdiction: The area for which a special tax structure exists. Tax jurisdictions are defined in the Tax Jurisdiction table. See Working with Tax Jurisdiction (WTXJ).

  • Any tax amounts for invoices whose shipping address is not defined in a tax jurisdiction print on the report under an UNKNOWN category.

  • Description: The description associated with the tax jurisdiction. Any tax amounts that are not associated with a tax jurisdiction print on the report under an UNKNOWN category.

  • Amount charged: The total tax associated with sales in the tax jurisdiction for the specified invoice date range. The system totals the Tax amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each debit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified tax jurisdiction. Note: Because VAT tax does not accumulate in the Tax amount in the Invoice Ship To table but instead is part of the Merchandise amount, VAT tax is not included on this report.

  • Amount Credited: The total tax associated with returns in the tax jurisdiction for the specified invoice date range. The system totals the Tax amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each credit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified state. Note: Because VAT tax does not accumulate in the Tax amount in the Invoice Ship To table but instead is part of the Merchandise amount, VAT tax is not included on this report.

  • Final Totals: The total amount charged and total amount credited across all tax jurisdictions for the specified invoice date range.