11 System Operations

Address Verification Response List

How to print: This report prints when you receive the Authorization file. See Receiving Authorizations. Refer to this report when you contact the customer to correct the address problem. The system also generates this report as part of drop ship processing; see Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Authorization service: the service bureau that performed address verification.

  • Billing batch number: the billing batch number associated with the credit card authorizations. This field is not included when you generate this report as part of drop ship processing.

  • Order number: the order number containing the credit card requesting authorization.

  • Transmission date: the date the credit card received a response from the authorization service.

  • Customer: the name and address of the bill to customer; if a bill to customer is not defined, this is the sold to customer name and address.

  • Authorization number: the authorization number from the authorization service.

  • Authorization amount: the amount to authorize for the credit card in the local currency (from the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).

  • AVS response: the address verification response from the authorization service.

  • Customer number: the bill to customer number; if there is no bill to customer, this is the sold to customer number.

  • Card Last 4: the card number requesting authorization. If you use card tokenization, this number may be a token rather than the actual card number. The credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. If a format is not defined for the pay type, the system uses the default credit card number format. For example, ************1443 will print instead of the entire credit card number. Note: If a default credit card number format is not defined, the last 4 digits of the card number will display.

  • Credit card expiration date: the date the credit card expires.

Auto Deposit Confirmation Report

How to print: The system produces this report when it receives confirmations of deposits from the deposit service. See Processing Deposits.


Each foreign currency transaction that uses the separate process will appear on this report; since these transactions are not confirmed interactively through Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP), the system considers each transaction “confirmed” when it writes the record in the Credit Card Deposit Prestige table.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • pay type code and description

  • for each billing method (regular, deferred, or installment):

    • number of deposits sent and confirmed

    • dollar amount of deposits sent and confirmed

    • number of refunds sent and confirmed

    • dollar amount of refunds sent and confirmed

    • net dollar amount (deposits - refunds) sent and confirmed

  • total numbers and amounts for each pay type

  • grand total numbers and amounts for the AUTO_DEP job

In addition, this report for separate processing of foreign currency includes the net amount (deposits - refunds) in foreign currency sent and confirmed.

See Netting Credits for Pay Plan Orders for more information on how credit amounts are calculated for deferred or installment returns.

Credit Card Authorization Listing

How to print: The system prints this report when credit card orders are authorized during pick slip generation (see Performing Pick Slip Generation), when you reprocess the authorizations at the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA), or through the REAUTH periodic function (see REAUTH Processing). Two versions are produced: one lists authorized orders, and one lists declines. The system also generates this report as part of drop ship processing; see Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).


You can print a similar report using the Printing the Online Credit Card Authorization List (PATL) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Authorization Service: The name of the credit card authorization service.

  • Billing Batch Number: The billing batch number associated with the authorization transactions. This field is not included when you generate this report as part of drop ship processing.

  • Order Number: The order number containing the credit card requesting authorization.

  • Via: The code identifying the ship via on the order header.

  • Status: The status of the credit card authorization request.

  • Customer Number: The bill-to customer defined for the credit card. If a bill-to customer is not defined, this is the sold-to customer number.

  • Credit Card Last 4: The last four digits of the credit card number requesting authorization.

  • Exp: The month and year when the credit card expires.

  • Responses: The response codes from the authorization service.

  • Auth Number: The authorization number from the authorization service.

  • Auth Date: The day, month, and year when the credit card response was received from the authorization service.

  • Pay Type Code: The code identifying the payment type in Order Management System.

  • AVS Resp: The address verification response from the authorization service. Note: The system does not print the AVS response if you generated the report using the Printing the Online Credit Card Authorization List (PATL) menu option.

  • Amount: The amount to authorize for the credit card in the local currency, from the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value.

  • Name: The name and address of bill-to customer. If a bill-to customer is not defined, this is the sold-to customer name and address

  • Number of transactions: The number of credit card transactions requesting authorization.

  • Total amount (unlabeled): The total amount, in the local currency, for the credit card transactions requesting authorization.

Credit Card Deposit Schedule

How to print: Select Submit at the Credit Card Deposit Schedule Screen to print this report, as well as the Credit Card Deposit Schedule Summary.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • date range included in the report

  • date of the expected deposit

  • payment plan type:

    • I = installment

    • D = deferred

    • ' ' (blank) = regular (non-pay plan) deposit

  • pay type code

  • order number

  • invoice number

  • deposit amount

  • for installments:

    • total number of installments

    • total installments remaining

    • installment interval, if the pay plan was set up to use a set number of days as an interval rather than to use a specific billing date

  • for deferred or regular deposits:

    • sold to customer name

  • totals, including total debits and credits, for:

    • all installments for a pay type on a given date

    • all deferrals for a pay type on a given date

    • all regular deposits for a pay type on a given date

    • all deposit types (regular, installment, or deferral) for a pay type on a given date

    • all expected deposits on a given date

    • final totals for all dates on the report

Credit Card Deposit Schedule Summary

How to print: Select Submit at the Credit Card Deposit Schedule Screen to print this report and the Credit Card Deposit Schedule report.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • date range included on the report

  • for each date:

    • description of the deposit type (installment, deferred, or regular)

    • description of the credit card pay type

    • totals for the deposit type/credit card pay type combination, broken out into total deposit amount, debits, and credits

    • totals for the pay type, broken out as above

    • final totals for the entire report period, broken out as above

Declined Drop Ships

Purpose: Use this report to review orders that contain a credit card payment method that received a declined authorization. Each order contains one or more drop ship items (the Drop ship field for the item is selected).

How to print: This report prints when you perform Drop Ship Processing or select to receive and process authorizations at the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: Order number

Deposit History Detail Report

Purpose: Use this report to review deposits processed during a specific date range. Within this date range, you can select to include only deposits for a specific authorization service, pay type, and status.

How to print: Select Print Report on the Print Deposit History Detail Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.

Contents: The report page breaks by authorization service. For each authorization service, the system breaks deposits by date and within date by transaction type. The system sorts transaction types within date in ascending pay type, order number, and invoice number sequence.

  • Auth Service: A code for the authorization service associated with the deposit. From the Authorization service in the CC Deposit History table.

  • Deposit Date: The date the deposit was processed. From the Deposit date in the CC Deposit History table.

  • Tran Type: The type of deposit transaction. From the Transaction type in the CC Deposit History table.

    • Purchase indicates a debit deposit transaction.

    • Return indicates a credit deposit transaction.

    • Conditional indicates an authorization and debit deposit transaction.

The following information prints for each authorization service, deposit date, and transaction type combination:

  • Pay Type: The code and description for the pay type associated with the deposit. From the Pay type in the CC Deposit History table and Description in the Pay Type table.

  • Order Number: The order number associated with the deposit. From the Order # in the CC Deposit History table.

  • Invoice Number: The invoice number associated with the deposit. From the Invoice # in the CC Deposit History table.

  • Credit Card Last 4: The last four digits of the credit card number defined for the pay type on the order. From the CC Last 4 in the Order Payment Method table.

  • Expiration Date: The date the credit card expires. From the Credit card exp date in the CC Deposit History table.

  • Amount: The deposit amount; positive amounts represent debit deposits; negative amounts represent credit deposits. From the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table. See Netting Credits for Pay Plan Orders for more information on how credit amounts are calculated for deferred or installment returns.

  • Action Code: The action to take against the deposit. From the Action code in the CC Deposit History table.

    • Deposit = Debit deposit transaction (Action code D in the CC Deposit History table).

    • Auth/Deposit = Authorization and debit deposit transaction (Action code B in the CC Deposit History table).

    • Return = Credit deposit transaction (Action code R in the CC Deposit History table.).

  • Authorization Code: The authorization code from the authorization service. From the Authorization code in the CC Deposit History table.

  • Method: Indicates whether the deposit is associated with a deferred or installment payment plan. From the Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table.

    • Regular = The deposit is not associated with a deferred or installment payment plan (Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table is blank).

    • Defer = The deposit is associated with a deferred payment plan (Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table is D).

    • Install = The deposit is associated with an installment payment plan (Flexible payment type in the CC Deposit History table is I).

  • Status: The status of the deposit. From the Status in the CC Deposit History table.

    • Blank =

      • The Preload Deposits (L78) system control value is selected, indicating the system created the record in the CC Deposit History table during billing in a blank (Not Yet Sent status). The system updates the status of the record in the CC Deposit History table when you submit deposits and perform Batch Deposit Updates using the Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) menu option.

      • There was a problem during transmission to the deposit service.

    • Confirmed = The deposit has been confirmed by the service bureau (Status in the CC Deposit History table is C).

    • Deleted = The deposit has been deleted (Status in the CC Deposit History table is D).

    • Forced = The deposit has been forced (Status in the CC Deposit History table is F).

    • Manual Confirm = The deposit has been manually confirmed (Status in the CC Deposit History table is M).

    • Prepaid = The deposit has been prepaid (Status in the CC Deposit History table is P).

    • Resubmitted = The deposit has been resubmitted to the service bureau (Status in the CC Deposit History table is R).

    • Sent = The deposit has been sent to the service bureau, but a response has not been received (Status in the CC Deposit History table is S).

    • Unconfirmed = The deposit has been sent to the service bureau, but an approved response was not received (Status in the CC Deposit History table is U).

    • Written Off = The deposit has been written off (Status in the CC Deposit History table is W).


  • Total for specified transaction type, deposit date, and authorization service: The total deposit amount for the specified transaction type, deposit date, and authorization service. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified transaction type, deposit date, and authorization service.

  • Total for specified deposit date and authorization service: The total deposit amount for the specified deposit date and authorization service, across all transaction types. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified deposit date and authorization service.

  • Total for specified authorization service: The total deposit amount for the specified authorization service, across all transaction types and deposit dates within the report date range. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified authorization service within the specified report date range.

  • Final totals: The total deposit amount across all transaction types and authorization services for the report date range. This is the sum of the Deposit amount in the CC Deposit History table for the specified report date range.

Deposit History Summary Report

How to print:  Select Submit at the Deposit History Summary Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See V for more information.


  • date range included on the report

  • date when deposits where processed

  • pay type

  • for each pay type deposited on a given date, total debits, total credits, and net of debits and credits, broken out into:

    • regular (non-pay plan) deposits

    • deferred

    • installment

    • totals, all deposit types

  • totals for all pay types deposited on a given date, broken out as described above

  • totals for the entire range of dates on the report, broken out as described above

E-Commerce Order Cleanup Log

How to print: This report is generated automatically through the ORDER_CLN job when the job purges an “abandoned” order. The reports are available for review through Document Management (My Docs) for the user who started the ORDER_CLN job. See the discussion under the Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (G43) for more information on when the job purges these orders.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • company number and description

  • order number

  • date and time when order was created

  • date and time when order was purged

  • the number of minutes that the order was in the system before the ORDER_CLN job deleted it. An order whose order type matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) is eligible for purge once the number of minutes specified in the Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (G43) has passed, but it might not be purged immediately if, for instance, the ORDER_CLN job was not active or if there were a large number of orders due to be purged at that time.

  • sold-to customer number and name or company name

  • for each ship-to on the order:

    • each item/SKU

    • the item/SKU’s unit price

    • the quantity of the item/SKU ordered

    • the special handling code, if any

    • offer code

    • item alias used, if any

    • coordinate group number, if any

E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report

How to print:Select Error List at the Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen, Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header), Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Detail), or Display Batch OM Errors Screen.

For more information: See the sample report  in PDF format.


  • order number with ship-to number

  • sold-to customer

  • ship-to customer

  • maintenance activity:

    • cancel lines on an order

    • cancel order

  • cancel reason, if included in a cancel request

  • email address (not currently implemented)

  • description of each error at the header level; see Batch Order Cancel Errors

For each requested detail-level transaction that resulted in an error:

  • activity (line cancellation)

  • order line number

  • cancel reason

  • quantity to cancel

Marketing Download Change of Address Interface Report

Purpose: This report lists customer address information for the records in the Marketing Download Customer Address Change Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Customer Address Change table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of CA (customer address change) that you download. The system creates CA (customer address change) trigger records when you change a customer sold to or change or create a permanent customer ship to address, including phone numbers and email address.

See Marketing Download Customer Address Change Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates the fields in a marketing download customer address change record.

How to print: Run the MDADRCG periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.


To make sure the report prints correctly, select an option that reduces the page or fits the content to the printer margins at the Print dialog box.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Address type: the address type defined for the sold to customer or ship to customer in the Marketing Download Customer Address Change table for the specified company. The report lists the number of address changes for each address type by sold to address changes and ship to address changes.

  • USA sold to address: the sold to customer address change is a US address. The system uses the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value as the country code used for US addresses.

  • Canadian sold to address: the sold to customer address change is a Canadian address. The system uses the country code CA or CAN as the country code used for Canadian addresses and the following state codes: AB (Alberta), BC (British Columbia), MB (Manitoba), NB (New Brunswick), NF (Newfoundland), NT (Northwest Territory), NS (Nova Scotia), ON (Ontario), PE (Price Edward Island), PQ (Quebec), QC (Quebec alternate), SK (Saskatchewan), YT (Yukon Territory).

  • International sold to address: the sold to customer address change is an address other than US or Canadian. The system uses any country code other than CA, CAN, or the country code defined in the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value as the country code used for International addresses.

  • USA ship to address: the ship to customer address change is a US address.

  • Canadian ship to address: the ship to customer address change is a Canadian address.

  • International ship to address: the ship to customer address change is an address other than US or Canadian.

  • Total: The total number of address changes for each address type, including sold to customer address changes and ship to customer address changes.

  • USA: the number of US address changes, including sold to customers and ship to customers.

  • Canadian: the number of Canadian address changes, including sold to customers and ship to customers.

  • International: the number of address changes other than US or Canadian, including sold to customers and ship to customers.

Marketing Download Customer Inquiry Interface Report

Purpose: This report lists customer inquiry information for records that exist in the Marketing Download Customer Inquiry Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Customer Inquiry table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of CI (customer inquiry) or CN (customer action note) that you download. The system creates CI (customer inquiry) trigger records when you:

  • create a catalog request.

  • create a new customer in order entry, even if you don't accept the order.

  • create a new customer entity record, if the Track Customer History at Entity Level (F89) system control value is selected.

The system creates CN (customer action note) trigger records when you create, work with, or resolve a customer action note.

See Marketing Download Customer Inquiry Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates each field in a marketing download customer inquiry record.

How to print: Run the MDINQSM periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Total Marketing Download Inquiry records sent to Marketing Download: the total number of records in the Marketing Download Customer Inquiry table.

Marketing Download Customer Status Change Interface Summary Report

Purpose: This report defines the number of sold to customers whose information has changed; this is the number of records in the Marketing Download Customer Status Change Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Customer Status Change table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of CS (customer status change) that you download. The system creates CS (customer status change) trigger records when you change one or more of these fields for a customer sold to:

  • Mail name

  • Customer sold to entity mail name

  • Rent name

  • Deliverable code

  • Hold/bypass/fraud

  • Customer class

  • Mail code

  • Call code

See Marketing Download Customer Status Change Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates each field in a marketing download customer status change record.

How to print: Run the MDCSCHG periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Total Marketing Download customer status change records sent to Marketing Download: the total number of records that exist in the Marketing Download Customer Status Change table for the specified company.

Marketing Download Order Detail Interface Summary Report

Purpose: This report lists order detail summary information for records in the Marketing Download Order Detail Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Order Detail table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of LH (order line history) or OH (order header) that you download.

  • The system creates LH (order line history) trigger records when you create order line history (for example, cancelling an item on an order, adding an item, or performing other updates in order maintenance; or billing an order).

  • The system creates OH (order header) trigger records when you create a new order in order entry or accept an order in batch order entry.

See Marketing Download Order Detail Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates each field in a marketing download order detail record.

How to print: Run the MDORDTL periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Total marketing download order detail records sent to marketing download: the total number of records that exist in the Marketing Download Order Detail table.

Marketing Download Order Header Interface Summary Report

Purpose: This report lists order summary information for records in the Marketing Download Order Header Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Order Header table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of OH (order header) that you download. The system creates OH (order header) trigger records when you:

  • create a new order in order entry or accept an order in batch order entry. A separate record is created for each order ship to.

  • add a new ship to address (using Accept/Add Rcp) to an order in order maintenance.

See Marketing Download Order Header Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates each field in a marketing download order header record.

How to print: Run the MDORDHD periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Total Marketing Download order header records sent to Marketing Download: the total number of orders in the Marketing Download Order Header table for the specified company, and across entities.

Online Credit Card Authorization Listing

Purpose: Use this report to review whether credit cards have been authorized, declined, not yet sent for authorization, or sent for authorization for a specific date range.

This report sorts in:

  • Pay type/authorization date/status order if you selected Pay Type/Auth Date/Status in the Report sorts field.

  • Status/pay type/last four positions of the credit card number order if you selected Status/Pay Type/Credit Card number in the Report sorts field.

How to print: Select Accept at the Authorization Listing Screen or perform batch authorization using the Performing Batch Authorization (SATH). menu option. When you generate this report through Performing Batch Authorization, it includes only declined authorizations.


A similar report is generated when you receive authorizations during pick slip generation. See Credit Card Authorization Listing.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Order Number: The order number associated with the credit card authorization.

  • Billed: Set to Y if the order has been confirmed and processed through the Billing Async; otherwise, N.

  • Status: The status of the credit card authorization. Possible statuses are:

    • blank = not yet sent to the authorization service for authorization

    • A = Authorized.

    • D = Declined. This is the only status included when you generate the report through Performing Batch Authorization (SATH).

    • G = Generated.

    • E = Error. Note that the status description is not printed.

    • O = Authorized, but not used.

    • S = Sent for Authorization.

    • V = Voided.

  • Customer Number: The number identifying the customer associated with the credit card. This is the bill-to customer is one exists; otherwise this is the sold-to customer.

  • Credit Card Last 4: The last four positions of the credit card number.

  • Expiry Date: The date when this credit card is no longer valid.

  • Credit Card Response: The response code received from the authorization service. The vendor response indicates whether the credit card has been approved or declined.

  • Auth Number: The number identifying the credit card authorization.

  • Auth Date: The date when the credit card was authorized.

  • AVS Response: The AVS response received from the authorization service, if any. This response indicates whether the credit card billing address is legitimate or invalid.

  • Amount: The amount authorized against the credit card.

  • Customer Name: The billing name and address for the credit card. This is the bill-to customer name and address if one exists; otherwise, this is the sold-to customer name and address.

Order Billing History Consolidation Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the criteria you selected at the Consolidate Order Billing History screen and the total number of records consolidate.

How to print: The system generates this report when you select Submit at the Consolidate Order Billing History Screen to submit the Consolidate Order Billing History batch job, and then release the job from hold.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • your selection criteria from the Consolidate Order Billing History screen

  • the total number of order billing history records that were consolidated and purged

  • the resulting number of new consolidated records

Order Billing History Purge Report

How to print: Complete the Purge Order Billing History Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • cutoff date for purging selected at the Purge Order Billing History Screen

  • total number of non-consolidated Order Billing History records purged

  • total number of consolidated Order Billing History records purged

Order Orchestration Aging Report

How to print: Select Print at the Work with Order Broker Screen and then complete the Print Aging Report Window.


The Order Orchestration Aging Report is accessible at the Document Management Screen. It is not available by selecting a submitted job at the Job Management Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • Open records older than: The number of days old an Order Orchestration request needed to be in order to be included on the report. The default is 1 day, which means that the report does not include Order Orchestration records created on the current or previous date.

  • Fulfilling Location: The code identifying the selected fulfilling location, if any; set to ALL if you did not select a fulfilling location at the Print Aging Report Window.


The report does not indicate if a particular status was selected at the Print Aging Report Window.

For each separate fulfilling location included on the report:

  • The fulfilling location and fulfilling location description for one or more Order Orchestration requests

  • For each Order Orchestration request:

    • date created

    • current status code and description

    • order number

    • ship-to number

    • order line sequence number

    • item code

    • SKU code

    • Order Broker request ID

    • requested quantity

  • total quantity for the same fulfilling location, status, and date

  • total quantity for the same fulfilling location and date

  • total quantity for the fulfilling location

  • total quantity for the report

Order Count Report

Purpose: This report provides the total number of orders entered in Order Management System broken out by company for a specified date range.

How to print: Use Order Volume Report (OVOL). The Sort by order type field must be unselected.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • To...From: The date range for which the report was generated. This is the date range you defined at the Order Count Report Screen.

  • Co#: Order Management System company code.

  • Description: The name of the company.

  • # of orders: The number of orders entered for the company within the specified date range.

  • Final totals: The total number of orders entered across all companies within the specified date range.

Order Count Report by Order Type

Purpose: This report provides the total number of orders entered in Order Management System broken out by order type within company for a specified date range.

How to print: Use Order Volume Report (OVOL). The Sort by order type field must be selected.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • To...From: The date range for which the report was generated. This is the date range you defined at the Order Count Report Screen.

  • Company: Order Management System company code and name.

  • Order type: A description of an order type within the company.

  • # of orders: The number of orders entered for the order type in the company within the specified date range.

  • Company totals: The total number of orders entered for the company across all order types within the specified date range.

  • Final totals: The total number of orders entered across all companies within the specified date range.

Orders Released from Time Hold Report

How to print: The system prints this report automatically when you execute the Daily Periodic Process, which includes the Release Orders from Time Hold job. See Releasing Orders from Time Hold.


The job produces two copies of this report: one for prepaid orders and one for credit card orders. Even if there were no orders eligible for release, the job still produces reports containing no records.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Order number

  • Date entered

  • Sold to customer number

  • Sold to customer name

  • User hold assigned to the order, if any

  • Total number of prepaid or credit card orders released

Password Change Report

How to print: Complete the Print Security Audit Reports Screen with the Password changes flag selected.

No data is created for this report when you use IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) for password authentication.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • Date range: The date range selected at the Print Security Audit Reports Screen

  • Password date/time change: The date and time when the password change occurred

  • User ID: The user ID whose password changed

  • User name: The name for the user, as specified at the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands

  • Updated by: The user ID of the person who changed the password

  • Updated by name: The name of the user who changed the password, as specified at the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands

Pending Payment Plan Deposits Report

How to print: Select Submit at the Pending Payment Plan Deposit Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • range of invoice dates included on the report

  • pay plan code

  • invoice date (the date when you confirmed shipment)

  • pay plan type:

    • I = installment

    • D = deferred

  • credit card pay type used on the order

  • order number

  • invoice number (if there was more than one shipment on the order, each is listed separately)

  • total deposit amount (the total billing amount on the shipment for the credit card pay type)

  • total amount deposited to date

  • remaining amount to be deposited

  • the name of the sold to customer

  • totals for each date

  • totals for the entire range of dates on the report

Pick/Authorization Listing

Purpose: Use this report to review the authorization status of pick slips for a particular billing batch number.

How to print: This report prints when credit card orders are authorized during pick slip generation or when you reprocess the authorizations at the Reprocess Authorizations Screen (RPAA). The system also generates this report when you perform Drop Ship Processing.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Billing batch number. This field is not included when you generate this report as part of drop ship processing.

  • Picks ready to print.

  • Picks awaiting authorization.

  • Picks with decline authorization

  • Total picks

Print Reset Audit Log

How to print: Complete the Reset Pick Control Screen. The system generates this report if the Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value is selected.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Order and ship-to number of the printed order line

  • Order line number

  • Item and SKU

  • Table where the printed quantity was reset

  • warehouse code

  • original printed quantity in the table

  • current quantity after the reset

Purchase Order Purge Listing

How to print: Complete the Purchase Order Purge Selection Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: See Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI) for descriptions of the information on this report.


Information on the purchase order detail lines is included on the report only if you select Detail at the Purchase Order Purge Selection Screen.

Purged Customer List

Purpose: Use this report to review the sold to customers removed from the application by the PURGECS Purge Customers periodic function (program name PFR0137).

How to print: Run the PURGECS Purge Customers periodic function (program name PFR0137); see Purging Sold To Customers.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Purge days: The number of days old the sold to customer must be to be eligible for purge. The system uses the last change date to determine the age of the customer sold to record. This is the number of days defined in the Parameter field for the PURGECS periodic function.

  • Customer #: The customer number for the sold to customer removed from the application.

  • Entry Date: The date the customer was created.

  • Last Change: The date the customer was last updated.

  • Elapsed Days: The number of days since the customer was last updated.

  • Total Customers: The total number of sold to customers purged.

Purged Order List

How to print: The system produces this report when you use the PURGEOR periodic function, provided the Parameter is set to Y; otherwise, this report is not generated. The Purging Orders (MPOR) option does not generate this report.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format. Also, see Purging Orders (MPOR) for background.


  • the Purge days from the Order Purge Days (C62) system control value

  • For each purged order:

    • the order number

    • the order status (X = closed and C = canceled)

    • the number of recipients

    • the code identifying the order type

    • the original order date

    • the sold-to customer number

    • the sold-to customer name or company name

    • the source code from the order header

  • the total number of orders

  • the total number of order recipients

Purged SKU List

How to print: This report prints when you select Submit to process the SKU purge using Purging SKUs (MPSK). The report displays all item/SKUs the can be purged based on the selection criteria you entered on the SKU Purge screen.

If you selected the Print only do not update field, the system prints this report and does not purge the item/SKUs that are available to purge. If you unselected this field, the system prints this report and purges all item/SKUs that are available to purge.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Update run (indicates whether the item/SKUs have been purged. Selected = all item/SKUs are on this report have been purged; Unselected = all item/SKUs are on this report have not been purged)

  • Purge days (the number of days to retain SKUs that are not on any existing order. This number defaults from the SKU Purge Days (F11) system control value)

  • Status (item status)

  • Item

  • SKU

  • Item description

  • SKU description

Rejected Batch Listing

How to print: The system creates this report when you use the Purging Suspended Orders (PSOR) option or when you reject an order batch; see Accepting or Rejecting the Order Batch.

For more information: See the sample report  in PDF format.


  • order number

  • recipient (ship-to number)

  • order date

  • entered date

  • user ID of person who entered order

  • order type

  • source code

  • sold-to customer number

  • sold-to customer name

  • order dollar total

Reset Audit Log for Item Warehouse

How to print: ntity Reset with the Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value selected, and without specifying a warehouse and item/SKU.

For more information: See the sample report  in PDF format.


  • warehouse where the backorder quantity was reset

  • for each Item Warehouse whose backorder quantity was reset:

  • original quantity before the reset, and current quantity after the reset, for:

  • reserved units

  • backordered units

Reset Audit Log for Quantity on Backorder


Important: SThis report is not currently implemented. When you generate this report, the system prints a generic document with the following information:

The requested document is not currently implemented: RESET_AUDIT_LOG_QTY_BACKORDERED

How to print: Complete the Reset Item/Warehouse B/O Quantity Screen. The system generates this report only if you run the Item Warehouse Backorder Quantity Reset with the Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value unselected, and without specifying a warehouse and item/SKU.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • warehouse where the backorder quantity was reset

  • for each item and SKU that was reset:

  • original backorder quantity before the reset

  • current quantity after the reset

Reset Audit Log for Quantity On Hand

How to print: Complete the Reset On Hand Quantity Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report in PDF format.

Contents: For each warehouse where a reset occurred:

  • The warehouse number

  • Item and SKU code

  • Current quantity on-hand after the reset

  • Original quantity on-hand before the reset

For more information: See Reset Item Warehouse Quantity On Hand (MRIW) for more information on the contents of this report.

Reset Audit Log for Quantity Printed

How to print: Complete the Reset Pick Control Screen. The system generates this report if the Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value is unselected, and there are records that had a printed quantity of zero.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: For each warehouse where a reset occurred:

  • The warehouse number

  • For all item locations within the warehouse that were reset:

  • Item and SKU codes

  • Location code

  • Current printed quantity after the reset

  • Original printed quantity before the reset

Reset Audit Log for Quantity Reserved

How to print: Complete the Reset Reserve Quantity Screen. The reset generates this report only if the Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value is unselected.


If the Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value is selected, the reset does not generate a report.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: For each warehouse where a reset occurred:

  • The warehouse number

  • For the Item Warehouse record for each item and SKU that was reset:

  • current quantity reserved after running the reset

  • original quantity reserved before running the reset

  • current special handling reserved quantity after running the reset

  • original special handling reserved quantity before running the reset

  • current reserve transfer quantity after running the reset

  • original reserve transfer quantity before running the reset


All three fields (quantity reserved, s handling reserve quantity, and reserve transfer quantity) are listed on the report, even if they have not changed. In this situation, the original and current quantities listed are the same.

For more information: See Reset Reserve Quantity (MRQR) and the Display Item Warehouse Screen for more information on these fields.

Reset Audit Log for SKU Quantities

How to print: Complete the Reset SKU Open Order Quantity Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: For each item and SKU whose quantities were reset:

  • item and SKU code

  • Current Qty Open after running the reset

  • Original Qty Open before running the reset

  • Current Qty Held after running the reset

  • Original Qty Held before running the reset

  • Current Qty Drop Ship after running the reset

  • Original Qty Drop Ship before running the reset

See Reset SKU Open Order Quantity (MRSO) for more information on the contents of this report.

Store Update Errors Report


Important: This report is not currently implemented. When you generate this report, the system prints a generic document with the following information:

The requested document is not currently implemented: STORE_UPDATE_ERROR

Purpose: This report lists any records in a Store File that contain errors. You can use this report to determine which store upload records you need to correct and reprocess.


Each store upload record in an error status is associated with only one error (the first error the system finds for the record). Once you correct the error and resubmit the Store Upload Process, the system validates the record for additional errors.

This report sorts in store number sequence.

How to print: Submit the STRUPLD Upload Store Periodic Function to perform the Store Upload Process.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.   


  • Company: A code for the company you entered when you submitted the STRUPLD periodic function.

  • Store #: The Store # in the Store file.

  • Description: The Store Name in the Store file.

  • Active: The Store Active Indicator in the Store file.

  • Error Description: The reason why the store record did not create or update a record in the Store Cross Reference table. Possible reasons:

  • Store # is required: The Store # must contain a value.

  • Store name is required: The Store Name must contain a value.

  • Active flag is required: The Store Active Indicator must contain a value.

  • Invalid active flag: The Store Active Indicator must be Y or N.

  • Address 1 is required: The Address 1 must contain a value. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y.

  • City is required: The City must contain a value. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y.

  • Country is required: The Country must contain a value. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y.

  • Country is invalid: The Country must exist in the Country table. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y.

  • State is required: The State must contain a value. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y and whose country requires a state.

  • Postal Code is required: The Postal Code must contain a value. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y and whose country requires a postal code.

  • Postal Code is invalid, must be at least 5 characters: The Postal Code must contain at least 5 digits. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y.

  • SCF is invalid: The Postal Code must begin with a valid SCF for the state. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y.

  • Invalid state (XX) for postal code: The Postal Code exists in the SCF table, but the specified state does not match the valid states for the SCF record. This error occurs only when updating an existing record in the Store Cross Reference table whose Ship for Pickup field is Y.

Stored Value Card Assignment Errors Report

Purpose: Use this report to review orders containing virtual stored value cards that did not get assigned a stored value card number. The system cannot assign a number to a virtual stored value card if:

  • records do not exist in the Virtual Card Number Table (FLSVCA).


    It is your responsibility to populate the Virtual Card Number table with stored value card numbers supplied by your service bureau.
  • a response containing a virtual card number assignment was not received from the remote system.


If a number is not assigned to a virtual card, the order for the stored value card will not be billed and the order will print on this report.

This report sorts in order number, line number sequence.

For more information: See Assigning Numbers to Virtual Stored Value Cards for more information on how to assign a number to a virtual stored value card.

How to print: Generate pick slips. This report prints each time you run pick slip generation, regardless if you are generating pick slips for orders containing stored value cards.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Pick generation template: The pick slip generation template used to generate pick slips for the order containing the virtual stored value card.

  • Order#: The order number and ship to number containing the virtual stored value card.

  • Line#: The order line number containing the virtual stored value card.

  • Date: The date the order was entered.

  • Customer#: The sold to customer on the order.

  • Item: The item number and SKU of the virtual stored value card that was not assigned a number.

  • Ord Qty: The quantity ordered for the virtual stored value card on the order line.

Stored Value Card Credit Register

Purpose: This report lists the order number, sold to customer, and refund amount associated with each stored value card credit processed. See Generating Stored Value Card Refunds for an overview. The report is sorted by order number.

Alternate currency and stored value card refunds: While the system allows you to generate a stored value card refund for an order associated with an alternate currency, the system can process stored value cards in the US currency only. If the order is for a currency other than U.S., you should generate a refund type other than stored value card for the order.

How to print:

  • Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate SVC credits field selected.

  • Run the REFSVCR Process SVC Credit Refunds periodic function.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Order Number: The order number and ship-to number associated with the stored value card refund. The system adds a stored value card item to this order at no charge; this item generates a new stored value card for the refund amount to send to the sold to customer.

  • Status: The status of the order. Blank = the order is open. H = The order is held. If the order status was X (closed), the system updates the order status to open once the new stored value card item is added to the order.

  • Customer Number: The bill-to customer number associated with the stored value card refund, if any. If there is no bill-to customer associated with the refund, this is the sold-to customer number. This is the customer that receives the new stored value card for the refund amount.

  • Name: The name of the bill-to or sold-to customer, starting with the customer’s company name, if any.

  • Refund Amount: The refund amount in the local currency (the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).


    Stored value cards are allowed only in US currency.
  • Final Totals: The total amount for the stored value card refunds, across all credits, in the local currency.

Unactivated Stored Value Card Report

Purpose: Use this report to review stored value cards that require attention because:

  • the stored value card was declined by the service bureau for activation

  • the stored value card was billed at the manifest station without a number assignment

The report continues to include the stored value card until the card receives an approved activation or the card is assigned a number.

This report sorts in descending date and ascending card number sequence.

How to print: Run the Unactivated Stored Value Cards periodic function (program name PFR0075).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Service bureau: The code and description of the Stored Value Card Activation Authorization Service (I26). This is the service bureau that processes stored value card activation requests.

  • Order #: The order number and ship to number where the stored value card item was purchased.

  • Line#: The order line number containing the stored value card item.

  • Date: The date the stored value card item was billed.

  • Card Number: The number assigned to the stored value card. This field is blank if the card was billed at the manifest station without first being assigned a number. The stored value card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. If a format is not defined for the pay type, the system uses the default credit card number format. For example, ************1443 may print instead of the entire stored value card number.

  • Amount: The amount applied to the stored value card.

  • Response: The activation response received from the service bureau.

Unconfirmed Deposits Listing Report

How to print: The system produces this report when the system receives confirmations of deposits from the deposit service. See Processing Deposits. For each deposit service, the report lists each deposit included in the transmission but not confirmed or authorized by the service.


  • This report includes only those deposits unconfirmed from the current AUTO_DEP job. You can review and work with all accumulated unconfirmed deposits through Manage Rejected Deposits in Modern View.

  • Foreign currency transactions that use the separate process will not produce this report, since these transactions are not confirmed interactively through Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP).

  • For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • Authorization service: the deposit service to settle the deposits, as defined in the Pay Type table.

  • Billing method: regular, deferred, or installment payment plan.

For each deposit:

  • order number: order number associated with the deposit.

  • invoice number: invoice number associated with the deposit.

  • transaction type: *PURCH = purchase; *RETURN = return.

  • pay type: pay type code and description.

  • card last 4: last 4 digits of the card number for the deposit. If you use card tokenization, this number may be a token rather than the actual card number. The credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. If a format is not defined for the pay type, the system uses the default credit card number format. For example, ************1443 will print instead of the entire credit card number. Note: If a default credit card number format is not defined, the last 4 digits of the card number will display.

  • expiration date: credit card expiration date.

  • authorization number: credit card authorization number from pick slip generation, or the number entered in order entry or order maintenance for a manual authorization.

  • authorization date: authorization date (company date format).

  • deposit amount: transaction amount (positive amounts represent deposits; negative amounts represent credit card credits) in the local currency (from the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).

  • response: response code from the deposit service.

  • Total for billing method: total deposit amount (net of deposits minus credits) for the billing method in the local currency.

  • Total for service: total deposit amount (net of deposits minus credits) for the deposit service in the local currency.

See Netting Credits for Pay Plan Orders for more information on how credit amounts are calculated for deferred or installment returns.

User Authority Change Report

How to print: Complete the Print Security Audit Reports Screen with the User authority changes flag selected.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • Date range: The date range selected at the Print Security Audit Reports Screen

  • The ID and description affected by the activity. If the activity relates to:

    • Any update related to a user class: user class code and description

    • Any other update to a user-related table: user ID and name from Work with Users

    • Any update related to an external payment service: the user ID who performed the update, and the user’s name

    • Secured feature updates: secured feature code and description

    Name changes: If there is a change to the name of the record, the PDF report displays the name before applying the change; however, the spreadsheet file includes the previous name in the before record and the changed name in the after record.

    Sorting: Records on the report are listed alphabetically by user ID, user class name, or secured feature code based on the type of update; for example, updates to a user, including changes to the user’s company, secured feature, or menu option authority, are sorted by the user ID of the updated user. If there were updates to both the user record and another user-related table for the same user ID, the report first lists activity related to the User table, then the Users table, then any additional activity for other user-related tables.

    In the case of changes to an external payment record, the records are listed under the user ID who performed the update.

    Activity details: For each activity related to a user, class, external payment service, or secured feature:

  • Date: The date when the activity occurred.

  • Time: The time when the activity occurred.

  • Table: The table updated by the activity and tracked in the User Audit table. See Fields Used by Updated Table (User Audit) for a listing of possible tables.

  • Action: Indicates the type of activity:

    • A = add: includes an after image of the new record

    • C = change: includes a before image and an after image of changed fields

    • D = delete: includes a before image of the deleted record

  • Updated by: The user ID of the person performing the activity.

  • Fields: Provides information on the activity:

    • Before indicates the record before a change or deletion, for example: Before: Status *DISABLED

    • After indicates the record after an addition or change, for example: After: Status *ENABLED

    • Lists each new or changed field name with the previous setting (before image) or current setting (after image), for example: After: Advanced Commands: Y Password Expired: 04/20/2015. In the case of a change to an external payment service, the updated fields are listed.