Oracle Retail Collect and Receive Enterprise Returns Integration

Order Administration is now integrated into the Oracle Retail Collect and Receive Cloud Service (CaR). When configured, Order Administration allows a Courier (that is, Uber) to be scheduled to pick up a customer’s return package and drop it off at a retailer’s store location.

A courier can be scheduled for a return authorization that has not been received or credited. The following features allow scheduling a courier:

  • Modern View Order Returns/Refunds tab

  • Create Return Authorization Service where alreadyScheduled is set to ‘false’

  • Update Return Authorization Service where alreadyScheduled is set to ‘false’

Setup Requirements

CaR Setup:

Required properties: The following new properties are available to configure the integration with CaR:

  • (PROP):The prefix URL for Oracle Retail Collect and Receive Cloud Service (CaR). Provided by your Oracle representative. Defaults to http://hostname:port/. OACS only supports version 2 of the Delivery API.

  • (CPRP): The scope used for the CaR services. Provided by your Oracle representative. Defaults to domain:scope.


When calling CaR Services, Order Administration builds the URL using the value, version and a hard coded suffix.

The Order Administration Client ID and Client Secret will be used to authenticate and access CaR services.

Required system control value settings: Use the following new system control values to enable the use of CaR:

  • Use CaR Returns (M81): Select this system control value to enable the scheduling of a courier pickup for returns through CaR.

  • Courier Pickup Message (M82): Defines a company-specific message to be displayed within the body of an information banner on the Courier Pickup for Return Authorization screen in Modern View when scheduling a courier pickup. 

OOCS Setup:

For Order Administration to confirm a pick up location is eligible for a courier to pickup the return, a location eligible for drop-off must also be selected. This information is retrieved using Order Orchestration: Eligible Returns Locations REST/JSON Service.

Required properties: The following new properties are available to configure the integration with OOCS Return Locations:

Required system control value settings: Use the following new system control values to set filters for locations returned:

  • Maximum Number of Eligible Return Drop-Off Locations (M83): Defines the maximum number of locations to return within the OOCS Eligible Return Drop-Off Location Service response message, when a customer initiates a courier pickup for a Return Authorization. If not populated, it uses the "Maximum No. Responses" Preference for the Organization associated to the system in OOCS.

  • Search Distance for Eligible Return Drop-Off Locations (M84): Defines the maximum distance to search for an eligible return drop-off location when a customer initiates a courier pickup for a Return Authorization. If not populated, it uses the "Maximum Turn-by-Turn Distance" Preference for the Organization associated to the system and in OOCS.

Schedule Courier Pickup in Modern View Order

A new Schedule Courier Pickup button is now available on the Returns/Refunds tab of an Order in Modern View when:

  • Use CaR Returns (M81) system control value is set to Yes.

  • All lines and units on the Return Authorization are not received, credited, or canceled.

  • A courier pickup is not already scheduled.

Check Eligibility

Within the Courier Pickup Return Authorization screen, the system will immediately check eligibility for a courier pickup using the Customer’s Ship-To Address from the originating order and select the nearest drop-off location to the customer’s address.

  • Calls OOCS Eligible Return Locations service and selects the nearest location

  • Calls CaR Build Quote service with Customer Pickup Address and Dropoff Location Address

If the eligibility check is successful, the screen will now display additional sections to Select Time Zone, Select Pickup Window and enter Package Details. If unsuccessful, an error will display the user can Edit the pickup address and Check Eligibility again.

Select Time Zone

A time zone must be selected to continue. The time zone selected will be used to provide a list of dates and times available to select a pickup window where the customer’s package will be picked up.

Only time zones in North America will be available.

Select Pickup Window

A customer can select a single 2-hour window between 8:00AM and 6:00PM that falls within the available store hours which will be provided to the courier for the pickup time range. If the local time is 10:05 AM (based on the time zone selected), the list of pickup window options will start at 12:00PM - 2:00PM.

Drop-off Location Details and Store Hours can be defined within the Order Orchestration Location screen and will be returned in the Eligible Return Locations service for display.

Package Details

The size and number of packages being returned must be entered which will be provided to the courier for pickup through the CaR integration.

Select +Add Package for Pickup to open a drawer and set the number of packages for pickup. A package size must be selected for the number of packages entered. Options are:

  • Small (Can be carried with one hand)

  • Medium (Can be carried in a shopping bag)

  • Large (Needs two hands to carry)

  • X-Large (Heavy or odd size, requires two hands)

Notes for the courier can be added about the pickup location.

Submit to Courier

Once all Pickup and Package details are entered, click Submit to Courier button and the pickup will be scheduled.

  • Calls CaR Build Delivery service with Customer Pickup Address, Drop-off Location Address, Pickup Window, Package Details and Courier Notes.

If scheduling is successful, the following will occur:

  • A confirmation will be displayed, and the Courier Pickup screen will close.

  • An Order Activity message will be written.

  • A CWEmailOut Courier Pickup Notification (CP) will be sent if configured.

If unsuccessful, an error will display the user can Edit the details and Submit to Courier again.

Courier Pickup Details in Modern View Order

A new Courier Pickup Details drop-down list is now available on the Returns/Refunds tab of an Order in Modern View when:

  • Use CaR Returns (M81) system control value is set to Yes.

  • A courier pickup is already scheduled.

Select the Courier Pickup Details drop down list to select a specific Delivery ID to advance to the Courier Pickup Details screen where you can review the Pickup Location, Dropoff Location, Current Status and History, Pickup Window, Package Details and Canceled Reason.

Immediately upon loading the screen, Order Administration calls the CaR getStatus service for the current status.

Cancel Courier Pickup in Modern View Order

Within the Courier Pickup Details screen, you can select Cancel Courier Pickup only when the status is either ‘Pending’ or ‘Enroute Pickup’. Additionally, the Delivery ID must have received a successful response from CaR when retrieving the latest status.

If cancelation is successful, the following will occur:

  • A confirmation will be displayed, and the Courier Pickup screen will close.

  • An Order Activity messages will be written.

  • A CWEmailOut Courier Pickup Notification (CP) will be sent if configured.

Schedule Courier Pickup through OACS Web Services

With this update, an external merchant application can call Order Administration to schedule or cancel a courier pickup or schedule a courier pickup for a return authorization directly and then pass details about the courier pickup to OACS.

If an external merchant application schedules the courier directly and is providing information to OACS, the Unique Delivery ID used to schedule the pickup in CaR must also be passed in the OACS services so display and additional processing can be tracked and displayed through Modern View.

If OACS is scheduling the courier, the pickup address, drop-off address, pickup window, and package details must all be passed in the service.

The following services can be used with the alreadyScheduled flag set to ‘true’ for including data about an already scheduled pickup and set to ‘false’ for Order Administration to perform the scheduling.

  • Create a Return Authorization Service

  • Update Return Authorization Service

If scheduling is successful, the following will occur:

  • An Order Activity message will be written.

  • A CWEmailOut Courier Pickup Notification (CP) will be sent if configured.

If unsuccessful, an error will be returned in the response. However, the Return Authorization will be created or updated.

Courier or Provider Cancels the Pickup

The courier or provider can cancel a trip if for example the customer is not home, or the store location is closed. If this occurs, OACS will receive a status of Canceled or Returned from CaR during a CaR getStatus request.

  • Canceled occurs when a scheduled courier service is canceled successfully before packages get picked up from the customer's address. 

  • Returned occurs when a scheduled courier service is canceled successfully after packages get picked up by a courier but are not delivered to the retailer and instead need to be returned back to the customer's address.

OACS calls the CaR getStatus request when:

  • A user displays the Courier Pickup Details screen in the Modern View Order, Returns/Refunds tab.

  • An external system calls the Get Return Authorization service for a return authorization with an associated courier pickup in open status.

If the status is updated to Canceled or Returned, the following will occur:

  • An Order Activity message will be written.

  • A CWEmailOut Courier Pickup Notification (CP) will be sent if configured.