Working with Contact Center (WWCC)

Contact Center is the component of Modern View that allows a customer service representative to perform order entry as well as order inquiry and order maintenance functions.

Use this menu option to configure which fields display in Contact Center and the order in which fields display on the Order Search page in Contact Center.

In this topic:

Contact Center Field Display Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to configure which fields display in Contact Center. In addition, you can use this screen to define whether the Phone Number and Email fields in Contact Center display as a hyperlink to directly call or email the customer.

How to display this screen:

Available Fields to Display

The Available Fields to Display section of the screen lists the fields that are available to display in Contact Center that currently will not display in Contact Center.

To select fields for display: Highlight one or more fields that you wish to select and drag the fields over to the Selected Fields to Display section of the screen.

Selected Fields to Display

The Selected Fields to Display section of the screen lists the fields that will display in Contact Center.

To remove fields from display: Highlight one or more fields that you wish to select and drag the fields over to the Available Fields to Display section of the screen.

Select to set as a hyperlink

The Select to set as a hyperlink section of the screen allows you to define whether the Phone Number and Email fields in Contact Center display as a hyperlink to directly call or email the customer.

Phone set as a hyperlink: 

  • Selected = The Phone Number field in Contact Center displays as a hyperlink. When you select the Phone Number field in Contact Center, the system advances you to the default application used to initiate phone calls. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to call the customer.

  • Unselected (default) = The Phone Number field in Contact Center displays as text only.

Email set as a hyperlink: 

  • Selected (default) = The Email field in Contact Center displays as a hyperlink. When you select the Email field in Contact Center, the system advances you to the default application used for email. If a default application is not defined, a window displays where you can select the application to use to email the customer.

  • Unselected = The Email field in Contact Center displays as text only.

Fields Available for Configuration

The following fields are available to display or hide in Contact Center.

Field Description

Affect Inventory

Defines whether the system reserves an item and reduces inventory for the item after shipment.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = Reserve the item and reduce inventory.

  • Unselected = Do not affect inventory.

Alternate Customer

Defines whether Alternate Customer is displayed in the Customer Information form or if the menu option is displayed from the Customer Order List screen. The actual field label value displayed in the Customer form is controlled by Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95) system control value. If the SCV is not populated, 'Alternate Customer' is displayed in the Customer form.

Arrival Date

The date an item is scheduled to be shipped to the customer.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions, in user date format.

Associate Price

Defines whether the Associate Price (the selling price of the item for associate customers) column is shown in the Item Price Break window in MV Order Entry and MV Order Summary even for items that do not have an Associate Price set for it.

Backorder Priority

The backorder priority defined for a source code. The system defaults the backorder priority to orders assigned to the source code.

  • 9 = highest priority

  • 0 = lowest priority

The Evaluate Backorders program runs in the background and matches available inventory to backorders.

Numeric, 1 position.

Batch Number

Allows users to search orders based on the error order batch number value.

Numeric, 5 positions.

Broker Delivery Type

Defines whether the order is fulfilled through the Order Orchestration Integration.

Possible settings are:

  • Retail Pickup = The order originated in an external system and Order Administration ships the order to the originating retail store location, where the customer picks it up

  • Delivery = The order originated in an external system, and Order Administration ships the order directly to the customer

  • Ship for Pickup = The order originated in Order Administration, and Order Administration ships the order ships the order to a designated retail store location, where the customer picks it up

  • Store Pickup = The order originated in Order Administration, and the customer picks up the order in a designated retail store location where the inventory is currently available

Note:  This setting does not indicate whether the order includes any brokered backorder lines (in which Order Administration assigns backordered items to the Order Orchestration for fulfillment).

Calculate Shipping

Defines whether the system calculates and adds shipping charges to the order.

  • Selected = The system calculates shipping charges for the order.

  • Unselected = The system does not calculate shipping charges for the order; the freight method for the source code is ignored.

Cancel Backorder

Defines whether to automatically cancel items that are unavailable (backordered) with the first shipment on the order.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = Cancel backordered items with first shipment.

  • Unselected = Do not cancel backordered items.

If this field is selected, any unshipped line on an order is canceled during billing using the Auto Soldout Cancel Reason (C20), provided this system control value specifies a valid cancel reason code.

Cancel Date

The date the customer wants the order canceled if it has not been shipped. The order is not canceled automatically, but is listed on the Order Cancellation List. You can cancel the order manually or contact the customer to extend the deadline.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format).

Coordinate Group

A number assigned to two or more items to ensure that they ship together.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.


A code that identifies the coupon applied to an order or order detail line.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.

Coupon Amount

Indicates the amount of the discount.

  • If the coupon’s Discount type is D, this is the dollar discount for the coupon; if this is an order-level coupon, the total dollar discount applies to the eligible order detail line with the highest unit price; if this is a detail-level coupon, the total dollar discount applies to this order line. The total discount amount is prorated against the quantity of the order line.

  • If the coupon’s Discount type is %, this is the percentage discount for the coupon to apply to the eligible items on the order (order-level coupons) or the order detail line (detail-level coupons).

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Customer Class

A code that categorizes customers at a high level for reporting purposes. You can use customer class codes to:

  • send offers to a limited group of customers.

  • restrict item sales to a group of customers.

  • bypass normal item reservation (If the customer is assigned to a class flagged to bypass reservation, then the bypass setting applies even if the Bypass reservation setting for the customer is unselected).

  • determine whether to prompt for user-defined fields in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Customer Discount Percent

Defines whether Customer Discount Percent is displayed in the Customer Information form or if the menu option is displayed from the Customer screen. 


Defines whether Delivery is displayed in the Customer Information form or if the menu option is displayed from the Customer Order List screen. 

Discount Percent

The percentage discount to apply to an order in Contact Center order entry. Controls whether this field is available at the Select Shipping Option and Enter Other Details step in Contact Center order entry. Does not control whether a discount percentage field is available anywhere else in Contact Center, such as through the Order Summary page.

Regardless of this setting, entry of value in this field is restricted if integration to Oracle Retail Promotion Engine (ORPE) is enabled (SCV M77).

Note:  The Discount Percent option is available after the Weight field at the Contact Center Field Display Screen; it is not listed alphabetically.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Gift Wrap

A flag that identifies whether an item is gift wrapped.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = Gift wrap the item.

  • Unselected = Do not gift wrap the item.

Offer Code

A code for the catalog, space, or television advertisement from which you accept quotes and orders.

The offer defined for the quote or order controls how to calculate shipping and price items. However, if you override the offer for an item (if the customer is ordering from more than one catalog, for example), demand for the item is attributed to the offer associated with the item rather than the order. Demand represents the number and dollar value of orders placed against an offer.

Offers are defined in and validated against the Offer table. You can create and work with offers using the Work with Offers (WOFR) menu option.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.


The customer’s telephone number.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions.

Price Column

Defines whether Price Column is displayed in the Customer Information form or if the menu option is displayed from the Customer screen. 

Price Group

Defines whether Price Group is displayed in the Customer Information form or if the menu option is displayed from the Customer screen. 


Used by the Evaluate Backorders program to match items to backorders.

Immediate Reservation

If you use Immediate Reservation, this value determines the sequence in which orders with backordered items receive inventory. The Evaluate Backorders program uses the priority to determine which backorders receive stock first.

Numeric, 1 position.

Purchase Order Number

The customer's purchase order number.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions.

Quote Origin

Defines whether the order originated from a pre-order quote.

  • Selected = The order originated from a pre-order quote.

  • Unselected = The order did not originate from a pre-order quote.

Recalculate Shipping

Defines whether to recalculate shipping charges.

  • Selected = Recalculate shipping charges.

  • Unselected = Do not recalculate shipping charges.

Request Catalog

Defines whether Request Catalog is displayed in the Customer Information form or if the menu option is displayed from the Customer page. 

Sales Representative

The person who is credited for making the sale. This is the person who is responsible for obtaining the customer's order; this may not be the same person who enters the order on the system.

Sales representatives are defined in and validated against the Salesman table. You can create and work with sales representatives in the Work with Sales Representatives (WSLS) menu option.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Sales Representative Store

The store associated with the sales representative.


The total charge for shipping the quote or order, not including additional shipping charges. You can define additional shipping charges for a carrier to include standard freight; in this case, this field is blank. See the Add'l freight (Additional freight charges) field.

This field also includes service charges by ship via, if any.

This field also includes order weight charges based on the ship via defined for each ship to customer on the order. See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

The system calculates shipping charges based on the freight method defined for the source code. If the system calculates freight as a percentage of the merchandise charges, there might be a penny variation in total freight amount due to rounding differences.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Source Code

The source code from the order header. Source codes are unique codes used to identify segments of your customer base or a rented list. Each source code is assigned to one offer and one division. Source codes control the freight and pricing method used on an order.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions.


A code that identifies the warehouse from which merchandise on the order ships. A value appears in this field only if it was entered during order entry or order maintenance or was passed through the Order Orchestration Integration for a retail pickup or delivery order.

Warehouse code: numeric, 3 positions.


The total shipping weight of the items on the order, excluding soldout, cancelled, and returned items.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 3-place decimal.

Contact Center Order Search Field Sequence Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the order in which fields display on the Search for Orders and Customers page in Contact Center, as well as on the Home page.

How to display this screen: Select Configure Search Field Sequence on the Contact Center Field Display Screen.

When you advance to this screen, the system displays the configuration that is currently defined.

Delivered Order Information Settings: The delivered sort order for the Search for Orders panel in Contact Center is:

  • Order Number

  • Order Date

  • Invoice Number

  • Alternate Order Number

  • Last 4 Digits of Payment Card

  • Item ID and SKU

  • Order Status

  • Origin

  • Pick Control Number

  • User ID

  • Sales Rep Number

  • Batch Number

The delivered number of Order Quick Search fields is 1.

The delivered setting of the Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number on Search is unselected.

Delivered Customer Information Settings: The delivered sort order for the Search for Customers panel on the Search for Orders and Customers page, Home page, and search page of Contact Center Order Entry is:

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company Name

  • Postal Code

  • Customer Number

  • Match Code

The delivered number of Customer Quick Search fields is 6.

Field Description

Search by Order Information Fields

The order in which to display the fields in the Search for Orders panel of the Search for Orders and Customers page, as well as the Home page in Contact Center.

You can define the sort order of the following fields:

  • Order Number

  • Order Date

  • Invoice Number

  • Alternate Order Number

  • Last 4 Digits of Payment Card

  • Item ID and SKU

  • Order Status

  • Origin

  • Pick Control Number

  • User ID

  • Sales Representative Number Note: The Sales Representative Number field displays only if it has been selected for display on the Contact Center Field Display Screen.

  • Batch Number

Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number on Search

Indicates whether to search for customers at the Home page or the Search for Orders or Customers page in Contact Center, as well as in Contact Center Order Entry, based on the Order Administration customer number or the Customer Engagement customer number.

Note:  This setting applies only when the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT. With this setting, Customer Engagement is the system of record for customers, so Order Administration searches for customers in Customer Engagement, and then uses the information returned from Customer Engagement to update the customer record in Order Administration.

About customer mapping between Order Administration and Customer Engagement: The mapping of customer records between Order Administration and Customer Engagement uses the following fields:

  • The customer ID in Customer Engagement is stored as the customer’s ORCE Customer ID (RELATE_ID) in Order Administration.

  •  The Order Administration customer number is stored as an alternate key for the customer in Customer Engagement. Because a customer record in Customer Engagement can have multiple alternate keys, the ORCE_ALT_ID_OROMS in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)defines the alternate key used for the Order Administration customer number.

How this flag affects searching for a customer record at the Home page or the Search for Orders or Customers page in Contact Center and requesting a match from Customer Engagement: If this flag is:

  •  Selected, when the user enters a customer number while searching, Order Administration sends a request to Customer Engagement for a customer who is assigned that Customer Engagement customer ID.

  • Unselected, when the customer enters a customer number while searching, Order Administration sends a request to Customer Engagement for a customer who is assigned that number as an alternate key, based on the ORCE_ALT_ID_OROMS property setting.

Which customer number displayed in Modern View? When the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT and this flag is:

  • selected, the customer number displayed in Modern View is the Customer Engagement customer ID.

  •  unselected, the customer number displayed in Modern View is the Order Administration customer number.

Things to note:

  • Before selecting this setting, it is important to evaluate any potential confusion that might be caused by displaying the different number for the customer.

  •  This setting does not affect how to update customers in Order Administration based on the information received from Customer Engagement. If Customer Engagement returns information on the customer, the customer record is still created or updated regardless of whether the flag is selected.

  • When this flag is not selected but the ORCE Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT, Customer Engagement returns any customer found that is assigned the entered customer number as an Order Administration alternate key, even if that customer did not previously exist in your Order Administration company. In this case, the customer record is created in Order Administration; or if a customer record already existed in your company with that customer number, the customer’s name and address are updated with the information from Customer Engagement.

  • This flag is also used to determine the customer to retrieve through the Direct Link to Modern View option described in the Modern View online help.

Number of Order Quick Search Fields

The number of fields in the Search for Orders panel of the Search for Orders and Customers page, as well as the Home page in Contact Center in Contact Center.

Based on this number, the system displays fields in the sort order sequence that you have defined, and once the maximum number is reached, you must select the Additional Order Search Fields link to display the remaining fields in the defined sort order.

Example:  If you have defined the following sort order:

  • Order Number

  • Order Date

  • Invoice Number

  • Alternate Order Number

  • Last 4 Digits of Payment Card

  • Item ID and SKU

  • Order Status

  • Origin

  • Pick Control Number

  • User ID

  • Sales Representative Number

  • Batch Number

And you have entered 4 in the Number of Order Quick Search Fields, the system initially displays the Order Number, Order Date, Invoice Number, and Alternate Order Number fields in the Search for Orders panel. You must select the Additional Order Search Fields link to display the Last 4 Digits of Payment Card, Item ID and SKU, Order Status, Origin, Pick Control Number, User ID, Sales Representative Number, and Batch Number fields.

Note:  You must enter a number greater than 0 and equal to or less than the number of available fields (12) that display in the Search for Orders panel.

And you have entered 4 in the Number of Order Quick Search Fields, the system initially displays the Order Number, Order Date, Invoice Number, and Alternate Order Number fields in the Search for Orders panel. You must select the Additional Order Search Fields link to display the Last 4 Digits of Payment Card, Item ID and SKU, Order Status, Origin, Pick Control Number, User ID, and Sales Representative Number fields.

Note:  You must enter a number greater than 0 and equal to or less than the number of fields that display in the Search for Orders panel.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Search by Customer Information Fields

The order in which to display the fields in Contact Center in the Search for Customers panel of the:

  • Search for Orders and Customer page

  • Home page

  • Contact Center Order Entry

You can define the sort order of the following fields:

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number Note: The Phone Number field displays only if it has been selected for display on the Contact Center Field Display Screen.

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company Name

  • Postal Code

  • Customer Number

  • Match Code

Number of Customer Quick Search Fields

The number of fields to display in Contact Center in the Search for Customers panel.

Based on this number, the system displays fields in the sort order sequence that you have defined, and once the maximum number is reached, you must select the Additional Customer Search Fields link to display the remaining fields in the defined sort order.

Example:  If you have defined the following sort order:

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Last Name

  • Company Name

  • Postal Code

  • Customer Number

  • Match Code

And you have entered 4 in the Number of Customer Quick Search Fields, the system initially displays the Email Address, Phone Number, Last Name, and Company Name fields when you are searching for a customer in Contact Center. You must select the Additional Customer Search Fields link to display the Postal Code, Customer Number, and Match Code fields.

Note:  You must enter a number greater than 0 and equal to or less than the number of fields that display in Contact Center for searching.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Screen Option Procedure

Change the sort order of the Search by Order Information Fields

Highlight one or more fields that you wish to move and drag the fields up or down to the preferred sort order.

Change the number of fields to initially display in the Search for Orders panel in Contact Center

Enter a number in the Number of Order Quick Search Fields field and select OK.

Change the sort order of the Search by Customer Information Fields

Highlight one or more fields that you wish to move and drag the fields up or down to the preferred sort order.

Change the number of fields to initially display in the Search for Customers panel in Contact Center

Enter a number in the Number of Customer Quick Search Fields field and select OK.