Forms Management (My Forms)

Purpose: Use the Forms Management screen to work with personalized forms generated by Order Administration.

How are forms different from reports? Forms differ from regular reports (available for review through the Document Management Screen) in that each generated form includes specific information for a single customer, vendor, or order, and is available for distribution to the customer or vendor. For example, each generated pick slip form includes the customer’s name and address and details about the items that are shipping with the pick. Reports are listings that present summary or detail information for use by staff.

PDF files: Each form is generated as a PDF (portable document format) file which you can open in a separate window. Each PDF file can contain one or more individual forms. For example, when you generate pick slips, the system might produce a single PDF file containing all the pick slips generated at that time.

If there are no records eligible for forms when you submit a job, the system generates a blank (empty) PDF file. This might occur if, for example, you generate backorder cards a second time on the same day; in this situation, the first submitted job generated all eligible backorder cards, so the PDF generated the second time is blank.

Graphical or non-graphical? There are standard print programs available for each form. Some forms are available in a graphical format, including field labels and other graphical elements, such as a company logo, as well a simpler, non-graphical format consisting of text only. For example, you might choose a non-graphical format if you use pre-printed forms. The information on the form is the same regardless of whether you use the graphical or non-graphical format.

You can also use a unique print program if you require a form laid out differently from the standard. Contact your Order Administration representative if you need to develop a unique print program for a form.

In this topic:

Forms Setup

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) Forms and Reports Settings

Order Administration uses an integration with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to generate certain forms and reports.

In order for the integration to work, you must complete the following setup.

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Properties

The following properties are in the Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) menu option.

Property Name Description


Defines whether the system bypasses caching for reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

true = Bypass caching for reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

false = Cache reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.


The location in Oracle Analytics Cloud where Order Administration reports are stored. Should be set to OMSCS/Reports/.


The name of the host where Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is running.

The system uses this property to build the URL for communication with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

For example:



  • host is the setting in the BI_REST_URL.

  • port is the setting in the BI_REST_PORT.

  • xmlpserver/service/rest/reports is the setting in the BI_REST_SERVER_PATH.


The IP port number where Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is running.

The system uses this property to build the URL for communication with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

For example:



  • host is the setting in the BI_REST_URL.

  • port is the setting in the BI_REST_PORT.

  • xmlpserver/service/rest/reports is the setting in the BI_REST_SERVER_PATH.


The fixed prefix for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher REST report resource. The system uses this property to build the URL for communication with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.

For example:



  • host is the setting in the BI_REST_URL.

  • port is the setting in the BI_REST_PORT.

  • xmlpserver/service/rest/v1/reports is the setting in the BI_REST_SERVER_PATH.


The user ID used to connect to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.


The password for the user ID used to connect to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. For security, the system encrypts the password.

Date Format on Reports and Forms

Reports and forms generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher display the date in the date format defined in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for the locale in the Company table. Since the only locale supported is English, the date format for reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is always MM/DD/YY.

Reports and forms that are not generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, display the date in the date format defined for the company.


Reports that are not associated with a company display the date in the date format defined for the DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT property.

Decimal and Thousand Separator on Reports and Forms

Reports and forms generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher use the number format defined in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for the locale in the Company table. Since the only locale supported is English, the decimal separator is always a period (.) and the thousand separator is always a comma (,).

Reports and forms that are not generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher display numbers using the characters defined in the DECIMAL_SEPARATOR and THOUSAND_SEPARATOR properties.

Specify the Maximum Number of Pick Slips Per Spool File

The PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) indicates the maximum number of pick slips in a single PDF document. The system continues to break pick slips into separate PDF documents using the criteria outlined under Sorting Pick Slips into Separate PDF Documents; however, if the number of pick slips in a PDF document reaches the number defined in the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting, the system creates a new PDF document.


The system uses the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting when printing pick slips through Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) and Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP). Also, the system uses this setting when printing Gift Acknowledgements.

Working with the pick slip form: Once the system finishes processing one pick slip PDF document, you can open and print the pick slips in the document using the Forms Management Screen; you do not have to wait until all of the PDF documents for the pick slip generation run have generated.

When printing pick slips, the system includes a PDF document sort number in the name of the document generated for the pick slip. For example, if the system generates two pick slip PDF documents for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5, the system names the documents PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103001456_001.PDF and PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103001456_002.PDF, where PICKG is the name of the print program, ALINCOLN is the user ID of the person who generated the pick slips, 20110804.103001456 is the date and time stamp, and 001 and 002 is the PDF document sort number. See Form Naming Conventions for more information.

Recommended setting: The recommended setting is 250 picks. The system also uses 250 as the default value if this setting is blank in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

Example: When the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting is 600, the system creates the following PDF documents for a pick slip generation run:

  • 50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103000123_001.PDF)

  • 300 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103001456_001.PDF)

  • 510 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103003789_001.PDF)

  • 75 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103006912_001.PDF)

  • 225 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103007134_001.PDF)

  • 25 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103008112_001.PDF)

When the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting is 250, the system creates the following PDF documents for the same pick slip generation run:

  • 50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103000123_001.PDF)

  • 250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103001456_001.PDF)

  • 50 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103001456_002.PDF)

  • 250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103003789_001.PDF)

  • 250 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103003789_002.PDF)

  • 10 pick slips for warehouse 1, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103003789_003.PDF)

  • 75 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 1 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103006912_001.PDF)

  • 225 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 5 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103007134_001.PDF)

  • 25 pick slips for warehouse 2, ship via priority 9 (PICKG.ALINCOLN.20110804.103008112_001.PDF)

Notice that the system creates multiple PDF documents for pick slips in warehouse 1, ship via priority 5 and for pick slips in warehouse 1, ship via priority 9, based on 250 in the PICKS_IN_SPOOL_FILE setting.

Set up Related System Control Values

You need to specify the program name for each form in order to generate the form. See the Forms Summary Table for a listing of forms and the standard print programs for each.

You can also use a unique print program if you require a form laid out differently from the standard. Contact your Order Administration representative if you need to develop a unique print program for a form.

Create Image Files for Company or Entity Logos (Graphical Forms)


Important: Company and entity logos on forms are not currently implemented.

If you use a standard graphical print program for a form, you can point to an image of your company logo to include on the form. The image must be in JPG format, and you need to set up a separate image for each form in each company. Optionally, you can set up images at the entity logo instead of the company level, which prints on selected forms. See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms for configuration instructions.

Forms Properties

The properties assigned to the Forms group in Working with Customer Properties (PROP) control whether certain information prints on certain forms.

For example, these settings control whether to print a barcode on the pick slip. See Forms Property Settings for more information.

Form Naming Conventions

The system uses the print program, job date and time stamp, and the user ID of the person who generates the forms to name the PDF files.

For example, a file named PURCHORDG.SBROWN.20110214.123456.pdf indicates that the file:

  • contains graphical purchase orders (PURCHORDG)

  • was generated by the user SBROWN

  • was generated on June 30, 2011, at 12:34:56 (20110630.123456)

Additional form naming information: Certain print programs include additional parameters in the naming conventions:

  • Backorder notices: File names for backorder notices indicate which notices are included in the file. For example, a file named BOCARDSSECOND.SBROWN.20110214.123456.pdf contains second notices.

  • Soldout notices: File names for soldout notifications include the three-letter country code for the sold-to customer’s address. For example, a file named SOLDOUTCAN.SBROWN.20110214.123456.pdf contains soldout notifications for sold-to customers who live in Canada.

  • Gift Acknowledgements: The system uses the print program, the user ID of the person who started the background jobs, the job date and time stamp, and the document sort number as the name the gift acknowledgement PDF file. For example, a file named GIFTACKG.SBROWN.20110828.163639681_002.pdf indicates this is a gift acknowledgement PDF document generated by user SBROWN on August 28, 2011 and the document is the second document for a specific gift acknowledgement sort. Note: The user ID of the person who started the background jobs may not be the user ID of the person who generated pick slips or billed the order associated with the gift acknowledgement.

  • Order Receipts: The system uses the print program, the order number and ship-to number (separated by a hyphen), the user ID of the person who generated the receipt, and a date and time stamp. For example, a file named ORDERRECG-10204-1.TBROWN.20110506.164303184.pdf indicates that this is an order receipt generated with the Order Receipt Print Program (L46) set to ORDERRECG, for order 10204, ship-to 1, by user TBROWN, on May 6, 2011, at approximately 4:43 p.m.

  • Pick slips: The system uses the print program, the user ID of the person who generated pick slips, the job date and time stamp, and the document sort number as the name of the pick slip PDF document. For example, a file named PICKG.TBROWN.20110804.103001456_002.PDF indicates this is a pick slip PDF document generated by user TBROWN on August 4, 2011 and the document is the second document for a specific pick sort, such as pick slips for warehouse 1 and ship via priority 5. See Sorting Pick Slips into Separate PDF Documents for more information on how the system breaks pick slips into separate spool files. See Specify the Maximum Number of Pick Slips Per Spool File for more information on how the system determines the maximum number of pick slips in a spool file.

Forms Troubleshooting

Some possible troubleshooting questions and answers are:

Question Possible Answer(s)

How is the system determining the date format for dates that display on forms?

Reports and forms generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher display the date in the date format defined in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for the locale in the Company table. Since the only locale supported is English, the date format for reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is always MM/DD/YY.

Reports and forms that are not generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, display the date in the date format defined for the company.

Note:  Reports that are not associated with a company display the date in the date format defined for the DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT property.

How is the system determining the decimal and thousand separator for numbers that display on forms?

Reports and forms generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher use the number format defined in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for the locale in the Company table. Since the only locale supported is English, the decimal separator is always a period (.) and the thousand separator is always a comma (,).

Reports and forms that are not generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher display numbers using the characters defined in the DECIMAL_SEPARATOR and THOUSAND_SEPARATOR properties.

Why is the system generating a blank (empty) PDF file?

If there are no records eligible for forms when you submit a job, the system generates a blank (empty) PDF file. This might occur if, for example, you generate backorder cards a second time on the same day; in this situation, the first submitted job generated all eligible backorder cards so the PDF generated the second time is blank.

Are forms automatically deleted?

Forms older than the oms.job.purge.retain.days property in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) are deleted when you restart Order Administration.

Why are the outer portions of the page cut off when I print a form?

  • Set the page magnification to 100%. You can change the page magnification by clicking the arrow next to the Zoom percent or by selecting View > Zoom To.

  • When you select to print, make sure that the Page scaling option in the Print window is set to None.

All other forms: Make sure that the Page scaling option in the Print dialog box is set to Fit to printer margins when printing a form to prevent information on the edge of the page from being cut off.

Why isn’t the company logo printing on the form?

Confirm that the image has been set up using the correct size, file name, and location, as described under Create Image Files for Company or Entity Logos (Graphical Forms). Also, if you have specified to print the entity logo rather than the company logo, then you must create and name an entity logo for each entity in order for any logo to print on a graphical form that uses the logo. See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms for more information.

How can I verify where the data on the form is coming from?

The data comes from the related files for the customer, order, vendor, or bill-to account.

Why doesn’t a new window open when I click the name of a form at the Forms Management Screen?

The system keeps a single additional window open for you to review a form or a report. If you already had a form or report open in the additional window, the system replaces the document previously displayed with the form you have just selected. Reopen the additional window to review the recently selected form.

Forms Summary Table

You use a system control value to indicate the print program to use for each form type. For each form type, the following table lists each of these system control values and the standard print program(s), and provides links to form samples and descriptions.

Form System Control Value Standard Print Program(s) Form Description and Sample(s)

Backorder Cards

Backorder Card Print Program (D04)


Backorder Card

Customer Invoices

Order Receipt Print Program (L46)

ORDERRECG (graphical)

Order Receipt

Drop Ship Documents

Drop Ship Pick Print Program (E92)

PICKG (graphical)

Drop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice

Gift Acknowledgements

Gift Order Acknowledgement Print Program (B90)

GIFTACKG (graphical)

Gift Acknowledgement

Order Receipt

Order Receipt Print Program (L46)

ORDERRECG (graphical)

Order Receipt

Pick Documents

Pick Printing Program (C37)

PICKG or PICKDBG (graphical)

Pick Slip

Purchase Orders

PO Print Program (C64) and

PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76)

PURCHORDG (graphical)

Purchase Order

Refund Checks

Refund Check Print Program (D23)

REFCHECK (non-graphical)

REFCHECKG (graphical)

Refund Check

Soldout Notices

Soldout Notification Print Program (E75)


Soldout Notification Card


Quote Printing Program (K73)

QUOTEG (graphical)

QUOTE (non-graphical)

Quote Form

Forms Management Screen

How to display this screen: Click the My Forms icon (My Forms Icon in the upper right area of a screen), or select My Forms from an Admin screen (such as the About Application, Document Management ScreenJob Management Screen, Commands, User Control, or System Messages screens)

Information on this screen:

  • Form: Click the document icon next to the form to open the form in a separate window. From this window, you can review and print the form, using the standard Windows print options for your PC. Once someone has viewed the form, or the form was automatically sent to a printer, the screen displays an eyeglass icon (Glasses Icon)next to the form name. If you click on this icon, the system displays a log indicating who viewed the report: Viewed By: TBROWN on  11/29/2015 10:57:30 


If you already have a separate browser window open to review another form or a report, the system does not open an additional window; instead, the previous form or report is replaced with the recently-selected form.

For more information: See Form Naming Conventions for additional information on form names.

If no forms display on the screen: Forms older than the oms.job.purge.retain.daysproperty in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) are deleted when you restart Order Administration.

Form Listings and Display Options

Default settings for forms available for review: When you first advance to this screen, up to 200 forms submitted by your user ID are currently available for review by scrolling up or down with the right-hand scroll bar. The forms are listed in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest). A message displays if more than 200 records are available for review: The maximum number of records was exceeded. Please refine search criteria. Showing records 1-200.

Available forms updated when you filter: When you enter or select any search criteria and then click OK, the screen displays up to 200 forms that match these criteria.

Example: The screen currently includes 200 forms available for review in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest): 180 of these forms are in the Pick Documents folder, and 20 are in the Drop Ship Documents folder. When you select Pick Documents from the Output folder field and click Filter, the screen displays up to 200 forms in the Pick Documents folder.

Available forms restricted by Rank and All job authority: 

  • If the All job authority option is selected for your user control record, you can review all jobs, regardless of ranking.

  • If the All job authority option is not selected for your user control record, you can review forms generated by other users only if their user control Rank does not exceed yours.


Users JJONES has a Rank of 9, with All job authority selected.

User TBROWN has a Rank of 9, with All job authority unselected.

User BWILLIAMS has a Rank of 1, with All job authority selected.


  • JJONES can review forms generated by WBLAKE because their Rank is the same; however, JKEATS cannot review forms generated by RBROWNING, because a Rank of 1 exceeds a Rank of 9.

  • TBROWN cannot review forms generated by any other users, because he does not have All job authority.

  • BWILLIAMS can review forms generated by all other users based on his Rank and All job authority.


Different rules control the authority to view forms and reports than the rules that affect the Job Management Screen. The user’s Rank does not affect authority to view jobs.

Column sort: You can sort on any column by clicking the column heading name. When you first click, the sort is in ascending alphanumeric (A-Z) or numeric (lowest to highest) order. Click again to change the sort to descending (Z-A) or numeric (highest to lowest) order.

Field Description


The name of the file containing the form. See Form Naming Conventions for a discussion.

Filter options:

  • to display forms based on form name: enter a full or partial form name and click OK.

  • to display forms regardless of name: if you have previously entered a form name, clear the entry and click OK.

File size

The size, in bytes, of the PDF file containing the form. Display-only.


The date and time when the form was generated.

Filter options:

  • o display forms generated on or after a specific date: click the calendar icon (calendar Icon), select a date, and then click OK.

  • to display forms generated on the current date: click the calendar icon, select Today from the bottom of the calendar, and click OK.

  • to display forms regardless of the date generated: if you have previously selected a date, clear the date and click OK.

User name

The user ID of the person who generated the form. Your user ID defaults.

Submitted through web service request? When you use the CWProcessIn message or the ProcessIn message to start a periodic process, the form is listed under the default user set up during installation. Contact your cloud administrator or system administrator to confirm the user ID of the default user, and see Using the CWProcessIn Message to Start a Periodic Process or Using the ProcessIn REST Message to Start a Periodic Process for background.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Filter options:

  • to display forms generated by another user: enter a complete, valid user ID and click OK.

  • to display forms regardless of the user who generated them: clear the current entry in this field and click OK.

Form Management Screen Options

Option Procedure

Review, and optionally print, a generated form

Click the document icon next to the file name to open the form in a separate window. From this window, you can print the form using the standard Windows options and printers currently available to your local PC.

Note:  The system keeps a single additional window open for you to review a form or a report. If you already had a form or report open in the additional window, the system replaces the document previously displayed with the form you have just selected. Reopen the additional window to review the recently selected form.

Change which forms are displayed on the screen

Restrict or expand the list of displayed forms based on one of the available column headings

See the Form Listings and Display Options for information on how to filter the forms displayed based on various criteria.

Refresh data listed on the screen

Click Refresh. Newly generated forms are added to the screen as they are generated.

Sort by column

Click the column heading name. When you first click, the sort is in ascending alphanumeric (A-Z) or numeric (lowest to highest) order. Click again to change the sort to descending (Z-A) or numeric (highest to lowest) order.

Delete an individual form

Select the checkbox to the left of a form and click Delete.

Display additional information about a form or advance to a different screen

If you advance to a different screen and then return, your filter entries are not retained. For example, if you are currently filtering on a specific output folder, and you advance to the Job Management (My Jobs) screen and return, the Output folder column no longer filters on that folder.

Display information about Order Administration

Select About.

Advance to the Document Management Screen screen

Select My Docs.

Advance to the Job Management Screen

Select My Jobs.

Advance to the Advanced Commands screen

Select Advanced commands.

This option is available only for users that have authority to the Advanced Commands option.

Return to the previous screen

Select Exit.