1 Feature Summary

Thin red border.

The enhancements below are included in this update.


When you upgrade to Order Broker 21.0+, ship-for-pickup orders are automatically enabled for all organizations.

Column Definitions

Small Scale: These UI or process-based features are typically comprised of minor field, validation, or program changes. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal.
Larger Scale: These UI or process-based features have more complex designs. Therefore, the potential impact to users is higher.
Customer Action Required: Indicates if you must take action before these features can be used. These features are delivered disabled and you choose if and when to enable them.



Action Required

System Management Enhancements
Controls and Monitoring



Inbound Run Job API and Job History Enhancements



Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails


configure new job at Schedule Jobs screen

Job Notification Web Service Enhancements


optionally, set the Message Version at the Event Logging screen to 2.0

Item Image URL and Barcode Imports


configure new settings at the System screen if importing through OCDS

User Interface
Status Restricted Report


optionally, run or schedule report

Store Connect Enhancements


Set up new Store Connect Preferences

Timeout and Logoff From Vendor Portal



New Online Help Format



Store Connect Enhancements

Order Broker 21.0 includes multiple enhancements related to Store Connect. Each are described below.

New user interface: With this update, the previous user interface for Store Connect is replaced with a new, redesigned interface and simplified flow for processing orders. The new user interface is fully accessible, and adjusts to screen sizes, including laptop, tablet, or cell phone.

Also with this update, logout and session timeout behavior is now consistent with the Modern View of other applications, such as Order Management System.


With this update, only delivery and pickup orders can be fulfilled through Store Connect.

Your existing Store Connect URL will now redirect to the new URL; however, you should contact your Oracle representative for the new Store Connect URL. To prevent potential issues for store associates logging into or out of Store Connect, Oracle recommends that you have store associates use the new URL rather than relying on redirection from the existing URL.

Order processing flow:

  • When the store associate first logs into Store Connect, the New Orders screen is presented, listing orders assigned to the store location that have not yet been accepted.

  • After accepting an order, it is available for picking through the Ready to Pick screen. The Pick Order screen provides the option to scan items to increase the picked quantity, or simply increase the unit quantity. The option to cancel or reject one or more order lines, or the entire order, is also available.

  • After a delivery order is picked, it is available for shipping through the Ready to Ship screen. Orders that are under review can’t be shipped. Based on Order Broker preferences and Store Connect preferences, options include:

    • Partial shipments

    • Updating the shipping address

    • Switching from normal (ADSI or JSON) shipping to manual shipping, or vice versa

  • After a pickup order is picked, it is available for pickup through the Ready to Pick Up screen. Partial pickup is also available. Orders that are under review can’t be picked up.

  • Before any update to the order takes place, the system confirms that the order is still eligible for the selected update. For example, if the associate is ready to ship an order, but the order has been canceled since it was displayed on the Ship Order screen in Store Connect, the order is not updated to shipped, the Store Connect screen displays an error message, and the associate is returned to the Ready to Ship screen with the order no longer listed.

  • All delivery and pickup orders, regardless of status or store location assignment, are available at the All Orders screen.

With this update, the associate can now cancel both delivery and pickup orders in Store Connect.

A Search Options drawer is available from the New Orders, Ready to Pick, Ready to Ship, Ready to Pick Up, and All Orders screens.

Document options: Based on the options specified at the Store Connect Preferences screen, the following documents are available:

  • Pick List Pull Sheet when order(s) accepted.

  • Packing Slip. Can be generated at various points when processing the order, based on the Print Pack Documents setting at the Store Connect Preferences screen.

  • Shipping Label. Can be generated when a delivery order is shipped through ADSI or the JSON API.

Reviewing orders:

  • The Order History screen is available from various screens. This screen displays all the transaction history for the lines on the order.

  • The View Order screen, displaying details about the order, is also available from the New Orders, Ready to Pick, Ready to Ship, and Ready to Pick Up screens. From this screen, the associate can also perform the next option in processing the order based on the order’s current status.

  • The View Full Order screen is available from the All Orders screen. This screen displays order details regardless of status or store location assignment.

  • The full customer name is displayed, including the company name, title, middle initial, and suffix.

  • The customer’s day and evening phone numbers are displayed, if known, and an Attention line, if any, for the ship-to address.

  • Orders with the same order number but different request IDs are not displayed as a single order. This situation might occur if, for example, the customer added an item to the order after initial creation. Each is listed as a separate record with the same order ID.

Immediate polling: New order polling now takes place immediately.

Changed options at the Store Connect Preferences screen:

  • General tab: Removed the Lockout and Intransit Order Hours fields, as they are not currently used.

    Note that the Unclaimed Order Hours at this tab is not currently implemented. Both delivery and pickup orders are flagged in red if the Order Age Hours has passed since they were created if they are still unfulfilled, regardless of whether they are on hold.

    The Associate UI Timeout defined at the Store Connect Preferences screen supports an entry from 15 to 1440 minutes. Three minutes before the associate’s session is due to time out, an Inactivity Timeout window opens. This window indicates the number of seconds before the session will time out, and provides the option to log out or extend the session.

  • Pick/Pack Preferences tab: Removed the Pick Verify Method, Item Scan Type, Ship to Store Pack Slip Message, and Item Scan Length. Also, moved the Print Pack Documents field to a new Printing tab.

  • Receive tab: Removed.

  • New Order Polling (Schedule) tab: Removed, as polling is now always immediate.

  • Printing Preferences tab: New tab enables you to select whether to generate the Pick List Pull Sheet and specify Print Pack Documents options at the organization, location type, or location level.

  • Shipping Preferences tab: Added new JSON API option to the Shipping Service field. Added the following fields, available when JSON API is selected:

    • Length Unit of Measure (Centimeter or Inch) and Weight Unit of Measure (Gram, Kilogram, or Pound). Available at the organization, location type, or location level when JSON API is selected.

    • Added new Shipping Service Configuration fields related to JSON API: Shipper URL, Shipper Name, Shipping Label Return Address, Outbound Message Version, and Authentication Type.

      If the Authentication Type is set to BASIC, the User ID and Password fields are available. If the Authentication Type is set to OAuth, the OAUTH URL, Scope, Client ID, and Client Secret fields are available.


    The Shipping Service Configuration fields are available at the system level only.
  • Emails tab:

    • Removed the New Order Notification Email field, the STS Pickup Ready Notification Email field, and the STS Pickup Ready Reminder Email field.

    • Moved the Shipment Notification Email and Email Generation Type, Pickup Ready Notification Email and Email Generation Type, and Pickup Ready Reminder Email and Email Generation Type fields to a single field for each type of email notification

      The new fields are named Shipment Notification Email Generation Type, Pickup Ready Notification Email Generation Type, and Pickup Ready Reminder Email Generation Type.

      The valid settings for each new field are System Generated HTML (to have Order Broker generate the email) and JSON API (to generate a JSON request to an external system for email generation).

About Store Connect user authority: The Authority settings and the Data Formats defined at the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen are not currently used. It is not necessary to assign roles through the Role Wizard; instead, the OBCS_Store_User role in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) is the only requirement to provide Store Connect access to active store associate users.

Controls and Monitoring

The number of days to retain audit records is set to 183 days (six months) by default. This setting, which applies to existing audit tables as well as the new audit tables, is not displayed on a screen. The daily cleanup job purges audit records that exceed the retention days.

The database has been updated to support writing records to the audit tables to track changes. The database updates include:

  • Updated tables for system updates (System screen):

  • New audit tables to track system updates (System screen):

  • Table changes for scheduled jobs and audit of scheduled jobs (Schedule Jobs screen): Added new JOB_SCHEDULE table to replace the SCHEDULED_JOB, ECOMMERCE_IMPORT_SCHEDULE, PROBABLE_QTY_EXPORT_SCHEDULE tables, combining the job schedule records into a single table. Also, added new AUDIT_JOB_SCHEDULE table to replace the AUDIT_SCHEDULED_JOB table for tracking changes to scheduled jobs.

Also with this update, several database tables that are no longer needed have been removed. See the Data Dictionary on My Oracle Support for more information.

Status Restricted Report

A new Status Restricted Report is now available under the Operations reports listed at the Run Reports, Schedule Reports, Schedule Report, and View Reports screens or windows. This report lists order line transaction history records that were created because the Status Update request message specified a status change that was not valid for the order line’s current status.

When is status update restricted through the Status Update request message? A status update would be restricted if the order line’s current status was Canceled, and the Restrict Reassignment of Canceled Line preference was selected. It would also be restricted if the order line’s current status was Fulfilled. In either case, you can change the current order line status only through the Order screen or Edit Order Item window, not through the Status Update request.

Timeout and Logoff from Vendor Portal

This update includes enhancements to logging in, logging out, and session timeout flows for a Vendor Portal user based on the user’s single sign-on (SSO) account in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management).

New Unauthorized Access screen: If the user has an SSO account in IDCS or OCI IAM, possibly for Order Broker, but does not have access to the Vendor Portal, the following occurs:

  • The user attempts to open the Vendor Portal by navigating to the Vendor Portal URL.

  • The user completes the login process for IDCS or OCI IAM.

  • The user advances to a new Unauthorized Access screen, presenting the options to Logout of SSO or to Retry.

If the user asks their system administrator for access to the Vendor Portal, and the access is granted while the Unauthorized Access screen is still open, the Retry option enables them to log into the Vendor Portal.

Otherwise, the user can select Logout of SSO to log out of any open applications that use the same SSO account.

New Inactivity Timeout screen: The vendor user advances to a new Inactivity Timeout screen if there has been no activity in Vendor Portal during the number of minutes specified in the Portal UI Timeout field at the Drop Ship Preferences screen. The Inactivity Timeout screen displays the message “Your single sign-on (SSO) session has timed out due to inactivity and you have been signed out of Supplier Direct Fulfillment Vendor Portal,” and includes the Login option for you to enter your IDCS credential again.


Oracle recommends to log out of the Vendor Portal and not just close the browser or browser tab; otherwise, the vendor user will not be able to log back into the Vendor Portal until the SSO session is cleared.

New logout screen: When you log out of the Vendor Portal, you advance to a new Logout screen. This screen provides the Login option, enabling you to sign back into the Vendor Portal after entering your IDCS or OCI IAM credentials again.

Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails

A new Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job, available at the Schedule Jobs screen, enables you to generate pickup-ready reminder emails for pickup orders that exceed the Aged Hours specified, based on the date and time when the order was picked.

You can also run this job through the Run Job API.

A new Generate Pickup Reminder Email History screen displays the history for this job.

Inbound Run Job API and Job History Enhancements

Run Job API

A new Run Job API enables you to submit jobs through a web service request. This API enables you to maintain job schedules across the enterprise in a single external system, rather than requiring you to set up schedules at the Schedule Jobs screen in Order Broker.

Supported jobs: You can use the Run Job API to run the following jobs:

  • Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders

  • Completed Order Private Data Purge

  • Daily Cleanup

  • Email Notifications

  • Fulfilled Quantity Export

  • Generate Pickup-Ready Reminder Emails

  • Identity Cloud User Synchronization

  • Incremental Inventory Import

  • Inventory Quantity Export

  • Pickup Ready Reminder Emails

  • Product Import

  • Sales Order Data Extract

Setting up web service authorization: Authentication setup options are:

  • Manage External Application Access screen: select the Edit Access option, and select Run Job.

  • Web Service Authorization screen: select the Run Job web service.


OAuth is required to authenticate the Run Job API.

Job History Enhancements (Existing Job History Options)

The following enhancements have been made for existing Job History options:

  • History tracking: Job history is now tracked in a single database table (JOB_RUN_HISTORY), and a history record is created each time a job is submitted, even if it is rejected.

  • Which jobs shown on View Active Schedules? The View Active Schedules screen now shows all jobs that:
    • Have the Schedule Enabled flag selected, or

    • Have existing job history that has not been purged.

    When a job is associated with an organization, then the View Active Schedules screen shows the job only for organizations where the Schedule Enabled flag is selected, or if there is job history for the organization. For example, the Sales Order Data Extract has the Schedule Enabled flag selected for organization 1 but not organization 2, so the View Active Schedules screen displays the Sales Order Data Extract only for organization 1.

  • History icon always shown: The history icon to review job history (Illustrates the history icon.) is available for all jobs listed on the View Active Schedules screen. However, history is available for review only if the job has run at least once, and the job has one or more history records that have not been purged.

  • Product Imports History, Incremental Inventory Imports History, and Sales Order Data Extract History screen changes: These screens, available by selecting the History icon at the View Active Schedules screen, now display data from the JOB_RUN_HISTORY table. Other changes on these screens include:

    • The Import ID field has been renamed to the Job Number.

    • The screen now lists both the Start Date (and time) as well as the End Date (and time) and the Duration.

    • On the Product Imports History screen, a new Type column distinguishes the total records Processed and Errored for each record type listed in the following columns: Product, Inventory, Location, UPC, and Image. Note that Image is a new field, added under the Item Image and Product Barcode Imports enhancement.

    • Jobs in Rejected status are now displayed, and you can search based on this status.

    • The organization and system associated with the import history records are now display-only; however, you can search based on Job Number, Start Date, and Status.

    • Also, the View Sales Order Data Extract History screen has been renamed as the Sales Order Data Extract History screen.

Role Wizard: The Schedule Imports secured feature, which was not used, has been removed. Also, the Incremental Imports History secured feature has been removed. The View Active Schedule secured feature now controls access to each of the job history screens that have been created or enhanced.

Run Now option added: The Run Now option has been added to the Schedule Job screen for the Email Notifications, Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders, Daily Cleanup, and Sales Order Data Extract jobs.

New Job History Options: The following new job history options have been created. The fields and options on each of these screens are similar to those of existing job history screens, such as the Incremental Inventory Imports History screen, and are available by selecting the History icon at the View Active Schedules screen. As a result, the View Active Schedule secured feature is required to view these screens.

  • Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders History

  • Completed Order Data Purge History

  • Daily Clean Up Job History

  • Email Notifications Job History

  • Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails

  • Fulfilled Inventory Export History

  • Identity Cloud User Synchronization History

  • Inventory Quantity Export History

New Job History screen and secured feature: This screen displays all job history records. A new View Job History secured feature controls access to this screen.

Related enhancement: See Job Notification Web Service Enhancements for a related enhancement.

Purging Job History

A new Job History setting at the Tenant-Admin screen defines the number of days to retain job history records before they are eligible to be purged through the Daily Cleanup job. This field must be set to a number from 1 to 30. The Job History setting replaces the existing Extract Log History setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Job Notification Web Service Enhancements

With this update, a new version 2.0 of the outbound Job Notification web service message is available. This version includes the jobRequestId, which is also included in the Run Job API response, enabling an integrating system that uses the Run Job API to connect the Run Job request with the completion of the submitted job.

To support the new message version, a Message Version field has been added to the Event Notifications section of the Event Logging screen. If you set the version to 2.0, the new jobRequestId tag is included in the outbound Job Notification message. The version is set to 1.0 by default.

With update 21.0 of Order Broker, the jobNumber that identifies each submitted job on Order Broker screens is now included in the Job Notification message for all job types. Previously, it was included for some but not all job types.

Item Image URL and Barcode Imports

This update includes enhancements that enable you to import item image URLs for display in Store Connect, as well as product barcodes that can be used to scan items in Store Connect.

Importing item image URLs or barcodes through OCDS: Use the OCDS Integration Import tab at the System screen to add the new Product Barcode URL: and Product Image URL:, and select the Active flag to enable either or both imports.

Also, added the Image URL to the New Product and Edit Product screens.

You can now also use the File Storage API to upload a pipe-delimited product import file that includes the item image URL.

New Online Help Format

With this update, the online help uses a new format that is fully accessible. The Vendor Portal help and the Store Connect help use the new format, as well as the help available for Order Broker screens and the Vendor Integration Guide and the Administration Guide.