Edit Ship To Details

Use this window to update the ship-to name and address for a delivery order. This information defaults from the system that submitted the order, but you might need to edit it if, for example, the postal code is incorrect and would prevent the order from being delivered.

How to display this window: Select the pencil icon (Illustrates the pencil icon.) to the right of the Ship To name and address at the Ship Order screen.

Changing the ship-to name and address: Optionally, change any of the displayed fields, listed below, and select Save.

  • Attention: Can be used for the name of the person to alert at the shipping destination. Optional.

  • Company: Required if the First Name and Last Name are not specified. Otherwise, optional.

  • Prefix: An honorific, such as Ms or Dr. Optional.

  • First Name: Required, along with the Last Name, if the Company is not specified. Otherwise, optional.

  • Middle Name: Optional.

  • Last Name: Required, along with the First Name, if the Company is not specified. Otherwise, optional.

  • Suffix: For example, Esq. or Jr. Optional.

  • Address Line 1 through Address Line 4: Address Line 1 is required. Additional lines are optional.

  • Apt/Suite: Optional.

  • City: Required.

  • State/Province Code: Required.

  • Country Code: Required.

  • Postal Code: Optional.

  • Day Phone: Optional.

  • Evening Phone: Optional.


The window doesn’t check that your entries at this window are for a valid, deliverable address.

After you apply the update, an order history record is created; however, the history record doesn’t indicate the nature of the change.