14 Order History

Purpose: Use this screen to review the history of all status updates that have taken place for the items on the order. History is listed in chronological order (oldest to newest).

How to display: Select View Order History from More Options (Illustrates the More Options menu (ellipsis)) from all screens except the Pick Order, Ship Order, or Pick Up Order screens.

Fields Description
Order Number

A code assigned to identify the order in the originating system.

Note: Two orders can be assigned the same order ID if, for example, the customer added a new item to an existing order.

Order Type

An order type of Pickup or Delivery is indicated at the upper right. For a delivery order, an icon (Illustrates the express carrier icon.) indicates if the carrier on the order is flagged as an express shipper.

For each item on the order:


Items that are fulfilled through the warehouse and not submitted to Order Broker are not displayed.
Item description

A brief description of the item.

Item code

A code to identify the item. Preceded by the word “Item.”

Item image

Line number

The number identifying the order line in Order Broker and Store Connect. May be different from the line number on the order in the originating system.

For each update for an item:


A history record is also created when you change the order pickup date for a pickup order or when you update the ship-to address for a delivery order; however, the same information is displayed for each order line before and after the pickup date change.
Date and time

The date and time when the status change took place.

User ID

The code identifying the user who performed the action that caused the status change. In addition to displaying a user ID, can also be set to:

  • SYSTEM if Order Broker applied the change automatically, such as setting the status to POLLED when the order becomes available for processing in Store Connect.

  • A code to identify an integrating system that submitted the order to Order Broker.


The status that was applied to the order line. Possible statuses are:

  • Accepted: The order line has been accepted for fulfillment at the assigned location.

  • Canceled: The order line has been canceled.

  • Fulfilled: The order line has been shipped (delivery order) or picked up by the customer (pickup order).

  • New Order: The order line has just been received from the originating system and created in Order Broker. The line should stay in this status very briefly.

  • Picked: The order line has been picked.

  • Polled: The order has been made available for processing in Store Connect. The line should go into Polled status very soon after the order is created in Order Broker.

  • Rejected: The order line has been rejected by the assigned fulfilling location. After a rejection, Order Broker either reassigns the order line or changes its status to Unfulfillable. Pickup orders aren’t reassigned.

  • Unfulfillable: The order line cannot be fulfilled through Order Broker.

Partial updates: A status might have been applied to a partial quantity of an order line if, for example, you were picking an order line with a quantity of 2 and found that there was only 1 in stock. In that case, you might reject 1 unit and pick 1 unit. Order Broker might then reassign the rejected unit on a delivery order to another location for fulfillment, or the rejected unit might go into Unfulfillable status.


The code identifying the store where the status update took place, followed by the description.

Tracking Number

The number used to track a shipment for a delivery order. The code identifying the carrier is displayed to the right in parentheses. If a description of the carrier is defined in Order Broker, the description is also displayed.


Indicate the description of the reason why an order line was canceled or rejected.

Number of units

The number of units affected by the status change. This field is to the right.