18 Reject Order

Purpose: Use this window to reject an entire order if the order can’t be fulfilled through your current store location.

You might reject an order if you don’t have the stock available to fulfill it.

What happens when you reject:

  • When you reject a delivery order, Order Broker sees if there is another location that can fulfill the order.

  • When you reject a pickup order, the order is updated as unfulfillable.


If your organization is configured to split delivery orders across multiple store locations if necessary, any items on the order that are assigned to other store locations for fulfillment are not affected when you reject a delivery order.

How to display: This window opens when you select the Reject Order option from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.). The option to reject an order is available at the bottom right of most screens, with the exception of the All Orders screen and the View Full Order screen.

Reject reason: Select the reason why you are rejecting the order from the drop-down list if more than one reject reason is defined for your organization.

Applying the rejection: After you select OK, the rejected order is removed from the screen. If you were on a screen displaying the order, such as the Pick Order screen, you return to the list screen, such as the Ready to Pick screen, with the rejected order no longer displayed.