View Job History

Purpose: Use the View Job History screen to review jobs that have run.

History icon always shown: The history icon to review job history is available for all jobs listed on this screen, regardless of whether the Schedule Enabled flag at the Schedule Jobs screen is selected for the job. However, history is available for review only if the job has run at least once, and it has any history records that have not been purged.

The screen displays up to 100 job history records in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest). If necessary, use the search fields at the top of the screen to restrict the displayed job history records.

How to display this screen: Select View Job History from the Systems Menu. The landing page does not have a shortcut to this screen.


Only users with View Job History authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

History screens for individual jobs: You can also use the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) at the View Active Schedules screen to advance to a screen displaying all unpurged history records for the selected job. See that screen for more information.

History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a job history record

Optionally, select a Job Name, Organization, and/or System, Start Date, or End Date, and click Search to display the scheduled job.


Searching by organization or system is supported only for jobs that are specific to an organization or system. See the Job Name field a summary description of each job.
refresh the displayed information

Click Search.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:
Job Name

A job that has run at least once, and not all history has been purged. Optionally, select a listed job and select Search to display the history records for that job. Jobs that can be displayed here are:

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders: Cancels unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders based on the settings of the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders and Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders at the Preferences screen. This job runs daily at a specified time. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Completed Order Private Data Purge: Anonymizes customer data on sales orders that closed (fulfilled, canceled, unfulfillable, completed) and purchase orders that have been closed (shipped, complete, or canceled) and that are older than a specified number of days. See Completed Order Private Data Purge for a discussion.

Daily Clean Up: Clears outdated information on a daily basis. See the Daily Clean Up job for details. This job runs daily at a specified time.

Email Notifications: Generates email notifications to store locations, vendors, customers, retailers, or systems operations staff based on the unprocessed records that are currently in the EMAIL_NOTIFICATION table. This job runs at the specified minute interval: for example, generate email notifications every 5 minutes. See the Email Notifications job for details.

Fulfilled Quantity Export: Generates a pipe-delimited file of recent order fulfillments, so the inventory system of record can use this information to update its own inventory based on activity in Order Broker. See the Fulfilled Inventory Export job for details.

Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails: Generates pickup-ready reminder emails to customers whose pickup orders have not been picked up within the number of Aged Hours defined for the job. See the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job for details.

Identity Cloud Service Synchronization: Creates users in Order Broker based on the data that has been set up in IDCS or OCI IAM. See the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job for details.

Incremental Inventory Import: Uses the contents of a pipe-delimited import file to update product location records for the system. See the Incremental Inventory Import job for details.

Inventory Quantity Export: Creates a pipe-delimited export file providing the current totals for products or product locations based on updates to product location quantities, including applying probable quantity or probability rules. Also, supports a web service to respond to requests for current inventory quantity changes based on probability rules. See the Inventory Quantity Export job for details.

Product Import: Imports and updates information that includes products, system products, product locations, locations, and product barcodes. See the Product Import job for details.

Sales Order Data Extract: Creates export files containing data related to orders with any activity within a specified date range. See the Sales Order Data Extract for details.

Jobs that are not flagged as enabled at the Schedule Jobs screen are not listed in the results here.


See organization. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default.

Filtering displayed jobs based on organization takes place only for the jobs that are associated with a specific organization: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import, and Sales Order Data Extract.


See system. Optionally, select a system the drop down list in order to display jobs run for the selected system. If you first select an Organization, only systems associated with that organization are displayed.

Filtering jobs based on organization takes place only for the jobs that are associated with a specific system: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.

Results fields:
Job Name

See the Job Name, above, for information.

Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.


The organization code is displayed only for jobs related to a specific organization: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import, and Sales Order Data Extract.


The code identifying the system associated with the scheduled job. The system code is displayed only for those jobs related to a specific system: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import.

System Name

The name describing the system.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.


The number of minutes and seconds it took the job to run, in MM:SS format. Displayed only for the Incremental Inventory Import, Product Import, and Sales Order Extract.

Submitted By

Indicates how the job was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed as the user ID if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates the result of the most recent import process:

  • A green check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that no errors occurred.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to import.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred for at least one record in the import.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the yellow triangle icon.) indicates that the import was rejected because another instance of the same job, or of a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the import is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running.

This field is blank if you have not yet run the import process for the system, or if the job is anything other than the Incremental Inventory Import, Product Import, Inventory Quantity Export, or Sales Order Data Extract.