Pack Slip CSV File

Purpose: The contents of the pack slip CSV file are described below. This file contains the same information as the Pack Slip, with a separate row for each purchase order line included in the batch. The file is in CSV (comma-separated value) format, so that you can easily open it in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

How to generate:

You can also generate this file by using the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint a pack slip. When you void and reprint a pack slip, the batch consists only of that pack slip.

How to download: Click the CSV icon (Illustrates the CSV icon.) at the View Printed Pack Slips screen. When you click the icon, a separate tab opens, and your browser (such as Internet Explorer or Chrome) presents the option to save and open the CSV file.

No file? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a CSV file, no file is generated and no icon is displayed in the CSV File column at the View Printed Pack Slips screen. This field is also blank if the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) in the CSV File column at the View Printed Pack Slips screen indicates that the Vendor Portal encountered an error when attempting to generate the CSV file. Contact the retailer for more information.

How to open: When you click the file, it opens in your default spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel.

About numeric fields: When you open the file in a spreadsheet application, numeric fields are formatted as numbers: right-aligned and leading zeros removed. This formatting also applies to phone numbers and postal codes if they do not include any non-numeric characters. Decimal positions are also removed for whole numbers; for example, a dollar value of $10.00 is formatted as 10, although a value of $10.01 retains the decimal.

Fields Description
Batch No.

The batch number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify the pack slips generated at the same time.

PO No.

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the retailer’s system. Up to 7 positions.

Order No.

A number or code identifying the sales order in the retailer’s system. Up to 8 positions.

Customer No.

The number identifying the sold-to customer in the retailer’s system. Up to 9 positions.


A number identifying the retailer’s brand. Up to 3 positions.

Date of Order

The PO created (entered) date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Order First Name

The first name of the sold-to customer. Up to 15 positions.

Order Last Name

The last name of the sold-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Order Company

The company name of the sold-to customer. Up to 30 positions.


The sold-to customer has either a first and last name or a company name, or both.
Order Prefix

The prefix for the sold-to customer’s name, such as Mr. or Dr. Up to 3 positions.

Order Suffix

The suffix for the sold-to customer’s name, such as Jr. or Esq. Up to 3 positions.

Order Address 1

The first address line for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Address 2

The second address line, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Address 3

The third address line, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Address 4

The fourth address line, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Apt

The apartment or suite number, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 10 positions.

Order City

The city for the sold-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Order State

The code identifying the state or province for the sold-to customer. Always included for addresses in the US and Canada. Two positions.

Order Postal Code

The zip or postal code for the sold-to customer. Up to 10 positions.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove any leading zeroes, changing a postal code of 02135 to 2135.
Order Country

The 2-position or 3-position code identifying the country for the sold-to customer.


The ship-to information is always included, even if it is the same as the sold-to information.
Ship To First Name

The first name of the ship-to customer. Up to 15 positions.

Ship To Last Name

The last name of the ship-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Ship To Company

The company name of the ship-to customer. Up to 30 positions.


The ship-to customer has either a first and last name or a company name, or both.
Ship To Prefix

The prefix for the ship-to customer’s name, such as Mr. or Dr. Up to 3 positions.

Ship To Suffix

The suffix for the ship-to customer’s name, such as Jr. or Esq. Up to 3 positions.

Ship To Address 1

The first address line for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Address 2

The second address line, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Address 3

The third address line, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Address 4

The fourth address line, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Apt

The apartment or suite, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 10 positions.

Ship To City

The city for the ship-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Ship To State

The code identifying the state or province for the ship-to customer. Always included for addresses in the US and Canada. Two positions.

Ship To Postal Code

The zip or postal code for the ship-to customer. Up to 10 positions.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove any leading zeroes, changing a postal code of 02135 to 2135.
Ship To Country

The 2-position or 3-position code identifying the country for the sold-to customer.

Ship To Day Phone

The day phone number for the ship-to. May include formatting applied by the retailer’s system. Up to 14 positions.

Ship Via

The code identifying the carrier designated for the purchase order line. Numeric; up to 2 positions.

Ship Via Description

The description of the designated carrier. Up to 30 positions.

Line No.

A unique number identifying the item on the purchase order. Up to 3 positions.

Retailer Item Number

The retailer’s item number or code. Up to 27 positions.

Retailer Item Description

The retailer’s description of the item. Up to 40 positions.

Vendor Item Number

Your item number. Up to 20 positions.

Vendor Item Description

Your item description. Up to 30 positions.

Retailer Items Ordered

The total ordered quantity of the item for the purchase order line. Up to 7 positions.

Retailer Items Shipped

The total quantity of the item to ship. Same as the Retailer Items Ordered unless you have used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void a partial quantity of the purchase order line.

Retailer Unit of Measure

The retailer’s code for the unit of measure. Informational only; unit of measure conversion is not supported. Up to 3 positions.

Vendor Items Ordered

Same as the Retailer Items Ordered.

Vendor Items Shipped

The total quantity of the item to ship. Same as the Vendor Items Ordered unless you have used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void a partial quantity of the purchase order line.

Vendor Unit of Measure

Your code for the unit of measure. Up to 3 positions. Informational only; unit of measure conversion is not supported.

Unit Price

The customer’s unit price for the item. The price is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, a price of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

The customer’s extended price for the item (quantity * unit price). The extended price is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 11 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

If there are multiple pack slips: If there are multiple pack slips for a purchase order, the totals are included for the first generated pack slip only; in this case, the totals are zero for any additional pack slips generated.

Total Merchandise

The total extended price of all items on the pack slip. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 11 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

The total extended shipping charges for all items on the sales order. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.

Multiple pack slip for a purchase order? If this is not the first pack slip for the purchase order, then shipping charges related to the prior shipment or to the purchase order as a whole are included in the first pack slip and not the current pack slip. There might be multiple pack slips for a purchase order if, for example, you put a line on hold before generating the first pack slip, then released the held line before generating the next pack slip.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

The total handling charges for all items on the pack slip, plus any additional charges. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.
Sales Tax

The total sales tax for the sales order. Includes any tax on freight. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.
Order Total

The total of all merchandise, shipping and handling, and sales tax. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 11 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.
Pay Type

The description of the payment method. Set to MULTI PAY if there is more than one payment method. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. Up to 30 positions.

PO Messages

The sales order message lines, if any, flagged to print. Included for each item on the pack slip. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

PO Gift Messages

The gift message lines, if any. Included for each item on the pack slip. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

Brand Message

The pack slip message, if any, defined for the retailer’s brand. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

Line Customization

If the item requires customization, includes:

  • a code identifying the type of customization, such as monogramming, ink color, or script. Up to 15 positions.
  • the customization instructions themselves. Up to 45 positions.
Line Messages

Any order line messages from the sales order. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

Gift Wrap

Set to Y if the item requires gift wrap; otherwise, set to N.