Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet

Purpose: The pullsheet includes a line for each purchase order line included in the batch, providing a checklist you can use for picking the items for each pack slip. The contents of the pack slip batch pullsheet are described below.

How to generate:

You can also generate this file by using the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint a pack slip. When you void and reprint a pack slip, the batch consists only of that pack slip.

How to view: Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pullsheet column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen to open the PDF file containing the pullsheet. The pullsheet opens in a new tab, and the tab’s title indicates the batch and the brand (for example, a tab title of PDF:Pull Sheet 443-001 Red Panda indicates batch 443 for the Red Panda brand).

Language and formats: The language, date and time formats, and number formats are from the Data Formats Options selected at the Vendor Configuration screen.

No pullsheet? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a pullsheet, no PDF is generated and no PDF icon is displayed in the Pullsheet column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pullsheet error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) in the Pullsheet column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pullsheet. Contact the retailer for more information.

Window width: In Chrome, the pullsheet is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

Fields Description

The logo for the retailer’s brand that is associated with the purchase orders in the batch.

brand name (unlabeled field)

The retailer’s brand name.

vendor code (unlabeled field)

The code or number identifying your company to the retailer.

date and time generated (unlabeled field)

The date and time when you generated the batch of pack slips.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Batch #

The batch number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify the group of pack slips generated at the same time.

Total POs

The total number of purchase orders included in the batch.

Total Lines

The total number of purchase order lines included in the batch.

Total Units

The total number of units on all purchase order lines and all items included in the batch.

for each purchase order line for the same brand in the batch
PO #

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the retailer’s system.

Order #

A number or code identifying the sales order in the retailer’s system.

Ship To Name

The last name and first name or company name of the customer receiving the shipment. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Line #

A unique number identifying the item on the purchase order.

Item #

Your item number or code. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Item Description

A description of the item. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Order Qty

The quantity of the item to ship.


The code identifying the designated carrier. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Tracking #

A space for you to enter the tracking number for a shipment.


A space for you to enter the weight of a shipment.


A space for you to enter the rate of a shipment.

Vendor Item Count

Each item included in the batch pullsheet, and the total quantity of each.