Edit External Service

Purpose: Use the Edit External Service screen to work with an existing shipping service for use in Store Connect.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this screen: Select the edit icon for an external service at the Manage External Services screen.


Only users with Manage External Services authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
External Service Code

The code identifying the external service. Up to 20 positions. Display-only.

External Service Type

Set to Shipping. Display-only.

Shipping Service

Possible types are:

  • ADSI

  • Standard Shipping Service: Uses the Generic Ship Order API. See the Operations Guide on My Oracle Support (2114324.1) for details.



The description of the external service. Up to 256 positions. Required.


Indicates if the shipping service is currently active. Note:

  • Inactive shipping services are indicated in the Shipping Service drop-down at the Store Connect Preferences screen.

  • If an inactive shipping service assignment applies to a store location, only manual shipping is available at the location.

Shipping Service Configuration
Endpoint URL

The URL to use for the integrated shipping system when the store associate confirms shipments through integrated shipping. Up to 256 positions. Required.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Shipper Reference

Reference value for the shipper to identify the calling system. Up to 256 positions. Optional.

The remaining fields under the Shipping Service Configuration heading are available only if the Shipping Service is set to Standard Shipping Service.
Outbound Message Version

Currently, the only available version for the Standard Shipping Service is 1. Required.

Authentication Type

Possible authentication types for the Standard Shipping Service are Basic and OAuth (default). Required.

User ID

The user ID to authenticate request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Available only if the authentication type is set to Basic; in this case, required.


The password to authenticate request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Available only if the Authentication Type is set to Basic; in this case, required.


The URL to use for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Available only if the Authentication Type is set to OAuth. ; in this case, required.


The scope to specify for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Available only if the Authentication Type is set to OAuth. Optional.

Client ID

The client ID to use for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Available only if the Authentication Type is set to OAuth; in this case, required.

Client Secret

The client secret to use for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Available only if the Authentication Type is set to OAuth; in this case, required.

Packaging Dimensions
Length Unit of Measure

Defines the length unit of measure to display in the Length, Width, and Height fields at the Ship Order screen in Store Connect. Possible settings are Inch and Centimeter for a Standard Shipping Service. Defaults to Inches for ADSI and cannot be changed.

Weight Unit of Measure

Defines the weight unit of measure to display in the Package Weight field at the Ship Order screen in Store Connect. Possible settings are Gram, Kilogram, and Pound (default) for a Standard Shipping Service. Defaults to Pounds for ADSI and cannot be changed.