Role Wizard

Purpose: Use the Role Wizard to create or edit roles you use to control users’ authority to different menu options. There are different types of authority available for assignment to:

  • retailer users with access to Order Broker screens for either the Routing Engine or Supplier Direct Fulfillment modules
  • vendor users with access to the Vendor Portal (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)

Admin user: An admin user has authority to all screens and does not need role assignment.

Making roles more or less specific: You can assign each user to one or more roles; for example, you can set up one role to control access to products and another role to control access to order inquiry, and assign a user to both of these roles if needed. You can also set up a single role to control authority to all systems-related options so that you can assign all authority to administrative users more easily.

Delivered roles: Order Broker is delivered with predefined roles. See Delivered roles for details. Make sure to review the authority associated with these roles prior to assigning them to a user.

Steps to creating a role: The basic steps to creating or modifying a role are:

  1. Specify Role Name: specify the name for a role and whether it applies to retailers or vendors.
  2. Authority: specify the authority available to users with the role. The authorities available for selection vary depending on whether you are setting up a retailer or vendor role.
  3. Users: specify the users to assign to the role. You can also assign users to a role later, through the:
  4. Review Role: review the role before you accept your entries or changes.

How to display:

  • creating a role: click New at the Roles screen
  • changing or reviewing a role:
  • click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a zone at the Roles screen, or
  • click Edit at the Browse Role window


Only users with Roles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

In this topic: This topic includes the Role Wizard steps:

  1. Specify Role Name
  2. Authority
  3. Users
  4. Review Role

Specify Role Name

Purpose: Use this first step in the Role Wizard to specify the name of the role and indicate whether it applies to retailer or vendor users.

How to display:

  • creating a role: click New at the Roles screen
  • changing a role:
    • click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a role at the Roles screen, or
    • click Edit at the Browse Role window

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Role Name

The name of a role. Role names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and must be unique in Order Broker. The name can include special characters and spaces.

Role Type

Role types are:

  • Retailer: Controls access to Order Broker screens and functions when assigned to a retailer user profile
  • Vendor: Controls access to Vendor Portal screens when assigned to a vendor user profile (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)
Identity Cloud User Default

Select this flag to have the role assigned to all users imported through the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job.

Completing this step:

  1. Enter or change the Role Name. Names can be 1 to 40 positions long and must be unique in Order Broker. If you entered a name at the Roles screen when creating a role, the name defaults here. The name can include special characters and spaces.
  2. Specify whether the role applies to retailers or vendors by selecting a Role Type.


    Selecting the Role Type is available only when you are creating a role.
  3. Click Next to continue to the Authority step, or click Cancel to exit the Role Wizard without saving your entries.


Purpose: Use this second step in the Role Wizard to specify the authority available to users assigned to the role.

Adding a secured feature to a role:

  • In the Eligible User Authority window, select the secured feature to assign to the role. See the Fields at this screen, below, for a listing of each feature and the authority it controls.
  • Drag the secured feature to the Allowed User Authority window.

Removing an existing secured feature from a role:

  • In the Allowed User Authority window, select the secured feature to remove to the role.
  • Drag the secured feature to the Eligible User Authority window.

Completing this step: Click:

  • Next to continue to the Users step.
  • Previous to return to the Specify Role Name step.
  • Cancel to exit the Role Wizard and discard your entries or changes.


All secured features for the Routing Engine and the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module are available for assignment, regardless of the modules specified at the Tenant screen.

Fields at this screen

Type of Secured Feature Feature Description Controls Access To Screen or Window and Subsequent Screens and Windows:
Eligible or Allowed User Authority: Retailer Roles


Certain features listed below are available only with the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. See the individual screens and windows for more information.

Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Maintenance

Approve Invoice and Reject Invoice

Note: Authority to Invoice Inquiry is also required for a user to advance to the Invoice screen via the Invoice Inquiry screen.

Order Inquiry

Order Inquiry

Order Maintenance

Order: ability to edit

Edit Order Item: if not authorized, advance instead to Browse Order Item

Note: Authority to Order Inquiry is also required for a user to advance to the Order screen via the Order Inquiry screen.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Purchase Order Inquiry


Attribute Definitions

Attribute Definitions

Note: This authority is not required to advance to the Product Attributes or the Location Attributes screen. These screens are available to users with Products or Locations authority.


Brands screen in Modern View

Fulfillment Zones

Fulfillment Zones

Location Bulk Updates

Location Bulk Updates

Location Types

Location Types



Order Broker Preference Overrides

Order Broker Preference Overrides

Organizations and Preferences

Organizations and Preferences, including the Drop Ship Preferences screen




Probable Quantity Location

Probable Quantity Location

Probable Quantity Rules

Probable Quantity Rules

Probability Location

Probability Location

Probability Rules

Probability Rules




Run Reports

Run Reports

Schedule Reports

Schedule Reports

View Reports

View Reports



Boxes in Modern View


Carriers in Modern View

Event Logging

Event Logging

Proximity Uploads

Proximity Uploads

Order Reason Codes

Order Reason Codes screen in Modern View

Reschedule All

The Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen



Schedule Jobs

Schedule Jobs




Tenant (advance to the Tenant (retailer information) screen unless you are an admin user, in which case you automatically have authority to advance to the Tenant screen)

User Profiles

User Profiles

Vendor User Profiles

Vendor User Profiles

View Active Schedules

View Active Schedules, View Sales Order Data Extract Job History, Incremental Imports History, Product Imports History

View Job History

View Job History

Web Service Authorization

Web Service Authorization

Manage External Services

Manage External Services

Manage External Application Access

Manage External Application Access,

File Storage History

File Storage History

Eligible or Allowed User Authority: Vendor Roles

Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen for the screens and windows listed below to be available.

Vendor Portal

Invoice Creation

Invoice Creation

Invoice # field at Purchase Order Shipping screen

Invoice Upload

Purchase Order Changes

Purchase Order Change Requests

Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Maintenance

Invoice: ability to edit

Edit Invoice Detail: if not authorized, advance instead to Browse Invoice Detail

Invoice Upload

Invoice Upload


Vendor Configuration

Get Purchase Orders

Get Purchase Orders

Note: This screen is not currently implemented.

Integrated Shipping

Integrated Shipping

Purchase Order Inquiry

Purchase Order Inquiry

Purchase Order Maintenance

Purchase Order Maintenance

Purchase Order Shipping

Purchase Order Shipping

Purchase Order Shipping Upload

Purchase Order Shipping Upload

Select Purchase Orders

Select Purchase Orders

View Printed Pack Slips

View Printed Pack Slips

Void / Reprint Pack Slip

Void / Reprint Pack Slip


Purpose: Use this step to assign the role to existing users.

How to display: You advance to this step by clicking Next at the Authority step.

Which users are displayed? If the Role Type is:

  • Retailer: All retailer user profiles are displayed in the Eligible Users area unless they are already assigned to the role.
  • Vendor: All vendor user profiles are displayed in the Eligible Users area unless they are already assigned to the role (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)

Assigning existing users to the role: Highlight a user name in the Eligible Users area and drag the name to the Allowed Users area.

Removing the role from existing users: Highlight a user name in the Allowed Users area drag it to the Eligible Users area.

Alternate method to assign roles:

Alternate way to display a user’s assigned roles:

Completing this step: Click:

  • Next to continue to the Review Role step.
  • Previous to return to the Authority step.
  • Cancel to exit the Role Wizard and discard your entries or changes.

Review Role

Purpose: Use this step to review a role you have created or changed, including user assignment, and to accept or reject your entries or changes.

How to display: You advance to this step by clicking Next at the Users step.

This step displays the role you have created or changed using the role. See the Authority step for information on specifying the menu option authority available to the role, and see the Users step for information on assigning users to the role.

Completing this step: Click Save to accept your changes and save the role, or click Cancel to reject all changes to the role and return to the Roles screen. If you click Cancel while creating a new role, the role is not saved.

Optionally, click Previous to return to the Users step.


Depending on the number of users assigned to the role, there may be a slight delay after you select Save.

When does the role authority become available to the user? The role authority is available to the user the next time the user logs into Order Broker (retailer user) or the Vendor Portal (vendor user).