Schedule Reports

Purpose: Use the Schedule Reports screen to work with schedules you set up to have Order Broker automatically generate reports.

Example: You can schedule the Unfulfillable Report to run daily for individual locations, and also schedule the report to run weekly and include all locations. You can designate different email addresses to receive each version of the report.

Resolving a scheduling issue: If a report does not run as scheduled, you can use the Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen to stop and restart the schedules for all jobs and periodic programs, such as report generation.

Note that the Reschedule All option does not restart jobs that are in Paused status (Illustrates the paused icon.). Jobs stay in Paused status only briefly before Order Broker restarts them automatically.

How to display this screen: Select Schedule Reports from the Home Screen or from the Reports Menu.


Only users with Schedule Reports authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at the screen

Option Procedure
create a new report schedule
  1. Enter a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name field. The schedule name can be up to 50 positions and can include special characters and spaces. Each schedule name must be unique.
  2. Select Drop Ship or Operations (Routing Engine).
  3. Select the report you are scheduling from the Report field. This option is available only after you have selected the Drop Ship or Operations (Routing Engine) folder from the Report Folder field.
  4. Click New to advance to the Schedule Report window, where you can complete creation of the report schedule.
search for a report schedule

Options for searching:

  • Enter a full or partial schedule name in the Schedule Name field and click Search to display report schedules that start with your entry or match it exactly.
  • Select Drop Ship or Operations (Routing Engine) from the Report Folder field and click Search to display schedules for reports in the selected folder. You can also combine this selection with an entry in the Schedule Name field to restrict matches to schedules in the selected folder.
  • Select Drop Ship or Operations (Routing Engine) from the Report Folder field, select a report from the Report field, and click Search to display schedules for the selected report.

Case: Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of n matches a report schedule of New Orders.

Options for sorting search results:

  • Use the plus signs or minus signs next to the Drop Ship or Operations (Routing Engine) folders to expand or collapse report schedules within those folders.
  • Use the plus signs or minus signs next to a particular report to expand or collapse report schedules for that specific report.
  • Click the column headings to sort the displayed report schedules by the selected column.
activate a report schedule

Click the inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) next to a report schedule to activate it.

deactivate a report schedule

Click the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) next to a report schedule to deactivate it.

edit an existing report schedule

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a report schedule to advance to the Schedule Report window.

delete a report schedule

Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a scheduled report to delete the schedule.

review a summary of the report schedule

Move the cursor over the active (Illustrates the active icon.) or inactive (Illustrates the inactive icon.) icon to display a summary of the report schedule. See the Schedule Report window for more information.

Illustrates the report summary window.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
Search/New Fields
Schedule Name

Describes the schedule you create so that Order Broker can generate the report on a periodic basis, using the settings from the Schedule Report window. The schedule name can be up to 50 positions and can include special characters and spaces.

You can create multiple schedules for a single report, with each schedule using different settings and running on different days of the week or at different times. For example, you can set up the Order Status Report to run on Monday morning at 7:00 and include all statuses and locations, and also set up the report to run every afternoon at 5:00 p.m. (17:00) for a specific location or status, and each schedule can have a different email distribution list.

Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of n matches a report schedule of New Orders.

Report Folder

Available options are:


You need to select the Drop Ship or Operations (Routing Engine) folder in the Report Folder field before you can select a specific report to create a schedule or search for schedules.

Results Fields

The left-hand part of this area of the screen includes:

  • the Folder Name (Drop Ship or Operations)
  • the Report Name
  • the Schedule Name

Each of these fields is described below.

Illustrates the fields displayed at the Search Results.
Report Folders (unlabeled field)
Report Name (unlabeled field)

The report to generate using the options selected at the Schedule Report window.

Schedule Name

The name describing the schedule you created so that Order Broker can generate the report on a periodic basis, using the settings from the Schedule Report window.


The dates and times are based on the retailer’s time, which may be different from your local time zone.
Last Updated

The most recent date and time when the report schedule was updated, or the date the schedule was created if it has never been updated. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen. The user ID of the person who created or most recently updated the schedule is to the right.

Last Run

The last date and time when Order Broker generated the report using this schedule. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen.


Indicates whether the schedule is active and eligible to be run:

Illustrates the inactive icon.
  • = the schedule is inactive
Illustrates the active icon.
Schedule Days

The day(s) of the week for Order Broker to generate the report using the settings from the Schedule Report window:

  • Su = Sunday
  • M = Monday
  • Tu = Tuesday
  • W = Wednesday
  • Th = Thursday
  • F = Friday
  • Sa = Saturday
Schedule Times

The time on the selected days when Order Broker should generate the report using the settings from the Schedule Report window. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen. If there is more than one time specified, the word Multiple is displayed.


Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a report schedule to open the Schedule Report window, where you can review or change the report schedule.


Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a report schedule to delete the schedule.