Auto Cancel Report

Purpose: Use the Auto Cancel Report to generate a list of Order Broker orders that include any lines that have been automatically canceled. The information on the report includes the customer’s name, email address, and phone numbers, as well as the type of order.

Order types on the report: This report lists pickup orders or ship-for-pickup orders that include lines that were automatically canceled.

Automatically canceled lines only: Order lines that were canceled by an integrated system, through order inquiry, or in Store Connect do not cause the order to be listed on this report. There is an auto-canceled flag that indicates that the line was canceled through the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders scheduled job; only order lines that have this flag selected cause an order to be listed on the report.

Does not include future cancellations: Order lines that are eligible for auto-cancellation do not cause the order to be listed on the report. Only order lines that have already been canceled cause the order to be listed.

If multiple auto-canceled lines: If an order includes more than one line that was automatically canceled during the date range and other criteria selected for the report, it is listed just once on the report, with the most recent cancellation date indicated.

For more information: See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for background.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to generate this report: At the Run Reports screen:

  • Click the plus sign next to the Operations folder in the left-hand navigation pane.
  • Highlight the Auto Cancel Report. The center of the screen displays the related Report Options.
  • Select:

    • Organization: The organization to include on the report. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default. The Data Formats defined for the organization are used on the report.

    • Pickup Location: Optionally, select a single location to select only orders that were assigned to that location for pickup. Only locations associated with the selected organization are available for selection. Otherwise, leave this field blank to include orders with any automatically canceled lines regardless of the selected pickup location.

    • Region: Optionally, select a single Region to have the report include only orders with locations assigned to that region. Regions that are assigned to locations associated with the selected organization are available for selection. The region is a user-defined field specified for a location. Because this is a user-defined field, a region entered with any trailing blank spaces is not a match for the same region entered without the trailing blanks.

    • Date range: Select either:

      • Rolling Dates: One of the date ranges available from this field to include orders that include any lines that were automatically canceled during this range of dates. See Rolling Dates for more information; or,

      • From and To dates: Enter or select the first and last dates to include. The report includes orders that include lines that were automatically canceled during this range of dates. The From and To dates can be the same, and can be the current date.

  • Export to PDF: Select this option to generate a PDF version of the report that you can review in a PDF viewer.
  • Export to Excel: Select this option to generate the report in .XLSX format, which you can open in a spreadsheet application.


    You must select either Export to PDF or Export to Excel, or both.
  • Email List: Optionally, enter one or more valid email addresses, separated by semicolons (;), to receive the report.


    If you select both Export to PDF and Export to Excel, each email recipient receives two separate emails, each with a version of the report attached.
  • Click Run Report.

For more information: See Viewing generated reports.

Language and formats: The language, date, time, and number formats on the report are from the Data Formats defined for the organization.

Truncated data? If the data in any column exceeds the allotted width, it is truncated. For example, if the customer’s email address exceeds the allotted width of that column, any additional characters beyond that width are omitted. The specific number of characters that fit in each column varies because different characters have different widths: for example, a W is wider than an I.


  • Organization Name and report title
  • Report Criteria heading:

    • Locations: If a specific pickup location was selected to include on the report, this location code and name is listed; otherwise, the heading lists All.

    • Date Range: The range of dates entered at the Run Reports screen, or calculated based on the Rolling Dates selection at the Run Reports screen or the Schedule Report window.

    • Region: If a specific region was selected to include on the report, this region is listed; otherwise, the heading lists All.

  • The location code and name for each pickup location included on the report. For each order that includes any lines that were automatically canceled during the date range for this pickup location:

    • Request ID assigned by Order Broker.

    • Order Number assigned by the originating system.

    • Date Canceled: The date when an order line was canceled. If lines were canceled on multiple dates, this is the most recent date.

    • Customer Name: The sold-to customer’s first and last name, if both were passed in the submit order message; otherwise, this is the company name.

    • Email address: The email address passed for the sold-to customer in the submit order message. Truncated if it exceeds the allotted space.

    • Day phone: The first phone number passed for the sold-to customer in the submit order message (phone1). Up to 12 positions.

    • Evening: The second phone number passed for the sold-to customer in the submit order message (phone2). Up to 12 positions.


      Order Broker does not apply any formatting to the phone numbers passed in the submit order message.
  • Order Type: Possible order types on the report are:

The footer on each page of the report lists:

  • the date and time when the report was generated
  • the current page number and total number of pages (for example, Page 1 of 6)