New Organization

Purpose: Use the New Organization window to complete creation of a new organization.

How to display this window: Enter an Organization code and Name at the Organizations and Preferences screen and click New.

Completing creation of a new organization: Complete each field on this window and click Save. See below for details.


When you create a new organization in Order Broker 20.0 or higher, ship for pickup orders are automatically enabled. See Ship For Pickup Order for background.


The Allow Split Order preference is selected by default when you create a new organization.

Other settings:

Fields at this window

Field Description

The organization you entered at the Organizations and Preferences screen. Display-only.

You cannot change the Organization code at this window; to change the code, click Cancel and enter a different Organization code at the Organizations and Preferences screen.


Optionally, enter a new name for the organization and click Save. The name can be from 1 to 35 positions long, and can include spaces and special characters.

Data Formats

Order Broker emails: The following fields control the format of information in the following system-generated emails:

Supplier Direct Fulfillment emails: These formats are used on the following emails generated through the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:

Emails to the vendor use the vendor’s language and data formats.

Store Connect Emails: These formats are used on all emails generated through Store Connect.

Forms: These formats are used on forms generated by the vendor in Supplier Direct Fulfillment, or by the associate through Store Connect.

Reports: These formats are used on generated reports.

Settings that are not defined at the organization level: These settings do not control the language displayed on screens, which is defined by the locale appended to the URL (for example, ?locale=fr). Also, these settings do not control the date, time, or number formats displayed on screens, which are controlled by the Data Formats defined for the user profile, store associate user profile, or vendor. See the User Profile Configuration, Store Associate User Profile, or New Vendor screens for more information.


The language to use for the system-generated emails, reports, and forms listed above. Available languages are:

  • Brazil-Portuguese
  • China-Chinese (simplified)
  • France-French
  • Germany-German
  • Italy-Italian
  • Japan-Japanese (Gregorian calendar)
  • Netherlands-Dutch
  • Russia-Russian
  • Spain-Spanish
  • Sweden-Swedish
  • United States-English (default)


Date Format

The format to use for dates in the system-generated emails, reports, and forms listed above:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (default): Month/day/year, for example: 12/31/2016
  • DD.MM.YYYY: Day.month.year, for example: 31.12.2016
  • DD/MM/YYYY: Day/month/year, for example: 31/12/2016
  • YYYY/MM/DD: Year/month/day, for example: 2016/12/31
  • DD-MM-YYYY: Day-month-year, for example: 31-12-2016


Time Format

The format to use for times in the system-generated emails, reports, and forms listed above:

  • AM/PM (default): For example: 11:40 AM
  • 24 Hour: For example: 13:01


Decimal Separator

The character to use as a decimal separator in the system-generated emails, reports, and the forms listed above:

  • Period (default): For example, 12.34
  • Comma: For example, 12,34


Note: The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.

Thousands Separator

The character to use as a thousands separator, in the system-generated emails, reports, and forms listed above, for numbers over 3 positions:

  • Comma (default) For example, 1,234
  • Period: For example, 1.234
  • Space: For example, 1 234


Note: The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.