User Profile Configuration

Purpose: Use the User Profile Configuration screen to specify user authority, the user’s default system, and the formats to display numbers, dates, and times on Order Broker screens. The user’s default system indicates which system product code to display to the user at the Order screen.

Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

How to display this screen:


  • Only users with User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • If the User Profile Configuration screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected user displayed.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
change any of the fields or settings for an existing user
  • Change any of the enterable settings at the Preferences tab.
  • To change role assignment to control user authority, select the Authority tab and drag roles between the Eligible Roles and Assigned Roles areas.
  • Click Save to update the user.
  • The user should log out of Order Broker and then log back in to apply the changes.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
User ID

5 to 10 positions, alphanumeric. Display-only. Always lowercase.

Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.


1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric. Required. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


Must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Depending on your selections at the Event Logging screen, Order Broker might generate an email to this email address if the user uploads proximity data; see that screen for more information. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized. Optional.


Indicates whether the user can log into Order Broker. You can also use the Disable Login option at the User Profiles screen to control whether a user can log in.

Cloud Service User Id

The user name identifying the user in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management). Up to 255 positions. Display-only.

Default Shipping System

Indicates the system product code to display as the Item # at the Order screen. This field is required unless you have not yet created any systems in Order Broker.

Data Formats

The following fields control the display of data on Order Broker screens for the user. They do not control the format of data on reports or in emails, or the datetime stamps for archived file names.

For more information: See Localization Settings for information on how language and data format settings are defined.

Date Format

The format to use for the display of dates on Order Broker screens:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (default): Month/day/year, for example: 12/31/2016
  • DD.MM.YYYY: Day.month.year, for example: 31.12.2016
  • DD/MM/YYYY: Day/month/year, for example: 31/12/2016
  • YYYY/MM/DD: Year/month/day, for example: 2016/12/31
  • DD-MM-YYYY: Day-month-year, for example: 31-12-2016


Time Format

The format to use for the display of times on Order Broker screens:

  • AM/PM (default): For example: 11:40 AM
  • 24 Hour: For example: 13:01


Decimal Separator

The character to use as a decimal separator on Order Broker screens:

  • Period (default): For example, 12.34
  • Comma: For example, 12,34



The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.
Thousands Separator

The character to use as a separator on Order Broker screens for numbers over 3 positions:

  • Comma (default) For example, 1,234
  • Period: For example, 1.234
  • Space: For example, 1 234



The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.


All authority is selected by default for the admin user and cannot be removed.

Alternate method to assign authority: You can assign authority to an existing user through this screen, or through the Users step in the Role Wizard.

Eligible Roles

This area displays all available roles set up to control authority for retailer users that are not currently assigned to this user. To assign a role, highlight it and drag it to the Assigned Roles area.

For more information: See the Role Wizard, especially the Authority step, for information on setting up roles and the authority that a role can control.

Assigned Roles

This area displays all roles to which the user is currently assigned. To remove a role, highlight it and drag it to the Eligible Roles area.