Run Reports

Purpose: Use the Run Reports screen to run reports interactively.

Scheduling reports: You can use the Schedule Report window to schedule reports to run on particular days and times.

Viewing generated reports

When you use this screen to run a report:

  • PDF version: If you generate a PDF version of the report, it opens in a separate tab within Order Broker, using a PDF viewer. You can then use your browser’s standard options to print or save a copy of the generated report. You can also review the report later through the View Reports screen.
  • Spreadsheet version: If you generate an XLSX version of the report, it is available for download (using your browser’s default file download process) so you can work with it in a spreadsheet application; however, a new tab opens in Order Broker indicating that the report will open in a spreadsheet application. It is not necessary to keep this tab open. You can also review the report later through the View Reports screen.


If you have difficulty opening the XLSX file version of the report from the browser, save the report file and then open it with your spreadsheet application.

Email? Optionally, you can send a generated report in either PDF or Excel format to one or more email addresses.

Each generated report is also available for review at the View Reports screen.


The ability of a retailer user to generate specific reports is not controlled by role. For example, if a retailer user has authority to generate reports, but does not have authority to drop ship options, the user can still generate drop ship reports.

How to display this screen: Select Run Reports from the Home Screen or from the Reports Menu.


Only users with Run Reports authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
run the Auto Cancel Report

See the Auto Cancel Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Location Import Errors Report

See the Location Import Errors Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Order Status Report

See the Order Status Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Product Import Errors Report

See the Product Import Errors Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Product Barcode Import Errors Report

See the Product Barcode Import Errors Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Status Restricted Report

See the Status Restricted Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Unfulfillable Report

See the Unfulfillable Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Zone List Report

See the Zone List Report. Used for the Routing Engine module.

run the Invoice Detail Report

See the Invoice Detail Report. Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

run the PO Item Status Report

See the PO Item Status Report. Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

run the Vendor Aging Detail Report

See the Vendor Aging Detail Report. Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

run the Vendor Aging Summary Report

See the Vendor Aging Summary Report. Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
Information on the selected report

A brief description of the selected report is displayed at the top of the screen when you highlight a report.

Report Name

Drop Ship report: Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. Available reports are:

Operations report: Used for the Routing Engine module.

Available reports are:

Report Description (unlabeled field)

A brief, system-provided description of the report.

Left-hand navigation pane

Use this pane to select a report to run. Includes folders:

Report Options

Not all options are provided for all Drop Ship and Operations reports. The field listings below indicate which reports use each option. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk (*).


The organization to include on the report. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default. Required for all Operations reports.

Used for: All reports. Required for all.

Order Type

Optionally, select the order type to include on the Order Status Report or the Status Restricted Report, or leave this field blank to include all order types on the report.

Note: The order types available for selection vary, depending on whether the selected organization supports ship-for-pickup orders. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background.

Used for: The Order Status Report and the Status Restricted Report.

Order Status

Optionally, select the order status to include orders in this status at the order level or line level on the Order Status Report or the Status Restricted Report, or leave this field blank to include all statuses on the report. If you use splitting orders, the report includes orders that match this status at either the order level or the line level.

Example: An order includes a line in new order status, and another line in unfulfillable status. The order-level status is open. The order is included on the report if you select any of these statuses (new order, unfulfillable, or open) as a selection criterion.

Used for: The Order Status Report and the Status Restricted Report.

Placed Location

Optionally, select the placed location to include on the Order Status Report or the Unfulfillable report, or leave this field blank to include all placed locations on the report. Only locations associated with the selected organization are available for selection. Applies to any order type.

Used for: The Order Status Report and the Unfulfillable Report.

Sourced Location

Optionally, select the sourcing location to include on the Order Status Report or the Unfulfillable report, or leave this field blank to include all sourced locations on the report. Only locations associated with the selected organization are available for selection.

Used for: The Order Status Report and the Unfulfillable Report.

Pickup Location

Optionally, select the pickup location to include on the Order Status Report, Unfulfillable report, or Auto Cancel Report, or leave this field blank to include all pickup locations on the report. Only locations associated with the selected organization are available for selection. Applies to pickup or ship-for-pickup orders.

Used for: The Order Status Report, the Unfulfillable Report, and the Auto Cancel Report.


Optionally, select the location (primary or alternate) to include on the Zone List Report or the Status Restricted Report, or leave this field blank to include all locations on the report. Only locations associated with the selected organization are available for selection.

Used for: The Zone List Report. Also used for the Status Restricted Report to restrict the report to Order Status Update requests submitted by a particular location.


Optionally, select the region to include on the Order Status Report or the Auto Cancel Report, or leave this field blank to include all regions, and locations without an assigned region, on the report.

About regions: The region is a user-defined field specified for a location. Prompt on this field to select from a list of all regions currently assigned to locations in the selected organization.

Used for: The Order Status Report and the Auto Cancel Report.


You cannot generate a report based on any location fields and the region. If you select any of the location fields, the Region field becomes unselectable. Similarly, if you select a Region, the location fields become unselectable.
Ship Via

Optionally, enter the ship via to include on the Order Status Report, or leave this field blank to include all orders on the report regardless of the assigned ship via.

About ship vias: The ship via code is a user-defined field passed in the ship_via element in the submit order message. It is displayed on the Header tab of the Order screen. This ship via does not necessarily match the Shipping Agent, listed at the History tab of the Order screen, which is typically the ship via that actually shipped the order.

Must exactly match the ship via on the order header. For example, an entry of FedEx matches a ship via of FedEx; however, Fed is not a match.

Used for: The Order Status Report.


Optionally, select a vendor to restrict the report to purchase orders or invoices for that vendor, or leave this field blank to include all purchase orders or invoices on the report regardless of the vendor.

Vendors that have been anonymized are listed as asterisks.

Used for: All Drop Ship reports.

Invoice Status

Optionally, select an invoice status to restrict the report to invoices that are currently in that status, or leave this field blank to include all invoices on the report regardless of status.

Used for: The Invoice Detail Report.


Optionally, select a brand to restrict the report to purchase orders for that brand, or leave this field blank to include all purchase orders regardless of the brand.

Used for: The PO Item Status Report, Vendor Aging Detail Report, and the Vendor Aging Summary Report.

Line Status

Optionally, select a purchase order line status to restrict the report to purchase orders that include lines that are currently in that status, or leave this field blank to include all purchase orders regardless of line status.

When you generate the PO Item Status Report, selection options include any line status, including Shipped and Canceled; however, when you generate the Vendor Aging Detail Report or the Vendor Aging Summary Report, only open (Held, In Process, or New Order) statuses are available for selection.

Used for: The PO Item Status Report, Vendor Aging Detail Report, and the Vendor Aging Summary Report.

How dates control the orders to include on Drop Ship and Operations reports: Selection is based on the date range as follows:


Import errors that occurred on earlier dates are available to include on the Location Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Product Barcode Import Errors Report only if they have not been cleared based on the Days to keep errors setting at the Schedule Jobs screen. See that screen for more information.
  • Auto Cancel Report: the most recent date when a line on the order was automatically canceled.
  • Order Status Report: the date when the order was created in Order Broker.
  • Status Restricted Report: the date when the Order Status Update request to change the line’s status was received, and the transaction history record was created.

  • Unfulfillable Report: the date when the order or line became unfulfillable.

Dates are not used for the Zone List Report.

  • Invoice Detail Report: The invoice date specified by the vendor. This may not be the same as the date when the vendor created the invoice.
  • PO Item Status Report: the po_entered_date specified in the CreateDSOrder message. This may not be the same as the date when the purchase order was sent to Order Broker.
  • Vendor Aging Detail Report: the current due date for the purchase order line. If the vendor has revised the due date, the revised date is used. The due date may be in the future.
  • Vendor Aging Summary Report: the current due date for the purchase order line. If the vendor has revised the due date, the revised date is used. The due date may be in the future.
Rolling Dates

About rolling dates: When you select a rolling date option, Order Broker calculates the dates to include, so that you do not need to enter a From and To date; instead, the screen fills these dates in for you based on your selection. You can also use these dates when you schedule reports to produce the desired date range when Order Broker generates the reports on different dates. Required for the Import Error reports, the Order Status report, and Unfulfillable Reports and the Drop Ship reports if you do not enter a From and To date. See Rolling date options for details.

Used for: The Auto Cancel Report, Product Barcode Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, Location Import Errors Report, Order Status Report, Status Restricted Report, Unfulfillable Report, PO Item Status Report, Vendor Aging Detail Report, Vendor Aging Summary Report, and Invoice Detail Report.

Note: Import errors that occurred on earlier dates are available to include on the Location Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Product Barcode Import Errors Report only if they have not been cleared based on the Days to keep errors setting for the Product Importat the Schedule Jobs screen. See that screen for more information.


Specify the first order, activity, or due date to include in the report. Required if you do not select a Rolling Dates option. The From date cannot be earlier than the To date.

Used for: The Auto Cancel Report, Product Barcode Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, Location Import Errors Report, Order Status Report, , Status Restricted Report, Unfulfillable Report, PO Item Status Report, Vendor Aging Detail Report, Vendor Aging Summary Report, and Invoice Detail Report.

Note: Import errors that occurred on earlier dates are available to include on the Product Barcode Import Errors Report, Location Import Errors Report, and Product Import Errors Report only if they have not been cleared based on the Days to keep errors setting for the Product Importat the Schedule Jobs screen. See that screen for more information.


Specify the last order, activity, or due date to include in the report. Required if you do not select a Rolling Dates option. The From date cannot be earlier than the To date.

Used for: The Auto Cancel Report, Product Barcode Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, Location Import Errors Report, Order Status Report, Status Restricted Report, Unfulfillable Report, PO Item Status Report, Vendor Aging Detail Report, Vendor Aging Summary Report, and Invoice Detail Report.

Note: Import errors that occurred on earlier dates are available to include on the Product Barcode Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Location Import Errors Report only if they have not been cleared based on the Days to keep errors setting for the Product Import at the Schedule Jobs screen. See that screen for more information.

Export to PDF

Leave this flag selected to generate a PDF version of the report for review in a PDF viewer. The report opens in a separate tab within Order Broker and is available for review through the View Reports screen; also, the report is attached to the email for all email addresses specified in the Email List. Required if you do not select Export to Excel. You can export to PDF, export to CSV for a spreadsheet application, or both.

Used for: All reports.

Export to Excel

Select this flag to generate an .XLSX version of the report that you can open in a spreadsheet application. The file is available for download when you generate the report, and is attached to the email for all email addresses specified in the Email List; also, a new tab opens indicating that the report is available in CSV for a spreadsheet application. Required if you do not select Export to PDF. You can export to PDF, export to CSV for a spreadsheet application, or both.

Note: If you have difficulty opening the XLSX version of the report from the browser, save the report and then open in with your spreadsheet application.

Used for: All reports.

Email List

Optionally, enter one or more email addresses to receive the generated report as an email attachment. Must be in the format of name@host.ext. If you select both the Export to PDF and Export to Excel flags, each email address receives two separate emails, each with one of the selected export formats attached. See the Generated report email for an example and more information.

Separate each email address with a semicolon (;). Your entries can be up to 255 positions in total.

Rolling date options

You can use rolling date options to select the date range to include in the Order Status Report and Unfulfillable Report and the Drop Ship reports. You can select rolling date options at the Run Reports screen when you run reports interactively, and at the Schedule Report window for scheduled reports.

How dates control the orders to include on Drop Ship and Operations reports: Selection is based on the date range as follows:

Option Report includes orders or activities that occurred during: Example


the current date.

Today = 9/19

Report includes 9/19


the previous date.

Today = 9/19

Report includes 9/18

Last Week

the previous week. For this calculation, the week starts on Monday and runs through Sunday.

Today = Wednesday 9/19

Report includes Monday 9/10 through Sunday 9/16

Last Month

the previous calendar month.

Today = 9/19

Report includes 8/1 through 8/31

Last Year

the previous calendar year.

Today = 9/17/17

Report includes 1/1/12 through 12/31/16

Last 30 Days

the most recent 30 days, including today.

Today = 9/17

Report includes 8/18 through 9/17

Last 60 Days

the most recent 60 days, including today.

Today = 9/17

Report includes 7/19 through 9/17

Last 90 Days

the most recent 90 days, including today.

Today = 9/17

Report includes 6/19 through 9/17

This Week

the current week (Monday through Sunday), including today.

Today = Thursday 9/20

Report includes 9/17 through 9/20

This Month

the current calendar month, including today.

Today = 9/17

Report includes 9/1 through 9/17

This Year

the current calendar year, including today.

Today = 9/17

Report includes 1/1 through 9/17

Future date ranges: The following future date ranges would typically be used for the Vendor Aging Detail Report or the Vendor Aging Summary Report, which are selected based on due date.

Next 7 Days

the next 7 days, including the current date

Today = 11/17

Report includes 11/17 through 11/24

Next 30 Days

the next 30 days, including the current date

Today = 11/17

Report includes 11/17 through 12/17

Next 60 Days

the next 60 days, including the current date

Today - 11/17

Report includes 11/17 through 1/16

Next 90 Days

the next 90 days, including the current date

Today = 11/17

Report includes 11/17 through 2/15

Generated report email

Overview: Order Broker sends an email such as the following to each email address specified in the Email List when you generate the report dynamically through the Run Reports screen, and when the report runs automatically because you scheduled it with the Schedule Report window.

When you select both the Export to PDF and the Export to Excel options, each recipient in the Email List receives two emails: one containing the PDF file, and one containing the XLSX file.

The components of the email are:

Subject line

Indicates the report that was generated; for example, Unfulfillable Report has been generated

“From” email address

From the From Email specified at the Event Logging screen.

Report Date

The date when the report was generated.

Submitted By

The user ID of the person who submitted or scheduled the report.


The PDF or XLSX version of the report. The file name is ob_unfulfillable_report.ssmith.20171006.12345612.xlsx where:

  • ob_unfulfillable_report is the name of the BI Publisher template file name
  • ssmith is the user ID of the person who generated the report, either dynamically at the Run Reports screen or who scheduled the report through the Schedule Report window
  • 20171006 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format
  • 12345612 is the time generated in HHMMSSSS format (24-hour time)
  • .xlsx is the report format
  • If your email server blocks the PDF or XLSX files as suspicious attachments, the files could be renamed as Untitled.dat. You can save the file and assign it the correct extension (PDF or XLSX), or you can request that your system administrator add the Order Broker server to an allow list so that the attachments are no longer blocked.
  • If the report name before the file extension of pdf or xlsx exceeds 60 positions, it is truncated.