PO Item Status Report

Purpose: Use the PO Item Status Report to generate a list of purchase order lines created within a certain date range, indicating their current status.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Selection options: Optionally, you can restrict the orders on the report by:

How to generate this report: Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. At the Run Reports screen:

  1. Click the plus sign next to the Drop Ship folder in the left-hand navigation pane.
  2. Highlight the PO Item Status Report. The center of the screen displays the related Report Options.
  3. Select:

    • Organization: The organization to include on the report. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default. The Data Formats defined for the organization are used on the report.
    • Vendor: Optionally, select a single vendor to have the report include only purchase order lines for that vendor. Otherwise, leave this field blank to include all eligible purchase order lines regardless of vendor.
    • Brand: Optionally, select a single brand to have the report include lines only on purchase orders for that brand. Otherwise, leave this field blank to include all eligible purchase order lines regardless of brand.
    • Line Status: Optionally, select a single line status to have the report include lines only if they are currently in that status. Otherwise, leave this field blank to include all eligible purchase order lines regardless of status.
    • Date range: Select either:
      • Rolling Dates: Select one of the date ranges available from this field to include purchase orders with created dates (based on the po_entered_date from the CreateDSOrder message) during this range of dates. See Rolling Dates at the Run Reports screen for more information on rolling date options); or,
      • From and To dates: Enter or select the first and last dates to include. The report includes purchase orders with created dates (based on the po_entered_date from the CreateDSOrder message) during this range of dates. The From and To dates can be the same, and can be the current date.
    • Export to PDF: Select this option to generate a PDF version of the report that you can review in a PDF viewer.
    • Export to Excel: Select this option to generate the report in .XLSX format, which you can open in a spreadsheet application.


      You must select either Export to PDF or Export to Excel, or both.
    • Email List: Optionally, enter one or more valid email addresses, separated by semicolons (;), to receive the report.


      If you select both Export to PDF and Export to Excel, each email recipient receives two separate emails, each with a version of the report attached.
  4. Click Run Report.

For more information: See Viewing generated reports at the Run Reports.

Language and formats: The language, date, time, and number formats on the report are from the Data Formats defined for the organization.

Truncated data? If the data in any column exceeds the allotted width, it is truncated. For example, if the item description exceeds the allotted width of that column, any additional characters beyond that width are omitted. The specific number of characters that fit in each column varies because different characters have different widths: for example, a W is wider than an I.


  • Organization Name and report title
  • Report Criteria heading: Each of the selection options entered at the Run Reports screen or the Schedule Report window is indicated here. The report lists All for each option that you did not select as a restriction.
    • Vendor
    • Brand
    • Line Status
    • Date Range: The range of dates entered at the Run Reports screen, or calculated based on the Rolling Dates selection at the Run Reports screen or the Schedule Report window
  • Report results: The results are sorted alphabetically by vendor name, alphabetically by brand name, alphanumerically by item code, and then in chronological order, and include:
    • The vendor name for each vendor that has purchase order lines included on the report. Asterisks print if the vendor has been anonymized.
    • The brand name for each brand that has purchase order lines included on the report.

    There is a page break and subtotal for each vendor/brand combination.

  • For each purchase order line included on the report:
    • Item No: Your item number or code.
    • Vendor Item No: The vendor’s item number or code. Vendor item records are created in Order Broker when Order Broker receives a purchase order from the originating system. When the purchase order originates in Order Management System, this is the vendor item number (WVNI).
    • Item Description: Your description of the item.
    • PO No: The purchase order number assigned by the originating system.
    • Sales Order No: The number or code identifying the order in the originating system.
    • Line Status: The current line status.
    • Created Date: The date when the purchase order was created (based on the po_entered_date from the CreateDSOrder message).
    • Due Date: The current due date for the item.
    • Batch ID: The ID number to identify the batch of pack slips. Included only if the vendor has generated pack slips.
  • Totals: The total number of separate purchase order lines and purchase orders for the vendor and brand.
  • Grand Totals: The total number of separate purchase order lines and purchase orders for the vendor, across all brands.

The footer on each page of the report lists:

  • the date and time when the report was generated, in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM format
  • the current page number and total number of pages (for example, Page 1 of 6)

The Data Formats defined for the organization control the formatting of the report.