Manage External Services

Purpose: Use the Manage External Services screen to review and work with attributes for external services used for integration. At this time, only shipping services, for use in Store Connect, are supported.

External services are available for assignment at the Shipping tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen for any organization.

How to display this screen: Select Manage External Services from the Systems Menu.

Used for: The Routing Engine.


Only users with Manage External Services authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

When upgrading to Order Broker 21.1 or higher: See Shipping Service Conversion for information on how shipping services are converted when you upgrade to Order Broker 21.1 or higher, and the required steps to verify and select shipping services.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for an external service

Optionally, use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching external services:

  • Enter a full or partial External Service Code to restrict your results to external services whose codes begin with or match your entry. The screen automatically converts any lower case letters to upper case.
  • Enter a full or partial Description to restrict your results to external services whose descriptions begin with or match your entry. Case-insensitive for searching (an entry of “system” matches a description that starts with “SYSTEM.”)
  • Select a setting of Yes or No from the Active field to restrict your results to external services that match your selection.

  • Click Search.

Searching based on the External Service Type is not currently implemented.

create a new external service

Optionally, enter an External Service Code and Description, set the Active flag, or select New External Service to advance to the New External Service screen. If you complete any of these fields, their settings default to the New External Service screen; otherwise, you can complete the fields at that screen.

deactivate or activate an external service

The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the external service is not currently enabled; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the external service is enabled. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed. A message indicates when you flag a service as inactive if it is currently assigned at any level for any organization.


  • Inactive shipping services are indicated in the Shipping Service drop-down at the Store Connect Preferences screen.

  • If an inactive shipping service assignment applies to a store location, only manual shipping is available at the location.

change an existing external service

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an external service to advance to the Edit External Service screen.


If the Edit External Service screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected external service is displayed.
delete an external service

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to an external service to delete it. You can delete an external service only if it is not assigned at the Shipping tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen at any level for any organization.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:
External Service Code

The code that identifies an external service. Optionally, enter a full or partial code to search for an external service, or to have your entry default if you advance to the New External Service screen. Always uppercase; entries in lowercase are automatically changed to uppercase.


The description of the external service. Optionally, enter a full or partial description to search for an external service, or to have your entry default if you advance to the New External Service screen.

External Service Type

At this time, only an external service type of Shipping is available.


Optionally, use this flag to filter search results based on whether the external service is active, or to default if you advance to the New External Service screen. Select:

  • Yes for external services that are active.
  • No for external services that are not active.
Results fields:
External Service Code

The code that identifies an external service.


The description of the external service.

External Service Type

Always set to Shipping.


The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the external service is not currently enabled; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the external service is active. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed.

You can also use the Active flag at the Edit External Service screen to control whether the service is active.


  • Inactive shipping services are indicated in the Shipping Service drop-down at the Store Connect Preferences screen.

  • If an inactive shipping service assignment applies to a store location, only manual shipping is available at the location.


Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an external service to advance to the Edit External Service screen.


Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) for an external service to delete it from Order Broker. This option is not available if the external service is assigned in any organization.