Browse Order Item

Purpose: Use the Browse Order Item window to view the details and activity of an order line.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this window: Click the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) for an item at the Details tab of the Order screen.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. If you have Order Maintenance authority and the Use Split Order preference is selected, you advance instead to the Edit Order Item window.

All fields on this window are display-only.

Fields Description
Order Number

See Order Number.

Requesting System Line Number

The line number identifying the order line in the requesting location. From the line_item_no passed in the submit order message. A single line from the requesting system can create multiple order lines in Order Broker if the Allow Split Line preference is selected.

Line #

The line number of the item on the order in Order Broker.

How might the line numbers be different? It is possible for the line number, requesting system line number, and original line number to differ; for example:

  • Split by the Routing Engine:

    • The Routing Engine assigns the order to location A, and then Location A rejects the order

    • The Routing Engine assigns half the quantity to location B, and half to location C. Result: the quantity in location B is now line #1; the quantity in location C is now line # 2

  • Partial status update: The entire quantity of 5 was originally assigned to location A, but location A rejected 3 units. Result: the quantity in location A is now line #1; the rejected quantity, now reassigned or unfulfillable, is now line #2

Different line numbers even if not split: It is possible for the Order Broker line number and requesting system line number to differ if, for example, the requesting system sends line 20 of a multi-line order to Order Broker (Requesting system line number); when the Routing Engine creates the order, it assigns a line number of 1 because it is the only order line received from the requesting system.

Line numbers might not be consecutive: If the Routing Engine splits a line or receives a partial status update, the line numbers assigned in Order Broker to the split lines might not be consecutive. For example, a system sends 3 lines, which produce lines 1, 2, and 3. Subsequently, the Routing Engine receives a partial update for line 1 and creates line 4 for the quantity in the updated status.

Original Line #

The line number from which this line was split. Set to 0 if the line was not split after initial order creation.

Item #

The system product code for the user’s Default Shipping System. If the user’s Default Shipping System is not in the organization associated with the order, the system product code for the fulfilling or sourcing location is displayed. Up to 26 positions. Display-only.

No item #? If your user ID is not assigned a Default Shipping System at the User Profile Configuration screen, the Item # might not be displayed here.

Item Description

The name of the product.

Line Status

See Order and Line Statuses for a listing of possible statuses.

(Field label varies depending on the type of order)

Sourced = The location that transfers the inventory for a ship-for-pickup order to the pickup location.

Pickup = The location that the customer selected to pick up the ship-for-pickup order.

Fulfilling = Specified for the following types of orders:

  • Delivery order: The location that ships the order to the customer. This location might have been specified by the placed (originating) location, or selected by the Routing Engine based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen.

  • Pickup order: The location that the customer selected to pick up the order.

Note: An integrated system might use the term “fulfilling location” differently.

Pickup By Date

The last date when the customer can pick up a pickup or ship-for-pickup order line before the line is automatically canceled by the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job. The Pickup By Date is assigned automatically when the order line is first eligible for pickup, based on the settings at the Fulfillments tab of the Preferences screen, but the date can be overridden through a web service message or at a screen.

This field is displayed only for a pickup or ship-for-pickup order, and only if the auto-cancel option is enabled, based on the settings at the Preferences screen. Even if displayed, the field is blank if the order line is not ready for pickup.

See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for background and more information.


The quantity that is currently assigned to the fulfilling, sourcing, or pickup location. This quantity might be different from the Original quantity if:

  • the Allow Split Line preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split the line across multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations after it was initially rejected by the first location, or

  • the Allow Partial Update preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split the line because a location processed a partial status update.

Original Quantity

The quantity of the item that was originally assigned to the fulfilling or sourcing location. See the Quantity field, above, for a discussion.

Fulfilled Quantity

The quantity of the item shipped to the customer (delivery order) or picked up by the customer pickup order, ship-for-pickup order). Updated when the Routing Engine receives a status update message indicating that the new item status is fulfilled.


The amount the customer paid for the item, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0.


The total tax amount for this order line, as passed in the SubmitOrder message. Preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order.

Prorating tax for split lines: If a line splits, the tax amount is prorated across the split lines. This prorating can result in a rounding discrepancies of a few pennies.

Example: The total tax amount for 3 units is $1.00. If the line is split across 3 locations, the tax amount for each location is $.33, resulting in a rounding discrepancy of a cent.

Multiple tax amounts? If multiple tax amounts are included (for example, GST and PST), the total tax amount is saved in the xom_item table and displayed here.

Ext. Price

The price of the item times the current quantity, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the order changed.

Polled Count

Indicates the number of times the fulfilling or sourced location has sent a fulfillments message for information on assigned delivery orders, or the pickup location has sent an intransit message for information on assigned ship-for-pickup orders, and the Routing Engine has responded with a message that included this order line.

Polled status updates: This counter is used only if the requesting location’s system has the Require Status Update flag at the System screen selected; otherwise, the Routing Engine sets the poll count to 1 when it receives the fulfillment request message, and sets the status to polled.

See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Resetting the polled count: Changing the status of an order or order line to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled resets the polled count to 0.

Intransit status updates for ship-for-pickup orders: When the sourcing location updates the status of a ship-for-pickup line to intransit, the Polled Count is set to 0. Then when the assigned pickup location sends an intransit message, the Polled Count is reset to 1. This counter is used for ship-for-pickup orders if the Require Status Update flag for the system is selected.

Resetting the polled count: Changing the status of an order or order line to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled resets the polled count to 0.