
Purpose: Use the System screen to:

  • set a system as the default system for the organization
  • indicate whether the system is an online system or offline system (Routing Engine only)
  • specify how to obtain interactive inventory information for an online system (Routing Engine only)
  • specify whether the system requires status updates from assigned fulfilling locations (Routing Engine only)
  • specify whether the Routing Engine should place a delivery or ship-for-pickup order in another location within the system when the first selected location rejects the order (Routing Engine only)
  • specify whether to create more than one delivery, ship-for-pickup, or pickup order using the same order number and line number
  • specify whether to subtract the quantities on orders in certain statuses in determining the available quantity for a product location (Routing Engine only)
  • create a default vendor system so that you can create vendors to fulfill drop ship orders (Supplier Direct Fulfillment module only)
  • create a default Store Connect system so that you can fulfill orders through the Store Connect module
  • set configuration options for integration with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for order communication with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) and Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS)
  • set configuration options for integration with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) to import locations, products, system products, and product locations

System relationships: See Organization, System, and Location for an overview of the data hierarchy in Order Broker, including products.

First system for an organization is flagged as the default: The Organization Default flag is selected when you create the first system for an organization, and the flag cannot be unselected at this time. To designate a different system as the default, you need to create another system and flag that system as the default; this unflags the first system.

How to display this screen:

  • Create a new system at the Systems screen


    If you click Cancel after advancing to the System screen, the system is not created.
  • Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an existing system code at the Systems screen


  • Only users with Systems authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • If the System screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected system displayed.

In this topic:

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Flag a system as the organization default

Select the Organization Default flag and click Save. When you select this flag for a system, it clears the flag for the system that was previously the organization default. See the description of the Organization Default flag for background.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.
Flag a system as the vendor default for the organization so that you can create vendors for the organization(Supplier Direct Fulfillment module only)

Select the Vendor Default flag and click Save.

An organization can have only one vendor default system. Once you flag a system as the vendor default for an organization, you cannot change the vendor default assignment to a different system.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.

It is not necessary to specify any additional information for the vendor default system besides the organization, name, and this flag.

Configure a system for a RESTful web service connection for interactive inventory updates (URL)

(Routing Engine only)

Inventory tab

  1. Select the Online flag.
  2. Select a Connection Type of URL to display the remaining Inventory Service fields in the Inventory tab.
  3. Enter the URL where Order Broker should post the RESTful request messages. Your entry should end with /getAvailable.


    Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
  4. Enter the Connection Timeout indicating the number of seconds to wait for a response to the RESTful service requests to a remote, online system for an interactive inventory availability update.
  5. Optionally, specify the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time if you would like to configure the interactive inventory update to time out temporarily after a specified number of failed requests.
  6. Select an Authentication Type of either Basic or OAuth.


    See Manage External Application Access for background on Oath.
  7. If the authentication type is Basic, enter the User ID and Password to authenticate the inventory request to the system.
  8. If the authentication type is OAuth, enter the Client ID and Client Secret to authenticate the inventory request to the system.
  9. Click Save.

OMS integration: See Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) in the Order Management System Classic View online help for information on setting up authentication for the CWServiceIn web service. If you enter a user ID at the System screen, it must be in all capital letters. Also, the URL you enter is typically in the format of http://<SERVER>:1234/SerenadeSeam/sxrs/Inventory, where <SERVER> is the server name and 1234 is the port number. See Generic Web Services in the Order Management System Classic View online help for more information.

For more information: See Additional Types of Import Processes (Other than RMFCS File Upload and OCDS) in the overview for background, and see the RESTful Inventory Request and Response Messages chapter in the Order Broker Operations Guide for details and more setup requirements.

Configure a system to receive interactive updates from Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS)
  1. Select the Online flag.
  2. Select a Connection Type of SIM to display the remaining Inventory Service fields in the Inventory tab.
  3. Enter the URL where Order Broker should post the lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores messages to SIM.
  4. Enter the Connection Timeout indicating the number of seconds to wait for a response from SIM to the available inventory lookup request.
  5. Optionally, specify the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time if you would like to configure the interactive inventory update to time out temporarily after a specified number of failed requests.
  6. Enter the User ID and Password to authenticate the inventory request to SIM.
  7. Click Save.

For more information: See Additional Types of Import Processes (Other than RMFCS File Upload and OCDS) for a discussion of interactive inventory updates from SIM.

Configure a system to require a status update before flagging an order as Polled

(Routing Engine only)

  1. At the Orders tab, select the Require Status Update flag.
  2. Enter the number of Polling Retries indicating how many times to include an order in the fulfillment response message to a fulfilling location before it is included in a notification email to the system administrator. You can enter any number from 1 to 99.
  3. Optionally, enter one or more email addresses in the System Ops Email field to receive the Order Broker Polling Status Email. If you enter multiple email addresses, separate each with a semicolon (;). Order Broker verifies that the email addresses you enter are formatted correctly.
  4. Click Save.

For more information: See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.


This setting does not apply to Store Connect locations, which do not use the fulfillment request and response message.
Configure a system to subtract the total reserved quantity when calculating the effective available quantity of an item in a location

(Routing Engine only)

You can configure a system so that, when Order Broker determines the current available quantity of an item in a location, it subtracts the total quantity currently reserved for orders from the reported available quantity in order to determine the effective available quantity. This calculation helps you prevent overcommitting the inventory for the location.

Example: The available quantity reported by a system for a product location is 37; however, the location is assigned to fulfill an order for 4 units, and the order is in new_order status, indicating that the location has not yet polled for new orders and been notified of this order assignment. As a result, the effective available quantity is actually 33 (37-4). You can configure the system to consider order lines in new_order status as reserved, and subtract the total quantity of order lines in this status from the reported available quantity to determine the effective available quantity for a fulfilling location.

To configure the system for reserved quantity calculation:

  1. At the Reservation tab, select the Include Reserved flag to make the Reserved Statuses flags available for selection.
  2. Select each status that should be considered reserved, indicating that order lines in this status should be subtracted from the available quantity to avoid overcommitting the inventory.
  3. Click Save. The screen displays a message indicating that it is updating the reserved quantities based on your selection. The number of product locations affected by the update determines how long this calculation takes to complete.
  4. Processing the update does not affect any existing orders that are already assigned to a location for fulfillment. For example, an order is currently assigned to a location whose on-hand quantity of an item is 5. After processing the update, the on-hand quantity of the item is now -1. However, the order remains assigned to the location and is not automatically rejected.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Prevent the Routing Engine from assigning delivery orders to another location in the originating system

(Routing Engine only)

You can configure a system so that, when a delivery order originates in a location within that system, the Routing Engine does not assign the order to another location that is also within the system.

Example: System A includes locations DC1 and DC2, both distribution centers for the same enterprise sharing the same order database. When DC1 submits a delivery order, you do not want that order assigned to DC2.


This setting also prevents the locate items response from including locations within the system submitting the request.

To prevent order assignment to a location within the system:

  1. At the Orders tab, select the Disallow shopping within same system flag.
  2. Click Save.

For more information: See the Disallow shopping within same system flag.

Flag a system as the Store Connect default

(Store Connect module only)

  1. Select the Store Connect Default flag.
  2. Use the Reservation tab to specify the statuses to include in the reserved quantity for each Store Connect location. Typically, the reserved statuses are New Order, Accepted, Picked, and Polled.
  3. Click Save.

About the Store Connect system:

  • Locations associated with the Store Connect system are eligible for assignment to store associates, who can log into the Store Connect module to work with orders assigned to these locations.
  • Orders assigned to these locations are ordinarily updated by store associates working through the Store Connect screens rather than through XML messages.
  • Store Connect locations do not poll for newly assigned orders; instead, a background job updates new orders to polled status, making the orders available for store associates to work with, based on your settings at the Store Connect Preferences screen.
  • Order Broker generates email notifications to store locations associated with this system when new orders are ready for processing.
  • You can import barcodes from RMFCS for this system. See Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API for background.

For more information: See the Store Connect Overview for background.


Once you create any locations for the Store Connect system, you cannot change the setting of this flag for the Store Connect system or for any other systems in the organization.
Configure communication with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for order information
  1. Select the RICS Integration tab.
  2. Use this tab to specify settings for communication with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) to communicate order information between Order Broker and Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS).

For more information: See the RICS Integration tab.

Configure communication with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) for location, product, system product, item image URL, barcode, and product location imports
  1. Select the OCDS Integration tab.
  2. Use this tab to specify settings for communication with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) to obtain location, product, system product, and product location information.

For more information: See the OCDS Integration tab.

Configuring System Connections for Supported Integrations (Routing Engine)

See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for an overview, and see the Schedule Jobs screen for additional required setup. The steps to complete this screen are listed under Options at this screen.

Also, see:

Order Management System Setup for Polling

If the Routing Engine sends orders to Order Management System for fulfillment, your setup related to requiring status updates should be consistent at the System screen in Order Broker and for the related system control value in Order Management System:

Setup Status Update Required No Status Update Required

Require Status Update at the System screen in Order Broker:

selected; also, complete the Polling Retries and System Ops Email fields


Re-polling for Orders Brokered to OROMS or Re-polling for Orders Brokered to OROMS system control value in Order Management System (labeled Re-polling at the Order Broker Values(K15) screen):



For more information: See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Fields at this screen

Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the Systems screen without making any changes. See the Fields at this screen for more information.


If you are creating a new system, clicking Cancel prevents the creation.
Field Description

See organization.


See system. The system code can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include special characters, and must be unique in Order Broker. Required if you are creating a system; otherwise, display-only.

Order Management System integration: The code representing the Order Management System system must match the setting of the OROB System (K50) system control value. However, names for systems do not need to be the same as the Order Management System company descriptions.

System fields

The Name of a system. System names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and can include special characters. Required.

Organization Default

Select this check box to flag the system as the default system for the organization. Products in Order Broker can have relationships with every integrated system, but they are defined by the default system. You should load the Order Broker database with the default system’s products first, and then create system products for each additional integrated system.

An organization can have only one default system.

First system created: The Organization Default flag is selected when you create the first system for an organization, and the flag cannot be unselected at this time. To designate a different system as the default, you need to create another system and flag that system as the default; this unflags the first system.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.
Vendor Default

Select this checkbox to flag the system as the vendor default for the organization. A vendor default system is required before you can create any vendors for the organization.

An organization can have only one vendor default system. When you select this flag for a system, it clears the flag for the system that was previously the vendor default.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.

The vendor system cannot originate sales orders or purchase orders.

It is not necessary to specify any additional information for the vendor default system besides the organization, name, and this flag.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module only. Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen.

Store Connect Default

Select this checkbox to flag the system as the Store Connect system.

About the Store Connect system:

  • Locations associated with the Store Connect system are eligible for assignment to store associates, who can log into the Store Connect module to work with orders assigned to these locations.
  • Delivery and pickup orders assigned to these locations are ordinarily updated by store associates working through the Store Connect screens rather than through XML messages.
  • You use the Store Connect Preferences screen to set up preferences related strictly to Store Connect, as opposed to the general Routing Engine preferences you set up at the Preferences screen.
  • Store Connect locations do not poll for newly assigned delivery or pickup orders; instead, a background job updates new orders to polled status, making the orders available for store associates to work with. Your settings at the Store Connect Preferences screen control when the orders are updated to polled status.
  • Order Broker generates an email notification to the store location when new delivery or pickup orders are polled.
  • Optionally, Order Broker generates pickup-ready notification emails to customers for pickup orders or shipment notification emails for shipped delivery orders.
  • The Store Connect system cannot originate orders.
  • You can import barcodes from RMFCS for this system. See Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API for background.

For more information: See the Store Connect Overview for background.


Once you create any locations for the Store Connect system, you cannot change the setting of this flag for the Store Connect system or for any other systems in the organization.

Used for the Store Connect module only. Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Inventory tab

Available only with the Routing Engine module.


Select this check box to indicate that this is an online system, meaning that Order Broker requests interactive inventory updates when it receives a locate items request, product availability search request, or needs to select a fulfilling location for a delivery order, either as part of initial order creation or through the status update process

About online processing: If Order Broker is unable to retrieve an interactive update from the system, it uses the available quantity stored in the Order Broker database (offline inventory). This available quantity is updated either through a recent online inventory inquiry, or through the most recent inventory download from the system. Typically, inventory levels in the Order Broker database are updated daily, or whenever scheduled by your systems administrator. See Example: Searching for Items for more information.

Offline system: If the check box is not selected, this is on offline system, meaning that Order Broker does not request interactive inventory updates; instead, it relies on the available quantity stored in the Order Broker database (offline inventory). Typically, inventory levels in the Order Broker database are updated daily, or whenever scheduled by your system administrator.

Changing to offline: You can temporarily change a system from online to offline if you know that communication with the system will not be available and you would like to avoid unnecessary processing time for locate items requests.

When you clear the checkbox, the Inventory Service information is retained so that you will not need to specify it again if the system goes back online.

Changing to online: When you change a system to online, you need to specify the URL and other inventory service information, described below.

For more information: See Configure a system for a RESTful web service connection for interactive inventory updates (URL) or Configure a system to receive interactive updates from Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS) for setup steps.

Inventory Qty Export

Indicates whether to include updated product locations from this system in the pipe-delimited file generated when you run the inventory quantity export for any system in the organization. This setting does not control whether a background job monitors changes that could affect probability rules calculations. See Inventory Quantity Export for information on running the export.

Track Fulfilled Quantity

Indicates whether to track the fulfilled quantity for a product location when you ship a delivery order (status is fulfilled), transfer a ship-for-pickup order (status is intransit), or when a pickup order is picked up (status is fulfilled):

  • Do Not Track Fulfilled: Do not update a product location’s fulfilled quantity when a delivery or pickup order is fulfilled, or when a ship-for-pickup order is intransit.

    Used when? You might use this setting for a system that tracks its own inventory levels, tracks order fulfillments through status inquiry requests, and keeps Order Broker product locations in sync through interactive inventory updates. In this case, you would not typically use the Fulfilled Inventory Export.

    Note: If you change to Do Not Track Fulfilled from another setting, the fulfilled quantities for product locations within the system are reset to 0.

  • Reset During Inventory Export: Update a product location’s fulfilled quantity when a delivery or pickup order is fulfilled, or when a ship-for-pickup order is intransit. When the Fulfilled Inventory Export runs, reset the product location’s fulfilled quantity to 0, and subtract the fulfilled quantity from the product location’s available quantity. These updates leave the product location’s available to promise quantity unchanged (available to promise = available quantity - reserved quantity + fulfilled quantity).

    Used when? You might use this setting for a system such as Store Connect, that typically relies on Order Broker to manage order activity, and uses the fulfilled inventory export for updates on fulfilled orders. Tracking the fulfilled quantity enables you to avoid overstating the actual quantity available for orders.


    If you select this setting, you should have at least one day selected for the Fulfilled Inventory Export.
  • Reset During Product Import: Update a product location’s fulfilled quantity when a delivery or pickup order is fulfilled, or when a ship-for-pickup order is intransit. When the import process runs, reset the product location’s fulfilled quantity to 0. Do not subtract the fulfilled quantity from the available quantity; instead, update the product location’s inventory information with the current information received in the import, if any. If the product location is not included in the import, the fulfilled quantity is still reset to 0.


    The fulfilled quantity is not reset through the Incremental Inventory Import, only through the Product Import.

Used when? You might use this setting for a system that periodically updates inventory levels based on activity outside of Order Broker and also receives information on fulfilled orders through status update requests, but uses the fulfilled quantity to calculate a more accurate available to promise quantity in the interval between product imports.


The above settings are available for selection regardless of whether the system is flagged as Online.

For more information: See below for examples of the calculations for each setting.

Examples of fulfilled quantity updates

Track Fulfilled Quantity set to Do Not Track Fulfilled:

A product location has:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The location is assigned a new delivery order for a quantity of 2:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 2
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The order is fulfilled:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The next time the system updates the product location through a periodic product and inventory import or an interactive inventory update, it resets the available quantity to the current level.

Track Fulfilled Quantity set to Reset During Inventory Export:

A product location has:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The location is assigned a new delivery order for a quantity of 2:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 2
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The order is fulfilled:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 2
  • Available to Promise: 8

The Fulfilled Inventory Export runs:

  • Available: 8
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The next time the system updates the product location through a periodic product and inventory import, it resets the available quantity to the current level if it is different.

Track Fulfilled Quantity set to Reset During Product Import:

A product location has:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The location is assigned a new delivery order for a quantity of 2:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 2
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The order is fulfilled:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 2
  • Available to Promise: 8

If the Fulfilled Inventory Export runs, there is no update.

The product and inventory import runs, passing an available quantity of 3 as a result of additional activity within the system:

  • Available: 3
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 3

The fulfilled quantity is not subtracted from the available quantity, since the product and inventory import provides the most current inventory level based on all activity.

Connection Type

For an Online system, select:

  1. SIM to have Order Broker send a lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores request to Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS) for interactive inventory updates for requested items. To use the interactive inventory requests, you need to:
  2. Select the Online flag.
  3. Complete the required Inventory Service fields (URL, Connection Timeout, User ID, and Password.
  4. Optionally complete the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time fields, and,
  5. URL to have Order Broker send a RESTful service call to the remote system for interactive inventory updates for requested items. To use interactive inventory requests, you need to:
  6. Select the Online flag.
  7. Complete the required Inventory Service fields (URL, Connection Timeout, Authentication Type; User ID, and Password (for Basic authentication), or Client ID and Client Secret (for OAuth).
  8. Optionally, complete the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time fields, and

Leave this field set to None for an offline system.

For more information: See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database in the overview.

Inventory Service

The remaining fields on the Inventory tab enable Order Broker to retrieve interactive product and inventory information when the Connection Type is set to SIM or URL, and the inventory hasn’t been updated in the time frame defined at the Preferences screen. The interactive inventory updates take place only if the Online flag is selected.

Displayed and required when? The Connection Type setting controls which fields are displayed and required.

See Connection Type, above, for information on completing the fields on this tab, and see below for information on the individual fields.


The URL where Order Broker should send RESTful service requests to a remote, online system for real-time inventory updates for requested items, or the URL to use for integration with SIM or EICS.

This field is available only if the Connection Type is set to URL or SIM, and is required if the Online flag is selected.

If a URL is specified, then additional fields are displayed and required. See the Connection Type for more information.

Your entry should end with /getAvailable if the Connection Type is set to URL.


The Inventory Request/Response setting at the Event Logging screen controls whether to log the inventory update request and response messages.

OMS integration: See the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option in the Order Management System Classic View online help for information on setting up web service authentication. If you use the Basic Authentication Type, the user ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters. Also, the URL is typically in the format of http://<SERVER>:1234/SerenadeSeam/sxrs/Inventory/getAvailable, where <SERVER> is the server name and 1234 is the port number. See Generic Web Services in the Order Management System online help for more information.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

For more information: See the RESTful Inventory Request and Response Messages chapter in the Order Broker Operations Guide for details and more setup requirements.

Connection Timeout


  • URL: The number of seconds to wait for a response to the RESTful service requests to a remote, online system for an interactive inventory update before timing out and using offline inventory information from the Order Broker database. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  • SIM: The number of seconds to wait for a response to the lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores request to SIM or EICS before timing out and using offline information from the Order Broker database. Defaults to 30 seconds.

A value of 1 or higher in this field is required if a Connection Type of URL or SIM is specified.

Failed Request Threshold

The number of consecutive failed interactive inventory request attempts that, if exceeded, should trigger putting the inventory requests for the system in a wait time. For example, if this field is set to 5, and 6 requests in a row fail to get a response, interactive inventory requests are halted for the defined wait time. Can be set to 0, indicating that failed requests are not evaluated, or from 1 to 10000 if failed requests should be evaluated. Defaults to 0.

This field is available only if a Connection Type of URL or SIM is specified.

Failed Request Wait Time

The number of minutes to wait after the defined number of failed requests have been exceeded for the system. For example, if this field is set to 10, interactive inventory requests for the system are halted for 10 minutes. Can be set to 0 only if the Failed Request Threshold is also set to 0; otherwise, can be set from 1 to 60. Defaults to 0.

This field is available only if a Connection Type of URL or SIM is specified.

Authentication Type

Indicates whether to use Basic or OAuth authentication. Defaults to Basic. This field is available only if a Connection Type of URL is specified.

When the authentication type is set to Basic, you need to enter:

When the authentication type is set to OAuth, you can select the Use Tenant Client ID flag, or enter:


Select OAuth only if the integrating system supports it.

See Manage External Application Access for background.

Use Tenant Client ID

Leave this flag selected in order to use the Client ID and the Client Secret defined at the Tenant-Admin screen when using OAuth for authentication. This field is available when the Connection Type is URL and the Authentication Type is OAuth. In this case, the current setting of the Client ID from the Tenant-Admin screen is displayed to the right; otherwise, if the Identity Cloud Service Settings setup has not been completed, a message indicates No value entered.

If this flag is selected, then the Client ID and Client Secret, if any, entered here are not used.

Query Time Out

Not currently implemented.


Not currently implemented.


Not currently implemented.

User ID

If the Connection Type is URL: A valid user ID required to authenticate the inventory update request message to the system.


This field is available only when the Authentication Type for a URL connection is set to Basic; otherwise, the Client ID field is available.

For integration with Order Management System (URL), you need to use the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option to set up a corresponding user ID and password for the CWServiceIn web service. The user ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters.

If the Connection Type is SIM: A valid user ID required to authenticate the lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores request message to SIM or EICS.

This field is available only if the Connection Type is set to URL or SIM. Required if the Online flag is selected, or if a URL is specified.


The valid password for the user ID. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database.

This field is available only if the Connection Type is set to URL and the Authentication Type is set to Basic, or if the Connection Type is set to SIM. Required if the Online flag is selected, or if a URL is specified.

Client ID

Identifies Order Broker as a client application for authentication using OAuth. This field is available only when the Connection Type is URL and the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required if the Authentication Type is OAuth and the Use Tenant Client ID flag is not selected.

For integration with Order Management System (URL), you need to use the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option to set up a corresponding client ID and client secret for the CWServiceIn web service. The client ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters.

For more information: See Manage External Application Access for background on OAuth authentication.

Client Secret

The client secret to authenticate Order Broker as a client application in order to obtain a token. This field is available only when the Connection Type is URL and the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required if the Authentication Type is OAuth and the Use Tenant Client ID flag is not selected.

For more information: See Manage External Application Access for background on OAuth authentication.


Not currently implemented.

Orders tab

Use these fields to control:

  • Whether the Routing Engine can assign an order to another location within the system
  • Whether the Routing Engine continues to include a new order in the fulfillments response to the assigned fulfilling location until the location sends a status update. See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Available only with the Routing Engine module.

Order Broker Shopping
Disallow shopping within same system

Indicates whether the Routing Engine should assign a ship-for-pickup or delivery order to another location in the same system.

If the Disallow shopping within same system flag is:

  • Selected: The Routing Engine does not assign an order to another location within the same system that submitted the order. The order can be assigned to a location in a different system, based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen; otherwise, it is unfulfillable. Also, the locate items response does not include any locations within the system submitting the request, unless the requested location is within the same system.


    If the submit order message specifies a location within the same system, the order is created in the specified location regardless of the setting of this flag.
  • Unselected (default): The Routing Engine can assign the order to another location within the system, based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen. Also, the locate items response can include locations within the system submitting the request.

When to disallow shopping? You might use this field to disallow shopping if your OMS system, such as Order Management System, supports multiple warehouses and each warehouse is represented as a separate location in Order Broker.

Order Fulfillment

Order Management System setup: If you send orders to Order Management System warehouses for fulfillment, check Order Management System Setup for Polling for more information.

Require Status Update

Fulfillment response message: Indicates whether to automatically flag an order or line as Polled when it is included in the fulfillment response message, or to continue including it in the fulfillments response message until the assigned location sends a status update message accepting the order:

  • Selected = Order Broker continues to send an order or line in the fulfillments response message when the assigned fulfilling location polls for new orders until the order is flagged as polled:

    • The order is flagged as polled when the location sends a status update message to with a status of polled or accepted.
    • Order Broker uses the order’s or line’s Poll Count field to track the number of times it has been included in the fulfillments response message.
    • When the order’s or line’s Poll Count exceeds the Polling Retries specified for the system, Order Broker includes the order in the Order Broker Polling Status Email sent to the System Ops Email specified for the system. Each item’s current Poll Count is indicated on the Order screen.

    Possible risk: With this setting, there is a potential risk that an order could be created twice in the integrating system if, for example, that system does not complete creating the new orders in the fulfillments response message and sending the status update messages for them before it sends a new fulfillments request message to Order Broker.

  • Unselected (default) = Flag the order or line as Polled when it is included in a fulfillment response message to the location; do not include the order or line more than once.

    Possible risk: With this setting, there is a potential risk that an order might not be created in the integrating system if, for example, the integrating system does not receive the fulfillments response, or fails to create all orders in the response.


    This setting does not apply to Store Connect locations, which do not use the fulfillment request and response message. Also, it does not apply to orders fulfilled through Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration.

Intransit response message: If the Require Status Update flag is:

  • Selected = the Routing Engine continues to include a ship-for-pickup order in the intransit response message to a pickup location or system, until the location or system sends a status update indicating that the order or order line is intransit polled.
  • Unselected = the Routing Engine includes each ship-for-pickup order or line just once in the intransit response message to a pickup location, and then changes the status to intransit polled.

Polling count: The polling count for the order line is initially set to 0 when it is in transit. Each time the Routing Engine includes an order or line in the intransit response message, it increases the order line’s Poll Count.

Unlike the rules for the fulfillment response, the rules for the intransit response do not include generating the Order Broker Polling Status Email when an in transit order exceeds the Polling Retries specified for the system.


The setting of this flag does not affect Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration.
Use Requesting System Line Number in Status Update

Controls how the line_no in the status update request identifies the order line to update when the Allow Split Line preference is selected but the Allow Partial Updates preference is not.

Applies to specific configuration only: The line_no is interpreted as the originating system's line number ONLY if:

Otherwise, the line_no identifies the current line number in Order Broker.

Example: The configuration described above is in place. The originating location submits a status update request to cancel line 1, referencing its own line number rather than the Order Broker line number. Line 1 originated with 4 units, but has since split across 2 locations, resulting in lines 1 and 2 in Order Broker for 2 units each, with an originating line number of 1. The result is that the update request cancels both order lines. Otherwise, if the configuration described above is not in place, or if the originating location did not submit the status request, only the first of the two lines is canceled.

When the organization has Allow Split Line selected and Allow Partial Updates unselected, this flag should be:

  • selected for a system such as Order Management System, which includes its line number in the status update request
  • unselected (default) for a system such as Xstore, which includes the Order Broker line number in the status update request


When the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected, the requesting system needs to first obtain the current line numbers in Order Broker before submitting a status update.
Polling Retries

The number of times to include the order or line in a fulfillment response message before including the order in the Order Broker Polling Status Email.

  • If the Require Status Update flag is:

    1. Selected: You can enter any number from 1 to 99
    2. Unselected: Enter 0


Order Broker tracks the number of retries in the Poll Count field at the Order screen.


This setting does not apply to Store Connect locations, which do not use the fulfillment request and response message.
System Ops Email

The email address where Order Broker should send the notification email listing orders that have not been acknowledged after the number of Polling Retries has been reached.

If you enter multiple email addresses, separate each with a semicolon (;). Order Broker verifies that the email address you enter are formatted correctly.

Optional, even if the Require Status Update flag is selected.

Reservation tab

Use this tab to indicate the order or order line statuses to subtract from a location’s available quantity in order to determine the quantity that is actually available to fulfill new orders.

Typically, the reserved statuses for a Store Connect system are New Order, Accepted, Picked, and Polled.

Inventory quantity export: Changes to the reserved statuses at this tab do not trigger probability rule calculation for the inventory quantity web service, as described under Tracking Probability Rules for Incremental Updates on Inventory Availability; however, these changes do factor into the calculation for the Full Overlay Inventory Quantity Extract File. See Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service for background.

Available only with the Routing Engine module.

Include Reserved

Select this check box to have Order Broker subtract reserved order lines from the reported available quantity for a product location. This calculation helps you prevent overcommitting inventory when assigning orders, responding to locate items requests, or evaluating selected fulfilling locations.

If this check box is selected, the Reserved Statuses listed below are available for selection. Once you select any statuses and click update, Order Broker calculates the total reserved quantity for each product location in the system currently assigned to any selected status.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Reserved Statuses

These statuses are available for selection if you select the Include Reserved checkbox. Select each status that indicates that inventory is reserved for an open order line and should not be assigned to new orders or listed in the LocateItems response message.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Possible statuses are:

  • New Order
  • Accepted
  • Canceled
  • Picked
  • Fulfilled
  • Unfulfillable
  • Polled
  • Posted
  • Processed
  • Verified
  • Intransit
  • Intransit Polled
  • Received
  • Partially Fulfilled

Typically, reserved statuses for your Store Connect system are New_Order, Accepted, Polled, and Picked.

RICS Integration tab

Use this tab to set up integration with the Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) to communicate order information between Order Broker and: Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS).

For more information: See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.


Select this check box to indicate that this is a system is:

  • Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), or
  • Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM); or
  • Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS)

Order Broker integrates with these systems through the Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS).

When you select this check box, you need to specify the Outbound Orders Service information, described below.

For more information: See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

Send Release Reservation Inventory Message

Select this check box to send an order cancellation message through RICS when an order is rejected or canceled.

Hold Under Review Orders

Select this check box to post an order through RICS to RMFCS or SIM only when the order is not currently held for review, based on its Under Review flag. When you clear the Under Review flag for the order, it is then posted automatically. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.


This flag should be selected.
Outbound Orders Service

Use these fields to define how to integrate with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) in order to communicate order information with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS).

These fields are required if the Online flag is selected at the RICS Integration tab.


The URL for RICS. This is the URL where Order Broker should send order-related and interactive inventory update messages for communication with RMFCS, EICS, or SIM.

This field is required if the Online flag is selected.

Also, if the Online flag is selected, then the Connection Timeout, User ID, and Password are also required.


The URL might be similar to https://SERVERNAME:47220/rib-oms-services-web/resources/publisher.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Connection Timeout

Defines the number of seconds to wait for a response from RICS before timing out. Defaults to 30 seconds. Numeric, 9 positions.

Authentication Type

Enables you to select an authentication type of Basic or OAuth. Your selection in this field controls the additional fields displayed on this tab, described below.


OAuth support is available with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) application version 21.0 or above. Older versions will continue to support Basic authentication.
User ID

A valid user ID required to authenticate messages to RICS.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Required if using basic authentication. Alphanumeric, 50 positions.


This user ID needs to have the Operator or Admin role in RIB in order to support sending stop and start requests at the beginning and end of the Inventory Quantity Export, indicating to pause Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) while the export runs. It then generates a request to resume sending the update message when the update and export process is complete.

The valid password for the user ID. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

IDCS Endpoint URL

The URL to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if using OAuth. Alphanumeric, up to 255 positions. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.


Defines the limits that control where the token can be used, for example: urn:opc:idm:myscopes. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

Your Oracle representative can tell you whether to specify a Scope here. If you do not specify a Scope, the default applies.

Client ID

The client ID to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if using OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

Client Secret

The client secret to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if using OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

OCDS Integration tab

Use this tab to set up integration with the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) to import warehouse or store location, product, and product location information from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS). When you use ODCS for these imports, Order Broker generates web service requests for this information rather than processing an upload file.


If any of the URLs on this tab are flagged as active, the OCDS import process is run rather than any other type of product or location import when you submit an import through the Schedule Jobs screen.

On this tab:

For more information: See:

OCDS Store location import fields

The first line on this tab includes the following three fields, which are related to the import of store location information.

Store Location URL

The endpoint to use when requesting store location information from OCDS, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v1/location/retailstore, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for store locations.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (store location)

Select this flag to enable importing store locations through OCDS.

If this flag is selected, the Store Location URL and Default Location Type for stores are also required.

Default Location Type (store)

Select the code for a store location type to associate with the store locations imported through the Store Location URL. All location types in your organization with a Category of Store are available for selection. Required if the Active flag is selected for store locations.


If you change this setting after initially importing store locations, existing store location records are not updated.
OCDS Warehouse location import fields

The second line on this tab includes the following three fields, which are related to the import of virtual warehouse location information.

Virtual warehouses only: The OCDS integration imports virtual warehouses only; it does not import physical warehouses. Because the warehouses are virtual locations, the address information that is imported is from the physical warehouse associated with the virtual warehouse.

Warehouse Location URL

The endpoint to use when requesting virtual warehouse location information from OCDS, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v1/location/warehouse, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse locations.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (warehouse location)

Select this flag to enable importing virtual warehouse locations through OCDS.

If this flag is selected, the Warehouse Location URL and Default Location Type for warehouses are also required.

Default Location Type (warehouse, unlabeled)

Select the code for a warehouse location type to associate with the virtual warehouse locations imported through the Warehouse Location URL. All location types in your organization with a Category of Warehouse are available for selection. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse locations.


If you change this setting after initially importing warehouse locations, existing warehouse location records are not updated.
OCDS Products import fields

The third line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product information.

Products URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product information from OCDS, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for products.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (products)

Select this flag to enable importing products and system products through OCDS.

If this flag is selected, the Products URL is also required.

OCDS Product barcode import fields

The fourth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product barcode information.

Product Barcode URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product barcode information from OCDS, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item/upc, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for product barcodes.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (barcodes)

Select this flag to enable importing product barcodes through OCDS.

If this flag is selected, the Products Barcode URL is also required.

OCDS Product image import fields

The fourth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product image information.


These fields should be completed only for the default system in the organization. The Active flag can be selected only for the default system.
Product Image URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product image information from OCDS, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item/image, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for product images.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (images)

Select this flag to enable importing product images through OCDS. You can select this flag only for the default system for the organization.

If this flag is selected, the Products Image URL is also required.

OCDS Store inventory import fields

The fourth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product location information from store locations.

Store Inventory URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product location information for store locations from OCDS, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/inventory/Store, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for store inventory.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active(store inventory)

Select this flag to enable importing products and system products in store locations through OCDS.

If this flag is selected, the Store Inventory URL is also required.

OCDS Warehouse inventory import fields

The fifth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product location information from virtual warehouse locations.

Warehouse Inventory URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product location information for virtual warehouse locations from OCDS, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/inventory/warehouse, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse inventory.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (warehouse inventory)

Select this flag to enable importing products and system products in warehouse locations through OCDS.

If this flag is selected, the Warehouse Inventory URL is also required.

OCDS Web service configuration fields

The final fields on this tab control web service authentication, communication, and timeout for OCDS.

Request Size

Defines the total number of records to request from OCDS in each import request. You can set this field as high as 500,000. A non-negative number is required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types. Defaults to 250,000.

Connection Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for a response before timing out. A non-negative number is required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types. Can be up to 9 positions. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Authentication Type

Enables you to select an authentication type of Basic or OAuth. Your selection in this field controls the additional fields displayed on this tab, described below.


OAuth support is available with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) application version 21.0 or above. Older versions will continue to support Basic authentication.
User ID

The user ID to use for authenticating the web service requests in basic authentication.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, up to 50 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and basic authentication is selected.


The user ID and password must be valid for authentication of the web service requests to OCDS; however, no validation takes place at this screen.

The password to use for authenticating the web service requests in basic authentication. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, up to 50 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and basic authentication is selected.

IDCS Endpoint URL

The URL to use when requesting the token for OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. Alphanumeric, up to 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and using OAuth.


Defines the limits that control where the token can be used, for example: rgbu:merch:system. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and using OAuth.

Client ID

The client ID to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and OAuth is selected.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

Client Secret

The client secret to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and OAuth is selected.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.