
Purpose: Use the Boxes screen to define the dimensions of a box used to ship one or more items using an integrated shipping system and whether the box is available in the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, Store Connect module, or both. The dimensions of the box used with each shipment is required for all delivery orders and purchase orders using an integrated shipping system, as well as for shipment of any ship-for-pickup orders.


This option is used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module and the Store Connect module and is used only if Use Vendor Portal or Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen.

Using boxes in the Drop Ship (Supplier Direct Fulfillment) module: If your vendors use the Integrated Shipping screen to confirm shipments, the system requires them to select the box size on the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window. The vendor user can select one of the predefined box sizes or manually define the length, width, and height of the box.

Using boxes in the Store Connect module: When the store associate confirms shipment of items on delivery orders through integration with an automated shipping system, the system requires you to select the box size on the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window. The store associate can select one of the predefined box sizes or manually define the length, width, and height of the box. If only one box size is flagged to display in Store Connect, that box size defaults at the Ship Order screen in Store Connect.

How to display this screen: Select Boxes from the Modern View home screen. See the Modern View Overview for background.


Only users with Boxes authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
Option Procedure
create a new box definition
  1. Optionally, select a different organization. See the Modern View Overview for background.


    You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can select it.
  2. Select Add from the Actions menu or select the Add icon (Illustrates the Add icon.) to open the Create Boxes window.
  3. Complete each of the required fields, and optionally select any of the check boxes. See Fields at the Create Boxes, Edit Boxes, and View Boxes Windows, below, for details on fields.
  4. Select OK to create the box, or select Save and Create Another to continue creating boxes.

search for a box definition

The existing boxes defined for your current organization are displayed. Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen and tab through the fields to restrict the search results to matching boxes:

  1. Optionally, enter a full or partial box description in the Box Description field. When you tab through this field, the displayed boxes are limited to those that start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely. For example, if your entry is De, the box with a description of Default box is displayed.
  2. Optionally, select Yes or No in the Available in Store Connect or Available in Vendor Portal fields, tabbing through each field.

Sort displayed boxes: You can also sort the displayed boxes by clicking the up arrow (^) or down arrow next to each field title.

Clear filters: Select Clear Filters to remove the criteria entered in the filter fields.

edit a box definition
  1. Highlight a displayed box.

  2. Select Edit from the Actions menu or click the Edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to open the Edit Boxes window. See Fields at the Create Boxes, Edit Boxes, and View Boxes Windows, below, for details on fields.

view a box definition
  1. Highlight a displayed box.

  2. Select View from the Actions menu or click the View icon (Illustrates the view icon.) to open the View Boxes window. See Fields at the Create Boxes, Edit Boxes, and View Boxes Windows, below, for details on fields.

delete a box definition
  1. Highlight a displayed box.

  2. Select Delete from the Actions menu or click the Delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.).

  3. Select ok at the Confirm Deletion window to delete the box.

Fields at the Boxes screen

Field Description

Search Fields:

Box Description

The description of a box. Up to 50 positions.

Available in Store Connect

Indicates if the box is available in the Store Connect module (the Available in Store Connect field is selected for the box).

Used only if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen.

Available in Vendor Portal

Indicates if the box is available in the Vendor Portal (the Available in Vendor Portal field is selected for the box).

Used only if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen.

Results fields:

The description of the box. Up to 50 positions. Alphanumeric.

Available in Store Connect

Indicates if the box is available in the Store Connect module (the Available in Store Connect field is selected for the box).

Used only if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen.

Available in Vendor Portal

Indicates if the box is available in the Vendor Portal (the Available in Vendor Portalfield is selected for the box).

Used only if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen.

Fields at the Create Boxes, Edit Boxes, and View Boxes Windows

All fields are enterable at the Create Boxes and Edit Boxes window, but are display-only at the View Boxes window.

Field Description
Box Description

The description of a box. Box names can be 1 to 50 positions in length and must be unique in your organization. The name can include special characters and spaces. Do not use a description of Irregular Size, regardless of case, because this option is required to allow a user to manually define the length, width, and height of a box at the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window in Supplier Direct Fulfillment or Store Connect.


It is helpful to include the dimensions of the box in the name so that this information is available when selecting a box in the Supplier Direct Fulfillment or Store Connect module.

Required when creating or editing a box.


The length of the box, up to 5 positions with a 2-place decimal, for example: 999.99. Required when creating or editing a box.


The width of the box, up to 5 positions with a 2-place decimal, for example: 999.99. Required when creating or editing a box.


The height of the box, up to 5 positions with a 2-place decimal, for example: 999.99. Required when creating or editing a box.

Available in Store Connect

Select this flag if the box should be available in the Store Connect module. You should select this flag if you will also select this box definition as the default in Store Connect.

Used only if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen.

Default in Store Connect

Select this flag if the box should be the default available for shipping in Store Connect.

Used only if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen and if Available at Store Connect is selected for the box. If multiple boxes are flagged as the default, the box record created first defaults in Store Connect.

Available in Vendor Portal

Select if the box is available in the Vendor Portal module. You should select this flag if you will also flag this box definition as the default in the Vendor Portal.

Used only if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen.

Default in Vendor Portal

Select this flag if the box should be the default available for shipping in the Vendor Portal.

Used only if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen and if Available in Vendor Portal is selected for the box.